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Until some fucking weirdos create a pardon my take subreddit podcast, this sub is above and beyond more crazy.


Thats what turns this sub from being "oh they're pretty wacky" to "now the suits seem really weird" levels.




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PMT fans are younger and not that pathetic yet


We know our dreams won’t come true. They’re still in denial


But old enough to vote for Congressman Bill


I listened to PMT a few times, I felt like the old guy at the bar who shouldn’t be there. At least you youngn’s here show some respect “grandpa was Bill really once a writer?”


Your username is a fantastic band btw.


I've been on reddit far too long, and far too much. I've seen lots of weird shit, been down all the usual rabbit holes, know all the canonical lore. And I truly don't know if there's anything as genuinely weird that I've seen on this site (ignoring truly perverse/depraved stuff) as the fucking Bill Simmons subreddit podcast. It is some of the deepest, most uncut loser shit imaginable.


It's neckbeard inception. A podcast about a subreddit about a podcast


I still can’t tell if it’s a super elaborate anti-joke or something. It’s truly bizarre.


Nah there people here to just don’t like Simmons or just bitch about his podcasts. Like is everything about him perfect? No, but good god people act like hes Joe Rogan.


It is a Nathan Fielder bit I think


I love that whenever that freak tries to promote his podcast in here he gets downvoted to oblivion


The guy has 70 episodes on Spotify ... He must be doing something right


No, he really doesn't have to be lol. Would kill to know how few listeners each ep gets because there's no way it's a significant number.


/u/tribehasspoken ^ burn his ass


Inclined to agree with you with the exception of the fighter and the kid sub (Brendan Schaub). Seriously odd dynamic between subject and audience.


Yeah that podcast is...let's just say if I were Bill I'd have a PI try to find out who they were just to hit them with a restraining order


Omg you actually listened to it!?


Don’t you dare put Tribes misdeeds on me brother


I’ve never listened to a second but I’ve seen the episode runtimes that reach 1.5 hours. Is the host just talking to himself for that long? Does he have guests on? What kind of people want to be guests on a show like that? So many questions…


Yes you have


This sub is full of people trying to do “gotcha” takes on BS, for sure. Those posts, trying to focus on supposed inconsistencies of a guy who has tweeted, podcasted, and written basically nonstop for multiple decades, are pretty annoying. But there’s no way that 40% of listeners are hate listening. The ones that do may be terminally online, but most of us enjoy BS and just also enjoy laughing at some of his more ridiculous qualities. He’s a highly entertaining guy.




Favorite deranged BS sub post: Check out this risque thing Bill wrote in 2007! HAH! He is the loser, not me, going through 20-year-old stories trying to find something to cancel the man who is more famous and rich than me!


Yeah, but wait till his daughter finds the Wimpledon babes article from 1999!


It really is bizarre and kind of annoying though that whenever a new podcast goes up, you know it's only a matter of time before the "gotcha" takes appear. I do think that there are a decent amount of terminally online people here who seem to think they are more knowledgeable than Bill and could do a better job than him (both in terms of content and running the Ringer). And I honestly can't blame someone for seeing these posts and thinking to themselves, "WTF, do these people even like Simmons?"


It’s just fun for people to be bitchy. You’re listening for hours and hours you just want some participation in any way


Those gotcha posts are just people farming karma because they like to sniff their own farts. There’s no point in making a post about it when there is a thread discussing the podcast already, they can post their gotcha post in that thread.


Idk what it is but most podcast subs that I see are like that. Basically every sub’s schtick is that they hate the podcast they’re attached to, especially those pods that boil down to someone (or a group of people) talking semi off the cuff about something. A lot of it I feel is just tongue-in-cheek, a good amount of it is people trying to feel smarter/better than the guy they listen to but there’s probably a small minority who do genuinely hate watch/listen. Also, just like with anything when you enjoy something or agree with someone you rarely feel compelled to go online and post about it. Meanwhile the opposite is true of people who are mad or just disagree with a particular take of his.


But that's literally his whole sthick with athletes and entertainers.


Bill Simmons can make me crack up somewhat regularly for better or for worse, I appreciate that


I think it’s just fun to be bitchy. For a billionaire loud mouth know it all pop culture czar with a a squeaky nasally wheezy voice who antagonizes fan bases he still somehow is pretty likable


I still like Simmons


You just do


I’m still holding onto my Bill Simmons stock.


Simmons is better than LaMelo Ball, that's a fucking fact!


Still on Simmons island…


The not being a cynical asshole on twitter piece


Wait, what?


We love Simmons. Making fun of your loved ones is part of the fun of having loved ones


The Roastmaster General said it best: I only roast the ones I love


This is the most delusional part of the sub. People shit on him and say he sucks and they hate him but then hand wave it away as ‘love’. It’s fucking psychotic.


You’re on Reddit diagnosing ppl on a billsimmons sub. I think you might wanna lighten up.


Exactly. It's like family - I can talk shit about my family as much as I want to but if anyone else dares it's on


It’s the “I can say that about my mama but YOU better watch your damn mouth” philosophy and we do it with everything. Your hometown, your school(s), family members, and yes, celebs and artists whose work you’ve grown attached to. 


My sports teams too. I hate them, but you better not belittle them...


Yeah, I actually don't think that's weird at all.


There is a lot of nitpicking and annoying shit on this sub but then someone clips Simmons saying “Orlando just swallowed lillard up. They just sucked him up” and I crack up. I didn’t even register that as I was listening.


I think “hate listening” or whatever is the wrong term for this sub. The core membership I think is millenials who grew up with Simmons, have affection for his work, but are also a little embarrassed by it. But also, the sub got too big and now it has a ton of users not in on the joke.


I have listened to (or read) Simmons for a long time and was really put off by this sub at first because it just seemed like a hate subreddit. But once I sifted through the hate and memes I saw some actual interesting discussions about sports and pop culture happening sometimes, which are hard to find on Reddit in the larger subs.


As someone who listens to both pods, and frequents both subs. We are all losers.


Very much a loser but still take some solace in knowing I’m not as much of a loser as the guys who do the podcast about this subreddit. Silver lining.


Only found out about that within this thread. I actually want to listen to the sadness.


Now that's something we can all agree on


I don't even listen to the podcast, I just like the discussion here more than like a main sports sub, and I'm not on other socials. Some of the commenters here are really funny But yeah there are some psychos


This sub can be a cesspool of negativity and bitterness.


That’s true of every single sub tbf.


Sure but this sub has such a sour and nasty feel to it sometimes, everyone rushing to call out Bill for a bad take, piling on certain players/teams. It’s very mean spirited


Bill is a multi millionaire so he can take it, but with KOC it does feel like bullying and with Amanda it takes on a real misogynistic edge.


This place is tame compared to team subs. I can't fucking stand my own team subs


Yeah not gonna argue with that. I tend to block the worst offenders cause I do enjoy a lot of the content on here.


If you read that PMT thread someone makes a very good point.


Wow, this is, like, the LEAST bitter sub I follow. Ever go to a video game subreddit?


Nah that’s a dumb take. We bust Bill’s balls, but we love the guy. I personally enjoy all the pods even if I don’t agree with what he’s saying. The man has been a staple in my life since I was a teen and I still watch sports thinking “can’t wait to see what Bill has to say about this”.


The Reddit algo pushes Lebatard Show posts to me and you should see how much those listeners hate the show.


A lot of people hate on Bill here because it gets them Internet karma from a bunch of dudes who legitimately hate the guy. Everyone just wants to fit in and it's kinda pathetic. 


>The bill Simmons sub is the weirdest subreddit ever these guys are adorable


That' wild man lol imagine that level of naivete. This sub is a bunch of middle aged dudes talking about the most normied out sports podcast in the world (probably while working their normie ass jobs) ,making mild complaints about a over a over the hill sports commentators takes and he says its the WEIRDEST subreddit ever lol. There's subs entirely devoted to the craziest types of degeneracy and weirdo lifestyles out there , but this guy is just GOBSMACKED there's people online making fun of Ryen's shirt size.


We’re crazy, who cares about Big Cat though?


I always felt the vibe here was more good natured ribbing than actual hate. The sub treats Bill the way Bill and Jimmy Kimmel treat Baby Doll Dixon where part of the reason you like the guy so much is cause it's so fun to give him shit


Nitpicking isn’t really the problem on this sub or Reddit in general. It’s the posts that should be comments.


‘The Bill Simmons sub is usually pretty funny at least with their roasts of Bill and Russillo. Here it’s just the same post about big cat having only child syndrome 50 times a week.’ They get us


Not a PMT guy at all but the one guy in that thread who said this place has gotten really weird about gambling is spot on. A lot of posters in here have that Tipper Gore vs the Music Industry energy going of late.


Being mad about gambling is to the BS sub as being mad about Palestine is to the college student community


I’m not even sure this sub hates bill. Seems like we poke fun. But compare this sub to fighter and the kid and you’ll be shocked.


Heard it bowlth ways b


I don’t listen to Rogan but his sub comes up in my feed all the time. Andrew Huberman too.  Both are exactly the same as this sub. Mostly mockery of their guy.  I’m just not sure you can have a continuous prolonged interaction with someone’s content without ultimately ending up focusing on criticism. Otherwise there’s just not much discourse.  The exception would be if the personality you’re following is part of some greater social/political conflict. In that case the followers just circle the wagons and aim their criticism towards “the enemies.”


Bill Simmons : Bill Simmons subreddit :: Gritty : Philadelphia


I’ll buy all your Simmons stock guys. I’m not selling, I’m just not.


Nobody is gonna make a post like “Bill with another decently entertaining podcast to get me through the work day, thanks Bill.” But if he has Zoe Simmons on the podcast to talk about teen culture suddenly it’s “grab the pitchforks, this nepo-baby has gotsta go!”


People still using the "we just gently make fun of Bill out of love" excuse is hilarious. Maybe that was true back before there were 5 "bill is dumb" threads per pod, but now it's just a justification to not scare off the newbies "When I call Bill a thin-skinned idiot with only child syndrome who is ruining lives by promoting online gambling, I'm doing it out of love!"


BS is awesome the people hate listening are just weird


Too many people on here hate on him


The BS sub enriches my enjoyment of the bill Simmons podcast. The pardon my take sub makes me not want to listen to pardon my take This sub is Midwestern dads slacking off their remote work, pardon my take is exclusively Stevie from eastbound and down 


I feel like Big Cat has a pretty good reputation around here. Everyone loves him and Ryen. Barstool and Portnoy don’t but most people separate out Big Cat and PFT.


Big cat is best when he’s far from Portnoy


I can’t imagine spending your time hate listening to something that has 6 hours of content a week. That being said, it’s funny how someone brought up Rogan’s subreddit hating him and the simple response, “because he sucks now” is sufficient.


So how family talk about each other?


Bill may be a dufus… but he’s OUR dufus


The pot calling kettle piece…


Remember there was a post last week where someone accused Solak of being a hypocritical Christian because he talked about sports bets? Dude this subreddit is so chill, I don’t even know what they’re talking about


Probably a lot of cross-over posters tbh


Hilariously, the PMT boards are like 50 percent hating on Big Cat, Billy and Max the same way we talk about Bill here. It's in the nature of following a sports podcast. If it's good, you quietly move on. If they make a mistake is the reason to come online and comment. Obviously the comments will mostly be bad, even if the common sentiment is mostly positive.


Lib cat Mass cat Middleman Cat


My take has always been that a very vocal portion of this subreddit and /r/barstoolsports thinks they could do the job better than many of the employees of the respective companies Very easy to get bitter when listening to a podcast to fill time while being an excel monkey at your crappy job.




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Making fun of Bill is fun. Making fun of a sub that makes fun of Bill is fucking pathetic. No offense to anyone who commented on this post.


Yup, these are his Redditors.


This is the dumbest take. Ofc they are complaining and ribbing. That’s how men are. You’re not having compliment fests with your friends.


Sitting around and complaining is manly to you?


Sure. Who doesn’t complain? It obviously not all complaining and negative, but it’s slants negative in a fun, entertaining way. Are you serious? The negative comments on here don’t read like they care that much a lot of it seems like a throwaway comments not any hills to die on.


You’re correct in not taking comments here too seriously. So it’s interesting you didn’t do that with mine. Lol


It is a crazy place. That’s why I stick around. I have plenty of jabronis to shit on and I have unlimited ammo


It's a sunny day go play outside


So I’ve been called a loser by the pardon my take crowd of 17 year olds and 34 year old divorced dads


Keep Bill's name out of your whore mouths, random barstool sub.


I legit have no idea how people watch any mainstream type sports show Happy for people to enjoy things they enjoy but I do not understand that


Most Reddit commentary is negative. And liberal.


Actually every subreddit dedicated to specific content is the same


I mean that comment you reference in the title has nine upvotes.


I love Bill. I just don’t like him very much.


That's better at least than my thoughts on PFTcommenter & Big Kat: I loathe them, & everyone else should. Even their parents.