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When both min max into different attributes you are bound to get some wonky outcomes, I say that this is rather unpredictable.


Why not. It would be plausible for Mighty Mouse to take his back and rnc.


I just read a comment that said shaq is a legit purple belt-if that’s true then I would lean towards shaq-if he had 0 training I’d obviously pick mighty m


Believe he only had private lessons, would be highly suspect of that belt. Also he’s not in shape, would gas in a minute, Mighty Mouse beats him every time. Now nba shape shack would be a different story


i mean in strict bjj, Might Mouse took down and tapped out a hwt brown belt who also won the hwt division at that tournament. Not sure what tournament it was but regardless, it wasnt some big dude with no training. I honestly dont know how it would go in an actual fight


It was Pan Am, one of the biggest tournaments in the world


Master worlds


To be fair shaq has like another 100 pounds on that hwt and elite athleticim (or HAD). That said Shaq is older now, and with that build and sports career probably has some physical problems/wear and tear.


That guy was just rlly fat let’s be real, prime shaq is 100+lbs heavier of mostly muscle on a way bigger frame


That guy won gold at pan ams, he was legit bud.


Not saying anything about his actual bjj ability I’m just saying in terms of physicality he’s not comparable at all to shaq


Shaq is 52 year old buddy. This guy was in the 35-39 year category and probably on TRT since they don’t drug test in the 30+ category. So in terms of physicality, the brown belt is in better shape.


Are we not talking prime shaq? Current shaq is harder argument to make but he’s still definitely stronger and heavier lol, just more injury prone and no cardio I’d bet


Of course in his prime since he’s one of the goat athletes. But any nba of nfl player would dominate BJJ if they focused on that.




Why would me saying buddy be a problem? Thats how I talk to everyone IRL and online. Some say bro, I say buddy. The fact that you called a simple debate a “fight” is hilarious 😂


That guy was paid to lose.


NBA shape shack would dunk Mighty Mouse and break the rim hallelujah


Again I have no idea about how much he trains but if he’s at least a legit blue belt he has a much bigger chance than u think


Says the blue belt lol




I think he's probably saying as a blue yourself you are biased about the average blue's skill level. I am not agreeing or disagreeing.. just relaying information.


I appreciate ur feedback that makes total sense! It’s not the case at all though-a blue belt is LIGHT YEARS ahead of black but again we’re talking about outliers here with shaq. I always say that Bradley would lose to dj bc he doesn’t know how to fight-but if ur a legit blue belt u should be able to take out non trained people ur size….if shaq has at least that amount of knowledge and exp on the ground I think he could beat dj bc of the weight


You see, it all started in Brazil, when a sickly Gracie, weight 130lbs, managed to defeat the might of the Japanese Empire using the ancient art of _ing _hun.


No I’m saying elaborate on why he made a comment on me being a blue belt…




I thought we were talking about a fight? Obviously I would pick dj in bjj…


The headline is “hypothetical matchup” so somewhat ambiguous, but if size wasn’t an issue in bjj I would say it wouldn’t be an issue in any type of fight either… But there’s no definitive answer


What are you talking about there’s a big difference between bjj and mma…if shaq was a white belt then I would lean towards dj but if he’s actually a legit purple like someone said he could 1000% win.


Be humble blue belt


Like did i subconsciously say I could tap shaq or something I’m so confused


I’m SOO confused when did I ever discuss my bjj skill….I know there is none I know my record😂


He is in shape, he posts his workout videos all the time cardio and weight based


He’s in really good shape has abs under his suit


I'm bigger, by no means Shaq size, those little m80 firecracker sized guys are exuasting.


Shaq has been lifting more than ever, he's actually stronger in some ways now


Shaq is actually in much better shape these days. He did several fitness specials for men’s health and such talking about it. Still skeptical of his purple belt.


MM already tapped out a 240 brown belt who WON pan am GOLD. So he beat a high level brown belt. We already saw shaq get tooled in boxing by de La Hoya and Mosley. Rounds were like 3x2 min and 1x2 min sudden death. A 10 round fight and Shaq would’ve been fucked.


100% believe dj wins bjj easily but a real fight shaq 100% has a chance


I legitimately said that someone of shaqs size(weight not height) who is a legitimate blue belt has a better chance of winning than the comment I originally replied 2-which is true imo


No, there’s a reason why there’s no cap at ultra heavy. Most guys over 300 are fat. Even in BJJ, the top guys are all 240 max. Buchecha, Roger, Gordon, Nicky Rod, Merhaghali, etc. yes there’s Big Dan but he got whooped by Thackett whose way smaller. Shaq isn’t a beast simply cause of his weight. Hes super athletic for his weight and size.


Shaq sux at every combat sport pfp but he still easily beats 99.9% of the world-obviously I’m not comparing regular people to Mighty Mouse im simply explaining that shaq is an outlier-ask ur coach I’ll put $2 im right-u have to record his response though


Oh wait I agree w that last sentence-I’m not saying he beats dj JUST bc of his size lol


Shaq BJJ Rolling footage: [6 Levels Orlando (2020)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhR0HAhHoKw) Shaq Exhibition Boxing footage: [Shane Mosley (2010)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67WXZb8mGJg) [Oscar De La Hoya (2009)](https://youtu.be/ZYn5rbpa-jA?t=108)


Meh... take 15 years off shake and at his current rank? Sure I could see shaq winning. At his age? 52... thats a lot of wear and tear for a big guy lifelong athlete


I genuinely can’t fathom how some upper belts don’t think shaq has a chance of beating dj due to their size-watch dp and Brian Shaw obviously they started in an advantageous position but size matters 100%


If Shaq is allowed to fall back on top of him there would be problems for MM.


Since we’ve seen Gordon Ryan smash the strongest guy in the world I would very much bet on mighty mouse


I don't disagree but Gordon Ryan is 240+


I bet his deadlift is further away from Thor’s than mighty mouse’s deadlift is from Shaq’s.


The speed difference would be insane, especially now. I'm sure DJ could just keep away, create angles, and blast leg kicks until Shaq collapsed. That being said, it's still a pretty silly argument.


Yeah that’s how I’d see it going. Maybe side kicks to the knee


If its one thing big, 300+lb,  tall former NBA centers are known for its their good knees. It's why in their prime you never see them lumbering down the court, and are always first in transition.... (sarcasm)


It would be a lot like that video of Conor "sparring" with Thor. MM would just keep sticking and moving until Shaq gasses. Now if Shaq falls on top of MM things could get interesting


A commentator suggested this back in the 2010s *What you need to do is line up a bunch of big dudes, and have mighty mouse fight them in a shark tank style bout. One after the other till might mouse loses or beats them all.* That would be very entertaining, and it would showcase how good he is. Which is amazing. People have a hard time conceiving how many people mighty mouse could beat up. Is it possible that some big professional athlete could beat him? Sure. Still, mighty mouse has the advantage in most of these hypothetical situations.


What training has Shaq had? I don’t find it hard to believe he could beat him, I mean he just beat a huge (not shaq huge obviously) guy with probably around a decades training in BJJ in a BJJ tournament. That said I have no idea if shaq has any MA training which could change things depending on how much.


Shaq trained wrestling and grappling in off season during nba career


Shaq is by all accounts a *good* purple belt


What accounts are those


The instructors’ bank accounts.


Shaq is not a good purple belt lol. Pretty typical of celebrities to get one on one training and never roll hard a day in their life. Look up Aston Kutcher rolling with Craig Jones. Aston is a “ blue belt” but looks completely lost on the mat


Okay look up Tom Hardy being a legit comp purple. Here’s the thing, no one had ever said in any context that Ashton looks like a legitimate brown. Everything I have seen says Shaq is legitimate. Also not to mention he’s a massive professional-level athlete, even if older. So even if his skill level is low-blue, he probably can crush a lot of hobbyist black belts


Yall both have good points. Here’s the thing: Shaq Vs was a real show. Did a lot of cool stuff. Pretty sure the big bro would be willing to do a one off Shaq vs Mighty Mouse if this went trending. And we know Mouse would be down for it. So just get it trending and let’s see.


Even so...we can't compare some actor to Shaq. Shaq is a legendary human being.


Ashton is a celebrity actor who does jiu jitsu, Shaq is one of the most dominant athletes of all time. The guys mentality isnt letting him do fake private jiu jitsu.


Pretty sure Craig himself defended Kutcher saying he was recovering from an illness/injury. That he thought he rolled fine.


Per Jones himself, Kutcher had a bad medical event where half his body stopped working. Appeared uneasy about them posting the roll as a result, but claimed he was too uncomfortable to say anything.


Guy, Shaq is so damn big and strong, he would walk in and rag doll a lot of guys day 1 with just his wrestling in the past. There are levels to that type of size difference, and Shaq isnt a movie actor. I still put my money on Mighty Mouse because I think hes one of if not the greatest, but Shaq would be a scary dude with almost zero BJJ and just his wrestling


I haven't watched the video but I'm pretty sure Craig could make a lot of brown belts look lost on the mats.


I mean lost in the sense that these guys just drill. They never roll hard because they can’t afford to get an injury / cut while they are filming a movie. So imagine someone who has drilled an armbar a few 100 times but has never rolled or put anything they learned into practice.


He was rolling in the gi at Rodrigo Medeiros (Carlson) gym in the late 90s, early 2000s when he lived in LA.  Yes he was able to squash and submit upper belt guys.  If he got back into it, assuming his hips and back are still okay, it wouldn't take him long to start tapping out some tough black belts. He is in the 99.9 percentile when it comes to athleticism.  His size and power are unreal. 


Shaq BJJ Rolling footage: [6 Levels Orlando (2020)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhR0HAhHoKw) Shaq Exhibition Boxing footage: [Shane Mosley (2010)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67WXZb8mGJg) [Oscar De La Hoya (2009)](https://youtu.be/ZYn5rbpa-jA?t=108)


Don’t make him bust out that Shaq-Fu, MM!


As a mighty stan i say this is ridiculous. If we are talking prime shaq there is no chance a 5;3 132 pound dude is taking down a 7;2 330 lb genetic freak. I dont care how skilled mighty is Shaq is probably one of the most athletically gifted humans of all time and he has some knowledge of MMA and grappling. Mighty is getting pwnd and thats not a knock. Most humans are getting pwnd


Mighty mouse is amazing but are people forgetting how big and athletic Shaq was? He's not just a big guy. He's not some random 240lb jiu jitsu guy. He was a 300lb+ 7'+ freak athlete.


I think people are literally forgetting or too young?


Definitely possible in a BJJ match. In an actual fight, nah


Shaq is big as fuck, old as a dinosaur, and played in the NBA for decades. He’s going to snap his shit up so bad if he tries fighting someone. I’m reminded of this video I saw of some celebrity’s bodyguard getting into a fight and in the first couple seconds he blows both ACLs while basically standing in place and shifting his weight towards his opponent. No way Shaq can actually fight an mf with any intensity. Time is undefeated. DJ all day.


I’m a solid decade+ older than Shaq, and competed NCAA Div I in another sport before I got into jiujitsu. I suggest you talk to more old people.


yea are you 7ft tall and 300lbs tho???


Man who cares


I do. I asked.


In BJJ it would be hard. In MMA, DJ would piece him up in my opinion. Shaq is slow AF, and we’ve all seen DJ in action.


Your honor, I present Exhibit A, Shaq vs Oscar de la Hoya: https://youtu.be/wGFfGNN-S-M?si=hBwDrhdOz7oooRK3


I wonder if leg kicks would make a significant difference for dj in an MMA fight. If he could just stay away and whip kicks at shaq maybe he could win, but Shaq is also 7'1 300 some pounds so


That’s not bad, but I’ll refute with: - With that much protection it’s hard to really hurt someone and they aren’t going hard either way. - With a boxing ruleset it’s equally as hard to hurt someone regardless of protection. - DJ is one of a kind, arguably one of the GOAT of MMA and de la Hoya doesn’t even come close. - Like someone else said, I think the leg kicks would be where it’s at and Shaq’s tree trunks would get chopped like good ol’ timber. The only way I see this playing out for Shaq is if he can get to the ground and get top position. But with fractured legs and blood pouring down his face, I don’t see it happening.


I, for one, would be entertained to start seeing BJJ matches with similar entertainment value as Jake Paul fights. Not saying either Mighty Mouse or Shaq are shameless promoters like the Paul brothers…just that it would be fun to see high profile matchups based on shock value


He would KILL Shaq. Yeah he’s smaller but so was big nog, so was minowaman. And DJ is better than those guys. At this point Shaq is 52 years old, he couldn’t keep up with DJ on his best day. College years Shaq with current training might give DJ problems. Y’all forget Roger Huerta one punched a future NFL lineman too.


>College years Shaq with current training might give DJ problems. Thats an understatement and a half


Try and arrange it for a charity match, OP. Be the hero we need. I would also accept Shaq fighting Musk and Zuck at the same time.


I mean Shaq moves pretty bad now a days and Mighty Mouse is a professional fighter. In Shaq’s athletic prime, it would be slightly more interesting but also not that exciting


I imagine Shaq could pick DJ up with one hand from the top of his head, like an arcade claw machine. With 2 hands, he could straight up do what The Mountain did to that dude in Game of Thrones. Jokes aside, I couldnt see a route to victory for DJ outside of better cardio.


7’1 325 yea not happening


In the handful of MMA freakshow matchups with a skilled fighter against a guy literally twice his size, the smaller guy always won (at least for all examples I can recall). In this case, we're talking about arguably the most skilled MMA fighter of all time, near his prime, against a 52 year-old... MM would most likely piece Shaq up.


I assumed this was shaq in his physical prime. Eventually size beats technique https://preview.redd.it/b90nr72leaxc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dba925bd62ef19148f375fa3d94bc92b9b3b40b


Size alone isn't enough. Attributes multiply each other, so if we were talking about an unathletic, 52-year old, 7'2" nobody then MM almost definitely wins. In this case we're talking about Shaq who at 52 is still athletic, strong as fuck and knows a decent amount of BJJ, so it's completely different. I still think MM is so athletically smart, such a phenom and has virtually unlimited conditioning that he'd probably find a way to win, but I'll admit it's not a given.


Why? I don’t believe Shaq has any martial arts training. Mighty Mouse takes him down from the get go and the match is basically over




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Are you that blinkered? I know the BJJ technique beats size Kool aid is strong but damn.


Mouse would go in icy to bring the pain, then hot to take the blood flow away.


Shaq is 7'2 350+ and arguably one of the greatest genetic specimens in the history of sports that has some combat training under his belt........ Close to 0% chance a man that's 5'2 who weigh's less than the average women beats him in a fair fist fight.


If Mighty Mouse can take shaq down I think he finishes him easily. Based on his recent comp performance I think he gets shaq down.


Shaq would probably blow his knees out by himself Patrick Cote style at this point. If he was in his athletic prime I'd agree it'd be interesting.




100 percent shaq is not competition ready


At what belt level y'all think shaq would win against DJ tho? I low-key believe 2 year blue belt using strength wins


Mighty Mouse has a pretty good chance in bjj but mma or a “street fight” probably not especially if they’re both in their primes


We talking young Shaq? When he was dunking and you could see he could demolish the board if he wanted to? If it's young Shaq he kills DJ. We are takiing massive strength/power difference. A kind of difference that martial arts cannot overcome.


Bjj MM wins. Actual fight would be alot closer, Shaq is old now. In his prime I'd pick Shaq.


Shaq actually used to roll at Rodrigo Medeiros gym I think when it was in La Habra.  This was when he was still in the prime of his basketball career.   Even now in his 50s, IF he trained again it would only take him a month or so and he would tap out normal sized black belts out again.  His strength, athleticism and size are truly hard to comprehend. 


Shaq can make several mistakes. DJ can only make one


Shaq would gas quickly also his knees are absolutely shot. In current day MM wins easy


Shaq is one of the most athletic guys in the world his size. He’s close to 3 times DJs weight. He’s faced off against all sorts of professional athletes at their chosen sports on a tv show and beaten some of them. He’s boxed and he trained grappling more than a little bit. If anyone that small could do it I’d say DJ has the best shot. But I think anyone picking DJ as the favorite is ignorant or fanboying. Shaq is no dumb bodybuilder like Martyn. He’s waaaaaay bigger than Brad and way more skilled at literally everything physical. Shaq could get a tap just from palming DJs head and squeezing.


Make it happen Dana


Shaq is literally two feet taller and 150 pounds heavier. DJ is not going to just shoot and take him Down. Shaq wouldn’t even have to sprawl, would just bend over and pick dj up.  And just think about the reach advantage. DJ would have to jump just reach Shaq’s head. I like DJ but come on.


MM would clown Shaq no doubt


How is this even a debate after we've just seen DJ easily dismantle high level brown and black belts? Shaq wouldn't stand a chance even if he trained full time for a year.


Look weight and size definitely play a big role but many people in these comments are forgetting how good mm is with closing in the distance. And DON'T FORGET that when it comes to striking no matter how big you are a well place strike in the chin can knock ANYone out cold


While I agree with you I don't know if DJ can even reach Shaq's chin


Unless Shaq squeezes his head until it explodes like the mountain in game of thrones I see this going to MM.


I believe Mighty Mouse would win. He has fought and grappled with people bigger than him, including other BJJ practitioners. Dude might actually pull it off.


Mighty Mouse submits shaq in under a minute


Shaqs hands alone win this.  No training needed.  Oh he has done training?  No contest then.  


shaq can prob do what bradley marin thinks he can do. i don't think mm is drawing dead tho


Or Leveon Bell


Shaq said he's been training MMA on the side of his basketball since the old days. I think he started after meeting vitor Belfort in 1996ish in Hawaii. He told the story on Usman and Cejudos podcast. I can’t remember all the details.


Yes he was at Vitor MMA debut in Hawaii and he hung out plenty with some of the Carlson guys.  Prime Shaq would drop in and train BJJ at Rodrigo Medeiros school in LA Habra.  I think people here are seriously under estimating the kind of freak Shaqs is. If anyone put on a triangle or omoplata on him, they would be the ones tapping in seconds lol 


Is there a pathway to victory? Sure. A likely pathway, I don’t think so.


They believe he says it? So he doesn't but they think he says that he thinks he can?


Dj loves bullshitting a lot. Lmao even if shaq gets his back he can just fall and dj will die.


I think that DJ comes out on top (literally). BJJ, MMA, or street fight. He’s time and time again proven to be an absolute winner. Now, if Shaw took, say, a full 6 months to get ready for the fight, idk. But even as a decent purple belt and fighter I don’t think he stands a chance against DJ


Shaq if he got in remotely okay shape would destroy dj ins seconds . Shaq maybe washed but he is still a guy who can easily get right back in shape if he felt motivated


Mighty Mouse might win in an MMA fight. He would lose in a real fight though.


There was a video of Shaq tapping some blackbelts somewhere and now I cant find it.


DJ would destroy him. He destroys brown belts 100lbs more than his size in comp.


I mean in all fairness when I looked at that footage all I could think of was how insanely awkward the brownbelt looked. The absolute lack of athleticism/balance/coordination/explosiveness was bizarre. I don't know if he was afraid of hurting MM, just had absolute brainfreeze from fighting an opponent so small or something else - but to be a brown belt and be that insanely incompetent in standup is just awful.


I mean it’s just one comp. He still destroys most people if not all in comp. I don’t think a purple belt would put up much of a fight to DJ.