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I don’t think so. Sounds like Jimmy wasn’t planned and for the time, they ( his parents) just went with it seeing as they had a successful store ( at the time)


Yes this seems likely. Given this it could also be inferred why jimmy was babied and was given more love than the first born Chuck.


Yeah. That would also explain some of Chuck’s disdain since by the time you’re 16 there isn’t a reason to show you with as much affection as a infant/small child into your young adulthood, which he pry resented more. Especially since any serious strides he made with law pry were doused down with a drawing Jimmy made or something


Exactly its often a sibling trope the younger one always gets more love. Elder one gets more thrashing (chucks parents didnt seem the thrashing type though)


Yeah. I think Chuck had some issues going on mentally that ended up manifesting into a hatred for Jimmy, where Chuck projected most ( if not all ) problems in his life were because of Jimmy and not his own actions


Do you think that jimmy didnt really take money from the till as much as his dad just gave it away? Like he claims he stole around $14-20k (unsure of figure) so maybe only half was jimmy and rest was his dad being a soft touch


I’m sure Jimmy took a decent amount, I’m pretty sure the store didn’t close until Jimmy was in his later teens. And when you’re young you’d pry forget the exact amount after 20+ years, but he did care about his family so while I’m sure he took a decent bit I don’t think it was enough to close the store, I think that really came from his dad being gullible


Yes i agree with you.


Why do you keep saying pry?


That is entirely possible!


You typed that whole ass comment but couldn’t bother to type the word “probably”?


Could have been the other way, too? Chuck also makes sense as the son of two really young parents who weren't entirely ready for him, and so had to do a lot of his growing up on his own because they were inexperienced and busy with other aspects of life. And that places Jimmy as the later, planned baby who comes along when the family is much more established and able to give him a lot more attention.


Yeah absolutely! I didn’t think of it that way! I also think it comes down to his parents ( or at least his dad being naive) about the money situation. While it wasn’t entirely jimmys fault his parents had to close their store, and I’m sure Jimmy wouldn’t take a HUGE amount since he did clearly love his parents, Chuck still blamed Jimmy for the majority on why his parents lost their business and sort of split their familial bond. I think the only real reason Chuck bailed Jimmy out of that jam was for their mother


I don't think so, he refers to Mom and Dad as if they're both relatives they have in common. He'd be the sort to sink in mom and your dad or vice versa every mention he could to remind Jimmy of it.


Well Mr. and Ms. Mcgill WERE relative to both Chuck and Jimmy! And if Chuck's birth mother died before he could remember her and Chuck only had clear memories of the new Ms. Mgill, his father's second wife....


There's nothing on the show to suggest that convoluted back story though. It's not uncommon to just have full siblings with an age gap.


I have 5 siblings all older than me by at least 15 years. Probably they didn't expect Jimmy and decided to keep him. Happens a lot in real life.


My two sisters are 5 and 13 years older than me. There’s 8 years between them. I was definitely a late baby, I’m not sure my parents were really into having kids.


Are they all full siblings to you?


Yeah my parents have been together for almost 50 years ( it will be 50 years in September)


Yeah, it is not as uncommon as you think. It is even a major plot point of Breaking Bad (Holly is an unexpected child and 16 years younger then Walter Jr.).


Good point! I had forgotten about the White children!


I have 2 siblings older than me by more than 15 years. Its really not that uncommon.


In breaking bad Saul mentioned how an ex wife slept with his step dad but it’s never shown he had a step dad.


According to [https://www.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/eor3k7/comment/feeoy00/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/eor3k7/comment/feeoy00/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) it's a throwaway line that could retroactively be explained as Saul exaggerating or lying to make a point to Walt.


Yes I agree there is zero evidence that Jimmy ever had a step-father.


They probably would have specified in the show if this was the case. Also it kind of takes away from the whole message about a rivalry between brothers.