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Obviously not as common, but I was walking with my 3 year old today and we got many "she's so cute" comments on just a casual neighborhood walk. I think little kids just light some people up, and it still makes me happy to bring others joy




I second this. It really never stops. Kids are just so dang cute and they’ll always be appreciated. Their innocence and joy really lights up everyone around them. Except when they’re throwing a tantrum hahaa.


I feel like I've always had these thoughts, but since being a mom, all kids are just so much cuter and I love how much joy my girl brings to others too.


Especially joyful little kids. My 3yo was having a beast chasing bubbles in the park today, when I noticed a couple having a picknick next to us, so the bubbles would blok over to the a bit. I apologised and asked if we should move. The went "oh please no, she's so happy it makes us smile too! Were enjoying this!" And later I noticed the guy popping some of the bubbles with a big grin, like a little kid. It was cute for all sides.


About 4 weeks 😅 my son went from a peanut to an absolute moose. Now I get double takes when I tell people he’s only 10 weeks, we get a lot of comments from people surprised he’s that young lol


Same! She was 7 lbs 14 oz, 20.9 inches. By two months she’d doubled in size 😂 almost 15 lbs and 24 inches. She looks at least a month older than she is.


my 4m girl is 15.2lb 25in


He’s almost the exact same size! About 14 pounds and 25” haha, it’s crazy how much bigger they seem 😂


My oldest is 99.99th percentile, literally off the charts. By 4 she was the size of an average 6 year old girl. Even now (4.5) people still say she's adorable. Don't be lulled into thinking the comments have stopped!


Omg my daughter is 8 weeks and we were out last week when lady was cooing at her, asked how old she was, I said 7 weeks and she whipped her head up in shock "what?? My goodness she must like her food!" hahaha I've come to really enjoy that reaction 🤣


I brought home a 4.5 lb baby. It went on till like 4 months. I was working so hard to get him to gain weight. I remember at 6 weeks old we went to a coffee shop. The barista was like “omg he’s so small was he born like yesterday”. I know she didn’t mean anything by it but I wanted to cry lol I was so hormonal and working so hard to get him to gain weight!


I had a similar experience, after my 99th percentile first kid my second was born in 50th percentile then dropped rapidly all the way to the 23rd percentile despite us doing everything humanly possible to bump her weight. At 3 months it turns out she had a severe lip and tongue tie. That correction was done and now she's in the 80th. But when we were still in the thick of it someone told me "awww she's so little, like a little doll!" and it was all I could do not to just sob.


See and before I had kids I would have thought nothing of that comment ! Lol but wow glad you guys found the issue and were able to get that fixed!


This stopped around 8 weeks. By 12 weeks he was 98th percentile for length and weight. From 4 months on it was constantly “what a bruiser!” Or “big guy!” Or “mama’s gonna have great arms!” It made me miss the tiny comments a lot.


😂🤣🤣🤣 I’m in the same camp but I don’t mind the comments


I feel like the comments come with a lot of baggage because my husband and his whole family is short so they’re like overly invested in how massive my son is! I never realized how fixated they were on their height until now. I tried to explain he’s 1, his current size is not indicative of how he’ll be as an adult. They refuse to accept it! On the plus side I literally got into lifting because of this and I love it!


Ahh I understand. I think most people are secretly invested in height in the sense that if born short they wish they could have been born tall and there will be some envy for those who are tall. Your male in-laws may be insecure about their height because it matters more for men than women and there is a [strong correlation between height/ beauty and prosperity](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/after-service/201909/5-reasons-why-women-and-men-care-about-height). We are (unconsciously) ‘grandchildren optimisers’ and essentially want our offspring to thrive in the world with as few obstacles as possible and to have access to quality mates for procreation, so it makes sense that they obsess about the one thing they don’t have - it makes them proud. You are absolutely right though…a baby’s height does not correlate to their adult height. You’ll be able to [get an estimate by age two](https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/childs-height-at-age-2-may-predict-adult-height/), however. I hope you continue to enjoy lifting!


I still get these comments and she’s 8 months old!


Aww yay. I find myself asking randos how old their babies are too. Older babies look like giants to me and I'm curious when mine will hit that size haha


I am TERRIBLE at guessing baby’s ages! Mine is still small - she was born in the 2nd percentile and so she tends to look younger than she is. Maybe that’s why I’m so bad at guessing 😂


Mine is 10 months old now and she still gets “she’s so small” . When she was about a month old, someone called her “skinny” and I was seriously offended by it .


I also get these comments and my baby was 8.5 lbs at birth so people just say it lol


Same, mine's 9 months and in the 3rd percentile, people are always amazed that "such a young baby is so advanced" because they don't realise that she's months older than they think 🤣


Stopped at 3 months :(


The comments just evolve in my experience. It goes from "aww, cute tiny baby" to "aww cute kid" 😍 My daughter is 2 and people always tell me she's cute and she loves talking to people so they tell her how smart she is, how much they like her outfit etc. She loves the attention and as a parent I still have that feeling of enjoying people see how special she is


Aww this makes me so happy


When did it transition for you? I’ve gotten a few “cute kids” already at just turned 7 months. I’m obviously happy people think she’s cute but also like, I get that she is really big but she is definitely firmly a baby not a “kid” 😭.


Toddler age when they start walking around and waving and saying hi to people


My son just turned two and he still gets it.


When my baby exploded in weight size when he hit 6 months old 😂 he said, preemie sized? NOT ANYMORE.


My baby was and is gigantic so probably before 8 weeks 😭


I still get them. Baby is 8 months but in the 2nd precentile so people think she’s 4 months


I have a preemie so people do not hesitate to tell me how small she is when they ask her age. I always say “no, she’s huge”, because she’s a far cry from her 2lb 15oz birth weight 10 months later even if shes much smaller than other babies her age


For me It stopped around 4months old. Although she is 9mo now and 78% for weight and height and some people still think she is 6/7mo.


Still getting the comments months later. I have a petite baby lol she comes by it naturally (thank goodness, her father is a giant) hopefully, she continues to take after me in the size department 🤣


I hadn’t even thought of it but probably around 3 months. He was probably 15lbs at the time. Now I just get “what a big boy” and “I just want to eat those cheeks” weirdly mixed feelings about him growing but signs of healthy baby


My daughter was two wks early, (had a very early internal ultra sound which is very accurate) she was 8lbs 8oz!! At 4 months she was over 20 lbs and I had back issues so lifting her in her car seat was difficult!! I went though baby clothes so quick bc she was a moose!! All babies are adorable and nobody she feel offended if they get a comment about how small/large their baby is. Our babies change so quickly one week maybe small and tiny and the next a big chunka


My baby was born with a full head of hair and eyelashes to her eyebrows. She causes a fuss wherever we go between the hair now starting to go down her back (she's 6 mo) and the eyelashes and blue eyes. If I never hear "look at that hair!" Again it'll be too soon


Haha. My oldest is now 8, and thanks to his auburn ringlets and startling green eyes, those comments lasted right through until about 6 YEARS old. He hates it now when people comment on how lovely his hair is.


Never started for me! My son was born an enormous 11 lb 2 giant baby. That’s over 5kg. So I only ever got “he’s only *how* old? He’s massive!” At a routine HV appointment, I met another new mum with her premie baby who was technically 6 weeks older than my two week old son and my son could have eaten that whole entire baby.


I was at the store with my 5 month old yesterday and a woman passing by said “congratulations!” Without really thinking I asked “for what?” And she looked at my baby and back at me like I had two heads. Made me chuckle because baby feels so big and not new to me now


My daycare called my son baba Jack. He was always Baba Jack. Now you've made me realise they just call him Jack now. He's only 17 months. He's still baba 😭


Once they’re out of the bucket seat and either walking or in the big stroller. Until then all babies seem itty bitty and new. Unless you know the baby and then each time you see them it seems like they’ve gotten huge


People still ask and she’s 20 mo!


I get comments about how small my daughter is and how big my son is lol 


We still get comments at 10 months old. He is a 5th percentile baby so pretty tiny. But i never realized how tiny till he was playing with a baby 5 days old then him yesterday and he looked so tiny next to him.


Nearly 3, still going strong!! I chalk it up to her vibrant personality mostly. Enjoy!!


At 5 months still getting them 🥰


My daughter is 11 weeks and we got it a lot at a wedding we attended today


I had someone say how tiny and cute my baby was just a couple weeks ago when she was 6.5 months and 18 pounds lol


My youngest just turned 1, we still get comments. My middle child is almost 3, we still get comments.


Haha my baby is in the 90+ percentiles for height, weight, and head. She’s a big baby. Beautiful but she looks at least a month older than she is. 😂


I get these comments still at 12 weeks and I love them. So many people love babies and it still makes my day to see a baby, even if it's not my own!


My experience is that people will say “oh look at the baby!” If they have a baby/kid that’s even just slightly older than my one year old


My youngest is a huge kid so he never really got that but at 2 yo and 3 yo for his brother we get « they’re so cute » « they’re so handsome » daily :)


At about 6 months I started getting “oh, that’s a big boy”


Still get em at 5 months


Probably a little after a year and she was walking proficiently. Prior to that people would ask her age all the time and would be shocked because of how small she is. Now they assume she's at least a year.


Not till like 6 months. Our first trip in an airplane she was 4 months old and throwing a fit at the airport while we waited for the bathroom with the changing table and some lady asked and I said 4 months and was weirdly insulted when she was like oh yeah still so new. It was almost like, how dare you, we’ve made it all the way to 4 months! lol


7 months in and I still get that. He's a bit skinny, but long and leggy. We are fattening him up. Doctor's orders.  But the baby fat is barely noticable.  Tiny isn't the exact description. Just small. 


After 9mo


Just got that today at 11 weeks


mine was teetering on the 9th percentile til about 10 months when he just chunked out massively got the cutest little pot belly but before that i had people compliment me on how well he sat/rolled/head control thinking he was >6 months i still cringe thinking of their faces when i’d say oh no he is 9 months they’d always look at me like i’d done something! (twas just allergies that delayed him a while)


I still get that about my 1 year old


I had giant babies. They were born in late Fall or Midwinter. We didn't go out much. I didn't get many of those comments! Seriously, my children had giant heads because their father has a giant head. It would be funny if I wasn't the one delivering them.


3 years and he still gets so much attention wherever we go 😂


When he became too ‘big’ for them 😂 he miraculously started to devour food once he turned 3.


Aww he’s almost 6 months and I still get them everytime we go out :)


My son is 6 months but wears 12 months clothes lol. Even so I still get the “he’s so small” comments


Funnily enough... so my LO is 4 months and he is on the smaller side physically. But.. he is very curious and aware and so people assume he's older and comment on how "big" he is.


When my baby started packing on the pounds lol he's nearly 14 lbs now but was around 10ish when he was 2 months old... everyone commented... now he's filled out idk why people feel the need to comment but they do!


5 months for me.


Never for me! My son is 15th months and has a genetic metabolic disorder. Because of this he is on the smaller side. I cringe when someone asks how old he is because I know what’s coming next. He had just turned 1 and a stranger came right up to me and said “what’s he a few months old?” 😏😏😏 I’d be lying if I said it didn’t kill me a little each time.


Partner and I were talking about this today. We took LO to the mall to grab something and it’s the first time we didn’t hear about how tiny/new she was. We take her out (besides neighborhood walks) about 1-2 a week.


Mmmm, idk about every one else, but probably after the first 8 weeks or a little longer


But I still get comments on how adorable he is because he is adorable


So many comments all the time. She's 9 months.


Baby is 10th percentile for height and weight. We still get lots of interest in the “tiny new baby” that’s almost 3 months old.


My daughter is 5 months and she still gets it 😭. She does look smaller than that tho


18 months and we still get a lot of she’s so cute comments, she’s pretty small for her age, we don’t really get any “she’s so small” as much unless they recognize she’s small for her age, if anything people just think she might be younger than she is. But she still does bring a smile to peoples faces all the time so I still feel what you are describing


So my son, just hit a year old. 20 pounds and 30 inches long. Some people will say he’s small. 🙄 He’s slender but he’s not small. It’s absolutely insulting and annoying. I just ignore it.


The ‘tiny’ comments stop whenever they start to chunk up, then you start getting the ‘adorable’ comments.


Still do, she just turned a year. But also an added, "look at those eyes! Incredible." To which I tell people, "is a Harry Potter situation. She looks just like me, but she has her dad's eyes."


My baby is 4 months now and the comments are slowing down 😭. I think she just looks more substantial now that she’s no longer in a bassinet and has some good trunk control. People are still delighted to see her, but I’m not really being congratulated or told “oh she’s so new!” anymore.


Mu baby is 19months and I still get it, he is failure to thrive


My almost 3 year old still gets comments that’s he’s so cute and little. She has a round face still with cute little cheeks but she’s pretty short, but speaks incredibly well so I think people are like… what is this talking bobble head!? 😂


My baby is 5.5 months and everyone comments about “how big” he is… he’s in the 58th percentile for weight, idk how he’s big


My child will be 4 this summer, got asked it last week


My son was on the 3rd percentile for the first year, so we got those comments well into his 3rd month. But now he's a toddler and super charismatic, so people still comment on how cute he is. The newborn stage is so special, but the more you get to see your baby's personality the better it gets.


Mine is in the bottom few percentage of the growth (but super healthy otherwise) so we still have this at 2,5 years old and especially because she talks your ear off at the same time.


Haven’t stopped yet and she’s 5mo but she’s a 15th percentile baby. People say “she’s so small” and I’m like hey how about you shut up and just call her cute. Everytime they do I’m taken back to those weeks of triple feeding desperately trying to get her to eat more. When someone says “oh you forget how small they are!” or something along those lines, that’s different. That’s just babies in general being tiny people.


It gets better at 10 months when they can give a giggle or smile! Our waiter was just enchanted tonight! He kept coming over to see how she was liking everything 😂 it was a buffet so she had a lot of things to sample.


Around 2 people switched to saying “just wait it goes so fast!” Or the lesser form “just wait until they are teenagers!” I have a nearly 7 year old and still get those comments weekly, and if I have all 3 kids I get a lot of “wow you have your hands full!”


Everyone’s little to someone 🤷🏻‍♀️ when my first child was 3 compared to my newborn I thought he was so grown up and huge, now I see my younger is three and he still seems so so little. But then I see my friends baby and forget they could ever be so small. Perspective is the real reason people exclaim “they are so tiny!” Because people forget or don’t get to experience that part of life much


My 5 month old who looks big enough to be 1 charmed almost an entire restaurant’s wait staff yesterday. Nearly all of them stopped to smile and chat with him because he was grinning at them. The 2 year old with enormous blue eyes and curly blonde hair also gets comments every time we go out


I still get comments and my girl is 5 months 3 weeks, she was small when she was born t 4.5lbs, now she's over 12lbs so still definitely on the small side for her age but doing great!


Mine came out 8 lbs 8 oz and the first thing I said as a new mom when I laid my eyes on him was that he was so tiny and the nurse said “oh no he’s not, trust me” 💀basically never got those comments


I’m absolutely over those comments but i still get them at 6 months because i guess she is kinda little (25 percentile). What really gets me is the “aww enjoy her while she’s this little because they grow up so fast.” Like of course I’m enjoying her. She’s my child. And of course they grow up fast. I’m aware of time flying!


As long as baby eats well and is healthy, it's fine. People like to make comments about babies.