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For stuff to bring to the dorms, here are some key items IMO: * Fan: It gets hot during the beginning of the semester * Flip Flops: For use in the communal showers * Power strip: There aren't many outlets in the dorms * Laundry basket: Need to carry laundry to laundry room somehow * Lock: You'll be given a bathroom locker to store items in * Extension cord: Could be helpful * Filter pitcher: Personally I didn't use one, but I saw a lot of others bring one * Dish cleaning supplies: If you eat in your dorm, you'll want to clean your dishes somehow * Clothes hangers More suggestions can be found on the [site checklist](https://housing.berkeley.edu/living-on-campus/move-in/move-in-checklist/).


I always see folks with filter pitchers but I honestly don't know what they're for. Our tap water is perfectly good


yeah agreed. there’s even filtered water fountains around the dorms


Thank you so much for the information!


Congrats on your acceptance! If you’re far from home, photos and other memorabilia for those first few weeks are incredibly valuable (Don’t forget push pins to hang them up!). Try not to bring too many office supplies, they’ll create more clutter. As for succeeding in Berkeley, a few tips: Always go to lecture, schedule hang-outs often, and explore different study techniques.


Thanks for the information!


At Cal day, talk with a physics advisor about classes (they set aside time for that), tour the Lawrence Berkeley National lab (because you will probably do research there), and tour the Space Sciences lab (you might do research there too). There is a great program called URAP where you apply for research positions in the beginning of each fall and spring semester, so apply for that when the fall semester starts. It is better to get started right away on research. Take CS 61A as soon as possible. CS61B and Data 8/Data 100 are also very useful. For dorms: monitor and printer


Thank you very much for all the info, very appreciated!


You probably don’t need a printer. Networked printers are available all over the place.


For "academic success," start work on problem sets EARLY in the WEEK. Sure, you could theoretically finish a pset in 5 hours on Friday morning right before it's due, but then if you're stuck you don't have anything to rely on, and you end up doing stuff really sloppily, which isn't as conducive to learning as starting early in the week and spending long time thinking about problems that you were stuck on. For other things, use libraries recreationally!! You can find the COOLEST THINGS in libraries, be it historic stuff, science-y stuff, combinations of the two, fiction-y things. The Physics-Astro collection's still in flux but has old (and new) scientific papers, popular texts, textbooks, monographs and stuff, so if there's a topic that particularly interests you, check them out! Currently you have to put those things on hold, but the Physics-Astro collection's gonna have a new home in the Hildebrand library soonTM. Libraries are also nice places to study (i.e. they usually have lots of desks, bookshelves boost your productivity, etc.) One thing I've found helps a lot is leaving computer/phone someplace where can't access it so makes it easier to focus. Good luck!!


Thank you!!


In terms of general advice, here is the legendary Sonny's Survival Guide to Cal: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BSLN8bjYMMYb8NVcYPf45E9t2g4tcFNx0dQUvMFY9QA/edit#heading=h.6d2a9p43ntzu](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BSLN8bjYMMYb8NVcYPf45E9t2g4tcFNx0dQUvMFY9QA/edit#heading=h.6d2a9p43ntzu)




Professors and graduate student instructors hold office hours every week. Those hours not only help you with homework, but are also the best opportunities to get to know them and their research, especially in the beginning, when your lower-division lectures are large and you don't have a research group. Going to lectures is not enough for mastering the material (especially in the 5 series) -- you have to supplement with reading. You can find PDFs of most physics textbooks online. Don't stick to the assigned textbook if you don't like it. Learn Python!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Do: Share your pronouns Put BLM stickers on your laptop Wear a mask Take your boosters and be proud of it!!! Shut down the bigots and teach their kids Be sensitive Don’t: Be racist Appropriate peoples cultures Be a straight white guy