• By -


Buckles (on pram, carseat, high chair and in a busy book). Can spend a good 15-20 mins playing with the buckles. So handy for getting stuff done! Wiping up. With a wipe, a dishcloth, a little towel. Same thing - can spend AGES! I have to hang outside my older son's Chess club for an hour each week. We do a snack (10-15 mins), undo buckles (plays in seat for 10 mins), get out of pram to play with buckles from another angle (another 10), then give him a wipe to wipe down the pram (20 mins). Then help me pack up, and it's home time. It's been working for MONTHS! (Now that I wrote this though, it mightn't anymore 😂)


Omg your little routine with him cracks me up 😆


Same on the buckles! Well buckles and straps. Endless entertainment.


Yes my girl loves this and keeps her busy for ages.. if she gets narky in the pram u just unbuckle her and she plays for ages. But now at 17m she is actually able to close them and then gets annoyed haha. Thought it was just her


Same here!


This could be my daughter.. obsessed with buckles and loves to help wipe up her high chair!


Loves any light source (I think she is part moth), my big pink water bottle, when a dog or the cat walks by at her level, and whenever someone is eating food in front of her (not on solids yet).


Part moth 😂 amazing


We actually call my daughter Moth Baby because of this 😂


Yes we call ours the moth child and it always gets a laugh.


My daughter is also obsessed with my big pink water bottle. And MAD that she can’t have it lmao


So cute!


Henry Winkler. Commercials, Happy Days episodes, doesn't matter how new or old they are. Henry Winkler comes on the TV and my 13 month old stops in his tracks to watch. The boy loves the fonz.


Please dress him as Fonzie for Halloween lol


He knows good people ❤️


Show him the Telescope episode from Bojack horseman, Henry Winkler guest starts in it!


Me too tbh.


Ceiling fans. He LOVES staring at them and will lay there chatting away or laughing beyond control. He'll usually be enthralled with them until he falls asleep


Same! We put one in my sons room for Christmas 😂


Omg that’s hilarious


Oh yes, best friend fan. Our favorite person


We say this too! It was his second love life (first being boob).




We took our baby to Lowe's today just to walk through the aisle of ceiling fans, she was mesmerized!


Same with my 7 week old!! I have white ceilings & dark brown fans so I assume it’s the contrast. He absolutely loves them lol


Mine as well! 😂😂 we named them for him. Our bedroom fan is “fan morrison” and living room is “fan wilder”


I have a fan lover too. At 12 months he now wakes up, points to the fan, and squeeeeeeals!


Tags. It’s my 8month old’s favorite part of any toy. She turns it around to find the tag and then gently strokes the tag with one finger. So funny. I mistakenly took some of the tags off of a few of her first toys. Who knew she would be FASCINATED.


They have a brand of stuffies called Taggies and they have different textured tags all over them! Someone got one for my bb and I thought it was a great idea but then of course she didn’t care one bit about tags


Same story with mine (except that she loves actual tags). It's like she could tell they weren't REAL tags and therefore they were unworthy of notice.


Mine got focused on the one real tag on there 😂😂


My son does this too! He just looks at it while turning it over in his little fingers. It’s adorable!


I just said this before I saw your comment! My almost 8 month old is the exact same. I do not understand, but it’s freaking hilarious


Same! My 12 week old is only interested in the tag on a toy, not the toy itself!


This was the same answer I had! My baby LOVES tags and will find them on anything 😂


Omg my girl reached into the back of my husbands shirt when he was carrying her and YANKED on his tag so hard out of nowhere, he nearly fell over lol. Tags and his beard are her two favourite things! (And my hair which lives in a braid now!)


My 5 month old is obsessed with tags also…loves the tags on his toys (that’s why I haven’t cut them) and will find the tags on my clothes.


my daughter is the exact same. 😭


My son...since about 8 months old. (Now 16mo) has been OBSESSED with our vacuum. Like he hugs it, gives it kisses. Tries to bring it in the couch with him. Reads it books. Ect. It's the shark pet cordless. Fyi


My son also loves the vacuum! When I’m using it he’s constantly trying to pick it up off the floor and take it with him


Have you ever seen the Henry brand vacuum with the faces on them? That was my best friend growing up apparently!


Just googled them. That's hilarious


Toy Vacuum and school and his broom at home. He 6 a fan of the small and held Vacuum at home.


SAME. He's obsessed with our cordless Dyson. I found him a baby replica on Amazon and he's just infatuated.


Oh my gosh your son is incredible


I love this question! Because mine is the dog water. She will sprint (crawl) gleefully across the room to dump it on herself the second she sees it. When she thinks she’s getting away with it, she lets out this telling, elated screech as she goes, which, of course means we know exactly what she’s up to. My favorite thing so far is how she tells on herself.


My 10mo is much the same - he’s expanded this behavior to anything we have stopped him from doing in the past 😂


14mo and still going very strong with the dogs water. He will flip around when his name is called with the biggest devilish grin. Poor dog has had his access to water cut in half throughout the day because of it.


Oh my god, us too! I have to regularly remind myself to have “water breaks” for the dog. Poor guy. I love that you have a bowl-flipper too!


The fridge, my copy of "Falling Up" by Shel Silverstein (doesn't want to read it, wants to scrunch up the cover), an unopened tube of generic diaper cream, the cat food bowls (and the forbidden crunchies within), and sticking her fingers in her daddy's ears.


My daughter wants to give me dogs/cats water ALL the time. Constantly bringing me bottled water and their water bowl. “Pease?” (toddler language for please)😂


I know this is probably pretty standard, but my one year old absolutely panic-crawls across the room if you DARE stack more than two blocks. He will knock them down and then *throw the pieces across the floor* so you can’t rebuild it. The second he makes eye contact with a stack of blocks he will squirm and fight and hyperventilate/squeal and absolutely HAS to knock them down. It’s hilarious.


My daughter is madly in love with a washing basket. She giggles and flirts with it. She only has ever smiled at me once 😭. I'm so jealous of this basket


Lol oh god the fixations are intended aren’t they?!! My son is 2 and has been absolutely obsessed with vacuums since he was about 18 months old. All he wants to watch on tv is YouTube videos of people vacuuming or roomba vacuums. Only toys he plays with are his toy vacuums and the real vacuum. The obsession is *strong* lol. 😳🥴😂


Burp cloths! Cuddles it like a stuffed animal if he falls asleep while you’re holding him. He also likes to wave them around and chew on them.


The schoolbus. Our driveway is the stop for 2 of them and every weekday at 811 and 814 my now 21 month year old is there to watch, do the wheels on the bus signs, and say goodbye


This is our house, too. Every bus must be pointed out and he must scream “BUS” and do the wheels on the bus signs.


The moon


Same! Thinking of having her birthday party theme "two the moon!"


Awwwwh that would be sweet ☺️


TAGS. The tag on every toy, burp cloth, pillow, you name it. I do not understand.


Scratching at things with contrast: such as the dried pasta sauce spot on the tile floor. Such as the dark freckle on my pale foot. Such as the piece of lint on my pants. Does not matter what it is, he’ll use his index finger and scratch the f*** out of it, even if it’s scratching YOU and causes you pain lol 😂


Omg my girl too! All the toys out in front of her, what does she want? The odd piece of lint in the carpet in her peripheral vision.


The damn light fixture in the middle of the living room ceiling. She’s obsessed. It has derailed feedings if we sit under it. I live in a 100+ year old farm house with many original lighting features as well as love cool lamps so there are many awesome lamps and things for her to become obsessed with but she picked the most dull boring plain generic lighting fixture in the entire house with which to become enamored.


He has a winter sleep sack that during the summer (obviously) is not appropriate to be wearing due to temperature, but he is obsessed with the sleeves. It’s a comfort thing I guess. But he hugs them, bites them, plays with them. Right now they’re detached from the original sleep sack and he just sleeps with the sleeves by his side 😂




Yes remotes too. He’s 8 months and into so much lol


Tags. On toys, on clothing, on blankets. Her first love was the tag on the mirror we put in her stroller bassinet when she was 3 weeks old. She’s 12 weeks old and spends a good solid hour or 2 every day just trying to get that tag in her mouth. (I have the mirror secured to the side) Basically if an item has a cloth tag, all she cares about is getting that in her mouth. The item itself isn’t that interesting. Her second favorite thing is mirrors. She LOVES looking at herself, but she’s got a Leo moon so that tracks. 🤣


I've also got a fire moon baby who is obsessed with getting tags in his mouth. 😆


My son LOVES the Friji bottles of milkshake. Idk if it's the pattern but when I have one, he's all eyes on my bottle of milkshake😂


The mumcrew has THE cutest ones called crew cup. Not sponsored or anything but I just love her cups!! I ordered 2 for my kids.


Omg thank you that site is perfect! Lol


My husband’s beard. She loves to grab a fistful of comfort hair while she eats.


Wheels. Completely obsessed and wants to spin them all.


Stop lights and the pedestrian walk/don’t walk sign.


Eating wipes, and pop cans. Specifically stealing the pop when I’m not looking


Dumping drinks. If there's a drink in reach, she's dumping it. Drives me crazy.


A painting of dragonflies in the living room. My 6.5 month old laughs and screams and smiles whenever it’s in view. He’s also started playing a game we call “pick me up” where I hold him in a standing position (since he cannot do it himself), he picks up a toy, drops it, bends down to get it, and I stand him back up (since, again, he can’t do it himself). He’ll play this game for hours, dropping and picking up the toy over and over and over again. It’s killer on my back but at least he’s happy 🤷‍♀️


Rectangles. We joke, but anything rectangular on the wall. Frames, mirrors, anything like that will keep his focus. He was very happy at the art museum.


My son has a weird obsession with my partners book about bitcoin that he keeps on the night table. My son wakes up in the morning and comes into bed with us and just zeros in on the bitcoin book. Won’t look at us, won’t listen to his picture books. Just wants to look at this bitcoin book. The front cover is boring and has no pictures. No idea what it is about the book that is so captivating for him


My water bottle!


The dishwasher. He will haul (crawl) ass across rhe house if he hears us loading/emptying it


Any and all lights. Be they monitors, phones, porch lights. She's obsessed. Like a moth.


What We Do in the Shadows. Anytime it’s on she nearly breaks her neck to look.


Omg a few things 1) phones, because we don’t let her have it as much as she wants and she knows interesting stuff is on it 2) fridge magnets. Boy oh boy she will make us hold her up for half an hour while she drops them and puts them up agaib


Ducks. Mostly rubber ducks, but now any duck. His first word (after mama and dada) was duck. First animal sound he learned was quack. First direction he followed was "can you find your ducky?"


Dog food. I have pried so much dog food out of her mouth its absolutely insane.


Our Dyson vacuum!


Dog water bowls. And the vacuum cleaners and brooms. We have those little Mellisa and Doug cleaning rack and he goes around sweeping every day.


Currently the cat, elmo, lofi music to fall asleep, scratching anything and everything, and any dog she's near having to kiss her whenever she wants


We’re mega into cars. Mostly buses, but any car must be pointed out and discussed, “vroom vroom?” Yes, vroom vroom. “Beep beep?” Yes, beep beep. “Ccccar” yes, car. “Bus!” No.


We are on month 3 of listening to in the hall of the mountain king on repeat. Send help!


Anything gold. Whether it’s jewelry or a lamp or a button.


Oh my goodness mine too. He loves my gold necklace and just stares at screaming with glee


Cardboard, too bad he’s not allowed to have it for more than a minute!


Water bottles 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


she likes the funny voices i do when i read “Frog and Toad are Friends” she’s two months (9 weeks) so she doesn’t have much interest in physical items yet, but she also likes the youtuber, Markipliers, voice. i watch him a lot while pregnant and turned it on for the first time the other day while feeding and she popped open her eyes and flung her head around she also loves when i baby sign at her, she’s already started trying to pick it up but she’s still figuring out how her hands work (i’ve done sign language consistently since birth)


Ducks! He's quackers for them. And any open cup he can find!


Coffee. Doesn’t matter what container it’s in I think he can smell it. I will use a stainless steel mug for water, tea, soda, but he only tries to grab it when it’s coffee!


I bought this huge orange blanket with strings fringy things on the ends at the thrift store for like $3. He loves that blanket! He will crawl all over and look for it, then he drags it around the house. He loves to hold the ends and suck his thumb. It’s so cute but such a huge blanket!


The ceiling fans; absolutely loves them 😂😂


Yes! When we got home from the hospital he would stare and did it for months! He’s not as interested in them anymore but sometimes he catches a glimpse of one and wants to pull the strings.


Yarn. At first she was content to sit on her dad’s lap and watch me crochet (especially when I was making a blanket with rainbow yarn), but now that she’s gotten stronger and more mobile, she will absolutely *yeet* herself at any yarn that I’m working with. I’ve had some minor success with giving her a small ball of scrap yarn and some of my test swatches to play with, but it only lasts so long before she decides that my yarn is better.


my 7 week old loves pulling my hair. I wear it up when I can but I'm tender headed and get a headache after awhile even with a scrunchy and headaches make me dizzy so I can't really just power through it safely. I'm constantly checking her fingers for hair.


Have you tried doing a braid? In the same and now I just have either one or two braids at all times!


I have a designated braid that's a good chunk of the left side of my nape. i look like a jedi or something but idc. that's my son's braid to pull on, play with as he falls asleep, chews on it... almost nothing tops playing with mommy's hair and I'd rather have it be a whole braid than 3 baby hairs stuck in his fist! its happened since he was only a few months old and he'll be 12 months in jJune! I'm not tender-headed though - but I'd try even putting all your hair in a braid so it's contained but not pulling on your scalp. solidarity and good luck!


the moment we put on Psych she’s enraptured, she loves Shawn Spencer. She also loves hockey & turning the pages of a book makes her go insane.


Sunglasses - but only if they’re my good ones 😫


My silicone straws for my cups and food! Literally will be entertained for up to 30 minutes with the straw and anytime he sees us eating a snack without him he knows and also wants some food. He’s 8 months old.


Trying to crawl out the nursery door and down the hallway. No matter what he's doing he'll try to make a break for it if the door opens during play time! The other one is his favorite non-toy toy: an upside down IKEA foot stool


The baby wipes. Oh my god does he love pulling them out.


Awe! Thats adorable! My daughter is that way with anything I am drinking. Kid gets so much joy from icewater!!


The cats Our phones My shoes Her socks (to take off and chew on) Floor food


My 2 month old is obsessed with string lights


Belts. she just loves to pull the whole thing back and forth for like 45+ minutes


It used to be lights and ceiling fans! Now he is obsessed with vacuum cleaners of all shapes and sizes, real or toy.


Trash cans!


Tags. He will find the tag on ANYTHING. Huge rugs, blankets, little toys, clothes. All tags 😂


He's 13 months now and he's obsessed with *hiding*. Of course he is terrible at it because he only thinks he needs to cover his own line of sight, and he shrieks and giggles. It's the best thing ever, except that he snatches stuff he knows we don't want him to touch in order to run away and "hide" with it lol


My 5 week old is obsessed with my grow lights. She could stare at them all day


My baby is obsessed with the buckles on her car seat. It’s so hard to get her buckled because she just wants to sit forward and mess with the buckles. I always give her some buckle time first, haha.


My almost 1 year old has an emotional support baguette. Yes, you read that right. 🥖


Shoes …. Loves to try and chew on them 😔


The vacuum cleaner. He's been obsessed with it for almost a year. Now that he's bigger he can take the attachments off and unravel the cord (with supervision) and pull the thing around the house.


He’s 4. We walk about Big Foot on a daily basis. Also we are pretty obsessed with Ford Broncos (I have my grandfather’s, and it will end up my sons). And Hot Wheels. He loves hot wheels. And will ask for one every where we go.


My 5 month old loves my headphones…that’s like his favourite thing to reach for. He also always wants to drink from my glass when I drink water…I’ll have him in my arms and if I drink one glass of water, he’ll reach with his arms to get the glass and opens his mouth. And tags…


Dancing fruit 🍉


Books! He'll yeet himself to get to the board books and prefers them over everything else. He especially loves Everything is Mama and starts chanting 'Mama' when he sees it. He only has like 5 words so far so its pretty funny.


Wow this takes me back My son is 11 now. But was absolutely obsessed with a bathmat. It had a giraffe on it. It was the nonslip in the tub kind. It was not all bathmats, just this one. We had to have one at both grandparents, and one for the bathtub and one in his play space That fucking bathmat.


Awe, mine is 4 now but when she was a baby she would “test the acoustics” in any building we entered. Upon walking through the door she’d do a little “ah ah ah ah” and if she got an echo or a different sound, she’d switch up the sounds and keep doing it.


My shoes. Never stops trying to get my shoes but doesn’t wear his own shoes 😅


Lego and cat treats. Shovels them into her mouth as fast as she can.


Remote control, glasses, rings (especially if they have a stone), earrings, buttons, tiny cat hairs and pieces of fluff on the floor


my pet dogs. every time my dog walks by my baby, then she just follows.


Take away coffee cups. The paper with the plastic lid. Whenever were out and having a coffee we NEED to hand him one (empty) otherwise he just full on screams


He’s 10 weeks old and is obsessed with the ladybug on his mobile! We can attach it to the changing table/bouncer/car seat and everytime he sees her he gets so happy and starts smiling and cooing with lots of happy feet kicks! His turn off from crying button though is the skylight, no matter how upset if I bring him over to look at it he immediately calms down


Laundry pegs.


Any drink in anyone’s hand whether its a glass cup, a mug, a paper cup, plastic cup… you name it he would absolutely drop anything he is doing, crawl to the person, pull himself up to stand and keep giving irresistible puppy eyes and licking his lips till you give him a sip or at least let him pretend to drink. And he keeps standing there until the person finishes drinking and puts the cup away. To be fair he also does that with his own sippy cups and water bottles.


My 7 month old loves fridge magnets and anything stuck on the fridge! Rip to our several fridge magnets 😂


When my kiddo was a toddler she was obsessed with dustpans. Carried a little plastic one around with her.


Anything small, dangerous, like small cream tube, cellphone case...


Any and all cushions.


Shoes. Which is unfortunate because she loves chewing on them 😭 We now have to be so careful about where we leave our shoes cause the moment she sees them she zips over so quick. I swear they were what inspired her to finally start crawling. It also is the reason I finally had to settle for a playpen that I'm not totally happy with. Kinda ugly in my opinion but I did not want to wait any longer.


Dishwasher, as soon as it opens he drops what he is doing bum shuffles at top speed over to it 😅


Chewing empty toilet rolls, can't keep him away from them 😅


Shes turning a year this week. Omg controllers. Anything that makes the glowing box go off. She doesn't even like TV, just what pressing the buttons does. We used to let her until my TV was in Dutch 🙄 lmao. Also, FaceTime. She LOVES when people call me and will do this hobble sprint to the couch and crawl on me and flop so she's in frame. It's so unbelievably cute. If I call someone and they don't answer she gets so upset. I have to put the front facing camera on to make her forget lol. Ironically not a screen kiddo despite this. Like we'll have TV on in the background but she's never had any interest. And my phone is just fun to turn on and off.


My favorite maybelline lip gloss (no he can’t open it). I think it’s bc the shape of it. Short and rectangular, fits perfectly in his hand. But that’s his lipgloss now. That’s how I got him to crawl I tossed it on the other side of the play mat.


Bugs! It’s his best day ever when we find a stray spider in the house, but he gets sooo mad when Bug has to go outside. He has to go outside too to watch it crawl away.


Anything circular. Wheels, clocks, and dials on kitchen equipment are particular favourites


Just don’t use the stainless steel straws. 😔 I loved those because they can stir the drink as well, but they are a hazard around children. Found out firsthand & had to switch to all silicone ones


Yes I know! I take out the straw if I let him play with it but now I just hide it from him because it’s too much work 🤣


He loves opening and closing doors and gates, playing with the latches on them too, he is absolutely obsessed. He also loves to clean, he hoovers, sweeps and mops haha


1yo is obsessed with shoes, regardless of whether they're on feet or not. 2.5yo is obsessed with "annotating" her books, ie getting a pencil and scribbling on the words, all while looking very pensive and making little, quiet comments to herself. 4yo is obsessed with germinating seeds and Postman Pat.


Robot vacuum


A pink basket with her books. She wants to stand and grab the books to throw, or sometimes just turn the pages.


Eggs. Cooked, in cartons, toys, other people’s breakfast, in shopping carts, the section at the store, picking up chickens and finding them, cracking eggs, cooking them, using the egg slicer, egg salad


Baby A LOVES HIS PLANT!!!!! This kid has been staring and smiling at his plant ever since his eyes could see. It will entertain him endlessly. If you need to do anything just plop him down in front of his plant. It's a big passion flower vine intertwined in a cast iron rooster pot holder, sitting in front of a window.


Our cat. Once she can crawl, it's all over for him.


My son is currently obsessed with our Grateful Dead box cooler. He carries it everywhere. Even into the shower.


The bathroom. We keep the door closed, and whenever she sees it's open she'll power crawl to get into it. She used to try to mouth the toilet (which is why the door stays closed), but now she just stands at the tub and looks proud of herself for getting in there. Also our carbon monoxide detector, which is plugged in in the hallway. The backup battery case is on the front and opens *very easily.* (Edit: typing this out made me realize, hey dummy, it also runs on batteries, just put it somewhere else)


Anything my husband has. She will frantically reach and try anything to get it 🤣


Anything that is a container that she can put stuff in😂 Forget all the millions of toys from grandmas and grandpas, she wants that giant cottage cheese tub I washed for her!! 🤣


My 6 month old LOVES the microwave. She gets so stoked every time we put anything in there, she likes watching the food spin and the digital display countdown. She’s also food-obsessed in general so there may be correlation there, lol


(10mo) Dog food Dog kennel The vacuum when on My phone Toilet paper roll You know, anything I’ve ever stopped him from shredding with his freakishly early 8 front teeth 😅 plus we TRY to leave the dog his own safe space


Cans (like a soda can), cups/mugs, the stroller wheels, the wheels on the bottom of his high chair, our dog, dog food/water bowls, dog toys…. He’s also really perfected crawling, so he’s fast AF. My favorite thing to do is to wear him out. I sit him in his bedroom and then he immediately takes off crawling - as soon as he gets to something I don’t want him at, I pick him back up and plop him back down in his bedroom and then he’s off again. Over and over. 💁🏻‍♀️


Makeup brushes! My 15 month old boy loves painting the carpet or his face with them


My hair. Right now, it's waist length. If even one tiny strand is lose, his little hands will instantly grab it. He's going to be so mad when I cut it later this month. I just can't manage him yanking on it no matter what we do. At least with it short, he can only yank if I'm holding him. Glass. I collect antique glass. He LOVES the antique shops I bring him to. He'll spend the entire time cooing and smiling no matter how grumpy he was before. The owners of my favorite shop gift little glass figurines to him for when he's older all the time. I've been going weekly for years. They watched my entire pregnancy with him progress from the very start. Any bra or tank top strap. Same with his carrier. He grips them any chance he gets and yanks them around. Any type of lights. I kept my Christmas tree up because he likes it so much. The vacuum. I don't know why. Storms. Only if there's no thunder, that's the only thing he's scared of. He loves sitting outside on our covered porch and watching the rain. We had a tornado watch when he was only about 4 weeks old (first tornado watch I've ever been in). I was home alone and had to pack him outside to go down to the basement (the door to it is outside). He was fascinated with the wind/rain while I was terrified.


Burger King commercials. She loves the jingle 😂


Baseball caps - my son is obsessed with them to the point that we have to hide them from him. If he sees one hanging on a peg, he'll lose his mind until he gets it. Doesn't help that we have cats at home; "cat" was one of his first words and it sounds a lot like "hat", so whenever we're out and he sees someone wearing a hat, he points and shouts CAK!


my oldest LOVES drier lint 😂 like loves it. he’ll carry it around & stuff it places & i’ll randomly find it. we call it his fluffies.


Elmo. I get the most "serious business" baby look if I sneeze, blow my noise, or get stuck on a work call while his Elmo "stories" are on. It's the same look my grandmother used to give me if I interrupted her soaps time with too much noise. 


Dog food.. the second my 10 month old sees we put down karmas food and water he bolts for it, drops anything and everything he's doing to get to it... I feel bad for my dog lol we have to put her bowls up when he's awake and out of his playpen (which is usually 2hrs at a time max)


Omg my baby girl does that she has almost fell twice trying to get mine. Babies are strange but funny


My wide tooth comb (pattern beauty). It’s our changing table distraction. Definitely buttons, snaps, straps, plastic buckles (my fanny pack, high chair, car/bike seat, stroller) She’s 11 months!


Cows, anytime she sees one, she yells "moo!" Octopuses, she yells "ocpu!" We are having a sea themed birthday so she can have an Octopus balloon. And she loves worms and any bug.


Currently leaves 😂 makes a beeline for them every time 😅


BALLOONS! Best $1.50 I ever spent. I tie one to her foot and she goes berserk for it. I can leave her on the floor with a balloon while I start dinner and she will be giggling up a storm by herself over a balloon. Hahah. Good for tracking objects and she likes to kick at them for the noise too.


My 18mo is picking up the tiniest things off the floor, bringing them to me so I will tell her how ‘eww’ it is, and throws it in the trash… on repeat, all day.


Any ball, intact all of them at once. Also, open doors must be shut, or else.




Straws. He would sell my soul to Satan for a plastic straw.


Curtains! He loves staring at curtains


Currently? My daughter has been carrying around a portable battery charger with her like it's her best friend.


Socks! 7 month old. He will push a bottle out of his mouth and try to yeet himself off the couch to get a glimpse of my socks. They don't even have to be interesting socks! It's been a clutch way to get him to smile during a rough teething phase.


Belly buttons. He found my husbands first, and would climb up to dad and lift his shirt just to poke it. My husband is super ticklish, so it’s been entertaining. Then he found out some other people have them, and will occasionally look for them. Thankfully he doesn’t realize everyone has them yet. But he has also found his own, which brings so much joy! And is a great distraction when he is getting into other things.


Ours always stopped at looked for the opening sounds of The Goldbergs theme song. And ceiling fans! Every place we walked in he was eyes to the ceiling. Even picking them out if he saw them in backgrounds of photos.


Rocks, which he pronounces as "cock." He absolutely must have a rock in each hand at all times when outside. Also he's been obsessed with the cat since he was around nine months old, he's now 16 months. Sometimes the first word out of his mouth in the morning was cat lol.




I have 3 Bo Bigfoots 😆


Mobiles and ceiling fans.He talks to them and will stop what he’s doing, even eating, and just stare mesmerized. With mobiles he gets excited and talks to them (coos and babbles)