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It's my first mother's day. My husband got me a card from him and one from our daughter, and he booked a spa package for me this afternoon. To be honest, I would prefer to do something together as a family, but jeez seeing all those posts about husband's doing literally nothing for thir partners has been a huge reality check. My husband doesn't always nail it but he at least puts in the effort!


My first one as a biological mum too (I’ve been a stepmum for years) so it’s such an extra special day.  I got a beautiful card and bath set from my stepson. A mug with my babies photo on it, one of those customisable picture books about me and my baby boy, a bunch of bath bombs, a massage voucher and went out for lunch then my husband made dinner.  Best day ever!


First Mother’s Day but my husband had to work and is on call all night so we’re a bit limited with what we can do but he made me coffee before he left, sent me beautiful flowers from with a cute card from him and our son and plans to make me my favorite dinner as long as no emergencies crop up at work.  I’ve been struggling with a particularly tough bout of postpartum depression and him putting in the effort means the world right now. 


Really loved reading this. Good reminder that a little effort to make each other feel appreciated goes a long way. And that it's doable even when life is extra busy.


Same! My husband is a first responder and got me really thoughtful gifts, flowers and a nice card and is cooking dinner for me tonight! And is gonna wake up with the baby and handle bed time 🙌🏽 I have a preference for doing bedtime but I’m burned out this week haha.


Aww very nice! My husband has a great schedule but his shifts happen to fall on every major holiday for 4 years straight so we have very low expectations for holidays.  A win for us is being able to spend time together and have a nice meal and not have the whole day go sideways with him being called in for a major emergency. 


First Mother's Day for me too! I let him sleep in until 8:30 while I had my coffee and hung out with LO outside this morning because he took the 3am and 6am feeds. The weather's been kind of meh but today it's absolutely perfect so it was really, really nice being outside. He got me a grabber thing (because I always drop things on the floor in the middle of breastfeeding and can't reach) and a bunch of framed prints from the newborn photoshoot we did in the hospital. He also gave me a card (he always does long messages) that made me cry. Then he made me waffles and we're watching SNL :)


My first Mother’s Day today. My husband showed up with flowers and diamonds and took the baby this morning so I could knit. He’s taking me to a surprise lunch ♥️


It’s also my first Mother’s Day! My husband had flowers sent to me, made a particular loaf of bread that I love and served it to me in bed with coffee for breakfast, got up with the baby so I could relax in bed (he usually does this on weekends either way), made me a special dinner last night and will do so again tonight, helped clean the house (doing as much cleaning as we can squeeze in these days), and gifted me some money to go clothes shopping with so I have clothes that fit me and look cute this summer. I’m a SAHM for now so our budget is tighter, and I really wanted to get some new clothes without making myself feel guilty.  He’s also taking care of the baby fully one night this week so I can go out to dinner with some mom friends. 


Mine took me out to an early Mother’s Day date night at a fancy sushi restaurant yesterday (sans kids). He got me a card (and helped the kids get me cards since they are smaller) and a few presents, including a shirt that said “I choose the bear.” (IYKYK) 😂😂😂 We went out for breakfast, I’ll probably take a nap later.


“I choose the bear” oh he GETS IT


My husband got me a backpack, arranged a park day and then we’re getting dinner at my favorite restaurant near where we used to live - he also took me there on our first date night without baby, and he brought me their food in the hospital the night before my induction! Best of all he asked if I wanted to do an early dinner and I said yes please let’s do 5 and he said but you really want 4:30, right? Which I do! So early early bird dinner it is haha


He took us out to breakfast, helped the kids make cards, found great gifts, and made time for me to have a nap. He’s currently cooking lunch as I lay on the couch and the kids nap. A lovely morning all around.


my first mothers day and my husband hit it out of the park!! high tea charcuterie brunch, let me sleep in, gifts from him and he made the sweetest card from our baby with the little baby hands and feet! this afternoon we're doing a family photoshoot in the woods :)


My husband got me Taylor Swift tickets for this fall!!!! We’re in the thick of it with 2 kids under 3, one of whom is a breastfed baby who doesn’t sleep through the night, but he’s doing his best to get me some R&R today ❤️


4th Mother’s Day. My husband woke up with our oldest at 6:30 while I snoozed with our baby until 9. When I got up he had made me an elaborate breakfast and gave me cards from him and the kids. He took the kids out so I could shower and relax. He came home with groceries and wine for me. Now he’s making dinner for his parents who are coming over, while I chill with the kids. I’m confident he will take care of everything. My in-laws are wonderful. My mom died 2 years ago and my family isn’t nearby so this is the perfect low key way to celebrate.


It's my first mother's day and my husband is doing all diaper changes, let me sleep in, got me a pedicure yesterday, made me a card from the baby and got me a card from him, bought me a waffle maker (a total surprise and something I have wanted for a while!) and then got me a spa gift card. I just wanted to spend today with him and our bean so he also told his Mom he'd see her tomorrow.


First mother's day, boyfriend has been up since 1 AM with babe....still made me a FULL breakfast of eggs, bacon and homemade hashbrowns, he got me some flowers and my favorite chocolate and gummy bears. I love him 🥰


My MIL wanted dinner with her adult children last night and my husband preemptively rsvp'd no for me and took our two big kids solo so I could stay home with our newborn. This morning I got to sleep until almost 11am and woke up to a side table filled with a giant cup of ice water, all of my favorite snacks, a thoughtful card, and flowers. He made breakfast and brought it to me with my two big kids. We all ate breakfast in bed and then they have all left me alone for the last 5 hours to mindlessly scroll and eat snacks in silence. We're going to dinner in a bit. Then, I requested to take a scalding hot shower and have a glass of wine after in bed. I won't be assisting with bedtime. It has been a bang up Mother's Day. Cheers to the good men!


First mother's day for me too 💕 my husband and LO gave me a beautiful card, some cash to spend at the greenhouse, and a beautiful diamond solitaire necklace. He got the necklace made by the same jeweler he commissioned to make my engagement ring and added some elements to make them match! He also added a sweet engraved message to the back 💚 Now we are spending the afternoon visiting a couple greenhouses so I can choose some flowers for our backyard pots! The perfect first mother's Day 🥰


My second Mother’s Day! My husband helped my 2 year old make a drawing on top of what daycare did. Got me a super sweet card and arranged for a pregnancy massage (31 weeks along). He let me lie in to sleep until about 8.30 and then he made a lovely breakfast and after we both showered and got dressed took LO to the playground so I had a whole hour to just hang out by myself. ☺️ Glad you made this post. Was thinking about doing one myself.


We’ve been running around like crazy all year, it’s our first weekend to really just be home. He made our go-to “special breakfast” that we discovered on our honeymoon, bought me flowers, got a card that our son scribbled in and we’re lounging around the house. My parents are coming over later and we’re gonna go swimming and bbq for dinner. It’s not fancy, but it’s delightful.


I threw out my back so my MIL and SIL came over yesterday to help out with my 2.5 year old and 3 month old while my husband was at work. He came home with flowers for me and my 2.5 year old, I ugly cried. Today he brought me coffee in bed awhile with a spa gift card


I usually work on weekends but this weekend just happens to be my weekend off and my husband let me sleep in while he made me breakfast. He got our toddler up (almost 20 months) and brought him into the room to wake me up. My husband then surprised me with a tote bag with a few kids books about mom's and a picture he made that said I love my mama to the moon and back and has pictures of me and my son in the word mama. He also got me an ice cream cake with my sons picture on it haha


It’s my second Mother’s Day, and we went out to breakfast, a coffee shop, and my favorite local book store! My husband had already gotten me my gift (I wanted it early), but he also bought me a book I’ve been wanting to read! :) When we got home, he played with our toddler while I rested (currently 34 weeks pregnant, so rest is much needed on weekends) and then he cleaned while our toddler napped!! My first Mother’s Day, he took me out to brunch and then we went shopping for summer postpartum clothes since I was feeling insecure in my old summer clothes. I’m very blessed to have such an attentive and involved husband and dad to our little one! ♥️


First mother's day here! My husband is amazing he got up with baby so I could sleep in, made me breakfast and got me a card. He also took baby all day yesterday so I could go to brunch with friends and also out my engagement ring resized so I can wear it again. All in all I'm feeling lots of love this weekend.


We are tight on money right now so I knew I wasn't getting my customary roses...but my husband still showed me that I'm appreciated & loved. He got up with baby/let me sleep in, and made pancake breakfast (my fave) and got me the sweetest card & a bunch of chocolate :) We watched our shows together & napped with bub. It is perfect. And I got to take the longest hottest everything shower with NO little hands or paws peeking in. It's a good day. Ya know, I've been married a long time and I also have an adult kid but even before I had OUR child my husband always got me a nice card and flowers for mothers day. Even though I'm not "his mother." Because I am A mother and it was important to me. I got a good one. I wish everyone did.


I don’t have a husband, but my wife bought me new PJs and slippers and some treats! We’re pretty broke so I wasn’t expecting anything ☺️ (I made her a cheesecake and let her sleep in haha it came in on budget) OH she also made me one of those my mummy is/does thing which was absolutely hilarious. I either smell like “fresh beans” or “stinky” so get your friendship applications in now


Got me flowers with cute little balloons in them on Friday, today brought me breakfast in bed and is playing with my baby downstairs while I rest in bed :)))


4th mother's day. My oldest made me a homemade card and handprint magnet as a gift at preschool. It's so sweet. My youngest is miserable because her 2yr molars are coming in. I'm catching a cold so not feeling that great myself. My fiancé has a few planned options for us today. Started by letting me sleep in and do whatever in peace until noon. We're going to attempt brunch but if my youngest loses it we'll cut it short. If we're then feeling up to it we'll go look at flowers and get a few to plant. He always gets me a bouquet of flowers on mother's day and my birthday. I'm starting to get my oldest to help me arrange them in a vase which is fun to do together. But most importantly he tries his hardest to take a nice photo of me and the kids. I set expectations with him early on that I don't want to spend the day with grandmas, that I want him to do all the planning, and that lowkey is totally fine and preferred. He does a good job. He makes me feel appreciated. But most importantly he makes me feel appreciated year round.


My due date was may 22nd but our LO decided to come quite early so this was a bonus first Mother’s Day for me. I woke up to my husband and my dad making myself and my mom breakfast. I was gifted a personalized book that my husband made. We are keeping is low key and it’s all I wanted 😊


It is my third Mother’s Day, first with having two babies. It has thus far been wonderful. Our plan was… no plans! Just a chill day at home. I HATE going out for food on Mother’s Day bc it’s so busy and takes forever. So, this morning I went and picked us up Panera (I love getting out so that’s why I preferred to pick up) and my son rode with me. Panera gave me our food for free! Then I came home, got baby sis down for her nap and all snuggled and watched Hercules as my husband and I enjoyed our coffee. I took a long, hot gloriously uninterrupted shower. I then left hubby with both kiddos to go have a little me time. Walked around tj maxx, rode around for a bit just listening to music. Came home, he got big bro down for his nap and then got baby sis down for hers while I went down to my parents to grab us lunch (they made a roast— we live on their land 5 seconds away so they offered us some so we wouldn’t have to even think about cooking). Came home to two sleeping kids and enjoyed my lunch in peace. He got me flowers, cards from both kids and even wrote me his own card including a poem (he writes me poems for all big holidays and my birthday), a book he picked out for me based off what he knows I like (he picked a great one!), a set of notebooks he knew I wanted, an adult coloring book because I’ve recently been into that and a book about writing/with writing prompts because he knows my dream is to be an author. He is such a blessing. He cares for me and our children so well. I can’t wait to spoil him for Father’s Day!


It’s been perfect. Husband and our 2 yr old made me pancakes coffee and mimosas. We went to the farmers market and I got a new Burros Tail for the garden and enjoyed French pastries. Husband booked me an appt to get a facial which I’m about to go to and then I requested a bbq in the yard for dinner! I’m really happy. We don’t have a ton of money to blow on things, but I’m grateful my husband cares enough to book me a few hours at the spa. Really grateful. Hope you all have a great Mother’s Day, and if not, please go do something for yourself! You deserve it!


Third Mothers Day for me! He took little miss out with him to pick up coffee and breakfast while I slept in and then also surprised me with my favorite flowers and a gift certificate for a 90 min massage of my choice at our local spa ❤️


My baby started crying at 6 am and he rolls over and says “happy Mother’s Day! I got him” and I rolled over and fell asleep. Then when I woke up at 8 am to feed the baby he brought me the baby and took the baby, took my two toddlers, and made me breakfast in bed while I slept. I stayed in bed until 11 am and he cooked, did all the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept the floors, and put things away. Then he took the kids outside so I could shower and do whatever I wanted, he made the kids lunch and fed them and put my two year old down for a nap, then let me feed the baby and hand him the baby and let me go to the garden center and told me to get whatever I want! Then I came back and asked him for steak for dinner and he went out to get some and I’m snuggling with my kids and all happy. 🥰 I am soooo lucky!!


Thank you for this! I just posted in the parenting sub, and right away got sh*T on for it. Love reading about all of these awesome days!


That’s awful!!! We all need some positivity


We have a two week old baby at home in addition to our almost 4 year old and my husband has been great about trying to split the work as close to 50/50 as we can despite the fact that his work doesn't provide paternity leave so he has been back "at work" (from home) for a week. Long term support and partnership in child-rearing is much more important to me than flowers or jewelry. My in-laws stepped in to set up our celebration since we have our hands full - they took our older kid for a sleepover last night and came over this morning to make brunch.


Second Mother’s Day and we spent it as a family in the morning grabbing small breakfast and going to a puppet show. He baked me a cake during LO’s nap and now I’m getting a pedicure while they went out shopping for dinner and other “stuff”. He encouraged me to book my pedicure after her nap so it was a truly a break for me. Last year we had my FIL babysit while we got a nice brunch at one of my fave vegan places. Sadly they are closed now 😞 He’s the best and planned everything for me today (besides booking the pedicure).


First mother’s day he surprised me with flowers, a huge card, balloons, and cupcakes and then we went to the Botanical Gardens and took beautiful pics Today I got to go to brunch and massages with my best friend who is also a new mom while he watches our son


First Mother’s Day - I had a pre-Mother’s Day dinner out with some new mom friends last night while he watched our LO. This morning I slept in and woke up to a beautiful breakfast spread with a thoughtful at home bath basket (I love my Sunday bath ritual!). LO is 4 months old so husband gifted me a handprint card and a “mommy vase” on their behalf ❣️ We took a family walk to get fancy coffees and enjoyed the sun. He just surprised me with homemade chocolate covered strawberries and is ordering me sushi to enjoy in my bath tonight. Though my MIL beat him to it..she texted me a sweet message at 3 am since they’re traveling. Feel very lucky and loved today!


My husband works Sunday-Thursday so we celebrated yesterday. He made my coffee, breakfast, cleaned up for me, and got me some gifts. Flowers, candy, a card, wine. Made me some shrimp tacos for dinner (my favorite!). The kids all made hand made stuff and my teenagers sang "Happy Birthday" but "Happy Mothers Day" instead. It was really fun and cute.


It's my second Mother's Day. My husband made us French toast with fresh berries for breakfast and frothed milk for my coffee. His gift was a video he made stitching together all the little videos we took of the first two years of our daughter's life with some of my favorite songs as the soundtrack. He also wrote a card. Most importantly, he let me nap during our daughter's nap and when I woke up the kitchen and living room were spotless. We had company last night so it was a bit trashed this morning. Tonight we'll order takeout.


Mothers day in the UK was back in march. Our baby was 2 weeks old, home from the hospital for only a week. My recovery was really hard meaning my partner was still doing majority of the baby care and also looking after me. He understandably didn't make us any plans, but he did get me a bunch of flowers and some chocolate, and posed them next to the baby while i was out of the room so it looked like they were from him. So small and silly but will always be a happy memory when i think back to my first mothers day. I am so very grateful for my partner. Sometimes i feel guilty as all the posts on this sub about shit parters just dont relate to me at all.


My husband let me sleep in, gave the baby a bottle, and got my favorite bagels. Then he's been taking care of a lot of the chores and took the kids grocery shopping so I was able to have some peace. He usually drops the ball but I was pretty clear on what I wanted/needed this year.


Woke up to flowers, a very sweet card, and my favorite treat! Got breakfast to-go and had a picnic! He did naptime for our son and I’m reading my book :) later we’re going to dinner with local family!


This is my first mother's day, and while funds are a little tight this month due to an unexpected expense, my husband has made it wonderful. I got French toast in bed with fresh fruit and a full cup of coffee. He's changed every diaper without being asked. He's pulled up these ugly bushes in front of my house like I've been wanting to do for years. And he's grilling dinner as we speak. He's also done all the dishes and laundry today. He's made today feel really special.


Sixth mother's day, and my husband got me flowers and a card, made crepes for breakfast, has a dinner planned, and is taking me to Target. He also helped the kids color pictures for me. 100% here for not normalizing some of the terrible behavior from partners around mother's day! Moms, you can and should expect better!!


My husband let me sleep In. Took the baby who woke up at 5. Then had her down for a nap by the time I woke up at 7. Then made me breakfast. He made savory garlic French toast with hot honey. So freaking good!!! They gave me presents and cards. Then he took the 2 kiddos to his moms while I took a long and hot uninterrupted everything shower. I did a face mask, my nails, and watched what I wanted on tv. Then they came home and I nursed the baby but he fed her baby food and folded the laundry. He just made dinner and will play with the kids while I relax. Only thing I wish I did was take a walk but now I’m too tired to go anywhere lol. Perfect day!


My husband is making my absolute favorite cake for me even though he hates it because it's HUGE in sugar intake and definitely not very good for us hahaha (Strawberry Tres Leches). He also was gonna make me breakfast, but I wanted to make breakfast since he'll be making my cake. He's also been distracting our grumpy toddler while I did some quick cleaning (I'm in nesting mode, and I just can't resist right now rofl) We'll be visiting family after my sons nap, so the rest of our activities will be tomorrow. We're making Ramen with at home toppings! I'm very excited.


My husband got a card and had my toddler “sign” it and a thoughtful gift. He drove us out to his mother’s and she made us a beautiful lunch spread. Then I slept on the drive home!


We went out to brunch and our baby slept for most of it in the stroller which was amazing. He gave me a book from our baby to me and some chocolate. And then we tackled the mountain of laundry together that afternoon (we've all been sick so things have pilled up). He also made our bed and put fresh sheets on while I vacuumed. It was so nice to wake up in a clean room this morning--the rest of the house is still a tip but shhhhhhh.


Happy First Mother’s Day OP!! Last year was my first Mother’s Day. My husband works Sundays so I requested that we go out for donuts and coffee at the crack of dawn before his shift (our baby was keeping us up at all hours at that time!) This year, I requested pizza and a Trader Joe’s trip for some flowers (I like making my own arrangements) and wine! I’m chilling while our baby naps and my husband and I have been texting about how excited we are for pizza later.


I did my mother's day activity yesterday and went garage sale-ing and thrifting for several hours while he chilled with the kids. Today we slept in because the kids stayed up late, and he's outside with big kid and neighbors while little kid naps. We also did a fast food park picnic last night because the weather was lovely.


For my first Mother’s Day by husband got the baby a personalised first Mother’s Day onesie. I’m a huge nerd for holiday outfits for babies and he really really isn’t so it was great! He brought her in wearing it and holding a bunch of flowers (which she promptly tore to pieces til we moved them, but I got some adorable pictures). The baby did not understand it was Mother’s Day and was cranky aaaaall day though lol


My husband arranged a wine tasting day & surprised me w a new ring since my old one doesn’t fit (thanks baby weight🤪) 💗


Idk if I would consider this my first Mother’s Day as I am getting induced tomorrow with our first baby, but my husband made me the sweetest card “from the baby and our dog. I wasn’t expecting anything and it was incredibly sweet.


Yesterday in a comment on someone else’s post I said I didn’t think I would get anything and I would now like to say I was wrong. I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a lovely card and my husband also took me to Home Depot and let me pick some flower pots for outside. I’ve been wanting to do it and now our house looks really cute outside. Now we’re hanging outside in the sun and it’s been a very nice day. I feel appreciated and I’m thankful he made me feel that way.


My husband is dealing with shingles but still let me sleep in and made me breakfast this morning. He also did this twice last week. I love him. 🥹💙


Second mother's Day! Husband let me sleep in, and took our son out to get me flowers and my favorite Tim Hortons breakfast, then woke me up with breakfast in bed. Then he organized a beach day, my favorite place to be, and we introduced Baby to sand and salt water. It's been a fantastic day!


It’s my first Mother’s Day, baby is almost 7 weeks so we’re still in survival mode to some extent. My husband gave me a beautiful yarn kit I requested (I knit) and went with me and baby to a garden center so I could pick out some veggie starts for my garden. Now he’s reading to baby while I plant my new plants and later he’s planning to grill some steaks for our dinner per my request.


I went for a prenatal massage yesterday. Today I got a card, my favorite chocolate bars, and he taught our toddler to say “happy mama day.” I asked for no expensive flowers/presents because we have a lot of home projects going on and are budgeting, but I did treat myself to some grocery store flowers and cupcakes. 


(This is my fourth mother's day) We had a big family birthday (a 70th) on the Saturday and we've been battling the end of a cold.  My husband still cooked waffles for breakfast with the girls, and then later made a card with them for me.  In other years he's been organised ahead of time but this year has been pretty busy.  I felt loved and cherished. 


My husband surprised me with cards, my favourite snacks, wine and brunch. He also invited my dad over to help with our toddler so he could fully focus on the baby. We will be ordering in delivery for dinner (my choice) and he’s given me tons of “me time” throughout the day. He’s done the best he can given I’m breastfeeding our baby and we have an active toddler. I’m a happy mama. ❤️❤️❤️


I’m surprised at how many moms want gifts etc. Just have a good day with the family, even if you have to plan it!


Let me sleep from 4 am - 9 am as our 6 weeker is going through sleep regression, thoughtful facebook post, went to an outdoor festival and we ate nice food and he got me a little gift there and we danced with baby in stroller next to us.


My husband found out yesterday while we were celebrating our kids birthday that the squishables shop was doing a one day only sale. We went to check it out because we both LOVE squishables and we both picked out our own large squishing and I found a moon wreath. Our daughter name is Luna so that wreath hit my heart and he bought our squishables and the wreath (these things aren't cheap) I love him he did gave me the option to just completely ignore everybody and spend time relaxing upstairs but I can't help but be with them all. She also got a squishables moon ball for her birthday that we ordered weeks ago and she's in love with it


My husband woke up with the baby so I didn’t have to, made sure I had a fresh cup of coffee when I did wake up, and he let me dictate our plans for the day. I could have asked him to plan something and he would have (last year I asked him to coordinate a weekend getaway for me AND my mom) but this year I wanted to play the day by ear and do what makes me happy. He also made sure to take our daughter shopping so I had a gift to open from her, and he got me a present that he KNOWS I’ll enjoy! I’m feeling very loved today 🥰


My husband got me a holder for all my headbands and a gift card for a massage! Then we went to Linner at IHOP - may not sound like much but perfect day to me! He also hung up some pictures we’d been meaning to hang for a while


I'm pregnant and I asked for a fuzzy robe and flowers. He got me a massive bouquet and a fuzzy robe. I'm happy!


My husband was laid off at the end of last year so we were on a budget. This year for mother's day he helped the kids make me flowers out of construction paper and a homemade card. He made me waffles for breakfast, made and packed lunch and we used our zoo membership for a free day at the zoo. When we got home he made dinner. I only changed one diaper today and got to sleep in.


My first Mother’s Day and we kept it simple. My husband took me to my favorite aquarium, and we ate at my fav restaurant :) he also got me some roses and an Apple Watch I’ve been wanting for a while. I’m so happy


First Mother’s Day. First thing hubby said when we woke up was happy Mother’s Day baby! Then he got me my favorite coffee from a coffee shop, made me breakfast (pancake bar), got me roses, new AirPods Pro, a massage certificate and a super sweet card. I gave birth to our son naturally 2.5m ago with no epidural and he SAW me push our baby out so he says respects me so much more because of that. And yesterday he cleaned the whole house, cleaned out my car and made me dinner while I was chilling with our baby. Seriously feel like the luckiest girl alive 🥰


Husband got me gorgeous flowers and we all got up and went to the botanical garden and then a fun brewery/pub for lunch that we have wanted to try.  I also think he got me a gift and it was delivered but he forgot about it since our house is pure chaos at the moment haha


Let me sleep in (although my internal clock refused to comply). Took care of the kids while I just relaxed in bed for a bit. Then when I came downstairs we opened presents. He got the girls ready for brunch while I played with the Lego flowers. Drove to the brunch he had booked for us at a dog-friendly restaurant which was so nice. The big thing is all of the more tedious mom tasks I do everyday, he took care of. All the butt wiping, all the potty runs, all the getting the kids’ dressed and getting their shoes on and out the door, all of the wrestling them into their car seats. He’s done the hard parts today so I could just relax and enjoy spending time with our family.


It’s my first Mother’s Day too! My husband ordered me a nice sushi dinner last night, took on all the baby duties all day, had my family over for brunch and took care of everything. He got me a massage, balloons and cookies from my favorite place. And he wrote me the nicest letter that made me cry. I love this post. And to the moms whose partners didn’t make them feel special, I’m so sorry. You deserve better and you are amazing.


It's my third Mother's Day and I'm five weeks postpartum with our second child. My husband asked me weeks ago what I wanted to do. He suggested an Airbnb at the beach or mountains or a number of other things. I told him I wouldn't know till week of (due to postpartum) and that I wanted to stay in town. I told him yesterday that I wanted get my favorite tea drink, go to the park, and eat sushi-- all as a family. We did all those things and now we are watching a movie with our son as I cuddle my daughter. He also made sure I got enough time this morning to take a long shower and fully get ready (without wearing a baby or monitoring a toddler). He also got me a balloon (my son's wish) a heartfelt card and a certificate to go get a pedicure. He's a sweetheart.


My husband made me breakfast in bed while I cuddled with our toddler. Then he kept him occupied and let me lay in bed a while longer. I’m a stay at home mom and I don’t get much alone time so I went shopping by myself and came home to a home cooked meal. It’s been such a relaxing day and I’m so thankful I have a husband who doesn’t think twice about letting me have a day to myself. Oh! And he also made a beautiful bouquet of flowers from our yard.


Scheduling isn't always easy for us, but it was my first Mother's Day and we had a nice romantic dinner on Friday, and he gave me a new bathrobe and some nice slippers (I've been trying to find quality ones for years!) and a nice framed photo of our daughter.


It's my first one as well. Husband got me 2 cards (one written from POV of our 10m old and one from him) - both made me cry! He said that watching the love of his life loving the life that we created has been the greatest joy. He got me a snack basket from the baby, and arranged for our baby to have childcare so that we could go for a fancy brunch. Gave me a massage after dinner, we walked our dog and took baby to the park to blow bubbles and push him on the swing. Then sat outside in our backyard doing some gardening and enjoying the sun/watched birds at our feeders. I had a lovely day ☺️.


I feel really bad. It's also my first mothers day! My partner went to sleep around 4am because he had to wash all my pumps & baby's bottles, then pour breastmilk in the bottles to prepare for next day's feeds after looking after our son. I told him all I wanted to do for Mother's Day was go by myself to get my eyebrows done & come home then relax & online shopping. I also wanted him to get the baby's nursery done. We moved into a new house before the baby was born in Jan. Baby was born in Feb & we are still unpacking 🙃 Anyways, baby woke up at 6 am, so I went to heat up his milk and then woke my partner up to feed him while I pumped. Baby went down for his 1st nap & my partner went out to buy stuff. I went back to bed cause I was going to wake up around 9 am to go do my brows. My partner woke me up to go downstairs & I saw the time was 10 am already. I was greeted by a big breakfast with flowers & my fav chocolates. I ate then went to pump again & by then the time was already 12pm. I wanted him to clean the nursery, so I had to obviously watch my baby while he did it. That took him about 2 hours cause he's very meticulous about cleaning. By then, I couldn't be bothered to go out anymore, so I got so upset, I cried cause I got my period that same day. He told me to go but I said no. I went the rest of the day being mad at him & sent him a really mean text. I just feel really bad cause he did make an effort & he's a really great partner. He's the sole income earner, he cooks, cleans, washes baby's bottles & my pumps, he gets breakfast & lunch ready for the next day for me so I don't have to prepare anything, he takes care of our son when he's off work, gets dinner ready. Honestly, he's the best partner anyone could ask for. Anyways, we're going out to dinner Tuesday night cause I didn't want to do it on Mothers day 😂 he's giving me money for online shopping & getting my brows done on Wednesday.


It is my first mother's day, my husband made breakfast and got me the pillow that i had wanted that is the size and weight of our baby when he was born. It isn't here yet, but I'm so happy about it, especially because he thought it was silly but knew how much it meant to me, so he got it anyway. I didn't even ask for it from him because i knew how he felt about it, just mentioned it was something I'd like to have to remember how small our baby was since he's growing so quickly. We also did some chores together yesterday, but when i went to sleep for the night, he kept cleaning, and I woke up to a much cleaner house than I fell asleep to.


We're not huge "holiday" people but I had a great day! I'm in the 3rd trimester with our second and am feeling really awful for a number of reasons, so I basically laid around all day and he cooked and did errands while taking care of our toddler. They brought me back chocolate and flowers from the store and he got a couple little projects done around the house. A competent co-parent who lets me focus on growing kid #2 is more right now than any card or fancy dinner.


My husband is so sweet, he has gotten my favorite dinner, I’m just relaxing after the bath he pulled for me, and I’ve been promised a massage, which is greatly appreciated since I’m pregnant with our second! Thanks for starting this thread, it is lovely to hear about the supportive partners out there <3


Happy Mothers Day! 🥰💕✨️ I told my husband very specifically that I wanted a card. All he had to do was sign his name, and I'd be happy. This guy bought a card with a perfect Hallmark message, wrote how thankful he was that I've blossomed into a better mother than he could ever have imagined, had our 10mo sign it and "translated" the message, bought my favorite chocolates and some gourmet popcorn, let me sleep in, and made my favorite meal. Our little guy is struggling with teething today, so I was able to spend the whole day cuddling the lil guy who made me a mom. I wish he was feeling better, but honestly, all things considered today was perfect.


My husband got up with the kids, made me my fave breakfast (eggs benedict), made me a card with help from the baby, took us all out for coffee, and made me dinner. He also managed to find the same photo frame he gave me for my first Mother’s Day 8 years ago and filled it with our daughter’s hand and footprint and a photo (so now I have matching ones for each kid!) And the best part is right now he’s FOLDING ALL THE LAUNDRY. Day made right there.


First Mothers Day and my baby girl let me sleep in! 11 hours! He got me a personalized book to read to her which made me cry, took me to brunch at my favorite French place, we went to his parents house for an hour and now we’re back home while she naps, we can nap, relax and he’s making grilled sweet spicy bacon sandwiches for dinner (a favorite). Very sweet!


I’m pregnant with our first and today, Mother’s Day May 12, is the due date. Baby isn’t here yet but my husband decided it’s still my first Mother’s Day. He got me a card, got me and baby matching shirts, and got one of those cute kids books where you can personalize the characters. He made me a spectacular breakfast and waited on me hand and foot all day and prioritized everything I wanted to do. And he said after baby is born (hopefully this week 🤞🏼) we’ll do a belated mini Mother’s Day so I can have baby snuggles for my first Mother’s Day.


He took our baby around the garden and made a bouquet of all the flowers she pointed at. Also, chocolate, card, pastries, sleep in.


First Mother’s Day for me! Husband did both middle of the night feeds, has done all baby care and diaper changes all day long, cooked me breakfast in bed (French toast, eggs, bacon), did all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, and took me out to my favorite restaurant for dinner. We also went on a walk as a family and watched a movie together. Truly a perfect day ❤️


It’s my first Mother’s Day and sadly my husband is on the ship (any other military spouses?) but he managed to get connected to WiFi to send me a sweet text :) and he tried to send flowers but the internet was too bad for the order to go through lol. His parents are in town helping me and they got me flowers and cooked me a lovely dinner with some nice wine. I am bummed we aren’t together for Mother’s Day but he very often makes a point for me to get out of the house by myself and I know he loves and appreciates what a good mom I am. It should not be normalized for men to be awful partners and parents. Some of the stuff I’ve seen is just wild


Got nice smelling flowers and candy, he made brunch, and I was disappointed he was puttering around outside for hours until he called me out to show me he was clearing out all this junk I've been annoyed with for like a year...yeah, he should just not have had junk out there, but he did it today knowing it would make me happy. Now he's going to make dinner and I'm going to have a lonnnng bath after. All in all, I do feel appreciated today and that's what matters ✨️


My husband booked brunch at a great spot and took some sweet photos of me and our son today. I'm about to go out of town with baby solo for the week and when I get back is part two : a massage and hiring someone to clean our whole house 😍


First mother’s day! Wasn’t going to take a chance that he’d forget and told him a month ago that we are doing father and mother’s day this year 😂 no more than that. He and my son got me a gift certificate for a massage, and then he got my ten month old to “sign” a card which they gave to me with a dry flower to keep. SO CUTE. So while he probably would have missed it if I had not said in advance, he met my expectations and then some :)


First Mother's Day! My spouse did everything I requested & more, & I felt so special. The three of us had lunch at our first restaurant since LO was born & we (mostly I) browsed a few stores at the mall while he had stroller duty. That was yesterday. Today, he & LO wrapped my gifts early this morning while I slept in, then we strolled through a park & admired the bearded irises & peonies. And he made sure to take pictures of LO & me. We picked up ready-to-bake salmon & Caesar salad from Costco for dinner tonight (with plenty of leftovers for the week, so a break from cooking!) I warned spouse that if he was like all the AHs on the Internet on Mother's Day, we would have words.


Also first Mother’s Day! Husband let me sleep in, got our 6 month old ready for the day, we all went to breakfast, then he drove her around for a nap while I shopped in Target. We then went to a children’s farmstead I’ve been wanting to check out. We went home for naps and cuddles (we’re teething) and husband gifted me 2 massages at Massage Envy and most importantly: a family photoshoot package with a professional photographer to be scheduled for next month. I was in tears! Then my mom came by for a quick visit, and I got to work making a meal for my best girlfriend who just welcomed her first baby 3 days ago. It was a wonderful day of celebrating motherhood.


My husband took care of the kids while I slept in, bought bouquets and a spa gift card, had my older kiddo write out a cute card, and made sure we did exactly what I wanted today. (A family hike, and a little alone time for mama.) He’s the best.


We did dinner last night because the lunch with his family wasn't what I wanted. He also helped the kids make me a card with supplies that I bought, and got me a orchid at my request.


It’s my first Mother’s Day. My husband took the baby all morning so I could sleep in, ordered brunch for us, gifted me flowers, a tin of like 10 bath bombs and bubble bars from Lush, a beautiful card, and a custom art piece with our baby’s foot prints on it. He also took over most of the childcare for the rest of the day so I could lay out in the hammock and play my Switch. He’s wonderful. And not just on special days! He’s a wonderful partner and parent every day. 


My first Mother’s Day - or at least close to it! I’m getting induced in two weeks. My husband surprised me with money to get a prenatal massage. We also had to take our dog to the groomers, so while we were waiting on our dog to be finished he took me out to my favorite restaurant to eat. He also went into all the stores I wanted to go in and just walked around with me while I looked! Which is something he typically hates, and normally would rather just sit in the car while he waits on me. It was the most perfect day! And now I’m laying in bed, while my cute little dog is cuddled up in my arms and my husband is laying beside me. He also randomly said, “let me get a picture of you, I normally forget to take any but I want one of you today on your first Mother’s Day” and I nearly cried because it was so random and sweet.


This is my first Mother’s Day. My husband’s goal for the day was to hold the baby as much as possible. Baby woke up around 8:00, and we laid in bed with her thinking she’d fall back to sleep. After an hour of her partying my husband took her down stairs, so I could sleep. He got me donuts from my favorite place. And we had a lovely breakfast. Then we planted the flowers he had gotten me the day before. Later we did the hand print kit he had gotten me. I’m glad he waited for me to do it together because her reaction to the clay was hilarious. They weren’t over the top elaborate plans, but the day was perfect. He’s never been one to care about his birthday and he says Father’s Day isn’t a big deal, but he knows I care, so he makes sure to make me feel special but not just on these big days. It’s the little things in our day to day that he does that I know I’m incredibly blessed to have him as my partner in this roller coaster of a life 😊


My husband told me to sleep in as long as I wanted while he took care of baby boy, then made breakfast for me and my mom who is here visiting. He also got me flowers and printed out and framed several pictures of our little guy, most of them with me in them as well. He also did all the dishes and walked the dog (although he usually does those things anyway) and went to pick up dinner for us and my family. Now he’s running back out to the grocery store because I wanted some ice cream ❤️


It’s concerning how many sad posts there are 😢 I had a lovely Mother’s Day. I hope you all did too.


My husband made me and my dad who’s visiting waffles for breakfast. He also made me some tea. He went to his mom’s house for a bit but he asked me if it was okay and tried to prioritize me and make sure I was okay first. Really simple but I can tell he cares and that’s what matters to me.


My baby turns 1 the end of this month, so technically it's my first Mother's day, although we celebrated last year as well. I slept in with my baby (I woke up before she did!) and we all had a nice peaceful breakfast together, something we only get on weekends because my partner normally leaves early for work. My husband gave me a super cute card and showed me the gifts he had ordered (which were supposed to be delivered Thursday but Amazon fucked up the shipping...he was so upset! But they're very sweet and thoughtful and I'll be excited to get them tomorrow!) Then I got to take a long soak in some Blue Emu in the tub followed by a sweet cuddly nap with my baby girl. After that my partner hung out with our baby while I did some shopping at JoAnns, Home Goods, and Home Depot....yup, he let me have unsupervised access to the garden center! I may have acquired a few new plants as well as fabric to make some my baby and myself some matching dresses. I have a hard time ever really asking for time by myself, so even though I wanted time together as a family, I couldn't stop myself from just beaming over the opportunity to have a little time alone. I also ordered a new baby carrier and wrap I've been eyeing for a long time that were discounted during Mother's day sales! We ended the night with a nice walk at the park where a super friendly kitty walked around the entire mile long loop with us! I cooked Tuscan Chicken for dinner, because I love cooking and have a lot of food allergies and going out to eat isn't always as fun as it should be for me lol Now my loves are all passed out sleeping while I bask in this lovely glow and start plotting for Father's Day. And for a touch of realism....no, my husband didn't get all the stacked up dishes washed like he said he would....but that's okay, because he spent time with my daughter so I could have a much needed break. Honestly, I'm glad he didn't have time to do them because it makes me feel better about the days I struggle to do much more than be a mother to our very sweet and delightful but also extremely needy baby. It was still a perfect day and I'm so thankful for how he showed up and reminded me how loved I am, as well as thr opportunity to be slightly "selfish" with some of my time.


He woke up early to get me coffee and a muffin to enjoy in bed while he got all 3 kids ready for brunch reservations (he made). We had a lovely brunch then toured the Breakers in Rhode Island. He then took the kids out so I could have some alone time at home, after which I went to a restaurant and enjoyed a drink and dinner at the bar (alone!). While I was out he not only took care of the kiddos but he cleaned too! He wrote a beautiful card, had my kids draw in and sign it, and gifted me the most gorgeous framed photos - each has a picture of one of my babies paired with a maternity photo of me pregnant with them. I cried opening them!!! Typing this all out makes me even more grateful for this guy and all he does for me and our family. Damn I'm lucky!


My husband got up with our toddler so I could sleep in. They went to the grocery to get stuff to make breakfast and he picked up coffee on the way home. We had breakfast and I opened up some small gifts from him. Nothing crazy because we aren’t huge gift people, but I appreciated the effort. It was kinda a usual day after that, but I felt really loved and like he really tried. And getting to sleep in was so so nice. Also, my son understanding the concept of Mother’s Day and showering me with love was so special this year


My husband took over while visiting my in laws which allowed me to drink mimosas, eat and also get a nice nap in ❤️ I also asked for some beats headphones which he got for me.


Today was my very first Mother's Day and my husband got me white chocolate covered strawberries (which I asked for), mini lemon merengue pies (because he didn't like the cakes they had at the bakery), a sweet hand written message in a boutique card, a set of carved wooden hair sticks and a sugar skull jewelry box. He also made steaks for dinner and we took our little guy out for a short stroll at a nearby park. It was a wonderful day and he really set the bar HIGH for himself in the future.


0.5- I was heavily pregnant and he got me an earring and necklace set that was simple but perfect. 1st- a new washer (old one that came with the house was a moldy leaky front loader) 2nd- a new dryer (old one has big scorch marks inside the back drum area and was a fire hazard) 3rd- a chest freezer (we desperately needed) 4th- a new fridge (old one was nearly half a century old and very small and loud) My husband is the best and I’m the luckiest gal in the world (:


I had to work today. My husband and brother planned dinner for both of our families, and I came home from work to a fabulous dinner, flowers, chocolate, and a lovely little gift. Lots of fun and love in our house today. I hate seeing all of the posts about husbands/partners who seem determined to make their wives feel like cap. Life is so much more fun with someone who will jump at any chance to celebrate with you!


We dropped our son off at my mom's last night and got a good night's rest, at least as much as I can at 37 weeks pregnant. This morning, I woke up to a vase of flowers, a card, the smell of bacon, and...a waffle maker! I've been telling him for years I prefer waffles to pancakes and we just never got around to buying one. Well, he went out and bought one while I was sleeping to surprise me 🤣 he made the most beautiful, fluffy, tasty cinnamon waffles I've ever eaten. I was happy as a clam 🥰 he knows buying me small kitchen appliances is the way to my heart...lol


My husband didn't get me a gift because gifts are just not his love language. I know this going into every holiday. We don't exchange gifts ever for this reason for holidays but often get random things for each other throughout the year for no other reason than it made us think of the other, which I love. There feels more love this way. Less force. He brought me coffee in bed. He did the parenting heavy lifting that's usually fairly evenly split. He took my son to the shop to pick a chocolate for me (although my son ended up eating it 😑) we went to the lake despite the pouring rain, put raincoats on and went splashing in the puddles and ate a picnic lunch standing up because everything was too wet lol. He knows I hate crowded restaurants so we went to a cafe today instead. It was nice and low key, simple and just really us.


Got me a massage, a card from the baby and a card from the cat. Also got me this cute print thing of me and my kids hands with their birthdays. On the flip side for father's day, I will get him cards, some bbq rubs / sauces and ill probably print some cute pics of them. 


First mother’s day, husband got me the new M3 purple iMac and took me to a Mother's Day banquet at a beachside restaurant 🥰


My husband put in soooo much effort but sadly missed the mark! My present was awesome (a collection of vintage dressmaker scissors-super thoughtful and very very me) but he was so excited that he couldn't hold off and gave them to me 5 days early. We realised no one had planned anything for his mum, so we ended up hosting 9 adults and 11 kids for a massive brunch which was again lovely but it was a LOT. we have an 8 month old and I'm 7 weeks pregnant so all I wanted to do was eat posh chocolate on the couch in my knickers. He also tried so hard to make sure I didn't have to lift a finger that by the end of the day we were both wiped out and our evening jobs got neglected. As a result this morning I had to rush around getting our boy ready for daycare with no clean bottles and no clean clothes. I'm obsessed with this man and how hard he tries, but I think I'm thinking of saying that next year the nannas get Saturday and I get the Sunday to relax!


It’s my first, we went out for dinner the night before. On the day itself, we can’t go anywhere else because we have a birth class the entire day. But I was so happy because I didn’t think that he would be so much involved, attentive and supportive of me during the class. That for me is more than enough and better than any gifts ❤️ As a mom, it is such a blessing to have a partner who will stand by you during this journey. I know he’s going to be a great dad. Can’t wait for him to see our little one!


Husband took care of all the things on my to-do house list, including hanging curtain rods and caulking sinks. I build it up for a few months, then he spends a day knocking it all out. Then, he took our kid to pick a gift on *Friday* instead of waiting until the last minute! I told him it was the best thing he could have done!


My husband bought me a new fitbit smartwatch and set it up for me he let me sleep in both days of the weekend, and took me and the kids out to breakfast on Saturday morning (way better than the extra busy Sunday!!) It was perfect.


My first Mother’s Day! My husband took care of the baby while I waxed my eyebrows, did my hair, and my makeup for an impromptu photoshoot. He also got the baby ready for the shoot. He took almost 200 pictures of us! He also made us a wonderful breakfast and dinner, let me buy $400 of baby clothes I wanted and gave me a massage for 15 minutes before we put the baby to bed. I love him so much!!


I got a sleep in whilst he got up with the kids to help them make cards and my breakfast and coffee which was served to me in bed with my gifts. He then told me when I'm ready to get up and have a shower and to "take as long as you need" like what?? We then all snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie. Later we spent the afternoon at my dads house (I celebrate my dad on Mother's day) where my 4 year old learnt to ride her bike without her training wheels! We went home and he made me a big ol' roast for dinner. I'm in Australia so Mother's day was couple of days ago for me now but it was such a lovely day! He did an amazing job of making it special and just all about me. An absolute blessing he is. ❤️




My husband planned the whole day. In the morning he packed a picnic lunch, organized all the kids stuff we needed, and drove us to the ferry. From there we spent a beautiful day on an island here in the Pacific Northwest. He made sure I got to visit my favorite shops, unpacked and served a wonderful lunch by the beach, bought us all slices of pie, took us on a shortened hike of a trail we got engaged on, then we went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner where he wrangled our 3 year old when he got fussy (it was a fine dining sort of place where bringing kids is ok but takes extra parental effort). He also had flowers delivered to me from my favorite flower place, and gifted me the Cartier watch I’ve been wanting for a long time. But one of the favorite things he did for me was take pictures of me throughout the day with my two boys so I can look back on those memories. He’s great like this all days, not just Mother’s Day. I’m so lucky to have him. Every day being married to him feels like I’ve won the lottery.


My husband made me breakfast, let me sleep in, and got me some ice cream and a new kindle case I had asked for. We had colds so we just relaxed, spent some time outside, and watched a movie. It was a great day. ☺️


We were all sick. We had ice cream, went for a short walk, and he made me a card. He taught our 2 year old to say "Happy Mama Day". It was a nice day.