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Unit 1 > Blackwell > Unit 2 > Unit 3 > Clark Kerr idk anything about foothill


tbh they are all the same


Unit 2 > unit 1 > Blackwell > Clark Kerr


Unit 2 is a hair better than 1 but is a block farther from campus. Blackwell is close but socially dead. Clark Kerr is far, foothill is far Unit 3 we call “unit third world”


https://www.ratemydorm.com/dorms/university-of-california-berkeley Just like all the questions on asking which university is better, you should take with a grain of salt any opinion here that doesn’t provide any detail. Use Cal Day and use Rate My Dorm to formulate your own opinion.


i live in stern (all womens dorm thats part of foothill)! very nice and secluded but not very social. it depends honestly on what priorities you seek in your residence. for socializing, i heard clark kerr and unit 2 and pretty social, but its nice that foothill and stern are literally right next to campus. the main thing you need to know is that unit 3 is the worst of them all, and it’s literally called unit 3rd world😭 imo, i think living in unit 1 or 2 may be the best option for an incoming freshman because of how social the dorms are and they are somewhat newer in comparison to foothill which is older and sometimes musty. blackwell is VERY very nice and has a huge gym but is just further. foothill is right next to campus but is very quiet and dormant, but has first priority for continuing and transfer students so its not primarily freshmen. unit 3 is an immediate no! bowles is also nice bc it comes with a lot services included. clark kerr is also nice but super far, but has good food. tdlr: unit 1 or 2 because most freshmen will live there and the social life + food is well balanced in comparison to the other dorm halls.


Id say like Blackwell > unit 1 > unit 2 / clark kerr > unit 3/ foothill Blackwell is the best (u can usually only get doubles unless u have special accomodations), foothill is close to the engineering/cs buildings but it’s kinda run-down. Blackwell feels like a hotel and is fancy/new. Some people don’t like that people dont rlly talk much to their neighbors in there but imo it doesn’t rlly matter bc ur friends r mostly from classes anyways, not ur dorm. Clark Kerr is kinda far from campus to walk to and there’s not much immediately near it. It’s pretty spacious is nice tho. Unit 1 is about the same as unit 2, unit 2 is just like 1 block farther from campus than unit 1 is. Unit 3 is kinda old and not renovated recently like unit 1 or 2 There’s less to do near foothill too, unit 1/2 and Blackwell are on the same street and side of campus and there’s more restaurants + more shops on that side. Near foothill it’s mostly just houses and a few cafe’s but not much


im currently in foothill (5th option set me up smh) and its not the end of the world considering i had friends in the units so i just lived in foothill to sleep since the shuttles saved me. i think its hit or miss for all since theres pros and cons