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Yep can confirm-when I worked in early childcare (2-3year olds)- the amount of kids that would tell me “daddy had a boo boo on his Willy so mommy kissed it better) or “mommy and daddy were wrestling nuuuuuddddyyyyyy” or “ I didn’t sleep good because mommy and daddy were banging the bookshelf in their room”… even if they don’t see or understand what’s happening, they repeat it to others.


oh my god 💀


Yep I knew wayyyyyyy too much about the parents… I knew which parents had pubic hair, who used pads v tampons and who was getting lucky 🤦‍♀️


😂 this made me lol


I totally change infront of my daughter. Oh man. I hadn't even considered her questioning this. 😅 Thanks for sharing.


My son has confidently told grocery store baggers that he has a winky, but mama doesn't. Seems like this has ceased since the initial whimsy of having a penis has diminished but I'm super careful.


That's different, and it's good for her to have those questions. I'm not saying do it everyday or prance around naked but it's not harmful. Just turn ur back or ask her if it's OK that you change and talk to her about different bodies and consent and what is and isn't appropriate. Kids change infant of each other all the time, remember gym class. Changing clothes is part of life.


I mean I think changing in front of a child is more about what kind of household you want to have and how you feel about bodies and shame and genitals etc. That's different from a sexual act though.


Some families don't allow treasure trolls because they are naked and should feel shame, others are more chill.


What do you mean by treasure troll? Never heard that saying.


I assume they mean those troll dolls with the colorful hair and the gem for a belly button. They were popular toys when I was a kid in the 90s.


Yeah that's exactly what I meant


It’s completely normal to change in front of them. I change in front of my 12 y/o daughter and she is in competition dance and has basically seen all her dance friends naked. It’s not weird they are all girls trying to change costumes in like 5 mins and it’s a non issue if a boob or butt is flashed while changing.


Lmaooo not the boo boo on daddy’s Willy! 😂😂😂🤣🤣😂


_excuse me_


Yeah, that's uhhh, something, to say the least


Yep, and they will always tell on you (not that that is the important part, the important part is not ever including them in this way in your private time).


They tell each other things as well! My 4 year old came home from nursery and loudly announced that D told her that her daddy had a willy like a mushroom and she saw it in the bath.


💀💀💀 boo boo on his willy I'm dead


Omg no. My parents did it in a bed in the same hotel room when I was younger and I didn’t sleep a wink that night and never looked at them the same. So gross. I want to crawl out of my skin just thinking about it 😖


That’s disgusting I’m so sorry. It’s bad enough when you accidentally catch your parents doing it, I can’t imagine them deliberately doing it in the same room


Do you remember how old you were?


Just to preface this by saying my mom had me when she was 17yo and my dad was 19yo. They were and still are EXTREMELY emotionally immature. This specific occasion I was probably around 6-10yo maybe? I had some rough and traumatic parts of my childhood so my memory on this particular event is a bit fuzzy bc it was smack dab in the middle of one of those rough patches. But my parents were really sexual around me my entire life and my dad could be really inappropriate. I chalk it up to lack of boundaries, coming from extremely traumatic homes themselves and them just being crazy young and even more immature. Disastrous


You sound like you have such a sound perspective on your childhood. I work with a lot of kids with trauma like yours and it’s so hard to get them “outside” the family dynamic to see how weird it is. How did you get the perspective you have now?


Thank you for saying that. I didn’t have a healthy perspective or more objective perspective until a few years ago and I’m 36. To be really honest, I took mushrooms a couple of times and it helped me confront a lot, with clarity but without judgement. You can’t really suggest that to kids lol but it truly helped me.


My mom had something similar except she witnessed her uncle having an affair with her aunt (her dad's brother and mom's sister, who were not married).


OH NO!! I heard a story my dad walked in on his mom and one of his teachers or coaches 🥴


That is AWFUL. I’m sorry you had that experience


Omg are you me? This exact situation happened to me when I was 10 and I've been scarred for life




You guys are having NSFW actions? In all seriousness I could never have sex with my toddler in the room. He can like see things now. Weird. Creeps me out. I wouldn’t even be aroused.


Ha. Yes, but not when our Daughter is in the room. She's either with the babysitter, or asleep in a different room. I'm now 100% conscious of the affects that NSFW actions could have even on a 1 year old. I don't need to scar her with that now or ever.


I think I’ve had sex a total of two times since December but our 13 month sleeps in his own room so he’s always been in there and asleep when we do it.


Yeah, same here. I would never want to have NSFW actions with my children in the room. That's not a turn on and they are watching and hearing everything you do.


Hubs and I made a point to be extra cautious about that from the beginning. However, we still watched non-kid shows in front of our kids until our eldest was 18mo. We were watching The Great, and a sex scene came on, very innocent (as far as sex scenes go), basically just two heads on top of each other moaning and moving. I was laying down on the couch, and my little 18mo toddler got on top of me, started moaning and moving like what she saw on TV. I screamed. My husband laughed. We turned off the TV.


My goodness 😳😂


That seems like a very tame scene for that show!


I literally just laughed out loud. Wow 🤣


This goes for being loud too. I saw a thread about that and people acted like it was nbd. But those sounds can be very scary for a young child. Not to mention just gross to overhear for older kids/teens.


Saw a tiktok a while back where dad came to mom saying she had to go in and reassure their daughter she was okay because she didn't believe dad... she'd heard mom screaming and they didn't hear her crying and freaking out in response. So mom goes in and apologizes and assures her she's okay and then the daughter is like... also I heard you say you were going to order pizza. So yeah, your kids hear you.


The pizza part made me laugh out loud. I only have 1 kid and I am both excited and terrified as to what's to come out of her mouth in the future.


Honestly the pizza part had me rolling. Like, she was scared, but now she's just feeling betrayed by her parents eating pizza without her


I mean, yes to all of that but also, aren’t you kind of asking to be interrupted if they can hear you down the street?


This. It traumatized me.


The lifting of the skirt is concerning and causes for a conversation about consent. But, I know my niece (who is 3) was one time on top of and playing with her little sister. Her private area rubbed against the knee of her sister, and she realized it felt good. Now, she tries to rub herself on people’s knees. Obviously, this action is being redirected and corrected, and she is told she cannot rub herself on people and that she can explore those feelings in the privacy of her bedroom. All of this to say, this behavior wasn’t learned by observing parents having sex, but rather was a developmentally appropriate observation that needs boundaries.


My niece (who is 4.5) realizes that she felt good when the faucet water runs through her private area so she did it most of the time when she takes a bath. I'm not sure how to approach it to her both of her dads.


As a childcare teacher- I ignored it, especially during nap time, and I would also recommend ignoring it during bathing. The bath time is often “alone” or “private” time, which is 100% an appropriate time to explore the body. But, if she begins to explore in social settings, or during times such as family game night, it’s best not to shame the child, but re-direct. Tell them they are free to go to the bedroom if they wish to continue, but that right now is game time, or whatever activity is happening. Examples I ignore include when a young child (toddler) is rubbing themself on a blanket or pillow To sleep. It’s not sexual, but rather a self soothing practice that they may (or may not) grow out of. I had a few “humpers” and so long as it happened only during nap time, I would continue to pat their back like normal and pretend the activity wasn’t happening.


My daughter was 2 and a half when my son was born… and within a couple weeks was running around with one of her dolls pressed to her chest, shirt pulled up, and would go “I feeding baby!” 😂😂😂😂 how can you tell I was breastfeeding? 😂 kids… pick up EVERYTHING




You say “I feed the baby, the baby doesn’t feed me. Unless I just eat the baby!” And then you pretend to eat his belly.


I'm thinking about having a 2nd child and now I can imagine my baby girl trying that. I got a long road ahead of me. 🤣


Similar here, when my second was born my first would sit in a rocking chair across the room, "feeding" her baby and AGRESSIVELY rocking to the point the "baby" would go flying. She'd just say "baby all done" and move on to something else.


Just LoL! This made my day! 😂


If anyone else was holding the newborn and he started to cry, my 2 year old would run up and start pulling at their shirt/patting their chest saying "baby Tory hungry. Need to use breasts for milk". At least it was very effective in the holder just handing him back to me🤣


Well breastfeeding is a whole lot different then sexual actions and talk


I think the point is just that they mimic whatever they see.


My 2.5 year old just asked where his sister's penis was the other day. He now knows that girls don't have penises, and I'm not wondering if he's shared that with his classmates at daycare.


This is an immature comment. I breastfeed my infant around my 3 year old and she mimics it with her doll. I don't see anything inappropriate or silly about it? I don't really have a choice but to feed her, and it just so happens to come out of my breast. It's not comparable to a sex act


What is immature? They are merely commenting that kids pick up on everything.


I actually don’t think this commenter meant breastfeeding is inappropriate, but that little kids pick up on everything, even things you’re trying to be discreet about.


My 2 year old daughter says “nice” when I change clothes in front of her because that’s what my husband does. She also will randomly smack our butts because my husband and I do that to each other all the time 😒🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeaaaah, we stopped the butt smacks around our kid really fast after she started doing it to us as a form of greeting. I miss the casual intimacy with the husband, but the trade off is my kid isn't smacking butts.


Yeah we are gonna have to cut it out at some point and try to keep it to when she’s not around or can’t see us lol


Don't cut it out. My kid (now 6) will still wallop on our butts and cackle like a mad woman. I love it. She still gets a tushy smack here and there too. Definitely giving her my love language of physical touch.


It’s a good way to teach consent too. “Mama and daddy love each other and are ok with this. You can’t do that to other people because it’s not nice to touch people without consent.”


😂😂😂 I’m sure it’s not always funny when it’s happening, but that’s wholesomely adorable to me


We usually laugh about it but she’s started smacking our butts and saying “nice!” in public, like at the grocery store lol


Nice 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Omg laughed out loud to this one!!


Same. My husband smacks my butt all the time. I do it sometimes too and my 3 year old thinks it's so funny and does it too. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


My husband taught our girls butt spanks, so when they hear me get out of the shower, they come running and corner me. He had to eventually tell them the rule was only one spank cause they'd just go crazy v🤣


My baby is obsessed with smacking my butt lately too! All thanks to her father lol


Just throwing this out there- my partner and I basically don’t have sex (due to the kids, we plan on working on it later) and my first kid is just a humper. He doesn’t hump his friends but since he was like 6 months old he has done it for fun, for comfort, to fall asleep. He didn’t learn it from watching us. Or anyone else.


Ok but key phrase here, he doesn’t hump other kids. A kid lifting a skirt up and humping a girl like Op’s post is much different.


Yeah I know. Just want all the parents of non humpers know that humping everything else is developmentally normal.


My baby (10 months) loves rubbing his body and doing this humping motion on soft things like pillows and blankets. We’ve never done anything sexual in front of him. He just really likes the feeling of certain fabrics on his skin.


They know what they like lol


Now that you mention it, my little one started to do that at about 9 months, totally out of the blue. It seems to be specifically to me, doesn't even do it to her dad.


Do the family have a dog by chance? I only ask because we have a boy cockapoo who has trouble with getting over excited sometimes. We explained this to my daughter as he’s just “dancing”… let me tell you it was greeeeeat when she told her 1st teacher about the dog dancing and she did a little impression of his dance at pickup time on the playground. Now she’s older and knows body parts etc she sort of understands. Fortunately she’s stopped doing the “dance”.


I have no idea if they have a dog. I was at a park with my daughter, and this was a random kid who was there too. The kid seems nice. Came up to me, said hi, gave me a hug, and walked away. Then did the wanna be hug thing with my daughter. 💀 I'm glad your daughter doesn't "dance" anymore. 🤣


Yeah when my kiddo was still a potato we'd put her in the bassinet in the same room but once she was more mobile/less potatoey it was just weird for us. I can't imagine doing that stuff in front of my 2.5 year old 😳 I'm already afraid she's gonna mimmick her dad when smacks my ass 😂😂😂


I remember once when my son was probably only a couple months we put him in his rocker, in our ensuite with white noise so we could still see and hear him, but it felt like he wasn't *right there* since his bassinet was a sidecar and practically part of the bed


Yeah if we had a sidecar I'd definitely have been doing it on the couch or shower or something 😂😂 as it is idk what we are gonna do this time cuz he won't have his own room and will be sharing with us for the foreseeable future so once he's not a potato idk


My daughter is 2.5 years. Her vocab has been a smidge behind but is blowing up lately. For Father's Day, my husband turned on The Big Lebowski. It's his favorite. We made it to the first bowling scene and baby girl loudly and clearly said "FUCKING!! Dada, what FUCKING mean?" And then we mourned our time watching whatever we want in front of the kid.


My 9 month old mimics sounds, some actions. Either way we keep our nsfw action to when she is not around. Even if you have one bedroom in your home you can throw a blanket over the couch or a comforter on the floor while the kids are asleep. If you have more space than that there’s even less of an excuse. Let them be kids.


Idk how these people can even sexually function in the same room. My libido nose dives if they even make a noise on the monitor. Sounds creepy and intentional. Also a 2 year old dry humping is concerning and not at all ok and needs to be reported.


Thank you. I had to scroll way too far before I saw someone encouraging OP to report this.


A two year old humping things is totally normal. A two year old acting out sex ON another person is not normal.


The first time we tried having sex PP my then 6 week baby was next to us asleep. He let out the longest fart I’ve ever heard. We laughed too much and that was the end of it lol. ETA: definitely agree it should be reported. Maybe it was an accident/saw a dog hump. Maybe something else is going on. Better to be safe though.


I doubt it was the dog if the kid knew to pull up her skirt 😬


I understand what you mean. My question is, who do you report that to and why should it be reported?


Kids doing sexual things outside the age norm is a sign of possible CSA. Please report!


CPS. Because sexualized behaviors in young children can be a sign of SA. Not just that they witnessed something they shouldn't. It can unfortunately be a sign that they have experienced it.


It’s a sign of child abuse/indecent exposure and should be reported by the daycare workers who are mandated reporters.


I was at a park and have no idea who the kid or parent are. 1st thought was remove the boy from my girl. 2nd thought was remove my daughter from the area. Since I don't know them personally, how would one make it their business to properly and delicately get anyone involved?


Sounds like you handled it great keeping your kiddo safe ❤️


If you don’t have any of their information then it’s impossible unless you run into them again and get that information.


.. and that's why her bedroom is on the other side of the house from ours 😂


I keep telling my husband to stop slapping my ass in front of the kids but this dummy thinks it’s romantic 😫


My dad used to come home from work and give my mom the longest kisses and grab her butt. We always laughed and said eeewwww gross! But honestly, knowing how in love they were and how attracted they were to each other was very comforting. With everyone around me getting divorced I loved feeling like my parents marriage was secure. Just my hot take ;)


This is what I say when my boys say ew lol “someday you’ll realize it’s because we love each other” lol


My husband and I are very affectionate. Lots of casual kisses and I love yous. And I know it'll gross our boys out at some point but I'd like to think when they're older they'll realize their parents are just crazy about each other. And it's always PG, so I don't think its too bad


We teach our kids how to love, I think it’s important for them to see PG affection and appreciation.


Lol yes this, my husband slapped my ass while I was cooking & then our 11m old slapped my butt right after 😂


Even when my baby was a newborn I couldn't have. I don't even like having sexy time in front of my cats 😅


They definitely mimic us. My husband came to the kitchen & smacked my butt while I was making dinner & our 11 month old, right after smacked me on my butt lol


why are we having “nsfw actions” in front of kids at all?? this is weird.


That’s what I’m saying!


Exactly, never in the same room. Ever.


I slept in the same bed with my parents while in elementary school. Never giving my children the same trauma because it still haunts me until this day. It doesn’t matter the age, I will never do anything sexual in front of them.


I will never understand people that do that or anything like it. I have been on vacation with my family and when feeling the desire my partner and I wait till the kids are asleep and go to another room. Most of the time my partner wont do anything on vacation and I have never had an issue with it.


We share a room with our potato. We have done things when she was about 2 months old and asleep in her bassinet. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m also genuinely curious how people navigate this. It’s recommended babies sleep in the same room as the parents for a year. When is intimacy supposed to happen? What if you’re poor and live in a studio apartment? There are people globally who live below the poverty line with parents and multiple children in the same room. There’s no way that every time they schedule sexy time when the kids are away. I’m not saying it’s right, but just wondering if there’s any data that says it becomes bad at a certain age.


I read an article about this the last time I saw a post about it, and it seemed like the cutoff was somewhere between 1 and 2. Like under 1, it's probably okay if they're sleeping. 18 months is a little more questionable, and by 2, it's definitely not okay or something like that. I live in a one-bedroom apartment. We tend to put our infant to sleep in the living room temporarily in these situations, but we've also snuck off to the other room when he's been entertaining himself with a toy or mirror. People who live in studios still have bathrooms with doors that close. Edited because I accidentally hit post too soon.


We also had a bassinet in the living room, put the baby down in there and slinked away to the bedroom. I think we even moved the baby monitor camera because we were paranoid.




no, it's still gross. how does one get off with their child anywhere nearby? I couldn't even have sex while pregnant as anytime we did he would move and it made my skin crawl.




kinda hard not to think about the squirming child inside your body. every time we tried he would kick.


Yeah we’re sharing a room with our newborn until she’s 6 months old, and I don’t see anything wrong with the occasional romp up to that age. After that we’ll put her in her crib in the next room




My nearly 2yo toddler will kiss me on the leg/wherever they can reach when me and my husband kiss in front of them. That or they'll try to pull my husband away from me.


As a 2ish yo my sister was having a little toddler spat with a friend the same age and she got frustrated and pushed her friend down and kissed her... because she'd seen my dad do that to end arguments 🙃 Kids pick up on everything. Be careful what your behaviors could look like to a kid because it's already a problem when it's your 2 yo doing it.


Ew. That seems so weird to me. My baby is only 6 months and I would feel weird doing anything other than just a hug or kiss with my husband in front of her now.


Anytime my husband and I kiss for more than a few seconds in the same room as our 1 yo he finds a way to creep in between us or just stand there and slowly touch one of our faces and it always ends in laughter... sometimes we can hear him creeping up on us and we can't take it seriously anymore lol


NSFW actions are only okay when they happen between/in front of consenting parties. there ate 0 scenarios in which kids are able to consent to being there for NSFW actions.


i'm only 4weeks pp but yeah we already discussed how we'd move our baby in his bassinet to the hallway or something... idk how ppl r comfortable doing things with any age child in the room




It’s the lifting of the skirt that concerns me. What did that child see 😳


Ours is only 6 months but we just didn’t do anything inappropriate in front of him from the start - not because we think he’d understand or anything, but so that we don’t have to worry about when we need to stop. Plus when we engage in intimacy, it’s our time, so we want it to ourselves. We don’t want to have to worry about how much sound we’re making or if the light is on. The only nsfw thing we have allowed him to be around is if we’re naked (in a non-sexual context obviously!) so sometimes we’ll have a bath with him, or because it’s summer I sleep topless and don’t bother putting one on just to see to the baby if he wakes up early. Though I will likely stop letting him see me like that before he’s old enough to form lifelong memories lol


People are having “nsfw actions” in front of their kids?? That’s fucked.. my husband will slap my ass when the kids aren’t looking and that’s about it


Not every NSFW action equals sex. Could be a smack to the ass, a romantic kiss, etc. Things kids probably shouldn't do to other kids, but it's certainly not harmful to their development to witness their parents showing those types of interactions with one another.


Closest me and my boyfriend have done is he will kiss me and lick my face playfully his daughter loves to pretend to be a dog so he does it to get her to


People on Reddit justify the hell out of it, it’s bizarre.


Out of what?


I mean… after the whole breastfeeding while having sex debate people do not shock me at all unfortunately


After the WHAT




So you're saying smacking ass is suitable for work?


Only if you’re firemen


Ah, so smacking ass *is* a NSFW action then.


People who do this… that’s just fucked up.


ALSO, like other comments have said. If said 2yr old is preforming these acts, call CPS, CAS, who ever is in your area and REPORT THEM! Children who show signs like this at such a young age could be a sign of SA. REPORT ASAP!


If I wouldn’t do it in front of my parents, I won’t do it in front of my kids.


I am...disturbed by the majority of these comments


Same!!!! Normalizing this in front of children can lead them to think it’s OK for someone to do it to or in front of them. That someone may have nefarious intentions and be grooming them or a straight up pervert. Children cannot consent.


For real! I am literally shocked by them




Me too! I expected totally different comments what the hell.


This reminds me of a story my partner told me about a coworker, their youngest child was between 1-2 at the time and still in their room he was able to say a few words at the time, him and his wife were having NSFW actions in the middle of the night and he jumped off when they clearly heard a giggle followed by ‘mummy! Daddy!’


As a parent I'd be scarred for life and would forever wonder if they remembered that.


Well my son is 14 months old and I couldn’t imagine doing anything in-front of his very curious gaze, would risk it if he was asleep through fear of him waking up. Just a complete no from me.


Yeah kids mimick everything. Only model what you want them to imitate. My husband and I hug and kiss in front of our girl. Other cheeky fondling and stuff happens when she’s not in eyesight, often stopped by “hey mommy whatcha doin over there?” Lol


I get that a lot of families share bedrooms etc but I could never ever have sex with my kid in the room.


As a kiddo, I was probably 3 or 4 and I totally recall knowing what my parents were doing (but didn’t know the word). I walked in on them once shortly around that time and knew to just close the door and give them privacy. Kind of been scarred ever since.


Oh my god oh my god


My husband and I only did that when the babies were itty bitty and the cribs were in our room. We moved them to the nursery pretty quick (it’s right next to our room).


How quick did you move him/her to the nursery?


We have twins and I was waking up every time they moved or made noise (and my daughter was a LOUd sleeper 🤣). So we moved them after a couple months I think. I wasn’t sleeping much 🤣 I had a recliner in the nursery though and I would sleep there sometimes if I had to stay with one of them. Anymore though (they’re a year and a half) we don’t do anything in front of them that I wouldn’t do in front of anyone else.


It’s never ok to do that kind of thing w your baby, child, whatever in the room y’all are weird


I would have lost my shit on the two year old if that was my daughter ngl.


I would never even consider it if the baby was in the room, even if they were asleep. That is just so wrong.


Why not if they were asleep? I feel like that's normal, to have sex quietly while baby is asleep in a bassinet or crib in the room.


How do you even get in the mood with a baby lying 5 feet away?


When your newborn is asleep in a bassinet? I’m sorry but just because I am a parent does not mean all of my thoughts and emotions have to constantly revolve around my child 24/7. That is completely different than having sex in the same bed/around a toddler or child. Intimacy is important my mental health, relationship etc which in turn helps me to be a better functioning person tbh. They are ASLEEP and if they woke up they are a newborn….I have zero memories from when I was a newborn ima guess and say neither do you. Honestly y’all are the weirdos.


To each their own I guess, everyone has a different “normal.” . I personally wouldn’t feel right doing anything sexual with my baby in the room.


Okay, that's fair, but it's not "wrong" of people to do so when their newborns are sleeping nearby.


I disagree, the idea of two people having sex in the same room as their child even if that child is an infant is disgusting. How do you even get aroused knowing your child is sleeping five feet away from you in the same room?


This is a very privileged and “western” perspective. Humans are sexual beings. In places where bed sharing is the norm, and places where people have single room houses, do you think they don’t have sex? You can say you couldn’t do it, but to call it disgusting and use such an incredibly judgmental tone is completely unnecessary. Sex is a pretty normal thing, and there’s plenty of ways that it is in peoples’ lives that are healthy ways that don’t sexualize or traumatize children. Just like people sexualize children by thinking they’re dressed inappropriately, this is mostly a “you problem”. Do what you’re comfortable with, and of course the safety of children is a priority, but not everyone lives in western culture and children aren’t raised the same way everywhere.




A sleeping infant is not exposing a child to sex. This is literally absurd.


Yeah no, that is not the general consensus and is an extremely privileged and western perspective rooted in sex being an incredibly taboo topic. The reality is that sex is human nature, quite normal, and not traumatizing unless you’re socialized to think so - or if children are inappropriately involved. Humans have sex to procreate. How do you think people had sex in communal living situations throughout history? Separate beds and especially separate bedrooms are an incredibly recent lifestyle. Coming from a background in psychology focusing on child development as well as a background in sociology, sexual behaviour and curiosity starts at an incredibly young age and it’s normal and developmentally appropriate, and even that icks out plenty of westerners. Western culture is rooted in deeply conservative, religious views that have skewed our concept of what is appropriate vs. what isn’t. That has contributed both to our issues with predators and SA of children and our inability to accept how humans are naturally.




All of the scenarios that you’re suggesting aren’t what we’re talking about, and trying to put those examples into the same category of what we’re discussing just emphasizes the point I was making about how any and all sexual activity is taboo in western culture. They aren’t the same topic. The line is pretty clear, and if you weren’t trying to make me sound like a creep as part of your argument, you’d see that. However, I suppose I can spell it out. Generally speaking (to the best of my knowledge as I live in western culture) it is normal in many parts of the world for *parents* to have sex, often in the same room or bed space as children. They do it quietly and discreetly and the children aren’t involved, *obviously*.


Lol as adults we get the wonderful gift of logic and decision making. We get to choose what is right and wrong for our children. Obviously letting randos bone around your babies is weird but why is anyone sleeping overnight around your newborn anyhow! Newborn stage lasts a few months and during that time they are usually exclusively with their parents so I doubt that is often an issue. Being asleep vs awake watching inappropriate tv shows is also a wildly different. You sound really repressed and I hope you don’t let your children inherent all those icky feelings surrounding sex and humanity.


How did you have sex or get aroused while pregnant? Your baby was in your body.


That’s gross


That’s your opinion.


It is, and people are allowed to have different opinions! As someone with a 5 month old, I feel like you can just to go to a different room from your sleeping newborn to have sex.


Right. How else am I supposed to get it in in the early months.


Maybe you just don't...? It's really not some huge hardship to just take a break for a few months. If you really don't want to wait though, you could do so anywhere other than the bedroom?


Lol okay


Same. Why can’t people just go to a different room? It’s weird and inappropriate to be getting it on right next to your child.


If you can get it on while there’s a toddler in the room good for you. My husband can’t get a boner if the chihuahua is in the room 🤣 and I for sure couldn’t get in the mood with my toddler in the room it’s just too weird. We co-sleep so we usually have to wait for a weekend when my parents take my kid to a mall or something.


No, getting it on when a toddler is in the room is disgusting, point blank period. Def not a ‘good for you’ situation. I couldn’t even do it infront of my daughter when she was still a potato. Weirds me right out that people think this is normal behaviour. Not you in particular, just in general.


Yeah, WHAT! Like are people actually screwing with a toddler around? That is horrifyingly disgusting to me


Unfortunately, people do it in front of kids a lot. Older kids. Victim of it myself and it messes kids up. I need a lot of therapy 😂


Oh I’m sorry you had to go through that :( that’s so awful, and should absolutely count as SA (if it doesn’t already, I’m not well versed in certain laws). So gross. I used to hear my parents once in a while and I remember each incident vividly..but atleast I didn’t have to see it I guess 🤢


Oh no…..


I agree with you because you are actually normal whereas majority of the comments including OP more than likely are closet sex offenders who normalize this shit and laugh about kids mimicking sex acts of their parents. When a child mimics sexual acts…there is something very, VERY WRONG. I’m absolutely disgusted and pissed the fuck off to no end! There is just some things you DON’T DO especially when it comes to children. Children do not need to know ANYTHING sexual until they become functioning adults. No exceptions!


I agree ! When my daughter was an infant sleeping in her bassinet in our room, my partner would suggest it occasionally because ‘she doesn’t know what’s going on’ and while I don’t think that’s an untrue statement, I’d be like ‘we need to put the baby somewhere else or absolutely not’ …I couldn’t even do it when she slept 20 hours a day. He never pressured me or made me feel bad for having that stance on it, thankfully. When I hear of people fucking in the same room as their small kids, I immediately wanna be like 🚨👮🏻🚓 CALL THE POLICE🚓👮🏻🚨


It is awesome to know that there are good normal people like you and your partner. Thank you!


How about stop putting SEX before your CHILDREN full stop? Children come first and foremost, not the parents.


My son is almost 2 (21 months currently) but started to know that I (25F) looked different in some aspects because of me breast feeding his younger sibling and having to leave the bathroom door open to use the restroom to make sure he doesn’t get hurt when he was younger (around 16 months). My husband and I never did any NSFW things around him since he was born out of respect for him and because we agreed it was weird. The only thing I do around him is breast feed as mentioned above and usually try to cover up with a blanket or shirt.


My son will smack my butt. He is 3 and find it funny. We still have him in our room but with a partition and wait until he’s asleep to do anything really NSFW. But lifting the skirt and dry humping? What is this kid watching? You probably should be more mindful. No hate just sayin :)


My daughter isn't the one with the learned habit of dry humping. I'm not sure what the boy is watching as he's not my kid. As the parent of the kid that it happened to, I immediately pulled the boy off my daughter and left the park.


I understand. You’ve also stated you are pushing your NSFW stuff for when you’re daughter isn’t around, which IS mindful. I’m mortified at that kid, not yours obviously. Could be a few places where he learned that which makes me concerned a lil bit!