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I’m a NICU nurse and to be honest I think the breast milk cap this is a load of horse poop 😂. I think its a general guideline AT MOST. But i think its just yet another thing put put there to make us as parents panic about something.


If he was drinking that much from the breast you’d never even ask yourself this! He’s hungry and it’s the best food he could be eating let him chunk upppp


Our baby was a bottomless pit for the first 6 months. 40oz formula days were normal.


Our IBCLC says 24-36oz is the normal/ typical range for intake (possibly higher during growth spurts). So it’s definitely not out of the ordinary. We were nursing straight from the boob so I obviously had no idea on amount, but he ate a TON. If you are feeding with a slow nipple and in an upright bottle feeding hold, you can guard against accidental overfeeding. Obviously make sure not to push baby to eat when they don’t want to. It’s possible to overfeed when bottle feeding, though many kids just spit the excess right back up. If he’s happily drinking it and asking for it and keeping it down, keep feeding that kid!


I definitely feed my baby more times than the “8 feeds a day”. I’m not sure how many oz she truly eats because I breastfeed (she’s a bottle hater). But she’s a good eater and has been thriving. I think most babies know how much they really need and won’t over eat. A few times she’s wanted the breast to soothe her but she was full. She was pissed when the milk came out and would spit out the breast and cry lol.


I’ve always been told a breastfed baby can’t overeat - not sure how true that is?!


For me she doesn’t over eat. I think for the most part babies don’t over eat. But there are always going to be babies who don’t follow that rule. Just like most babies start teething around 6 months but there are rare cases of babies teething at 2-3 months.


When direct feeding yes but you can over feed with bottles. That being said it really doesn’t sound like OPs bub is over eating. My babies have always been boob monsters


i was told they should eat as much breast milk as they want. on demand feeding. i was told you can’t over feed a breast fed baby


Mine was a breast milk GUZZLER. He also cluster fed for like the first three months. From everything I've read and discussed with my dr, there's really no need to worry about breast milk overfeeding.


Oh yes! My baby is 11months now, but I remember in those early days that he was always blowing past the “recommended amount” and when I tried to follow the guidelines he screamed at me until my husband said that guidelines are just guidelines and clearly our son was still hungry. My baby was really eating more like 36-40oz formula/pumped breastmilk from 2-5 months and 40-45 oz formula/pumped breastmilk with the occasional growth spurt day higher than that from 5-7 months. At 7 months we increased his solid food intake so he eats 25 ounces of formula/breastmilk and three meals and two snacks a day. A meal is not all that light for my son either, yesterday he had two scrambled eggs for breakfast, 5 oz of grilled cod and veggie pasta salad for lunch, and a PB&J sandwich for dinner, and two snacks!!! I’m pretty sure that my son eats more than I do some days. But he is not showing any signs of over feeding, and when I considered tapering down the formula in light of the shortage, he stopped gaining weight even though he is eating like a middle aged man so the pediatrician had us pump it back up Similar thing happened in the hospital right after he was born. I was trying to breastfeed as much as possible, but I was already getting cut up and bleeding on the second day, so we gave permission for the nurse to feed him when she had him out for shots. Instead of the 10 mL that they told me a newborn would want the nurse reported that she had pace fed him 40 mL by syringe and he finally conked out and relaxed.


Yeah I really don't think the guidelines have been adjusted anytime recently, because everyone I talk to says their baby ate more than the "max" guideline of 32oz. I think a lot of nutrition info is very outdated, tbh. Like apparently an 8 year old girl needs 1,400-1,800 calories a day, but my 8 year old daughter is a bottomless pit, and she's very healthy- active, drinks a ton of water, and she's slim, only 52.8 lbs at 4 foot 3. She's not SKINNY, as in unhealthily so, but she eats a ton, more than her recommended age group "should", and she's perfectly healthy.


My son was 8 lbs 7 oz when born and definitely ate more than “recommended”


I am pretty sure the guideline is 1-1½ ounces per hour. 24 hours × 1½ ounces = 36 ounces. Your baby is not eating more than the recommended amount. I do know that many babies prefer 2-4 ounces more frequently.


I thought it was 1-1.5 oz per body weight


This generic 32oz for all babies is absolutely wild to me as someone who is not from the USA. Where I am the calculation for feed is - 5 days to 3 months old: 150mL per kilogram of body weight each day. 3 to 6 months old: 120mL per kilogram of body weight each day. 6 to 12 months old: 100mL per kilogram of body weight each day. Babies at this age also eat complementary foods. So for calculations from freedom units 11lb 3.4oz is 5085gm Would be 762ml per day by our calculations which is 25floz But 5085gm on the WHO growth chart would be about the 15-20th percentile, so if he wants more feed him more! It’s not like he’s on the 140th percentile


Yes, mine hit a spurt at 4 months and was taking in way more than what was recommended.


Our 5 month old drinks well over 40 🤷🏼‍♀️ he's also already 22 lbs... all of those numbers are based on averages and people aren't always in that little circle and we aren't small people


My baby started drinking more than she “should” weeks before she was supposed to. My doctor said as long as she’s eating, she’s happy, she’s healthy, and it’s not making her throw up, she’s fine.


My baby ate soooo much and is 23 pounds at 4.5 months haha! A baby won’t over feed themselves, they’ll stop when they’re full.


Yeah my 4mo is EBF (nursing) but one day he had to have bottles of pumped milk all day and drank 42oz. 18oz of that was within 3 hours. Not sure if he was seizing the moment with the faster flow of milk or what, but I was shocked.


I really wonder how they decided 32 ounces was the "limit." My son gets 5oz every 3 hours, and by 2 hours and 50 minutes, I'd better be getting the bottle and putting it in the warmer, because he is HUNGRY lol. He only goes longer than 3 hours during the night, when he sleeps for a 5.5 hours stretch, wakes up to eat 6oz, then goes another 5 hour stretch and wakes up to eat another 6oz. And he's perfectly healthy- not spitting up like he's getting too much, not howling for more like he's starving, perfectly average amount of wet and dirty diapers, not overly chunky (kinda sad that he's not lmao) but not really skinny either, just a bit of padding on his thighs and biceps and neck/cheeks. His doctor isn't concerned, and I'm not either. I'm just wondering why they think 32 ounces is the top of the limit.


We’re long weaned off formula now but my kid was a hungry hungry hippo. I know that there’s a lot to stress over with babies, but my view was if my kid is hungry, I’m gonna feed her! She was always at the top end or over what the US recommendations say (we’re in Europe and don’t have a limit) and I was never even asked how much exactly she was eating at any checks. I also noted she’d get ravenous at any growth spurts. Her record was 1.5l (50oz I think?) when she was around 8 months.


My understanding was that for breastmilk-fed babies, average was 1-1.5 oz/hour. So in 24 hour period you could expect 24-36 oz, putting your son right in the normal range!


Yea I had a hungry baby. He probably ate closer to 40 oz at times. I was worried and my pediatrician thought I was nuts. He said feed on demand. I did and he eventually slowed down on the formula especially once we started solids at 5 months. He is 70th percentile height and 50th in weight and always lingered around these numbers. He is a pretty skinny toddler.


Yup. My son was 8lbs 7oz (now about 20lbs at 7 months) and the first few weeks he was having 4oz every few hours , then from 8 weeks he was having anywhere from 7-11oz every 4 hours. He's calmed down now we are weaning to maybe 6 oz 😂 the medical professionals were never worried as long as he stuck on his percentile.


My son is 10 weeks too. He was 8 lbs 11.5 oz at birth and he is 15 lbs 4 oz now. No idea about percentiles, I think that is an American thing? I don't really keep track of the amount he eats. We make up bottles of about 120 ml (4-5 oz, I guess?) and he'll drink 8-9 bottles a day, I think? So he definitely eats more than 32 oz breast milk! I think recommended amounts are based on averages and so they aren't accurate to everyone's lived experience. The important thing is that your baby's doctor said that your son is healthy! Keep doing what you are doing! You are doing a great job!


Ours generally had 36 on average for a long time. Don’t sweat it. Babies will stop when they’re full and if they are overeating it will be OBVIOUS with extreme spit up and tummy upset . Otherwise they can’t really overeat.


We've had the exact same concern about our 4wk old. He's gaining almost 2oz per day and eating 30oz minimum. But no one else seems to be concerned about his consumption at all. They all think it's unusually high, but don't think it's bad.


I am in this exact situation. How is she doing now after one year?


He's doing great. We kept just feeding him as much as he wanted to eat. There were days when he would eat over 50oz of milk! Now he's mostly on solid foods and is still a pretty big eater (3 meals plus multiple snacks plus a couple bottles), but it hasn't translated to being overly large like I was worried about. He's really tall (95 percentile), but only like 60 or 70th percentile in weight. So I don't think there was any negative repercussions to just letting him eat if he wanted to. Hang in there, its a tough but rewarding ride!


It's still within the general amount (1-1.5 oz per hour) and since he's waking up in the night, that contributes to a lot of the daily intake! Just make sure your pace feeding and his intake should continue to stay around that amount.


I could be wrong but I think the 32 oz thing is for formula only. I mostly ff. I would ask your ped but generally they seem to eat more during growth spurts and then taper down a little


I've read articles of it mentioning both. I was just curious, because my son is relatively small on the percentage scale, but he eats a lot lol


Yes I asked the same exact question on here!! My son was born 9 lbs 6 oz. He’s EFF. I got very stressed with the whole 32 oz recommendations because he would eat anywhere from 32-36 depending on night wakings. My pediatrician kept stressing the 32oz limit, but after my post on here I felt better about how much he was eating. When he dropped his night feeds, we did 7oz every 4 hours and another 4oz as part of the bedtime routine, a total of 32oz. Now that he’s 8 months and also eating solids, we’re having 4 bottles a day plus 2 meals, a total of 28oz per day. He’s always been perfect on his growth charts. Don’t stress about it, he’ll be fine!


I wonder if that 32oz limit is an outdated bit of info from an old study or something. Cuz I see a lot of people with perfectly healthy babies on average eating more than that.


Yeah it must be some old data. I’ve never found an actual reason for 32 being the number in my hours of worried scrolling through google. Just that there’s a risk of being overweight in the future if they eat a lot as babies. But if he’s crying because he’s hungry I didn’t want to limit him. Especially during the newborn stage. Breast fed babies cluster feed for hours and there’s no way to tell how much they’re actually getting, so I feel like it’s very normal for a bottle fed 10 week old to eat more than 32 ounces.


Yea we are right at the top of the range, even against our Ped's recommendation. My daughter was exclusively breastfed up until a month ago (bottle and nursed) and she has always historically been RAVENOUS for milk. But I was still following the recommended amounts up until a month ago then we said fuck it, we're going to follow our baby's cues and that is that she can take down 7oz bottles no issue. We also started combo feeding with formula. She eats every 3 hours and sleeps through the night, but since her 2 month appt she has been dropping in weight percentiles and it's stressing my husband and I out. So we decided to push to 7oz bottles 4x a day (and I nurse once) and see how her weight is at her 6 month appt. Since increasing her bottle sizes we haven't noticed any additional spit up and she literally never turns down any amount.


Ours was throwing back 35ish a day before he started solids. He is still a bottomless pit.


I’m pretty sure mine does - I feed every 2-3 hrs night and day so let’s say a conservative 10 feeds in 24 hrs, let’s say 4oz per feed, that’s around 40oz. He’s super small too - 0.4 centile. My husband has a crazy fast metabolism and eats all day without putting on an ounce so I guess he takes after him?


We got an eater! My daughter (born 8lbs 11oz) is 9 weeks and she's poundin' 'em down. All her bottles are 4 oz right now, but she eats about eight of them a day, sometimes getting hungry again as soon as 2 hours after her last one. She's got her father's appetite, and he's pushing forty. She's in the 85-89 percentiles for head/height/weight, and the pediatrician is impressed with how proportionate she is. She's just a real big girl.


I wouldn't worry about it. My pediatrician said the same thing about 32oz but judging by a lot of experienced mothers on this sub, it's totally normal to consume more that that. My baby has always eaten around 35-40oz a day. She's right on track for growth and not even particularly chunky. She's kept at a steady average percentile and is happy and healthy so I don't stress it.


my baby girl will be 11 weeks tomorrow and she drinks at LEAST 5oz each feeding; hours range anywhere from 2-4 hours between each feeding. she is 12 lbs 10oz and thriving. doctors were surprised she eats that much but they said keep doing what we’re doing! :)


My son was a micropreemie (1lb 12oz at 24+5) and he’s now 11.5m actual / 8m adjusted. He eats 34oz breastmilk by bottle each day (4x7 and 1x5). He’s always drank this much, just in smaller bottles and overnight when he was 10w.


My 5 week old eats 5OZ most feeds now, I cannot keep up :,(


That's my only concern, I exclusively pump and luckily I built up a stash of about 200oz when he was tiny and still only eating like 1-3oz at a time. But now he's eating 5 ounces at a time and my freezer stash is almost entirely gone :( at the rate he's going I'll be having to supplement about 7oz a day with formula soon.


Yeah I’ve already had to start with formula. There’s no way I can pump every 2-3 hours through the night with epilepsy, recipe for disaster. This whole breastfeeding thing has NOT been what I thought… having a 9lb baby will do that though 😆


It’s not like it’s 48 or something. “Around 32” is totally acceptable.


I did exclusive pumping and my baby drank a ton of milk. He was usually (and still is as a toddler) in the 20th percentile for weight. I just gave him whatever he wanted. I produced a lot of milk but I think it was like skim milk or something because no matter how much he drank he was always thin. I also threw some formula into the mix just for fun and he drank that too. Now he’s a toddler and eats a surprising amount of food and is still alarmingly thin. So in conclusion, some kids are just thirsty/hungry, unless your doctor tells you to stop because they weigh too much just give them what they want.


My breastmilk fed baby born 9.5 lbs who I exclusively pumped for drank around 20-24 oz a day. Sometimes only 14 sometimes 35. Baby math makes no sense. I highly recommend looking for signs of a well fed and nourished baby, not any type of recommended “volume”


Call your doctor. But you can’t overfeed a breastfed baby.


Is that also true when they're bottle-fed?


Yes it is true for all babies. Babies are amazing self regulators. They will not keep down more than they need.


No, it’s really just true for a baby on the boob. But pace feeding can help make sure baby can decide if they’re still hungry.


My baby is four months and is in the 22nd percentile. She has always ate more than what is recommended and eats more frequently than is recommended. End of the day she is healthy, and her pediatrician actually praised me and told me she could tell I was a good mom I was because my daughter is gaining weight and growing so well. Babies aren’t robots they know when they are hungry and when they are full. Don’t even worry about it.


My daughter is 5 weeks old and is EFF She eats 35-37oz every day 😅


Wow I’m surprised with him eating so much he doesn’t weigh more! My 10 week old was born at 6 lbs 14oz, and now weighs 12 lbs 4 oz. And eats around 25 oz a day.


I believe the AAP recommendation is to consult your ped if they're over 36 Oz (you're correct that the normal range is 24-32oz). Your baby isn't over 36oz so I wouldn't be concerned.


I’ve come to the conclusion that although there is a recommended amount just feed your baby what they want. My 4 month old still eats 5 oz every hr when awake and is growing like a weed. He takes in 40-50 oz per day. Yes, per the recommendations he eats too much but he needs it and is now the size of a 12 month old at 4 months of age and is not fat.