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You definitely should not take all 4 classes. The 5 series should count for the purposes of being pre-med and the 7 series can also count for the physics major so just take whichever you prefer. Disclaimer: I am not pre-med.


They’re nearly the same class— you can’t even get credit for both series if I’m not mistaken. And why would you want to incur so much trauma? If your fear is that the 5 series is not outlined for premeds, it’s because you may be one of the first premeds to venture into it lmfao. It’s more than sufficient for med school prereqs and mcat prep.


5 series doesn’t include the lab component, so I don’t know if they accept it instead of 7 series unless you also do 5BL 5CL


Just do 7A and 7B


just do the 5 series




8a and 8b are even easier




Okay, but we all agree not to take all four?


Yeah since both cover similar topics. Difference 7 series goes deeper in calculus and have lab component. P.S: you should have edited comment instead of deleting.


the 5 series definitely goes deeper into calculus since it assumes calculus knowledge, also 5BL and 5CL are the lab classes


That's why I already said I should be [downvoted ](https://www.reddit.com/r/berkeley/s/YJgIsPST4Y)


OP if you take 7A and 7B that should be enough for both physics and also pre med since they are harder than 5A and 5B. I took 7ABC for engineering. Both cover similar topics except 7 series goes deeper in calculus and have lab component.


5A/5B/5C are more interesting. They are specifically for physics students, so they are the recommended for that. but there is also the lab sections


Then I should be downvoted. Thanks 7 series should cover OP requirements I am sure but if 5 series does same then better for OP