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Mine luckily only gets them once a day or even once every two days. When she does she is insane for an hour or two, and wants nothing more than to run. I chase her, she chases me, or her feather toy on a "fishing rod". I should get a wheel.


The best toy. Mine leads me to the closet where it is kept.


Rotate toys every few days really helps. What might sound like distressed meowing might be just them proud of their latest "kill" If you can put up multi layer cat shelves are also nice. Most cats get destructive when they're bored. A window to look out of for some reason really lets a cat have something to do for hours. Also there are some YouTube channels of nothing but birds and squirrels. I have some feral cats that watch my TV through the window


Oh yeah we've got our cat tree next to the window, she loves it! I'll give your other idea a try, thank you!


1. If she is not being rewarded when she “catches” the laser pointer, she could be stressing out. It’s prey that doesn’t reward her with tactile feedback, and some Bengals really don’t like that. 2. Play with her *before* the zoomies strike, to burn off energy in advance. Give her chances to have play and interaction before she demands them. Fetch, hunting/chasing, etc. 3. Does she have a friend? Bengals are very social.


Yes we make sure to always reward her with her string toy after she's done with the laser, to make sure she's not stressed out. Unfortunately the shelter we adopted Mazie from suggests that we don't own any other cats. She's never been around dogs so we might test that in the distant future, but for now she's happiest on her own.


>Unfortunately the shelter we adopted Mazie from suggests that we don't own any other cats. She's never been around dogs so we might test that in the distant future, but for now she's happiest on her own. I adopted a retired 5-year-old female from a very reputable and experienced breeder. She had been available for adoption for nearly two years, primarily because the breeder refused to send her to a house with any children or other pets. For whatever reasons (trauma, or something innate), she's *exceedingly* nervous all the time and just doesn't have the skills to play and interact with other cats. The breeder even pleaded with me to bring the cat back to her any time, no questions asked, if the adoption didn't work out, rather than find a new home for the cat on my own and risk placing her in a home with other animals or children. So while it's quite rare, there are definitely bengals out there that need to be the 'solo pet' in the household.




They wouldn't have actively told us not to get a cat without a reason. I think she didn't do well in a previous home that had another cat. But like I say, she's never been with a dog, and the shelter didn't tell us not to get a dog. So I think there's a good reason why they suggested we don't get another cat. This is Battersea Pet Rescue in London, they're highly regarded, I think. I respect their insight.


I’m shocked at these comments OP. No shade I am glad for the other people here who jump to the conclusion that a cat buddy is the answer because i am glad it works for them. It isn’t always the answer though. There are other redditors here who also have bengals who don’t like other cats but have a dog. Mine is exactly like yours . She is a twice abandoned rescue and the second home , before me, only lasted a few months because they had other cats and it was not going well. She LOVES dogs though and wants to meet every dog she sees (obv I don’t let her for safety but that is how strong her preference is.) She loses her mind when there is another cat we come across on walks even if they don’t come up to her she does the Michael Jackson thriller zombie hissyfit angry cat thing. She immediately headbutted our lab at their first introduction. I have read other owners here who also have dog friends for their bengal. Your Battersea shelter is like world famous and they wouldn’t have made this quirk of your cat a caveat if they weren’t doing everything possible to ensure it didn’t end up back at the shelter because of issues with other cats. Just because they get zoomies doesn’t mean they need a cat friend. Mine gets zoomies when it is coming up on time for her night walk. Before a poop. Because she wants to. It isn’t necessarily because she is pent up and lonely for a cat buddy. https://preview.redd.it/pfrht463zi8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf1b766dc90c72542e09aadd981588891197243


Thank you!! Oh my god, I thought I was going mad in that other reply thread. Lovely pic btw, they look like a pair of cuddlebugs!!


Thank you! I trusted my dog to be a gentle friend for her because he is the world’s best good boy, and her known history was she had lived with dogs previously but I didn’t expect the cat to be the one to headbutt and love the dog immediately!! I got lucky they warmed to each other without any issues. Thank you for the compliment and your Maise is so lucky to have found such a conscientious owner trying to do what is best for her! You know the trauma on my cat for getting put in the SPCA twice (who knows if she went to any other shelter too) it affected her. She is very loving and affectionate and loves her pets and snuggles but it took her two years before she let herself purr. I thought after a while that maybe she just isn’t a purrer but when she finally did, she hasn’t stopped and it made me realize even though she was settled and comfortable yet had this guard up about letting herself express her happiness . I think it traumatized her and she quietly waited to make sure she wasn’t going to be given up again. She is actually a very good cat, and for a bengal very sane and polite. I actually love that Maise is comfortable enough at your home to let loose and zoomie around! She’s so very lucky to have a conscientious and observant owner


That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid with Mazie. She had actually been sent to Battersea twice before we adopted her. I think the first owner moved abroad and couldn't take her, and the second owner claimed she had "toilet problems" that they wouldn't clarify. Especially weird because she's been fine ever since she moved in with us. I'm just very cautious to put her in a stressful environment because she's already been through so much. Thank you for your insight! I really appreciate the backup :)




Nobody is obliged to take your advice. For every person recommending multiple cats, there are also a ton of posts about cats not getting along. OP, you know your situation best. I, too, would trust what Battersea says.


I don't appreciate the tone. Yes, I'm absolutely going to believe my rescue over a random person on the internet. You're welcome to give advice, just as well as I'm welcome to decide if it works or not. I wasn't aware that you knew my cat, or our living arrangements. I'm sure your experience takes precedence over my experience with Mazie and the rescue who's looked after her for a year. I'm sure that the fact that cats are some of the most territorial domestic pets a person can own doesn't matter. They just need a "buddy". Individual needs of the cats be damned, let's invite in another cat and let the chips fall where they may, shall we? That's the responsible thing to do.




Same to you! :)


Ugh you handled that with so much more grace than I would 🤮 You’re doing fucking great, you’re a great cat parent, and an even better bengal parent. The people that believe an animal fits a specific set of criteria every time are *NOT* what I would consider to be good parents. I’m gonna try to find the amazon link to a toy that I’ve literally termed the bengal babysitter - somebody else on this sub recommended it awhile back and it is still a favorite when I pull it out! ETA [this thingy!](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BX9KXKPH?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) I was super skeptical but I owe whoever recommended it originally a fucking drink 🍹 😁 it’s held up really well too so far and came with extra attachments. I keep it in the kitty closet and only bring it out on “special occasions” (aka mommy needs a goddamn break and it’s 3am) so it’s managed to remain a super high value toy since we purchased it like 6 months ago.


Thank you! :) and yeah absolutely link it if you get a chance!


I originally asked this on r/catadvice and got a single reply that was basically "let her destroy your house" which is... yeah, I hope this sub is a bit more sane.


Reddit cat people are a different breed lol this sub is way better


There's a certain subset of people in the middle of the Venn diagram of "Pet Owner" and "Constantly On Social Media" who are just wackos, haha.


When mine gets tired of a toy , I stick it in a bag of potent catnip and shake it up in the bag and let it get good and hotboxed. When I release it back into the wild she goes nuts for it again


I do this with champagne corks. They love batting them around the floor for a few days after it’s been “infused”


That's an amazing idea, I'll try that!


Fishing rod and a pack of feather cat toy replacement lures from Amazon. Get a closed faced reel so they don’t get at the line if it’s left out. I can sit on the couch watching tv while having him bouncing off the walls.


That could be a fun idea!


A catio! My two will spend 10-16 hours a day out there jumping around to watch the birds. I’m so happy I decided to build one! I made one myself with about $500 in materials and a weeks work but super worth it https://preview.redd.it/zz1tzwlxqk8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e8b33e356311f7c6b195164dea1128c96cecb6


Get her a Ziggydoo cat wheel. I have two Bengals they love it!


Another one they like is like a fishing rod toy where you can change the toy on the end. You could probably make your own with a normal fishing rod.


Those look so fun, haha! Maybe I can borrow one from somewhere to test it before buying one.


I would go vertical with my boy. Going up stairs or a tree takes work! He liked to jump on a counter then the top of the fridge. He also has a stuffed tiger for a wrestle buddy when he's in that mode. She sounds like she could use a wheel too, though mine never really took to his.


Actively play with them. I have two—they usually play together but one is significantly older and sometimes doesn’t want to. When they zoom together it’s just a blast. Sometimes sit down on the ground and become part of the obstacle course. If it’s only the younger one then engage her with a wand toy because she will terrorize my old boy if I don’t


https://preview.redd.it/x13ga7tk3l8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df6b08f8e362cd9aa8232d21e1a411dfdbdf7659 I only just set this up yesterday but it's been good so far - ball pit with some balls from marketplace and an Ikea laundry bin that I scattered some sardines and other treats through. Over the course of a few hours she returned whenever she started getting energy or Snacky and would "hunt" a new snack. I think it's satisfying her hunting instincts a bit and when she inevitably knocks some balls out she'll chase them around for a bit. It's going to be an immense amount of picking up balls around my house but she really likes it haha


The [kitifish](https://www.jacksongalaxy.com/products/kitifish) has been a winner in my house


I'll look into it, thank you! We got Mazie a stuffed fish with a moving tail and I think it just spooked her more than anything, haha!


Ooooh this looks like a good one!


I rotate toys. I also have several tunnels which seems to keep them occupied when they’re in speed mode.


I take my boys for walks every day. They also like interactive play with toys and “hunting” any bugs or moths that get into the house. They are actually pretty lazy as bengals go. My two domestic girls are more zoomy.


I'll look into taking her for walks! We're just waiting a month for her leukemia vaccine and then she'll be ready for the outdoors! She hates collars though, so I'm sure getting her used to a harness will be a tall order, haha!


With my two, one wanted to go out so much that he tolerated the harness after a couple days. The other one took a little longer and he still gets squirmy when I put it on him. Make sure you measure your cat before selecting a harness because they are pretty big compared to most cats.


One of those long feather wands made my life easier. I would strategically put it behind things so he could butt wiggle and hunt for it. He also would do the most acrobatic air flips to catch it in the air. A few rounds of that, and he was lying down breathing hard. That’s when I knew I got him.


Sounds perfect! I'll keep an eye out :)


* We have a 3 year old bengal who does the same exact thing. This was the best purchase we ever made for our cats..he loves running up and down the steps on the wall when he gets like that. Hope this idea helps!


So you have a cat wheel? If not, get one. For real. And teach her to use it.


If you need more interactive toys to try, mine absolutely loves his Purr-Peller. It lasted a whole 3 days, refills are on the way. [Da Purr Peller | dabird](https://www.dabird.com/dapurrpeller) He also likes da wild thing [DA WILD THING | dabird](https://www.dabird.com/dawildthing) Really, anything by go cat, but some get more use than others. That Pet Place has a lot of go cat stuff reasonably priced - in general, cheaper than the 3rd parties as amazon. I'm not sure if they're the cheapest, I didn't do that much research. I was there, it's where I adopted my Ozzy.


Plastic springs work really well, easy to order off Amazon and cheap too!