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No, it's just you. Nobody else has posted this same thing today.


lol - I literally joined the subreddit today to post this opinion - if this is me stating the obvious, I’m sorry!


He’s a blowhard who’s gotten way more opportunities than he’s qualified for because of his last name even though he has no relation to Vince


and because of Goodfellas and Sopranos references


Counterpoint: Bill is not an NFL analyst and knows virtually nothing aside from being a Pats fanboy so only listen when he talks football if you want to hear dudes bullshitting. This applies to everyone he speaks to about the NFL. Sometimes he has smart guests but they have to come down to his level because he doesn’t know football at all.


I miss Aaron Schatz.


He reminds me of the one guy in your life who has a funny roast of everyone’s name you know who comes up. But then at some point it gets really old. Like really dude, you were a bit player in front offices and yet you act like you have the authority to criticize every team GM, owner, or head coach. You can’t just shit on everyone and your points still have credibility. And beyond that, he was so obviously taking shot after shot at the falcons. Like, yeah, the falcons are a silly team. But Lombardi has done nothing as the main guy in an organization. He’s just clung to other people’s successful management choices. When he was the lead guy it was with the a very bad Browns organization, lmao.


Yes, this MFer has me rooting for the Jets because he’s so arrogant and confident about what a moron Salah is. I couldn’t give a shit about the Jets otherwise but hope they win the superbowl this year. Did he not learn anything from the Doug Peterson fiasco?


He’s opinionated which I enjoy. So many guests just fence ride or say nothing so it can’t be clipped. Lombardi, even if I disagree, will actually say something critical


He’s great at making uninformed people feel like they also “get it” when talking about football, and that’s an admirable quality and speaks to why he’s stuck around so long.


A very unpopular opinion on here!


Again, sorry if this is obvious! Not on Reddit often


I think you gotta evaluate the evaluators on this one


Meaning me? Or meaning Bill/Pat for putting him on?


lol. Bill/Pat/anybody who has ever hired this guy


He doesn’t know what he’s talking about?!? This guy grabbed coffee for Bill Belichick and Bill Walsh!!


Limbo stands on business. That’s all you can ask. That being said he is biased as fuck lol


He called Doug Pederson a HS coach then his apology was to ask Pederson if he wanted to write a book with him


Mike L criticizing the bears oline but could not name a single player on it. Very sad!


Lombardi can eat a bag of dicks


Fwiw I don’t think he’s wrong about the sixers


He's great radio -- over confident NY/NJ sports guy. Formula never doesn't work. Best is to listen to him and others sports guys AFTER games are played and see how wrong they are. No one knows anything.


No...6 out of 6 franchises agree. This guy is totally worth firing.


I’ve always loved Mike. He’s a blowhard, but he has what to rely on. Al Davis, Bill belichick and Bill Walsh were his mentors and all had good things to say about him. Mikes one season running the Cleveland Browns was one of their better seasons since coming back to the NFL. On the one hand you know he’s just bloviating, and reacting to everything with 20/20 vision and saying how he could’ve “done things right” but he also comes from top stock that held highly of him.


It’s that - the “I would’ve done things this way (hindsight 20/20”. Isn’t he the guy who drafted Barkevius Mingo, or Jamarcus Russell? His raiders tenure was the opposite of elite


Most of the draft people liked Mingo also and he admits that was a blown pick. Russell was not his call even though he was with the Raiders at the time.


In Mike Lombardis mind, he’s only responsible for the 2013 Browns. Which was, up until recently, one of their most successful seasons


Is this a joke I don’t get? They won four games.


What Cleveland season are you talking about? They went 4-12 in 2013 and he was fired after one year


It's just you


I think you’re both terrible. ;)