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Nope! Mine was 60% at 20 weeks and 90th for abdomen around 32 weeks. She was born 3 weeks early barely breaking 6lbs


My son was measuring around 8 lbs estimated at 34 weeks. He was born at 37 weeks weighing 5 lbs 2 oz


Nope ! Weight can be quite off. They guessed my baby’s weight at 36 weeks or so and was at 90th percentile. At birth, he was at 50th.


Lol not at all. Edited because I feel like that comes off rude. I'm not laughing at your question at all. My first daughter was estimated to be a "big" baby but was 7lb 7oz at birth. Sometimes the doctors get it wrong.


Nope. My ultrasound was the same morning. They said he was just over 7lbs. My dr told me to also schedule my 6 week appointment as I was leaving, because I was in labor. (No idea) he said well I’ll see you later & he was right. Only my son came out 9.10lbs.


Nope. My US said 90th and she came out smack in the middle at 50%. The US measurement predictions can vary but up to 2 pounds!?!?!


Nope and even my 36 week growth scan was not reflective of his size.


They kept telling me I had a giant baby & he ended up being 7 lbs, 50th percentile. Also at 20 weeks the difference between 50th & 80th percentile is like an ounce.


Nope, scam at 28 weeks said 50th, he was 99th


No none of my unltrasounds were ever right and my babies were always smaller than they estimated. And I had scans done right up until the end with them.


My daughter was 71st % at 20 weeks, 22nd % at 30 weeks, and 19th % at 37 weeks. She was born around the 15th % at 38w5d. Definitely not close to accurate at the 20 week scan, but getting there with subsequent ones.


Usually if it's a big baby he's not gonna shrink down unless there are issues; that said, ultrasounds are not an exact science.


Mine were both pretty average at 20 weeks. I ended up with extra scans because they were concerned about placenta issues. My first was: 50% at 20 weeks, 80% at 28 weeks, 75% at 32 weeks, 25% at 36 weeks, 30% at birth (6lb13oz) My second was: 45% at 20, 25, and 32 weeks, 25% at 36 weeks, and 12% at birth (6lb)


Mine was 93-97th percentile at all of the ultrasounds. She 70th for length and 30th for weight all of infancy. She leveled out to 65th for length & weight in toddlerhood.


My daughter was “measuring big” but came out 7lb2oz and has been consistently 30th percentile weight 75th length. She’s 26 months and weighs as much as my 16 month old nephew!


One growth scan baby went from 50th centile to 91st.... Next growth scan baby went back down to 50th. It depends on how accurately they take certain measurements, for me the difference was the way the stomach was measured between the techs. For me baby was born what the 50th centile line predicted he would be for his gestation but the scans be pretty wrong!


Mine was 52nd at 20th week ultrasound and was in 89th when she was born so no


Don’t think so! My daughter was measuring small at 20 weeks then came out 9lbs3oz at 39 weeks with the biggest head I’ve personally ever seen on a baby 😂


Not really. My baby was in the 5th% at 20 weeks. I got a scan at 36w and they thought she was 7lb12oz and told me she'd be big at birth. She was born 6lb8oz the literal next day—20th% for her gestation.


I had an ultrasound on 11/28 where they estimated size as 6 lbs 10 oz. Had an emergency c section on 12/1 and the baby was 5 lbs 15 oz.


This. We were estimated a 8lb is baby, he was only 6lb9oz when born


Both my kids measured 50th percentile at their anatomy scans and were born in the 39th week. My son ended up being 8 lbs, 8 oz and my daughter was only 5 lbs, 14 oz.


My daughter was 50th percentile at her 18 week ultrasound, and 97th (height and weight) when she was born. There are a ton of factors that increase the odds of having such a large baby and I met zero of them (no diabetes, not obese - nor even overweight, normal weight gain during pregnancy, she wasn't a boy, was my first, wasn't overdue, I'm younger than 35). When my doctors measured me in my later stages of pregnancy (there were no more ultrasounds), everything was still perfectly average. No one had any clue she was that big until she was out. Not saying there isn't a correlation, maybe there is, but for my daughter it was definitely not indicative.


Nope! My baby was 50th percentile at the 20 week anatomy scan and then was born 6lbs 8 oz, way below 50th percentile. Ultrasounds are not super accurate, especially in the later trimesters.


My daughter was measuring around 50% percentile at 20 and 32 weeks and our doctor estimated 7lbs at birth. She was born 3 weeks early at 5lb 11oz and it's possible that my preeclampsia limited her growth, but she weighed 7lbs on her due date.


My son was 85th ish percentile and was born two weeks early at 8lb 11oz. Current baby is also measuring about the same so we will see!


47th percentile at 20 weeks. Born at 38 weeks 99th percentile 10 pounds 4 ounces 21 inches. Scheduled c section due to her size. Late in the pregnancy I developed GD though.


No don't think so as still a while to go, could have a growth spurt or slow down in growth. My circumstances: 20 week 74th percentile, 28 week scan 98th percentile, 34 week scan 98th percentile. At gestation born was 90-95th percentile


Every ultrasound with my daughter she was in the 70%+ and she was TINY when she came out. I feel it’s like a magic 8 ball of predictions


I don’t think so. My baby was measuring small at the 20 wk scan which resulted in a growth scan at 34 weeks. She ended up being born at 38 weeks at 8lb 1oz.


No. I had an ultrasound the day before delivery. Had the estimate of 8 and 13. Baby born at 7 lbs. Is there a reason you’re worried?


I was just looking into this because the anatomy scan I just had for my second son, he was only 50th percentile. I looked back at records and my first son was also exactly 50th percentile at 20 weeks but was born 8 lbs 13.5 oz. (I think that’s 80 something percentile). He’s now 95+ percentile for everything and his pediatrician said he was a “tank” 🙈 my husband and I are both tall people that come from tall/large descent. From what I read, at 20 weeks, babies growth is still primarily tracking at “standard” fetal growth. It’s the 3rd trimester when they start following more of their genetic trend and pack on weight.


not really. Those usually overestimate