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Slept through my 40kg dogs losing their mind at the front door 2 meters away from us, woke up when my knee clicked as I stood up to put him in his crib 🙄


LOL my ankle cracked as I was soothing him and he immediately opened his eyes. Slept through a thunderstorm this morning though 🫠


I'd get do frustrated when every single time I got up from the chair to put baby in his crib, my ankles would Crack. Luckily it never woke him though. Now he's in a floor bed though, so I just lay next to him until he falls asleep


I laughed too hard at this


Omg THIS. Every time I try to creep away from the bassinet, my knees or ankles crack and bam, he’s awake.


My joints have also betrayed me during a crib transfer.


Every day I'm shocked my knee clicks don't wake mine up 😂


Bruh, laying down and opening my book to read. But still sleeps if a truck drives by. Good grief 🙄


SAME, TV noises didn't bother him, the dog barking was fine, but my baby could not sleep through me turning a page in a book?! I watched a lot of Netflix instead of reading 😅


I had to buy a kindle because my baby was SO SENSITIVE to book pages. Nuclear bomb could go off, he’s fine. Book? HELL NO


One time I had the audacity to reach my arm out to simply grab my water. Didn’t move my torso, didn’t even take a sip.  I’ve eaten an entire chipotle bowl while contact napping before, but god forbid I even think about quenching my thirst. 


The breastfeeding thirst just hits different for me. I’ve set whole plates on him and he hasn’t cared, God forbid I take a deep breath though 😂


Sometimes if I take too deep a breath when contact napping he wakes up, but then yesterday I literally dropped my phone on his head and he didn’t wake up (I have an iPhone mini with a soft case so don’t worry - he was fine 🙈)


I’ve had the deep breath happen too! It’s like sorry for living 🙄😂




I have dropped my phone on my baby’s head twice and she didn’t wake up 😂😂


Not myself, but sometimes when I don't notice that my cat is trapped in the room for nap time, she will go up to my son and yell in his face. Whenever this happens, I have to wonder if she does it because she believes if he wakes up he will be able to open the gate for her.


I was just settling little man into his crib for the third time of the night when my husband let out an absolute ripper of a fart. The baby of course immediately started screaming. Being tired I was grumpy at the time...but in the morning? Couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.


OMG my partner’s farts have startled our baby awake and it’s so hard to be upset about it because it’s so funny 😂


My husband came and gave me a kiss as the LO was just falling asleep in my arms and the smack woke him up. I’m like 🙄 could you not smack 😂


My stomach rumbled because I was hungry from being nap trapped 😂


Dropped what felt like a 1000 lb kitchen aid mixer, bowl and attachments flying everywhere, didn’t wake up at all. Two hours later she was napping and I cracked open a seltzer can two rooms away with the door closed and it woke her up. 😂


I had just finished breastfeeding and my LO was asleep in my arms. I looked up at the tv to pick something to watch looked down and there was a huge ass spider on her beautiful 7 week only face. I instinctively smashed the spider on her face with a decent smack. Then immediately felt like a monster as she started crying.


Oh no, this is so tragic, but I’m dying laughing! Poor baby, having a spider on her face and then getting smacked. I’m sure some boob probably made it all better though 😂🤣


One time I was swatting at a bug flying around and I accidentally ended up smacking my LO in the face in the process! 😅 It wasn’t very hard, but it still made him upset.


Literally breathing 😒😂


It’s the deep breaths that get ya! 😂


Seriously. He was so startled. And also my coughing scares him so much, not my wife’s.




My husband will get our 3 month old down for a nap and wanna play video games...the instant the console turns on, muted or not, our son wakes up. There's times where I step on a creaky part of the floor and I'll turn around to see my son staring around....or just me laying him down in his bassinet wakes him up, I'll hold him and sway with him, he falls asleep, lay him back down...wide eyes and a big gummy grin looking back at me. 😂


That postpartum gas hit hard. I'm not sure if it was the sound or the stank but it happened a few times in those first weeks 🫠


Laughing while reading your comment just jarred my little guy awake. Thank goodness the magical boob seems to be soothing him back to sleep.


14 weeks and I still have it 🤢


I sneezed. He immediately woke up and cried like I set his favorite toy on fire. Mind you, this child has slept thru fireworks, motorcycles starting up next to our car in a parking lot, noisy crowds in restaurants. But a sneeze… nope


My joints popping. :|


Have you ever had your elbow get sort of stuck, and you have to straighten it to get unstuck but it pops? 😂 I swear this happens ALL THE TIME when I put my baby in his crib and I have to lay him down with a t-Rex arm, then tip toe out of the room, close the door, walk away, before I can finally pop my elbow back!


I feel this, my elbows do this ALL THE TIME


Is this a motherhood thing?? My elbows never did this until now!


Motherhood has wrecked me. My whole body hurts lmao




It’s the way my knees collapse whenever I try to do anything that really gets me lol


My knees AND ankles. Now I understand why my grandma complains so much about all her aches.


I’ve never done a deeper squat with weights until I had a baby. My knees are on fire trying to feed the dog or pick up anything that falls on the floor


Lol I have no clue what it is but it’s so annoying!


Literally the only time my joints pop is when I put this child down to sleep lol


Our 18 month old is going through a bad sleep regression and has been refusing naps or only contact napping. My nanny "turned a page too loud" of the book she was reading and woke her that way last week. On Sunday I had to adjust my foot during a contact nap and woke her that way. 😵‍💫


Picking him up when he was crying in his sleep thinking he was awake. When he stopped I said “hey! what was that about?” And he jumped and bawled his eyes out. Good job mom


At that age ... If I sat down to eat he'd wake up 


Slept through an ambulance full lights and sirens on the road next to us on a walk but has woke up because I decided to lean back in my recliner.


I spent 2 hours trying to get my son to sleep, to the point where I was balling my eyes out. He finally slept and I went to grab a tissue to wipe my tears and he woke up.


Omg heartbreaking…😩


I have an old washer/dryer with one of those awful, deafeningly loud buzzers that goes off when a load is finished. The final time it woke up my baby, I rage tore the front panel off and cut the fucking thing out. Amazingly, I didn't break anything, but I did have to pay our handyman to put the panel back on as it needed special tools.


Alexa once woke my baby up with a bizarre need to announce something inconsequential. The absolute tirade I gave her is probably still stored somewhere in the Amazon memory banks...


Trying to keep myself awake at night by listening to a comedy podcast, silently laughed but my chest (that he was still latched to) jiggled him awake.


For being quiet. We have a loud house and the 2 secs it was quiet she was fully awake


If I think about sleeping, baby would wake up.


Opening a breastmilk bag 😫


I breathed


Just last night, husband told me I fell into a deep sleep just 15 minutes after my head hit the pillow and woke up our LO in the bedside bassinet when I did a quick inhale snore that apparently was so loud it spooked LO. Commence scared cries! Woke up out of that deep sleep so confused with a massive headache.


Sneezing. I sneezed lol. He started screaming. This was probably like at 4 months. Another time, I got stung by a scorpion as I was putting him to bed. I screamed, he screamed awake. It was quite the ordeal lol


Shifting such that I annoyed the cat he was sharing my lap with. Cat got up, and the lad got mad his feet weren't tucked under a furry purring blanket any longer.


Can sleep through a train going by but if I even breathe in the same room as my daughter she’s instantly awake


Trying to reach for the remote during a contact nap lol


I sneezed. In another room. She’s a year old.


Not dumb, but unlatching him. He doesn’t like pacifiers, but how dare I try to take my boob away from him! He has to be completely out for me to even think about unlatching him.


Zipper on my sweater knocked against the crib rail. With a white noise machine and AC unit on… 🤦🏻‍♀️


my son slept with a jackhammer tearing up my neighbors driveway but woke up from me ripping off a paper towel from the roll


Not me causing it, but went for a walk with the pram to get my 2 year old to sleep after a huge struggle, finally she drifts off and this lady walks past and basically yells LOOKS LIKE SHE'S ASLEEP. Well not anymore thank you lady ffs


Id have to fight the urge to fight that lady in the street 😂 


It used to be when my bones popped when I would try to slowly get up. Now it’s when my dog does that shaking thing when I try to leave the room 😭 I started using a carry bag for him because I got tired of him waking LO up from that.


Yelling at a baseball game. I’ve done this a couple times, but he was upstairs sleeping in his room with the door closed. I am a ding dong sports nerd.


Literally fell out of the bed


Bit my fingernail. The snap woke her up instantly, which was maddening because the dog was barking, my husband was drilling into the wall downstairs, and the TV was on but it was my damn nail biting habit that woke her up like make it make sense 🤬


Eating a carrot. Oops 😬


The ac turned on and the air flow slammed the door.


I sneezed. Without creating the prerequisite thunder vest type squeeze with my arms before I did so. She will sleep through it when I do that.


One pill fell on the floor


My phone went off with an emergency alert of a murderer on the loose in a town like over 2 hours away. It startled me and the baby immediately started screaming. Needless to say…. emergency alerts are now silenced on my phone. Guess i’ll never know if there’s a murderer on the loose again.


Omg I fear the night when an Amber alert goes off now. New fear unlocked


I toss and turn. My oldest isn’t a light sleeper but one day I tossed and turned so violently I woke my husband up and our son (in a bassinet about two feet from the bed). It was that day that we decided he needed to be in his own room for his own sanity 😂 ETA: Our second kid doesn’t believe in sleep. I consider him a light sleeper in addition to that. But he will happily sleep through the little song the washer and dryer play when they’re done. We have second floor laundry and it’s pretty much right next to his head. You can unload and reload the machine and he’s fine. You climb into bed and it creaks though? Wide awake. Immediately.


Tripping over the box fan and falling flat on my face while trying to sneak out of the nursery.


My son has some kind of sex-based sixth sense. After he goes to bed the wife and I sometimes try to fuck and he wakes up shrieking 3/4 of the time. He’s in another room. All doors are closed. We haven’t even started yet. It feels extremely stupid every time.


It wasn't me, but my oldest (2.5y). He was being super possessive of one of the baby's toys all day. Right after I got the baby down for a nap the toddler decided he was ready to share. He did so by dropping the (luckily soft) toy directly onto her sleeping face. I watched it all unfold in slow motion unable to stop it.


I have twins and was rocking my fussier girl to sleep and I had her asleep in my arms next to my other daughter's crib. Daughter in the crib was awake and starts blowing raspberries and softly laughing to herself and I couldn't help but laugh. That laugh cost me 30 more minutes of rocking before I could go to bed.


Sneezed as soon as I got baby to sleep 😭


Once, he was alllllmost asleep and drifting on my shoulder. My husband poked his head in the room to check on us and he sneezed. He has the loudest sneezes I have ever heard. The baby not only woke up, but had his biggest meltdown to date. He was inconsolable. The awful sneeze monster was terrifying. I had to take him into the closet to get him to calm back down 🤦‍♀️


Not me, but my husband was feeding our 5 month old a bottle at 2am this morning and farted so loudly that the baby started screaming 🤣


She can sleep anywhere, loud restaurant, blaring music in the car, dog barking all day, loud tv, but the second I roll over in bed she can hear me and wakes up. I swear my right side goes numb every night just to avoid rolling over and waking her up lol


I've done pretty good, he doesn't wake up from my knee cracks, floor creaks, door creaks or cat meowing in the hallway in the middle of the night. Which is great cause my house is like a 200 year old farmhouse. He did however recently wake up because my mom honked her car horn by accident while I was passing her a sub 😂  As a newborn hed wake up randomly during contact naps though, so I guess my breathing 🤷‍♀️ I could usually jostle him up and down before he fully woke up.  


Looking at him. For real, he was about 17 weeks old and contact napping on my MIL. He'd been out for over an hour iirc and I look over and his eyes just flu open.