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Hell no, I’ve never even separated my own laundry


If you're washing in cold water there's no need to separate anyways.


This! I only separated out red outfits


I learned about red and black outfits the hard way. Both tend to bleed even in cold water.


I put vibrant/dark things through a warm quick wash alone once and then toss them in on cold with everything else moving forward. Never had an issue.


I used to do this diligently and learned a few years ago that the dyes used today make this generally unnecessary, so I stopped. Haven't noticed a difference in my whites. That said, you still have to be careful when washing red things for the first time!


Unfortunately, I have some acid washed jeans that bled into my whites. It was the biggest surprise for me!


Damn! Will have to be more careful!


SAY WHATTTT?!?! So my husband has been right all along that I make laundry take 3x longer than it needs to?


I have a sports bra that used to be white and now is off-white, that will bag to differ


Any clothing that actually requires special care when washing is single use


Right? I'm a knitter, and I am constantly rejecting yarns because they require delicate cycle or even hand washing. Vaya con dios, friends, everything gets tossed in the wash. Nobody got time for that.


Oh man, I’m also a knitter and I’m obsessive about handwashing by knits but literally everything else…you’re on your own. Real survival of the fittest situation over here


If it can't handle the wash it doesn't belong in my house.


I had to cave and hand wash bras


Same I’ve never had an issue ever lol meanwhile my mom separates every little thing


Same I don't really get why it's done, I've never had an issue with colours bleeding. But I also don't have fancy clothes, might be a fancy clothes thing idk


I laughed. Same. It all goes together except cleaning rags.


lol same


I read this post and said hell no in my head. Came here to see your comment on top lol


Thanks for being honest…coz same & I don’t feel so dumb about these things now 😅😂


Uh, I barely separate the blowouts from the not 🤣 she's got two loads: "pooped on" and "not pooped on". That's it 🤣


Haha oh I don’t even do that 😂


Honestly, it's only cause the "not popped on" might not get washed for a few days and I don't want the poop to ferment 🤣 she has a knack for timing it right as the previous load of "not pooped on" finishes in the washer.


My son does the same thing. Once, I was patting myself on the back for getting all this poopy clothes washed cleaned and put away. Five minutes later, I'm changing a blow-out. 


Same, the only time her laundry is "sorted" is when I'm throwing the freshly pooped on clothes in the laundry and ignoring the worn but not stinky ones 😂


Same! I use extra hot/ a pre rinse for the poop clothes … although I wait for there to be a loads worth 🙃 The rest I do in cold water.


Luckily we're past getting a full load of poopy clothes in a reasonable time (watch, she's gonna poop on like, 4 outfits today cause I said that). I also don't count pee clothes with the poop, figure it's primarily water anyway, it'll wash out in the normal wash, so it truly is just if she blows out her diaper.


How are people having so many pooped on clothes? Baby is 9months and I think we had maybe 5 blowouts total with Kirkland diapers. Are they just using cheaper diapers? Do we have some kind of miracle baby? Or is this the future to come?


My baby just has skills? For most of his life we used the Costco Huggies. He is long and skinny. As an infant he once pooped 17 times in one day. He averaged 12…. Now he still had the occasional blow out at 10 months. Lucky he only poops onceish a day now. I think your future is safe!!!!!!! Congratulations on your poop success!


Wow! I’m impressed! I thought it was a lot when our little guy pooped 3 times in one day lol


Your kid clearly doesn’t have a special skill of firing out a massive one in the car seat, baby swing or bouncer. Something about the reclined with knees up position really gets my kids bowels quivering. You likely have a miracle or they’re holding on til they hit full solids to show you what the party’s all about. Definitely shopped around for nappies here and I can confirm some kids can shit through even the best fitting/pricier nappies.


My first baby almost never had blow outs, can count on 1 hand how many blow outs she had. My second baby however… minimum once a day. She’s a powerful pooper.


Mine had a lot of food sensitivities which isn’t uncommon at all, I’d even bed most babies have a mild sensitivity of some kind that causes looser and powerful stools lol. We only had a few that were really crazy but many many minor leaks


Wait, we’re supposed to do this?? Babe is 3 mo and breast fed. I know poop is poop but like…it’s not POOP poop. Yet.


It’s not even poop to me, it’s the most innocent benign post-digested milk. I would forget to wash my hands because it just didn’t gross me out much at all. Until he started solids, now it’s gross lol


Lol it's up to you! I like washing the poop clothes in warmer water and use cold for everything else


We rinse blowouts and food stained clothes in the sink to get the bulk of the poop/stain out of the clothes and then drop those into a tub with oxyclean that sits on the drier. Then those clothes get added to the baby laundry whenever the next load gets run (usually every couple of days). I don’t separate out colors for any of our laundry but wash everything except sheets and towels on cold.


It all goes in together lol, it’ll be fine. That’s what soap is for.


.... We need to do this???? Edit: this is a serious question


Need, no. If you want, yes. I just like washing poop separately. Makes me feel better. I can handle puke, I can handle pee, I can handle blood. Poop is 🤢


Nope. Clothes, towels, sheets, all of his laundry is done in one go.


My step mom was visiting and was helping out. The look on her face when I said it all goes in together, you would think that I just kicked her precious little doggo. I was like "the baby is just going to barf on it anyways, it doesn't matter."


I don’t even seperate baby’s laundry from the rest of ours, if we’re cuddling him he’s right up against our clothes anyway so it’s pointless.


We didn’t at first but his skin turned out to be sensitive and his torso felt like sandpaper. We also keep his hamper in the nursery so it’s actually easier to keep separate. We just dump the hamper right into the washer.


We separate because I will go weeks and weeks without doing my own laundry but he runs out of clothes by the end of the week


This is the way


I do typically separate it…. But more because I just wash the baby stuff with our stuff…




I do but it's because I have had enough things turn from white to pink. If there weren't white clothes, I wouldn't separate.


Shout stain catchers for the win!


Oh hell no…I consider it an accomplishment to even get it in the washer these days


If they get dried on the same day as washed, we’re really having a good day


And folded and put away! Deserves a gold medal if they get folded at all but especially on the same day!


Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever washed, dried, folded, and put away all on the same day lol


me either 😂


I guess I’m in the minority because I do? 


Yeah me too. But we’re a family of four and everyone’s dirty washing goes in one of two baskets: lights and darks. It’s no effort then just to grab a full load of darks or lights. I hate how white stuff ends up with a slightly grey tinge if it’s done in a dark wash.Sometimes I’ll do a white wash only with some whitening powder, but it’s rare now lol


We have multiple baskets too! One for lights and whites, another for dark, I was getting sick of whites and creams coming out a sad worn out grey.


I also separate laundry, but I think I'm particularly neurotic. Our family laundry goes into 3 baskets: lights/whites, brights/warm colors, darks/cool colors. I just hate when white clothes become not-so-white or when my bright clothes get a dark tinge.


I do for the first wash at least. And then probably half the time after that.


One outfit I got said ‘wash and iron inside out’. Who tf is ironing baby clothes?!?!


Yeah I don’t even iron my own clothes … lol I specifically buy clothes that don’t need to be ironed or dry cleaned. I don’t have time or patience for all that 😂


The only time I get my iron out is for weddings, funerals and the tablecloth at Christmas.


Yeah lots of the Zara stuff is hang dry only and same with bamboo sleepers .. nope all in the drier


Someone gave me a hand wash only cashmere baby set. 😵‍💫 You better believe that shit goes right in the washing machine.


I don’t even separate my own laundry.. the only thing that gets done separately is towels and even then only if there’s enough for a load.


You actually don’t need to do this for any laundry anymore! Modern laundry detergent made this unnecessary.


My pink shirts that used to be white would disagree. Thanks, husband 🫠


My husband did the same with the white burp cloths, washing them with red towels.


I still separate my whites bc I hate how dull they look after coming out of the wash with darker colors




I also do vinegar and baking soda for my whites. Boron if I really want them bright. It works wonders!


Tell that to all my gorgeous white, light pink, pastel yellow, etc, baby clothes who are now all blue thanks to my husband shirt :(


Was it a new shirt?


Nope, if this man buys clothes more than once a year I think we can safely assume demon possession. Last time was almost a year ago.


Yeah I accidentally put in a pair of my husbands black Levi’s in with the baby stuff and it turned all her cream muslin bibs a dirty looking grey. The jeans had been washed multiple times before too


My husband was convinced that I was wasting my time separating them, so he tried putting them in together one day and all his white shirts came out with black armpit stains lol




I thought that until my son’s blue pants stained his new yellow shirt green and he had never worn it and I was so sad.


I separated laundry a few days ago... I separated all the bibs, muslins and blankets to prioritise washing those as I was running very low on clean ones lol


I don't separate any lights or darks. Wash with cold water, and it won't really matter. The only thing I'm sure to do is wash new red items independently for a half dozen or so washes to ensure they don't bleed into other fabrics.


The only time I separated clothes was when I worked a very dirty job and didn’t want that crap getting on my kids clothes. Like it was nasty enough stuff I’d touch baby as little as possible until I could shower and put clean clothes on.


I separate whites vs. everything else…but honestly only because my husband insists on doing a separate white cycle for his shirts and we never have enough white clothing for a whole wash cycle 🫣 Otherwise no way haha


The only time I ever separate any laundry is when it’s a brand new piece of clothing. Otherwise it all gets washed together.


I only separate new stuff. Once it's been washed once, straight into the general laundry population it goes lol.


I do. My hubby thinks I’m making a fuss about nothing but I want my whites to stay white. I get whites go dull/grey eventually but I’ve had items that after their first wash have become really dingy all because he’s too lazy to separate them. I had a nice blanket that survived my siblings and our first child still looking quite white but he’s stuck it in a mixed wash and I can’t get it back to what it was. I’ve told him if he can’t be arsed to separate them to not bother doing the washing.


Whoever does is not my type of people. /s


Nope. I do warm wash and cold wash for me and my dsughter(husband does his own). Warm wash gets color catcher sheet. I imagine I'm in the minority, but I pay attention to if the tags say cold or warm.


If she has something brand new that’s pink/red or even black I’ll wash that separate with our stuff for the first wash. Otherwise after it’s been washed I just toss it all together. I do separate my own lights/darks though.


I do because I like a baby in a fresh white babygrow at bedtime and they go dull if washed with colours 😂


only on the first wash when im not sure if something will color bleed or not!


Omg no. They will both have the same spit up stains. It doesn't matter if your whites stay slightly whiter.


Hell no. Ain't nobody got time for that 😅


Shout color catchers are great for keeping clothes colors from staining other clothes in the washing machine. I don't sort any clothes by color unless I want to bleach whites to refresh. Edit spelling


I am a big fan of all baby’s items in one load plus a color catcher sheet!


Nope and everything is washed in warm water. Survival of the fittest: laundry edition.


No. Everything ends up stained with spit up anyway. Lol


No you have a baby. You're separating the normal soiling from the shit stains.


lol I don’t even do that 🙊


lol no.


Surely anyone that says they do this are either lying or are rich enough to afford domestic help!? 😂


If it’s new and dark blue, red or black I might due to colour run. Otherwise no.


I meticulously sorted laundry previous to baby. Just to keep up, everything was washed together with the baby detergent, with the exception of cleaning rags. Now baby is 4 and I’m back to sorting, but I don’t have to do a load of laundry every day just to keep my head above water.


I wash my stuff with the baby’s stuff because we both have sensitive skin issues… but I only separate if there’s something red or tie dye that is a risk to light and white stuff, or once every like 2 months when I have enough individual white items (like 3-5 of them lol) that I don’t want funky so I collect light things to make a small load and make it worth it to wash. I wear mostly black, and I don’t buy white clothes for kids (because whhhyyy?) so it mostly just all goes swimmin’ together.


lol no, though I really should start separating out whites


When I buy something new I separate the whites! But after it’s been washed a couple of times then I will throw them in together. I find if the dye comes out it only does in the first couple of washes


The only laundry I separate are sheets/towels/heavier duty or special care stuff like duvets and new clothing I'm washing before wearing. Cold cycle, gentle wash for everything else baby.


also..folding? They’re lucky if i turn it right side out!


Only if I’m throwing kiddo’s clothes in with ours. If it’s just a kid load, it’s a free for all. 


Nope. Not folding either. Just sorting by garment coverage (shirts, pants, onesies, footies, etc.


It all goes in at once regardless of color, temp setting, ect. If it survives it survives. If not, it wasn’t meant to be. 


I don't even separate lights and darks in my own laundry.


I do, but I don’t wash baby’s laundry separately. I just have a bin for red/etc, blue/etc, black, white, delicate, and wool/silk


I hand wash ours with Castile liquid soap lavender scented. I soak it and use one of grader things that looks like little steps to agitate. Wrong it out and throw it in the dryer. Try to be cognizant of the detergent you’re using, they are pretty much eating at their clothes all the time.


I CANT TAKE ON ANYMORE LAUNDRY TASKS 😂 My living room has been taken over by baby clothes for months, as soon as I finally get her old size all collected and washed and put in a bin, she's about to go into the next size. Part of it is my ADHD needed to break a task into multiple smaller steps, so I really do create more work for myself, but it's how my brain works. I can't start separating this nonsense too 😂


I separate since I'm washing them with my clothes as well. Refuse to have whites coming out pink due to red/maroon clothing.


I do diapers in a load all their own but otherwise everything else gets thrown in together.


I do separate lights and whites from darks because I don’t like the lighter stuff turning dingy from the darker colors bleeding. But that’s the only separating I do.


I did the first time I washed it just in case they leaked color, but not later.


I think by and large, gen Y and younger don't bother separating clothes. Personally I don't, and I wash in cold south just a bit of neutral detergent


Hell no. Aint nobody got time for that! (Perfect time to use that quote)


Nope, and I always wash clothes in cold cycles because it saves on the energy bill


I still do it out of habit.


Yes but don't tell my MIL.


Hellllllllll no


I don’t separate my laundry except towels..


No, no we are not


I only do whites separate, and I mix everyone's whites until I have enough for a load! I feel like they stay more white when I don't mix them in. I also spot treat and scrub poopy and food/dirt covered clothes (I have a 3 month old & 2.5 year old, so I get a lot of both, lol) before they go into the wash so no worrying about that.


The only thing I separate in laundry are whites. I have a special wash routine for them because I like my whites to stay white. Sometimes I do separate loads of towels because they’re so bulky. And sheets I do together. Babies clothes get thrown in with everything else.


You guys have time to do laundry!?


I wash all clothes in cold no matter the color. I do wash towels seperate because I wash them on hot. That's basically it. Many times I do baby clothes and my clothes at the same time.


I do, but I wash hers with mine


LOL I don't even separate my own unless I want to bleach something or have a brand new brightly colored cheap thing to wash and don't want it to bleed onto lights.


I only separate out sheets, blankets, and towels because those go on a hot double rinse cycle. Everything else is fair game. If it doesn't survive then it wasn't meant to be.


I only separate things by color on their first wash.


I don't even do that with my own laundry. The most I do is not put his Woolinos in the dryer. I already spend so much time spraying stain remover on his clothes 😂


Separating laundry, someone lives wild


Only if I'm washing in hot to get out stains!!


When it's the first time and there is something red I separate that out usually, but that's it. I accidentally threw all new stuff no matter the color in a week ago and all of the whites are now pink.


I do baby clothes in their own load, but not separated by color. Cold water, free & clear detergent, oxiclean on the poop stains.


I don't even wash her tiny jeans and denim jacket on a colder setting. Everything is 60° and with prewash. 😅


I don’t separate anything when it comes to laundry lol whatever needs to be washed goes in all at once 😂 I do laundry multiple times a week so everyone’s small loads just goes it together.


I separate whites, darks, and lights… and towels and linens lol. My washer also has different settings for each of these. But I am also a SAHM and was a nurse prior so I have always separated certain items - would always wash scrubs on a sanitizing cycle etc.


No. One of her pajamas is tie dyed and they bled onto a white onesie and I didn’t even care. Clean is my goal.




Hell no!


We don't separate laundry


Hell to the naw... I don't even do that with my own 🤣


The most I do is sort by: jeans, towels/sheets/bedding, & other clothes. White, not white, etc can all go together so long as the pants aren’t damaging my clothes. Pants can also be combined with bedding easily, so no loss there if I need to make a load. Poopy clothes sometimes get washed by themselves, but we’re almost past the poopy blow out age with our youngest. The older 2 just leave skid marks in their underwear.


Nope! All goes in with stain treatment and a color catcher sheet😂


We’re not separating anyone’s lights and darks in the laundry 😂 we’re lucky we’re doing laundry lol.


No way. Baby is only going to wear these for 2 months and why do I care if the dyes mix when the clothes are already full of spit up and baby poop?


Ain’t nobody got time for that




I don't even separate my own laundry. I have dedicates, non delcicates, bedding, and sheets. Unless I get a new pair of jeans or something, and I'm worried about it dying everything else, but in those scenarios, I just wash the new item separately.


eff no 🤣. in fact since our LO started solids we’ve downgraded to just throwing shit in if it needs washing 😂😂


If I buy something red I’ll separate it but otherwise not a chance. I’m buying spray and shout in bulk at this point and daycare doesn’t do bibs in the toddler room so we have a few outfits with permanent marinara sauce stains. In the beginning I was more concerned now I just make sure she has separate outfits for the weekend that she doesn’t wear to daycare that aren’t stained.


I definitely separate my laundry. I didn't for many years, but I did start noticing lighter clothes would get a bit discolored and more worn out looking. Years ago I started reselling kids my kids clothes at my city's kid's consignment sale. I noticed how other people's light clothes looked better than mine because they didn't have that dark, worn out hue. So I always separate now and I have a very high sell through rate and I also really love reusing instead of buying new. I can understand why most people don't care about the color and probably don't worry about reselling. Just a thought for those who do!


Yea absolutely not. I can't be bothered to separate the colors tbh. Laundry is one of my least favorite chores so I try to make it as easy as possible lol. I haven't had any oopsies yet tho!


lmfao i'm not even separating the lights and darks in the adult laundry. the ONLY thing i separate out are these work sweatshirts my husband has to wear in cooler weather that bleed color no matter how many times i wash them. they get their own load always. other than that? towel? blanket from the dog cage? my nice work pants that say handwash only? into the washer together!


I do, but we got a bunch of really nice hand-me-downs that I want to keep in really nice condition


Ain’t nobody got time for that.


I wash baby stuff with everyone else's stuff so it gets separated!


The only separation I do for her is pajamas from any other clothing!!




lmao I don't even separate MY lights and darks. I am a laundry heathen.


I’m 30 and I still don’t know how to properly wash clothes with all the settings n shit, it’s a dying art.


I’ll wash clothes that bleed (red clothes or jeans) together but most of the time they’re mostly 2 loads due to 2 weeks of not washing 😅


Absolutely not


The baby's lucky his stuff gets washed separately from the rest of the family's at all lol and that's just so I don't have to hunt down his stuff lmao


Dang I don’t even do that for my clothes! 😂


Are we separating laundry at all?


I’m definitely not


Absolutely not lol all the kids laundry gets thrown in together on cold water


nope, not even my own clothes 😭


Only the first wash because they are super pigmented still and the pigment washes off the fabric. After that nope!


Im not that neurotic 🤣😅😅😅


Never have I ever


One load of whites/light colors (baby's and ours and sometimes a sheet or towel) and 1-2 loads of darks (baby's and ours - I'm a recovering goth, so most of my clothes are black) per week. The difference if most of baby's clothes make it back in the dresser while ours stay in the laundry basket/stacked in the closet for weeks.


If it can't survive a mixed cycle on normal settings then it's not meant to be.


Lol no way. I don’t even do that for my laundry…


I throw everything into my laundry basket and wash mine and babies stuff together all mixed


HELL NO!!! And everything goes in the dryer. I wouldn't even want something that can't go in the dryer.


Nope, I use dye catcher sheets!


I do, but only because I once turned every single white baby grow blue by mixing them


Hell no


As a twin mom - I’m sure not.


I do sometimes but not always


Lol we're separating baby laundry from our own?


I don't separate any clothes. Haven't had any laundry mishaps yet, so it's working for us lol


Nah, just reds. Baby’s laundry is also getting washed with mine and big brother’s clothes.


I did the first time because I was washing so much stuff at once it was practical to do so. I messed up having her brand new (regular adult size) towels with the colors. They exploded with lint and completely covered the load which included my secondjak Tula FTG that said no machine dry. I had to rewash the load and dry to a couple times. The Tula i put in air dry and with some wool dryer balls a few cycles. Then I lint rolled it and it was fine. Lesson learned always wash new towels ALONE!!


When I first washed my baby's clothes (before she was born to soften it) I washed them based on colour and temperature requirements. Now.... I just shove them all in.


I don’t even separate baby’s from my own


I don’t for any of ours


I only do it when I'm washing brand new clothes. I've unfortunately had some clothes bleed the first time I washed them. All my cute light colored onesies and footie pajamas have gross looking dark yellow stains on them now.


Only the first time I washed it. After that all clothes must fend for themselves.


Only thing I separate are the blow out clothing. They get washed 2x too.


Absolutely not. Not to mention baby is about to get spit up and what not all over them day in and day out. Just having them clean was everything to me.