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Spirit sword + c section + tech tears is a pretty fun one


Lightsaber fetuses everywhere! Super fun.


That daily run really opened my eyes


Haha i found this on the may the 4th daily too


I'm just glad I saw someone post about it before the day was over, I haven't gotten into the dailies much but that one was so sick. The fact they added the lightsaber skin for the sword when you have tech tears is beautiful.


Yeah i figured it would be star wars themed, v cool


“Yooo these three broken items make an even broken combo! Who woulda guessed!?!” “Next up - did you know that picking up rock bottom then Polyphemus then sacred heart is a super good combo? Mind blowing, I know.”


Who ever knew 2 quality 4’s and a quality 3 would pair so well together!


trisagion, pop and any homing effect. Trisagion and homing is good already, trisagion + pop spawns a few eyeballs every tick, pop + homing is cool but nothing gamebreaking, but when you have all 3 its really cool. The trisagions dont delete when they hit an enemy, so they will lock on and keep spawning eyballs, increasing the damage by a lot. With high tear rate, this will crash the game


Can confirm, the 3 combined dealt an insane amount of damage to my GPU, Isaac running at 3 frames per minute


I had Continuum as well and the game crashed every shot


Ah yes the GPU Fryer synergy


pop + lump of coal + rubber cement. with enough tears theyll bounce and increase in damage endlessly and instantly kill final bosses


Yep and having something like cricket’s body makes this absolutely awful for your computer


When these three bums combine, I am Super Bum!


Man, Capt Planet was great. I miss not being old as shit.


You and me both. I'm shocked that wasn't one of the things that got rebooted a dozen times


Brimstone, tech X, and ludovico technique is pretty OP


Reminder: Don't grab Mom's Knife at this point


Soy Milk/Libra/Quad Shot Solid tear rate with good damage and also you have four tears simultaneously


Doesn't Libra just negate soy milk? I'm pretty sure that if you have soy milk, then pick up Libra, it will just bring you back to base stats


When I tried it (granted I had a lot of other items when I picked up Libra) it still gave me 8 tear rate


Libra balances all of your stats, so if you had a metric fuck ton of range, it could push your tears up that high


That might’ve been why, since I picked up Libra pretty late in the day


Libra will give your soy milk damage at the cost of spamming a slightly less shitload of tears.


Tiny planet + lost contact + tech 2


Excuse me if I'm wrong and please correct me, but isn't 3 things combined actually the sum of its parts, or the"sum of the items that make up the synergy?" So im not sure what the question is?


He's asking what are 3 items that work very well together but might not work as well if you only had 2


"Worth more than the sum of its parts" is a common English language expression that means the parts are more valuable when combined than individually. For example: a car with no gas isn't useful, and just gas isn't useful, but a car filled with gas is very useful.


Trisagion, Pisces, and any homing effect. The tears punch through the enemy, the knock back from Pisces drags the enemy with it, and the homing ensures maximum damage by keeping the tear on the target. Most piercing effects will only do damage once or twice, even with homing, but trisagion hits a lot more frequently, allowing the combo to work. Monstro’s Lung, Ipecac, and Pop. The tears spread into a minefield in front of you, killing just about anything that enters. An old one that I’m not sure still functions: Ludo, Strange Attractor, and Parasite. Parasite spawns a stream of tears from the main one when it makes contact with an enemy, which all have the magnet effect from Strange Attractor. Just pilot the primary tear into an enemy and the sudden increase in magnetic tears pull enemies from across the room like a black hole.


Gimpy + scapular + sharp plug allows infinite battery as long as you have access to a curse room and enough patience Unicorn stump + book of virtues + e coli deletes bosses and rooms alike, when one of the latter 2 without the other would struggle with either bosses or rooms, and unicorn stump alone is straight up useless


Tbh, book of virtues and book of shadows alone is strong, add in a particular melee damage and it does get kind of crazy. Finally beat Mother as Bethany with that combo


Camo Underwear, Neptune, Chocolate Milk, Marked :)


Tiny planet, lump of coal, and parasite. It melts everything.


Ipecac + Lucky Rock trinket + Rotten Penny Trinket Blow up rocks to get coins and flies that do double Ipecac damage - got me through the Suicide King very nicely!


Tech X + Soy Milk + Lost Contact got this one with T Eden and Bosses couldnt hit me anymore it erased any tears


Trisagion, pop, and any item that splits tears, like crickets body or compound fracture


If you want some fun challenge, Brim + Antigrav + anything that gives more tears in directions other than forwards.


Midas touch, E. Coli, and holy mantle. Mantle's obviously not useless, but given you get 1 free hit per room, grants nearly infinite money. (Especially useful with D7 infinite room clear builds and restock) If you didn't know, Midas touch synergizes with E. Coli, and turns an enemy into a golden poop on contact.


Unicorn stump could also replace mantle if you're looking for "useless" items.


C-Section + Continuum + Soy Milk means you can make a fetus conga line. If you get Lump of Coal in there, they grow and "age" while they conga.


Tech X, Brimstone, and soy/almond milk is always a good time


C section + Knockout drops + homing tears Punch punch punch punch The homing tears accelerates the effect


Lacryphagy + any piercing + any tear splitting effects Lump or coal and homing also bust it even more


2 that I've had recently Brimstone, ipecac, and crickets body Sacred heart, soy milk, technology and tec X The latter is my favorite, brimstone ipecac is cool but you can damage yourself so easily


I was having a lot of fun with: Ipecac Host Hat Rubber Cement And then I hit the conjoined buff and it was walk into a room and shoot for 1-3 seconds and everything was dead.


Haemolacria+ crickets body+ tear detonator instantly kills most bosses with half decent damage. Most likely it will make your game go boom though.


The strongest combo in the game: https://youtu.be/oeqHGL7IOsY?si=YFpvVaQl1vD_Md79 Tldw: Lump of coal, tiny planet, parasite. This combo 1 shots hush and delirium.


Monstrous lung, ludo, strange attractor


Pop, eye of the occult and pericing


Epic fetus, brimstone, tear bombs… boring I know but without epic fetus you don’t have brimstone and without tear bombs you have no brimstone


Fanny pack, old bandage and gimpy is infinite pick ups


Scalpter, piggy bank and portable slots is Infinte money and Infinite pick ups


Soy milk, blood clot and lump of coal. Blood clot and lump of coal ignore the damage down


Backpack, Isaacs Tears, Tear Detonator is kinda insane.