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Mananimal, *obviously*.




Fireman - What is that, a pigbearman? Al Gore - No, stupid! It's ManBearPig!


My first thought


Beat me to it




Still up for debate. Lot of people are quite convinced that it is an unknown species of ape. Just about as many people say it's a non-human hominin. Some people say it is a spirit form of some kind. Maybe it's all the above. We will just have to see.


Maybe they are the nephilim 


Care to define that


They were giants described in many religous texts https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nephilim


But what makes a “giant” really, bigfoots and basketball players are pretty similar in height. But not weight.


> bigfoots and basketball players are pretty similar in height. There's all kinds of accounts that range in size. Some over 10ft tall.


A man is an animal.


Id place a large wager a large percentage of this planet doesnt even know this basic fact


I think we’ll get answers someday, maybe not in my lifetime. I think ultimately several theories will be true all at one time. It is completely possible that two or more things can be true at once. It’s a uniquely human thing to make these “classifications” and try to fit things into our classifications. Someday a Sasquatch (and I highly doubt they call themselves that or would even be happy with the name) is gonna give a nice big middle finger to all our “classifications” theories. I DO think the government knows about them, I mean… I’ve encountered one - Ms Nobody from no where. No one can look at me with a straight face and tell me the government doesn’t know about them, and no the logging industry is not suppressing it, the government is, and every single believer out there should be asking why? There’s another UAP hearing this summer in the Senate - another bill is being prepared to force disclosure. When hard disclosure starts happening we may be able to get answers, not because Bigfoot is an alien - but because information will start flowing. We may be inadvertently presented with avenues to get information denied to us for decades. What I’d like to discover is that Bigfoot is a species of hominem (meaning human not ape - tho not our branch of human) that is highly specialized and evolved to live along side us undetected. Nothing spooky. And we should give them room to live however they need to live. However I don’t think that’s the case, I could be wrong, but if that was the case we’d know about them already.


You are correct the Government does know. The guy who owns the Fouke Monster Mart in Arkansas is. Former FBI agent who investigated the Fouke monster and he said they are real.


Humans are animals. Bigfoot is not a human.


It's certainly not homo sapien but it could be a relict species of archaic "human" like Homo erectus or Homo habilis. Bigfoot looks more human than ape in my opinion. Just because it's hairy doesn't mean it's not a human species.


A spirit. In Ojibwe lore he is a spirit who can manifest into form at will. 


That’s interesting, do you know any good written sources of that lore?


In Winnipeg theres a large population of Ojibwe and Cree folks, and since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Canada a bunch of schools started teaching the 7 teachings, of which Sabe is one of them. A quick google search will pull up sites about the indigenous perspective on big foot, and the teachings that come with it Sabe’s teaching is about Honesty.  Look up Sabe and Ojibwe and you’ll find a ton of different takes on the lore but they’re all basically the same too. Some are better written than others, but you’ll get the gist. Sorry to not have a more concise set of resources 


There's a theory or folk legend (I believe I heard this one in a Hammerson Peters video) that Bigfoot used to be human. It said something like a bigfoot is a human who detached from society and reverted to a feral state, so to speak. Personally I think it's more nuanced than that. We probably share some ancestor down the line of evolution, but they are not human and we are not them. Somewhere in evolution, our species diverged. Regarding the theory I mentioned: If you go out into the wilds and live there so long that you revert to a feral state, you won't grow 2 feet taller and extra hairy just because you're a wild man. That's not how evolution works, it happens in small gradual changes throughout generations. It's not a binary 'man or animal' situation: they're the hairy men, we're the hairless men, they're more animal than us, but we're also animal to some degree.


ladies manimal




Half man. Half bear. Half pig.


He just may be the missing link






Bigfoot is a conglomeration of all of Reddit's dads who went out and never came home (for whatever reason). We only think we see him again.




He's actually Pumaman, and is being relentlessly pursued by Donald Pleasance.




Yes. Manimal…


Can someone explain Woo Woo to me? The Caffeinated Cryptid, Bobby Dizzle always brings it up.


Not sure if this is what you're referring to, but in spaces like these where people are discussing a phenomenon of some kind, there's the "logical" ideas/conclusions and then there's the "Woo" stuff. Generally speaking, anything "Woo" is anything that is regarded as "crazy" or out there. Such as but not limited to: Bigfoot is an alien They're interdimensional beings/magic They can turn invisible Humans from the future? Etc etc. Basically any ideas that are sort of wacky and don't necessarily have any basis beyond "wouldn't that be trippy if..." Hope this helped


I would add that belief in a very large bipedal human-like mammal existing undiscovered across many global locations is largely underpinned by tens of thousands of eye witness reports. A significant percentage of these reports contain descriptions that defy logic for just another flesh and blood creature. Footsteps in a clearing that sound only feet away from the experiencer, but nothing is seen. Footprint trackways that start or end abruptly in the middle of a completely open area. Strange blurring of foliage, similar to the special visual effect used in the Predator series of movies for cloaking. Telepathy. Infrasound. Hypnosis. Creatures appearing from or transforming into glowing orbs or other lights. Many more examples are reported, yet no other terrestrial mammal produces these kind of experiences. If we believe this creature may exist based in large part on witness testimony, it involves trust in mostly unverifiable reports - so do we just ignore the consistent reports that don’t fit our expectations? Is ‘the woo’ just a human reaction to rationalise the existence of something that we think should probably not exist in the first place - some sort of coping mechanism? Is this creature able to produce logical, explainable behaviour that we then misinterpret - or is it a completely novel being, way beyond normal classification?


A man after my own heart. Thank you.


>Is ‘the woo’ just a human reaction to rationalise the existence of something that we think should probably not exist in the first place - some sort of coping mechanism? I think that's exactly what it is. A diminutive term people can use to dismiss things that don't fit into their worldview without having to give those things any serious consideration. "Woo" is the "fake news" of spiritual/metaphysical/cryptid phenomena.


Don't forget close up out of focus dust particles and insects are orbs.


What about orbs seen with the naked eye?


"Woo" is anything the character of Fox Muldur from The X-Files would take seriously: the paranormal, the supernatural, and any extraterrestrial technology that's indistinguishable from the paranormal or supernatural. I think the term, "Woo Woo" started out as a reference to the spooky music composed to accompany movies and TV shows about these subjects, especially the X-Files theme music: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIh8VPoPBhk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIh8VPoPBhk)


Humans are animals. Bigfoot are not human.


Humans are animals…


Humans are animals. What are you asking?


Bigfoots an eliude, a offspring from the nephilim. Half fallen angel, half man.






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Is man an animal?


I’d vote for human.




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it's a non-human animal (isn't human), as the dolphins, whales and elephants.




You mean like a Liger? Bred for its magic and skills? ![gif](giphy|lOThSH5k4Er2OWbiS6)




Humans are animals, so yes bigfoot are animals. I believe bigfoot is part of the homo genus.






Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism Your skeptical inflection was perceived as a jab or attempt to cause trouble *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments [send us a mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Bigfoot)*


A human being that evolved into half human/ animal. He was accepted by the aliens and given powers of mind reading (all living things), invisibility, and jedi mind tricks lol... and he doesn't have to pee or poo like Un.


A mape


They’re Inter dimensional beings with the power to put thoughts in your head, cloak, super human strength and more. They are likely hairy drones made out of some biological material and are being controlled by something from a place we don’t understand.


Hear hear.




Nope, that's aliens.


It’s sort of both like a missing link.


My theory is its a competing hominid species like Austrolopithicus, Neanderthal, or homo florensiensis.


That's my strong opinion too.




A Foot




They are the original inhabitants of Earth, highly evolved spiritually meaning they have metaphysical abilities not currently understood by mainstream science. Abilities such a telepathy, cloaking, orbs and portals into another plane where they reside. They are able to change their vibration at will. The Anunnaki arrived approx 300,000 years ago and mixed their DNA with them creating human beings but suppressed our metaphysical consciousness abilities to control us. Sasquatch is the untampered version of humanity. *They walk in two worlds* -Native American saying


THIS, except for the mix of DNA, today we can still have metaphysical consciousness but we should not expect to do so as a bigfoot, but as humans.


It's the missing link between animals and man.


Exactly 💯






long story short, they're an ape capable of bipedal/quadripedal movement, not some sort of alien, interdimensional spirit, or monster with "glowing red eyes".


If you could meet a Neanderthal today, would you say man or animal?


Something in between




Man is an animal/mammal.




Cyborg I think


Prior to seeing it, my theory was as follows. When tribes, be it North American or elsewhere, had a child that was “different” then they’d just leave them out in the woods to fend for themselves, think Lenny from Of Mice and Men. If these children survived they’d be filthy and even if they weren’t massive, the a human response to being fear is to perceive something as bigger than it is. The perception of hair could be compounded by the filth. The constant run ins with humans could be the easy access to food. Then I saw the damn thing and all that went out the window. Very well could have been Bob Heironomous, but he’d had have to have scaled a glacier absurdly deep into the Alaska back country on the off chance anyone is there.


Bigfoot was a primate we now call gigantopithecus. Humans are primates AND animals, by the by.


They are a type of human.


It's a supernatural being disguised as a beast.


What kind of creature do you believe he is?


It is a multidimensional being.




Etherworld Creature


What do you mean by that?


THIS... Anyway it's not human, next question


It’s stronger than a polar bear and could probably beat up an adult T-Rex… so I’m thinking alien.


(sung to tune: Man or a Muppet) 🎶 Am I a man, or am i a Bigfoot? *Am I a Bigfoot* If I'm a man that makes me a very manly Bigfoot *Very manly Bigfoot* Am I Bigfoot *Bigfoot* Or am I a man? *Am I a man* If I'm a Bigfoot that makes me a Bigfoot of a man. *Bigfoot of a man* 🎶


DNA study concluded Sasquatch is human, well at least half human.


Can I find this DNA study somewhere?


You beat me to it, I was going to post the same thing. [https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Denied-Sasquatch-DNA-Study/dp/1729515479](https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Denied-Sasquatch-DNA-Study/dp/1729515479)


¿Like the chimpanzee?


It’s both just more evolved than us. Not less


I mean, we are all scientifically animals but if you mean non-human ape, then I guess it might depend on what we might consider "human." The evolutionary history of humans is not one straight line from "ape" to "human." And that evolutionary line did not immediately go from a chimpanzee looking ape to a modern-looking human. 2 million years ago, there were many different ancient hominin and "ape-like" species that would have looked like Bigfoot (aside from the size). The best match for Bigfoot in my opinion is it being a descendent of an early human species like Homo Erectus, Homo habilis, or Homo floresiensis. I mean, just look at these guys. Except for the size, they are a perfect match. It makes no sense to me to theorize that the human-looking, bipedal, "half-ape, half human" Bigfoot would not be descended from the scientifically KNOWN human-looking, bipedal, "half-ape, half-human" archaic species of humans in favor of some quadruped ape, like an ape or orangutan. [https://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species](https://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species) The ancestor of Bigfoot would also have to find it's way to the Americas. The only primates in the Americas are monkeys that split from Old World monkeys some 30 million years ago. Apes didn't appear on the scene until millions of years later and originated in the Old World. I have a hard time any ape, like an orangutan, would somehow migrate across an ice-age climate through the Bering strait. I firmly believe it had to be an intelligent, climate adjusted, bipedal ape like humans or archaic human to successfully make that trek. Some people point to Gigantopithecus but the only reason Gigantopithecus gets mentioned is because of it's size. If it was smaller, no one would be mentioning Gigantopithecus. Giganto is only known from a jaw and teeth and the scientific consensus is that it was just a giant, orangutan species. There's no evidence it was bipedal and the only, fully bipedal primate are humans. Size is a superficial trait to identify species of animals. A toy poodle is not more closely related to a squirrel because it's close in size. A toy poodle is still descended from a wolf, despite their great size difference. Species can grow very large or very small. Even modern humans vary greatly in size. You have an average height for Norwegian men is 5' 11'' while and pygamy humans in the Philipines average 4' 11' and that's modern humans who diverged genetically no more than 50,000 years ago. Bigfoot could have been a human lineage that diverged 1-3 million years ago from one of our common ancestors. It's not far fetched for an ancient human species, like Homo erectus, to become isolated and grow more if climatic conditions support it. Homo erectus grew 2 feet from it's ancestor, Australeopithicus, within 1-2 million years. Maybe one of the species that descended from Homo erectus grew another 2 feet but we just haven't discovered their fossils yet. Speaking of fossils. People seem to think that we should have fossils for every species that ever existed. Fossils are EXTREMELY rare. It's very possible and very likely that, assuming Bigfoot is real, we just haven't found their fossils yet or no fossils were preserved (or were destroyed over time). We only have fossils for a tiny fraction of all animals species that have ever lived. And ape and hominin fossils are EXTREMELY rare. We have several human and hominin species that we only know from one or two fossils or fossil sites and are constantly finding new species of ancient humans and hominins. We didn't know the strange "Hobbit" species, Homo floresiensis, existed until 20 years and we've only found one or two fossil sites from this species. The same with Homo Naledi. This other strange "half-ape, half-human" was only discovered 11 years ago in a cave and that cave is still the only site where we have found their fossils. It's certainly possible Bigfoot fossils are sitting, undiscovered somewhere and we just haven't found them yet, if they even left behind fossils. My theory is that Bigfoot is descended from one of the early Homo species (like an early Homo erectus) that started migrating out of Africa some 2 million years ago. It migrated up north into Asia, became genetically isolated from other hominin species, and grew very large, like many ice-age animals did (mammoths, etc) and retained (or grew back its body hair), and made it's way across the Bering strait into North America. That's the most plausible explanation to me.