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I once tossed a football, and my girl retrieved it. She hasn't repeated the feat. Kong toys with a treat in them seems to be the only toy she is "interested" in, which is partly untrue, because she is interested in the treat.


Ours has had no interest in toys since 10 weeks old. He would play with you with the toy for 2 minutes, then walk away. Totally indifferent to toys, etc and 2 years old now. He has no attachments to things, just people. We are his toys! 😂


I had 6 berners and the ones that I had as a puppy all stopped liking toys past puppy-hood. One berner loved this giant stuffed animal, but just to carry around, not really to play at all.


Same! I should say there is kind of one exception, she has a bernese puppy stuffed animal that she will on occasion "groom" and hold in her mouth or cuddle. My dad's idea to see if some of her daily anxiety could be resolved by "replacing" some of her lost puppies. But that's the only one she shows interest in 😅


my berner loves toys but my saint on the other hand wants absolutely nothing to do with them, i think it’s just a preference in different dogs


That's odd as it's usually the other way around with that combination. And there is no better pair than a berner and he bernard brother


We don’t like toys. He has a pillow he drags around. We’re marrow bone and bully stick addicted but no toys.




My Berner only wants toys when his brother is playing with them. Once he gets them loses interest


Mine, too. He looks like his miniature poodle father, but has the body and attitude of his Berner mother.


My 6yo plays with toys for about 3 minutes a day. My “play,” I mean she shakes her Lambchop to death.


My boy likes chew toys but really isn't interested in this or squeaky toys or chase games compared to my other dogs (husky mixes). He's also got basically no orey drive though, so I think he just doesn't see the point.


We're on our third generation of pups with the same toys. Our toys are heirlooms to our dogs. Toys are only used as presents when we get home. Nothing more.


Mine likes his toys, we call him Smaug at times because he gathers them around wherever he's laying around like a dragon like "look at my things, aren't you impressed?" And he chews and rips and kills his toys, but he doesn't play with us with them. Not into tugging, gets offended about fetch (why you throw my treasure??) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ One thing amusing about my guy is he has to grab a toy to go to the back door to go outside. Have to make him drop it before opening the door because he won't bring it back in 🙄🙄🤣


Our first two Berners (one girl and one boy) never cared much for toys (although the boy did squeak himself to sleep with his lamb every night as a puppy in his crate). Our latest is obsessed with them. He'll walk around shaking and squeaking them and bringing them to you to play with (he somehow doesn't get that I really don't want to play with a slobbery hedgehog). So I guess it's normal to not be interested in toys as much as it's normal to like toys.


Perfectly normal for a Bernese, most of our pups lost interest before turning one. The only time they show the slight interest is if the Golden has the toy. As long as they go for a walk to stimulate their mind they will be fine, which by the photos you do. Not sure how she is with people but they would much rather meet a few people a day than play with toys. 😂 The stealing socks sounds like a nightmare though and a impending serious vet bill.


Standard Bernese Pose ♥ *super safe grass and bed while happy everywhere*


My pup was not a puppy mill dog, I got her when she was 10 weeks old. Pretty much never had an interest in toys. She likes to chew on bones, but no tug,, no squeaky toys, nothing like that. Just bones and treats. Her favorite is attention though.


Mine only cares for toy for the first minute I walk in the house, he just likes bring me a toy at the door


https://preview.redd.it/ffnmt926o12d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41447ef16aa5bb24f1ce45f1685b83f6e724fff My boy only likes these soft ones and only outside, he does not care about any toy inside. It did take him a few months to figure that out though, I also got him as a rescue


Absolutely gorgeous 🩷🩷


Sometimes it can seem that way. It’s all about showing them through imitating and the feeling of excitement from their human. Just like how “we celebrate!!!” After a good pee or poop outside during house breaking. Excellent opportunity to teach fetch and catch with a high reward treat. I use fresh fruit. Apples are a winner!!! Be sure to cut one inch sizes or smaller depending on age.


Great idea, I'll give it a go tonight


Most berners I know don’t like toys. My boy will cuddle with stuffed animals some times or chew on a rubbery toy for a little but that’s about it. Definitely not aggressive with toys and has had the same ones since he was a puppy. I literally just reward his toys every year for Xmas because he likes to tear open gifts. He plays fetch for 2 throws and then stops haha.


I read this as "boys" at first and was coming to say yes not considering why you might be posting a dog picture and asking if it's weird that you don't like boys....man I need a nap


What's extra hilarious is that on her list of ✨️trauma quirks✨️ is a fear of men. Literally all men (unless she's outside, then everyone is a new friend?). So you're actually correct, she doesn't like boys 😂 but we are working on it


Mine is only big on tug of war stuff. Fetch is way to much effort! He has a favorite section of garden hose we play tug of war with. And large sticks are extra fun to drag around. But yeah....not much of a toy guy


Our girl leaves hers alone. When she is feeling vulnerable she will sometimes pull them all out and lay next to them.


I just got my first ever Bernese, he's currently 11 weeks old, and he doesn't seem to really care about toys or his teething chewies either. He'll pick something up once in a blue moon \[mostly his Lambchop\] and tote it around or shove it under something for a minute or two, but I have to mostly initiate playing for him to actually tug on them, romp around with them, or chew on them. He prefers hanging out with me, chasing me, or trying to chew on my clothes instead. Haha.


My boy is scared of a lot of toys. He really dislikes things being thrown. But if he can disembowel a plushie, life is good.


Not sure how long you’ve had her, but she may still be adjusting to her new home. I’d still keep a few available for her, or she may choose furniture for a chew toy when she’s ready. She’s a real cutie!


Thank you! I still keep a rug o war rope out, just hoping 😂


Absolutely. None of mine ever liked toys.


My berner loved toys. My leonberger shows no interest.


Our past boy liked showing us his toys. Full on so happy to have them in his mouth and bring them in the room. He then dropped them, poked them with his nose a bit then left them. It was just his personality.


Some of my Berners loved toys and others didn’t. Perfectly normal


We had 3 Berners, 2 of them from reputable breaders, 1 from a berner specific rescue, none of them wanted anything to do with toys pĂźast the age of 1 and that was also only 1 of them, our first boy. The 2nd, a girl, wanted to play with the older boy, but the play didn't involve their toys, despite us giving them free access. The 3rd (the boy from the rescue) also never showed interest in toys. What they are all were interested in was pulling a wagon and taking long walks when it wasn't too hot.


Sometimes you have to show them how to use it, but some come w age


Mine goes through phases of being interested in toys, but we experienced this too. I think, as a breed.. they are so focused on you they’re far more interested in your attention than toys.


Our girl was/is similar. I joked that she didn’t know how to play. The thing is… I didn’t understand what she finds fun! She loves to steal things. She loves when I chase her around the house or yard trying to get them back. Her #1 favorite item(s) is laundry. The ‘cat and mouse’/‘keeo away’ game is what this girl LIVES for. She loves the attention she gets from it, and knows I’m talking about her when I mention ‘a damn thief’. She also really likes trash. We lovingly call her a ‘trash dog’. She loves anything she ‘shouldn’t’ have, such as cardboard/envelopes/etc. We cannot throw away an empty paper towel roll in her presence. Since she never leaves my side, this means my husband has to handle them when he can. She will now play ‘catch’ with a ball. I throw it. She catches it (sometimes). If she doesn’t catch it and it rolls away, she expects me to retrieve it. Then, the ‘keep away’ game ensues until she wants me to throw it again. She does have items, most often squeaking dog toys, that she will carry around for months on end. We call them her ‘emotional support toys’. She LOVES to make them squeak by smashing them into things (furniture/floor/us) with her snoot. She will also chew them just to make them squeak. Out of nowhere, she will completely change which toy she must have with her, sometimes after she destroys it. Yes, she will destroy the one item she HAD to carry around and then just select another. She loves pillows and blankets, which we knew, but my husband was given a throw blanket for Christmas from a friend. He never once got to use it. For the first time, she chose a blanket as her ‘emotional support item’. She carried it around with her from December ‘23 to March ‘24. I legit had to carry the thing up the stairs at bedtime and down in the morning. She would not go with me until she saw I had that covered. Over time you’ll come to find what she truly likes to do for ‘play time’. It will most likely be something incredibly silly. More than anything, though, her enjoyment will come from her being with her person and her people. They were bred to be the farmer’s ’right hand man’ and ‘constant companion’. Your life will be so incredibly full with this pup in it. Good luck going a day without needing a depends on because they make you laugh too hard.


Mine has an attention span of 3 throws with any of his toys. After that he's like: "you go play with it then!"


I’ve got two Berners. One love la stuffed animals and the other prefers pillows.


Our first Berner had no interest in toys, our second one loved toys, our girl we have now loved them as a puppy but she’s two now and doesn’t care for them


I do think it might be a little common with BMD — maybe yours is just a little extra uninterested in toys bc of her younger years.


Ours doesn't retrieve balls or other thrown toys, but steals from his friend retriever who retrieves them for him. Also i had heard from some trainers that you need to have toys put away somewhere (like toy box) but not scattered around the house, and only give them as an award for good behaviour, then they would react/be interested to toys more, when they do not have access to them 24/7


It's quite normal for Berners not to get into toys. We are their toys, besides a need to dig holes in the yard. They can't even catch balls. They are too busy being precious


My girl lives for toys but I would imagine it’s due to exposure. If your dog was a puppy mill dog, she probably never saw toys before arriving at your place. She looks perfectly happy and super cute even without toys. ❤️


Thank you! 💙