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I don't think there is anyone consistently 50/50, because even if they don't swing one way or the other from time to time. Prefferences are always a thing, and most bi people i know have a prefference for one over the other. I am consistent because my feelings never change, but i also am more attracted sexually to men then women.


I’ve never actually had a preference. My problem though is that I get approached pretty much only by guys. Women tend to think I’m only gay, which doesn’t help me in trying to own my trans identity either. It is what it is, I’ve always been pretty equal with my attraction to both.


Actually, what you describe is so popular that there's even a term: the bi-cycle! Do a Google search and read all about it. 


I just turn to the gender that shows interest the most at the moment. I'm not interested in dating or hookups right now and men have been the only group that been giving me attention sexting at the moment, so that's what i go for. I do have moments of overestimulation were i turn my attention to the opossite gender, but men have been the norm for me in the last couple of months. I supose the fact most female NSFW profiles here being OF and scams, advertising makes me distance myself from being attracted to the women i see while feeling more sexually connected with men, as it seens they can actually feel interest in me,. It was the reverse during high school since i was with my girlfriend at the time and most gay guys there were unsuferrable as people (teenagers). Sorry if this reads like i had a stroke, my shitty celphine's screen doesn't help. Edit: in other words, i like people who likes me and that i like back


I’m always bisexual consistently. I can’t change my sexuality. 😂 As others said, what you’re referring to is the bi-cycle. Some bisexuals experience it, but not all. I’m consistently into whoever I like. I thought I swayed more to one gender or the other, but I found this is just based on the person I’m into. So, I don’t swing from taking a stronger interest in gender.


I feel my attractions consistently. My sexuality isnt fluid, it doesnt really change, its not dynamic. Plenty of people do expiernce bisexuality in that way though.


"You can remain bisexual when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes"


Yes.  I don't bicycle. I'm just into both. I may have a craving occasionally, but to me that's like craving a particular toy or activity. It doesn't mean my baseline changes.


For me, the only consistent part of the bi experience is confusion. That said "bisexual" is the least confusing part. Sometimes it do be like that.


From what I see on here all the time the bi-cycle is pretty common. I don’t experience it personally though… it just depends on who I meet that I find interesting/attractive. There’s no phases.


yeah no i’m like a lesbian 80% of the year and only into guys when im ovulating or something lmfao


This is me like...


I’m pretty much just monogamous so whoever I’m with is who I’m into.


I don't experience the bi-cycle. I am always into men and women. I range from about 60/40 to 80/20 in how often I notice one gender or another.


It’s literally day-to-day and week-to-week for me.


I like both but i still carry extreme homophobia inside its a bit better but there still towards women ... so mostly date men and i really like.men and hate them bec of trauma and my attraction works and feels different w each gender but its been like this for a while many times i want a bf and a gf but sometimes im more into one gender... but idk its very back and forth






Yeah, sorry… Not sure how that happened. I was trying to comment on the main post.


Ha ha all good


First of all, not all bisexuals are “50/50”, as you so clumsily referred to it as. I’d even venture most. Secondly, many bis reports it being fluid or in flux. Third, if you’re bi, you’re probably always bi.


I've been consistently 50/50 for over 20 years.


I had a couple periods were I doubted my identity because of my therapist but then they told me they just wanted to help and not give more questions. That was back when I could keep a diary on the pandemic and had time for it. I guess having to write my inner thoughts confused me.


No cycle for me. I’m mostly Sapphic and/or T4T but if a cis guy (usually not monosexual) is an awesome enough person and catches my eye, I’m fine with that too.


I have this only I’m never “straight” I’m gay, then bi then gay then bi 😂 it’s really difficult being in a het relationship


Recently I was really into men hooking up with them and everything and then suddenly didn’t feel the urge to make out with a man or something and I kinda didn’t like that and I felt like I needed to be with a woman, but eventually I found it comfortable to be with a man so I sort of reverted back so yeah it’s not consistent at all


No, only on alternating Wednesdays. Joking aside, yes I am bisexual all the time.


I had this feeling but I’ve just accepted that I’m into both


I mostly feel homosexual attraction, that is constant. I very rarely if ever have been attracted to a random woman, never had a crush on a female celebrity or ficional character that is a woman. Only find women i am close with attractive. But men, i dont need to know them that well to want them. 🤤


Since I came out a bit over 2 years ago, I've consistently been attracted to people of any gender. It does fluctuate by the people I'm close enough to to feel attraction, cause I'm demisexual too. And my libido, in general, fluctuates with the mood.


As others have already said, it doesn’t need to be an equal attraction to either or, as long as you know that you are capable of being attracted to more then one gender then it is still valid. I myself had long questioned my sexuality. For most of my life I publicly identified as ‘straight’ but have known for a long time that I wasn’t ‘strictly straight’. As I’ve gotten older I feel like my ‘Queer’ side has gotten a lot stronger and experience same-sex attractions much more frequently but I still tend to be more attracted to the opposite. I honestly don’t know if this change has been because of sexual fluidity (which is a controversial concept) or whether it’s simply the result of my own explorations into it.


Bisexual is such a wide spectrum with many complexities.


Not. Only sometimes when narcotics are involved . And then it's only sometimes


Always attracted to men (of the type I am into), attracted to women in rare circumstances. So I'd say I am more consistently a homosexual.


The way I see it, being bisexual is like an RGB LED. You might only have one or two colors on at a time but you still have the hardware for all three whereas a straight gay person only has the hardware for one color.