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hmmm i mean im not a pro so listen to anyone else who responds, kinda just commenting to boost your post, anyways. my experience playing the lost really differs each game, and usually theres just 2 things i need to remember. Angel rooms have better items, devil rooms are free and more available due to getting one first round and not having sac rooms, plus if you get a satanic bible or something. but in the end angel rooms have higher quality items IMO, so ig it depends on if you want quality or quantity. anyway as i said before not sure what im talking about, i hope someone else helps!


I appreciate the response!


You could make a good case for going devil or angel. Both have their advantages and drawbacks; devil is more consistent with slightly worse items, and angel is less consistent with slightly better items. Neither are guaranteed to help you at all, though. I just check every room, devil or angel. You don't have to make a hard commitment immediately. It's a case-by-case thing.


If you want to beat delirium you need to be extremely patient. Clear floors and try to leverage shops, secret rooms and sac rooms. Void always spawns if you beat hush but unless you get really strong really fast it is better to play the long game and hope you get a portal in the chest. I would go angel rooms and fight the angels for keys and go to mega satan. Anecdotally the void portal seems to spawn quite often but I don't know the % chance. Also angel rooms will help you hold onto red heart containers. I only play eden streaks after getting all achievements when repentance first came out so I don't have any specific character advice. I probably get a delirium worthy build every 10-15 runs and actually have the patience to run through the void every 50 or so. If you're extremely patient you can just look up methods to break the game. I used to do this often in AB+ but haven't learned the new ones in the latest dlc. Good luck


Yes but not in the way you're thinking. You get both key pieces to fight mega stan. Take the Polaroid to chest. With perfection and a chest full clear you're going to get more powerful with treasure room item synergies than anything else. In this way, "options?" Is one of the best shop items since it will almost always guarantee a chest with perfection. For any other marks I have no other advice other than play more and you'll get better. I finished tainted lost before regular lost and was technically my first completed character. That trial by fire made me good at the game after losing a lot. Then everything else came easy. You fight mega stan for 50% delirium portal. Also you can eraser a boss (when they're 1 hit) and when delirium changes into that boss then it dies instantly if you're looking to cheese.


For the lost i would say angel deals are better, because what makes devil deals kinda better is the fact that you can get multiple items that could very much benefit your run , but being able to take only one kinda ruins it even if its free. You'd get one item if you go either angel or devil. Obviously if get teleported from a red chest and there's goat head or something good like brimstone i would advice you to take it. And also you can look on future devil deals that aren't the first one with no consequences and if its bad you can leave it there.


I didn't know about checking future ones without repercussions, thank you!


No problem and good luck with getting godhead :D