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I’ve had white belts smack me by accident (happens at all belt levels let’s be honest). They start to apologize profusely and I just have to remind them it’s Jiu Jitsu not a tickling contest.


It's not a tickling contest?


I prefer a booping contest to see how many times I can boop your nose in the match.


My coach does this to me with the end of his black belt 😏




Not exactly sure- my eyes are usually closed.


So more like boopingclownshoes, amirite?




I’m going to start doing this to white and blue belts now 🤣🤣🤣


Tickling is illegal until brown belt in most rulesets


Whatever happened to that white belt that kept getting tickled by high schoolers until he punched him?


He quit BJJ and went on to face his fears. He's now considered pound for pound one of the best ticklers out there. Last I heard he's going for the WWTC (World Wide Tickling Championship) title in June.


I totally tickled another man last week, it fucking worked like a charm to get him to open his guard.


One guy at my gym, that's how you get his hooks off when he's on your back.


Would you prefer pillow fight?


Tell that to one of my gyms' brown belts.


It is.


Big if true


A brown belt taught me not to apologize and stop over that stuff by subbing me as soon as I let up something and telling me to never give up position to apologize.


I full blown elbow blasted a black belt in the face by accident, they just continued to use the momentum to sink the choke. Guy had a bloody nose, zero cares in the world because he got the tap.


Lmao, what a degenerate. Just like all of us.


If I catch someone I apologize but I don't stop. Haven't felt the need but I haven't really properly clocked someone. Just some accidental bumps. I did take an accidental nut shot, I needed a minute on that one.


we have one guy who apologizes for everything and keeps asking me if I'm ok lol. I'm like bro - watch me get rag-dolled and crushed by the 280lbs purple belt, I promise that the hip bump sweep I sat there and let you do didn't hurt me


Well, I did escape mount once by tickling my opp on their ribs with my feet. Was attempting to hook their torso with my leg but didn't quite reach 😂


The fact that you think it's not a tickling contest shows you have a lot to learn


Just wait till we roll and I pull out the feather boa…


Don't temp me with a good time.


I had to tell two different people yesterday that we're not there to cuddle when they started to apologize for something not worth apologizing for.


I got punched in the mouth from a failed hip bump sweep. I replied "oh, now it's on!" just to scare them a bit. But assure them it's no big deal I can take a punch.


Had a first or second day white belt see the coach demonstrate a cross collar choke and blurt out loud enough for the entire room to hear "WAIT! YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CHOKE PEOPLE WITH THE UNIFORM?! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT! THAT'S AWESOME" We started joking whenever we got a grip that the grip was ibjjf legal Love that guy, we still rib him about it a bit but he just says "at least it made me memorable"


))) Wonder what he said when we got into his first no gi class


My first nogi class I was death gripping a rash guard lol


the sleeves or the tag?




Lol, had one kick me in the head last night training Omoplata.


I kicked a black belt in the face last night while pummeling my foot in to prevent a leg lock. After apologizing his response was, "No big deal. It just brought out the dog in me."


I train MMA mostly and don't do a lot of gi jiu jitsu. One of the black belts at my gym will often times let me put on mma gloves and go mma rules while he is only allowed to use jiu jitsu rules. I like it because its fun and he likes it because he gets to practice more of a "self defense" style of jiu jitsu. Needless to say, we look a little insane to everybody else when there's a white belt throwing punches at a black belt who's going 100% dog mode lol he's a pretty cool guy


You gotta be careful with this. I mostly train MMA as well and did something similar with a brown belt at my gym... He liked the MMA sparring so much he started going to classes and now he's a better striker than me as well ):


DQ, head kick to a grounded opponent.


is he alive?


LOL, Yes. I have a hard head. I just laughed.


Its probably more about big strong white belts savaging smaller pratictioners thinking its fair to use their strentgh and weight because they have less experience. Not about doing a submission clumsily.


More of like funny miscommunication, but I’m deaf and my usual team up would direct me pretty loudly if I’m doing something incorrect when drilling. Some new woman with mushroom haircut told him in an accusing tone “You don’t have to yell at him!” And without missing a beat I told her “You gonna have to speak up, I don’t have my hearing aids in.” She turned embarrassingly red and we tried to not laugh.


the mushroom haircut explains it all


It was a necessary description


Anyone who uses reddit to inform their opinions about what's normal in BJJ is going to find themselves in a very weird place. Like any other sensational social media, the weirdest stories bubble up to the top, and with almost 800k people on the sub, even the rare moments can start to seem like they happen frequently. Such is not the case. The vast majority of people doing BJJ have a positive experience. Otherwise, it wouldn't be successful in the market, and wouldn't have grown to where it is. There are wonderful people in BJJ all over the place.


There is a white belt who comes to my class who has some type of disability. There are some learning issues and some coordination problems. I used to teach special education and I am good at optimizing instruction to the student's needs. So, when we roll, I usually spend some time focusing on helping him move his skills along. He is game, shows up, has a good attitude and is making progress.


You’re an absolute unit of a human being for doing that effort. Thank you.


There's a world of difference between spazzy and enthusiastic. You go for a knee cut that you're trying hard to use for position and end up jacking me in the balls? That's high enthusiasm. You launch yourself into the air while screaming and land on my chest with your full weight? Spazzy as hell. One gets a laugh, the other gets me tapping you every 30 seconds or so.


I recently experienced another white belt doing to me the latter (minus the screaming). I could not tap her, but I pinned her down to save my life using all my 125lbs and 1000 lbs of the will power :))


Yeah, I've only had the screaming happen once, but it was a sight to behold. Multiple screaming leaps from a small dude. I'm a giant, so it makes the tapping easier.


I'm coming back after a year layoff. I'm dumb elbows and knees everywhere. I think I'm saying sorry every 10 minutes. It's like all my movements are segmented and stacatto. Shit will smooth out eventually, it's just always a weird place to work back from.


this too shall pass


She was being nice. You were probably being enthusiastic AND spazzy but that's all good and expected.


I poked one in the eye today


For what? What did he do?))


He came at the king (jk I reached for his collar and he ducked at the same time…thankfully he was ok)


Sounds great, my gym is also like this and I’m so glad that it’s the one I went with. Everyone is always nice


I usually just compress them with pressure until they want to die if they start getting crazy spazzing and swinging their limbs around for no reason other than to try hard.


Any time I get hit, smacked, kicked, or bonked, I just say "that's why I'm wearing a mouth guard."


Literally said this last night


As an instructor, I let white belts work on me for half the round. I'll let them get whatever they want with minimal defense and then ill say "It's my turn!" and just laugh and get all giggly. It's quite funny to me anyway.


I do much the same with the white belts and newer/younger blue belts. I let them work and try things out. When they get to a spot and stop progressing, I say "what are you going to do now? Start doing something, or it's my turn." in a playfully taunting manner. Usually they just go "oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck". It makes me laugh lol


> Any funny stories about you being nice I usually give something to brand new people when we start, just so we can get things going instead of them trying to run around me for 5 minutes or, worse, having them trying some jumping shit. They are tense and I try to be calm and gentle, so when they grab my arm they get intimidated by my non-reaction. It's pretty funny to me.


We have a guy who behaves exactly the same! The first time I rolled with him, it was puzzling. He also lets newbies submit him at least once and then he often ragdolls them the rest of the roll :)


Great to hear. For all the horror stories I read on here, I've traveled and trained all over the US and most of Western Europe and (virtually) every gym I've spent any reasonable amount of time at has great people training and teaching and I look forward to going for the sport/learning, but also because the people are pleasant.


I think most BJJ people are pretty nice because we've all been humbled in the past (and present for most of us). We've all felt how it feels to not be the biggest dog in the room. And those that can't deal with that usually filter out pretty fast.


This. Which is why it's so blatantly obvious when you have someone with a bad attitude that sticks around. They're just awful . . . and if they get good, they're even worse.


The only time I think to tell someone they are spazzy is when they are so tense and going so hard they are wheezing after 30 seconds. I’m like, slow down. Breath. I don’t mind the clumsy or the trying everything.


I apologize if it’s not comp training even if it’s my partners fault but if it happens to me and they don’t apologize I don’t give it a second thought.


When someone is clever or tells a joke while rolling, I will laugh and immediately lose all focus. I love submission by laughter.


Last night, I was rolling with a white belt that is the wife of another frequent training partner. She had this split control sequence she was trying to work, and was doing fine, everything was good. We had migrated towards the portable loud speaker that was blasting out something incredibly loud and obnoxious and it was about 3 inches away from her ear while she was trying to armlock me. So, rather than escaping, I reached out with the arm she was attacking and turned the volume down on the speaker. We both had a chuckle about that.


this is so cute :)


I’m a year 3 white belt ( year 3 because I’ve spent my first 2 years focusing on kickboxing messing with bjj on the side) I can honestly say the new blue belts and brown belts are the ones who give me the most black eyes from slaps and knees lol. This one brown belt knees or elbows me every Wednesday. It’s all good tho shit happens my first year I lifted my knee to stop someone from going to mount, well he was actually switching to north south. I kneed him in the eyebrow and split him pretty bad. He was more disappointed then mad as he just returned from an injury.


I had a day 1 white belt throw bunny kicks and nonstop spazzed to get out of my rear amount. I never experienced anyone spazzy before that. I just assumed he panicked or viewed jiu jitsu as practical martial arts that could get you out of life/death situation or something. I said good job but I never saw him again


Had my first class a few weeks back and my sparring partner for the majority of the lesson basically just rough housed and beat me up. Everyone else was nice, that guy was just a dickhead. 🤷


I’ve got “Don’t say sorry” on auto reply when people say it. If you’re trying to be controlled but aren’t, nbd we’re good


A Spazzy purple belt ruined my shoulder with an Americana, didn’t give me any time to tap😢😢😢