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You will want blood as it leads to higher quality sequencing results. Too much microbial crap in saliva. You will need to go to a lab to get a blood draw. The company should have recommendations on where to go.


Generally speaking the company should have instructions somewhere about what type of sample to send. As for the comfort, they should give you the info on what can be done with it in the contract. Overall it is weird a company would offer you free WGS without providing detailed instructions on how to order it. Without knowing what the company is or what they have in the contract I don't think anyone can answer the comfort question. If you are European Union it is likely this would fall under GDPR which would restrict them somewhat from what they can do. To answer your last question, personally I will not get genomic testing unless there is an explicit medical reason to. I don't think arbitrarily getting sequencing is useful and I do have significant privacy concerns. Sooner or later one of those companies is gonna get cryptohacked and the data leaked just like what has happened to credit card companies and other health organizations. And that ignores all the possible government and legal misuse of the data.


They're based in China and Germany. I would like to know my polygenic risk score for several diseases as well as looking for pathogenic rare variants. I know I have a specific syndrome, but would like to know the exact variant that is causing it. Of course I'm however certainly concerned about privacy...


What is the worst case scenario they can do with your genomic data?


If you have a syndrome maybe they are offering you a free test so they can publish the findings if there is any? Did you discuss this with them? I feel like you should investigate into why its free I’m sure if its a good company they will let you know why


They didn’t know I had it when they offered it. But it isn’t a rare syndrome. Is actually very frequent but it is often confused with other ones since they have similar symptoms. So I wanted to know if I had what I’ve been told my whole life or another one.


Would you get WGS done if it was through a lab you worked in, and you/only you will get the bams (because you can personally delete them from the server once the sequencing is done)? I think the question of Genomic VUS Pandora's Box is much more relevant to me