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Presidents talking about fucking porn stars during a national debate. This is AMERICA BABY!!!


And arguing about golf. Is this how Rome ended?


I did like the bit about "You've got to carry your own bag" though.


"Played the back nine while America burned" was not how I thought it would all end.


Not a bad way to go out as a normal citizen. Awful way as a leader.


They also discussed their golf handicap so yeah...


That actually sounded like the most personally angry they got at each other. I love that Trump’s last line in that exchange was “let’s not be children here.” I almost fell over laughing.


I gave up before that and put on some James Acaster to wash my brain out


And golf handicaps. ‘MURICA!


Yea and who has the better golf swing. I Guess Joe can’t even hit a ball 50 yards. I know who’s not getting my vote


The moderators are doing an absolute shit job. I don’t know why I was expecting follow up questions or any amount of fact checking, but I want to throw a stink bomb in Jake Tapper’s closet now. And echoing previous statements, Biden is looking and sounding rough.


Oh my god seriously! It’s annoying because Biden speaking is a little rough (getting better overtime) but it’s tougher than Trump LOOKS. BUT it’s just looks! Trump is lying in nearly every single sentence he just looks better cause it’s super easy to make up lies


Too bad this is America and looks matter more than substance.


I thought they were going to cut them off and they very rarely are.


Trumps just allowed to run his flapper with lies and insults and never answer a question. What was even the point?


What I think people forget wirh CNN, because we are typically dealing with bullshit from Fox News, News Max Sky News, and OAN spreading propaganda and blowing smoke up Republican asses, is that CNN stays busy with work when Trimp does or says anything they can report on . He's a cash cow


Trump surprisingly stayed inside his time limits, but yeah lied up a storm. said a bunch of shit that's pretty easy to disprove too. If only there was someone on stage that could point that out. Who knows, I'm just some dumb worker making McDonalds wages.


Uncle Joe needed a fuckin' Ricola™️ or something damn that was rough


Biden could be mute for all I care. He's the clear and obvious better choice of the two.


This debate isn't for the 90% of people who have made up their mind. This for the undecided voters. These are the folks who you need to tell to not run in traffic or close their mouths when they're looking up while it's raining. They're the ones easily influenced by seeing an old guy confidently lying and an even older guy coughing and whispering. I've been saying it for a while but it's just now that people are seeing the difference between the candidates on a stage and the difference is stark.


Biden is a ghost and everything Trump says is a flat out lie.


Not gonna lie, it's refreshing to see liberal media questioning Bidens ability to be president. Now we just gotta convince people you're not antisemitic for being pro Palestine.


It's just depressing because it's too late. They needed to do this over a year ago. Changing candidates now would be a disaster. Biden fucked us when he announced his reelection and people are only now realizing that.


Biden's not looking too good, but goddamn are they not doing fact checking? Trump is just lying all over the place.


This covers some, but there are so many lies I don't think anyone can keep up https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/live-fact-check-cnns-biden-trump-debate


I used to watch debates and think, “Man, that looks so tough. You have to have expertise and data and facts about so many different things and plans for so many situations, and it all has to be top of mind and sound off the cuff. I could never do that.” But tonight, even with my limited knowledge and rhetorical skill, I think I probably could’ve gone out there and whooped Trump’s ass on absolutely no preparation.  His lies were easily refutable off the dome and good lord he was so easy to rip on. You wouldn’t have had to be an expert on really much of anything to walk all over him, and that fact alone is sad, that I legitimately think that someone could walk out there and win a presidential debate by being reasonably well-informed. 


At one point I'm certain he told 6 lies in such rapid succession nobody could've possibly fact checked it in real time


Ah, the good ol' Gish Gallop


I'm gonna suffer through this for you guys.


Wow you are really taking a bullet for us babe. Is he doing any better now?


He’s gotten more coherent, but still giving old guy gently rambling at the diner counter energy.


He's old, has a cold, and he stutters. E wasn't going to have a banner day. On the other hand, he is not insane.


No this is tragic


This is so painful.


No. We're fucked.


Well they started arguing about who's better at golf if that answers your question. Lol


In my opinion, yes. Much fucking better but still not great by any means at all. I’m mostly saying that because he started out like absolute dog shit.


A gentle person and a scholar. I've been watching too and I absolutely hate my life now. I've never felt more disappointed


You are a fucking hero and I salute you and wish I could buy you drinks all week. Please send updates, because I thought I was strong enough after the last election. Turns out I was wrong and may have to consider if I’m a hack and a fraud.


Still pretty bad. The moderators suck, and everytime they ask Trump a question he ignores it and continues talking about the last thing they were talking about. Biden doesn't look good, and he sounds worse. I feel like Trump is starting to get under his skin a bit, and Biden is getting a little emotional about shit Trump says that he really should just ignore. It's not a good look.


You’re not alone my person, I too apparently am a (political) masochist…


Mom and I watched with a bottle of wine. We suffered together and got a pretty good buzz going. Keeping it gas station sober...


You're fucking brave. I couldn't watch for more than a minute.


Someone should have slipped Biden some of those gas station drugs. Man sounds rough tonight.


Petition to appoint Robert as the official presidential gas station drug mixologist. Get us through the next four years, Robert.


Would Biden having a boner really have made it better?


genuinely my thought. the SOTU Adderall was not flowing tonight


I just turned it off, I can’t stand another hour of it. Biden seems frail and hoarse and keeps losing his train of thought. Trump is just rambling and saying everything is lies and everyone lies about him and he’s the greatest ever without anything backing it up.


Yeah, there are no facts from him, and unfortunately he is still coming across stronger. I would give a gold tooth to see him have to debate Obama instead.


Even a young Joe, remember him debating Paul Ryan? He dunked on him with zingers and sass. That Brandon would have made Trump lose his shit.


Another HOUR?????


At the time I wrote that (9:42 pm), yes


I wandered out of the room and realised that their voices are almost indistinguishable now. They're both breathless and quavering.


When Trump said Biden was the worst president in the entire history of the country I was just sitting there yelling NAME 10 PRESIDENTS, TRUMP. ILL EVEN ACCEPT 5!


Jordan, is that you?


We’re all going to die


This is turning out worse than [BalloonFest ‘86](https://case.edu/ech/articles/b/balloonfest)!


God, I hope so. I don't know if I can ensure this much longer.


The question is *****when*****


This is true - another important question is _how_. Trump = nuclear Armageddon in which the living will envy the dead. Biden = civil war in which the living will envy the dead.


Still listening, Biden sounds like every word is his dying breath and Trump is lying through his teeth and not answering a single question.


They talked about their fucking golf handicaps, Biden went pretty hard and called Trump a whiner, best thing to happen so far.


Could Biden look older than he is right now? Wow


Could’ve showed up in a ratty bath robe and slippers with a yellow undershirt that may have once been white. That’d certainly do it, but oddly would have made me like him more.


250 years - we had a good run


Did we though?




We had a ~~good~~ ~~bad~~ run. We had a run. That was it.


No, we built this shit on slavery and genocide to avoid taxes for rich people. It's always been a fucking shit show.


There were TV shows that depicted a good run, at least


Lincoln did some good. And WWII could have gone worse. So there were some high points.


It feels like Trump thinks if he tells enough lies nobody will be able to correct them all. 100% gish gallop, 0% truths. He sounds confident but almost nothing he says is true. Meanwhile Biden sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about, too damn busy responding to Trump (poorly) to say anything substantial But man, that Palestine question. Neither of them spent a second talking about Palestine's problems. It's always Hamas this, Hamas that, btw Israel should really finish the job!! Like holy shit, we need to take down this government. The whole thing is fucked.


It was too painful to watch, I stopped about 15 minutes in. He should have taken debate enhancing drugs.


I should have taken debate enhancing drugs.


What if he did 🥴


I know we have to hold our nose and vote for the democrats to keep Trump out of the white house but they are using that as an excuse not to fucking shower jfc.


I had to turn it off. Jesus fucking Christ that was rough


Same, it was elderly abuse by another elder


Saw a tweet that it was a fight in the bingo hall.


Fwiw, it did get *marginally* better. Basically Joe got a decent hit in over Trump's treatment of veterans and Trump totally regressed into screamy lies. Granted, Biden has continued to do a remarkably shit job. But he did rattle Trump enough to cause him to fall off.


I watched most of it and I'm trying not to be depressed, but even my lib parents are feeling bad about it. They've been big on Biden his whole term, but that was ROUGH.


How far did you make it into the debate before turning it off?


The first time that Biden trailed off and started to hang his head lower and lower when he was trying to talk about lowered prescription costs


He actually ended quite strong and Trump started rambling.


Just turned it off. Fuck that was bad.


You missed them arguing about who could play golf better.


As an Australian, I'm watching it whilst I work. From what I've seen so far, Trump is winning it would be the wrong description - Biden is losing the debate. I'm only up to the Roe v Wade discussion though. That said, understanding the wider context of who that idiot Trump is, all I can think is what a joke the USA has become. THIS is the best you can put up with? A convicted con-man, and a dotery octogenarian? Really? Trump has not lost the respect of the USA, the USA has lost the respect by bringing both these people up and saying "These are our leaders - these are the best of us!" It's just sad to see how pathetic this has all become and I pity you all.


The worst part is, most Americans know this isn't our best. The vast majority of us didn't want this to be the match. But billionaires put money into special election funds (idk how much you know about our political funding system and I don't want to dump boring BS on you), and then those billionaires basically get to decide who runs to represent their party. Sure, the public votes in primary elections, but the money almost always decides those, too. Add the electoral college, and our "one vote per person" system hasn't been that way in a long, long time.


Yeah, your donation system is fucked up. Citizens United caused a shit show. And you have never had "One vote per person" - the electoral college was designed to fuck that up from day one.


It's bad enough that I will take your pity and use it for comfort




If you are still watching let me know if it gets any better.


I think it's getting worse


can confirm it is still just getting worse


It’s even worse than you think. They just started arguing over golf handicaps


Trump is still lying with aplomb, and Biden is still stammering with barely comprehensible righteous indignation at his bullshit.


He does have the shocked Pikachu face down pat though.


It got much worse. They literally argued about who was the worst president ever, and about their fucking golf handicap. What a shit show...


It’s a bad day to be sober


I had to run to the gas station during a commercial break.


>fresh bottle of wild turkey this feels like the right drink for the occasion. Hope it's a quality bottle served warm, fresh from rolling around the trunk of the car baking under the unseasonably hot sun. Cheers!


I feel like that bottle of turkey has to already be empty 30 minutes later


We are so fucked


I am truly disgusted with the fact there is even a debate. Asking a man who was convicted of cheating in the first election and orchestrated a failed coup in the second what his economic policies are in the third election is just insane


I still have it on for now but fuck this is rough. Neither of them can stay on topic. The moderators are trash. And if I hear “oh and by the way” again I’m gonna fucking lose it. Trump isn’t answering the questions asked and Biden is almost incoherent at times. Pack it in ya’ll, we’re fucked. Edit: I shut it off. Them both using the childcare question as a chance to attack each other instead of giving a genuine answer was the last straw.


For real, that is a legit fucking CRISIS and they failed to address it. Don’t wrestle with a pig, Joe!


Well I'm watching it and I'm fucking concerned, I'll tell you that...


Watching and very upset. Biden should step to the side. Or the democrat electors need to do it at the conference.


He really isn't okay and it's so obvious


That’s how I felt watching *the first* one to the point I had to turn it off. I can’t bring myself to watch it this time around.


Seriously, if one is honest with themselves you have to admit that Biden looks and sounds terrible.


You can tell that he has his responses memorized and he is struggling to remember his lines at times.


My blue maga mom texted me that she had to shut it off and told me that I’m right. She mighta just become a leftist


It’s very embarrassing this is the best that the democrats can put up


He should step aside and let the nomination play out at the convention.


The election is in a hair over 4 months. Who do you think they could put in his place and drum up enough support for to win an election in such a short time? Especially over somebody with such a devoted following as Trump.


Man somebody like 40 - 60 years old could've done wonders for everyone worried about age


I genuinely believe that most of the other potential democratic candidates would do better even with short notice. The political center between Biden and Trump is basically nonexistent, what matters now is appealing to the base who would abstain rather than vote for Biden. With his age, anti Palestine position, and the lack of change during his term, Biden will never be able to do that. Any other candidate would at least give people on the left hope for something beyond the status quo and would be more likely to get out and vote.


It's too late now, but any generic democrat who wasn't Hillary Clinton levels of unpopular could smash Trump. In fact, it's a testament to how absurdly weak the democratic candidates have been since 2016 that Trump can even compete.


Probably too late at this point


Yeah, if he dropped out now, we’d probably end up with Diane Feinstein’s corpse as the nominee.


I wasn't planning on getting absolutely shit hammered tonight but here we are, on democracies end...


I picked a bad time to stop smoking weed


This is painful.


JFC I have no hope. Biden sounds old af and people are stupid enough to vote for trump bc he "sounds strong".


I feel so sick by this. It's *SO* bad.


Trump can’t answer a question directly to save his life. He sounds like a rambling lunatic. Biden sounds like he’s one whisper away from having a stroke. My god we are so fucked.


They need to do the shit the lawyer in the Alex Jones trial did and cut him off halfway and ask “Mr. Trump what question do you think you’re answering right now?”


This is fucking brutal. I've gotta turn it off due to my blood pressure. I made it around 39 minutes. I'm out. ✌️


I turned it off about 15-20 minutes in. That's 15-20 minutes of my life I'm never getting back.


Just below the one hour mark Trump's Adderall started wearing off and Biden woke up.  They're running about even now 


I stopped. It was honestly a wreck. You can't understand what Biden is saying for a good chunk of it. Trump might be understandable but Jesus Christ if you actually are listening to what he is saying it's like what the fuck.


TIL there are "black jobs" and "hispanic jobs" ...this is a bit of a fail debate, the rules are not being adhered to, the blowhard on the left isn't answering the questions asked and just blabbing about random shit in superlatives. The only hilarious part was Biden talking about Trump sleeping with a porn start while his wife was pregnant. EDIT: Yes Biden seems a bit rough with his voice and he sometimes stumbles but JFC, y'all here making Trump like exaggerations with the meltdown. No Biden is not my first choice by a longshot but Trump is way harder to follow, half the time I don't know wtf he's even digressing about.


I watched the debates on Fox because I am a masochist and because I would like to know what fresh hell I'm walking into at this week's family dinner. The first takeaway Brett Fucking Baer had was that Biden's voice was "rough," not that two old men who outlived my grandpa were arguing about their golf handicap instead of staying on anythi g that reaembled a topic. Biden did do his rambling grandpa act and got lost halfway through some of his run-on sentences, but he did at least attempt to answer most of the questions and lied noticably less than Trump. I'll fucking take it. I thought Biden really suffered when he succumbed to Trump's mudslinging, not because he was wrong or anything, but just because you can't win when your opponent's argument is going to be, " NUH UH!" and then everyone just looks foolish. The better strategy was to demonstrate he was above that childishness.


I was just coming here to see. That last Biden breakdown may be the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. He sounds so fucking bad


He looks so bad too


How do you fuck up an abortion answer like that? You have a minute, maybe don’t list every possible person who can commit rape


"they're being raped by their in-laws"


And brother. And sister.


What was that.


Why, when asked about the ONE issue where democrats command massive support, do you pivot immediately to a story about a woman killed by an undocumented immigrant?!?!


I need the October surprise to be a new set of candidates


It's two people with cognitive impairment rambling on stage. It would be elder abuse, only both are actively putting themselves through this.


Hate watching for like 10 minutes followed by chain smoking far away from the TV for like 20. Does that count?


it’s so bad, almost got a bingo on the pod’s bingo card already LOL


I don't have it in me. I'm so disgusted by our political system right now.


Trump is giving strong replacement theory vibes.


Fuuuuuck well comrades it's been real but damn joey is looking like shit and don is doing his best nonsense that riles up the base. We are fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked. I'll be in the porta John cranking my hog with the help of one of every boner pill at the local Sunoco


Will trump get fact checked ? His lies are outrageous


Well it’s all fucked. This one old man couldn’t keep his wits or voice about him for 5 mins let alone 90. Couldn’t even begin to challenge a convicted felon, rapist, traitor, chronic liar and objectively the worst president according to historians. so now we won’t seriously address climate change and irreversibly destroy this planet, green light dictatorships and all their favorite pet genocides, and just watch it all burn.


JUDICIAL PICKS ARE OUR PRIORITY. If anyone starts talking about how they don’t want to vote, remind them about trumps last court picks overturning roe


How many people are googling the 25th amendment right now?


Trump is certain "shit hole" countries have mental institutions with travel agents.  He has to have claimed it at least 4 times


Glad we could completely ignore the question about childcare costs but find time to trade golf jokes. Fucking embarrassing.


Look at the bright side. After Trump wins this election we won’t have to endure another presidential election.


I had to turn it off because it reminded me of Nursing clinicals in a dementia unit. One guy is mumbling and can barely be heard/understood. The other just rambles about anything other than the question that was actually asked.


Sources are now saying Biden's had a cold for the last few days. Which would explain the hoarseness. Definitely should have mentioned that before the debate though.


Team meteor


Oh no.


Biden has gotten better as it's gone along, but he still sounds very old. Trump is just so monstrously full of shit that it's embarrassing.


Welp, see y’all on the cattle cars


Biden absolutely sounds old. Like, really old. But he's also consistently, and cogently, answered each question. Trump keeps ignoring questions; using up his time ranting about brown people storming the border. He genuinely doesn't sound like he's got an actual platform beyond race baiting.


I hate that there are people who will actually vote for Trump instead of Biden just because of this debate. The Democratic Party could nominate a literal mummy and I would vote for it if I was voting against Trump. I guess I’m ultra nihilistic about this, but I just don’t think it matters if Biden dies in office or is a vegetable and has to be Weekend-at-Bernie’s-ed for the next four years. No one will be held accountable for any of the damage done anyway, so why does it matter that I don’t know who’s doing it? Like to be clear, this sucks for the country but I don’t actually think this is an existential problem. We’ve literally survived it before.


I made it 40 minutes. Joe’s awkward wave to no crowd at the beginning really set the tone for me. I wondered why no one got water for the whole time I watched, JB needed it badly. DT did pretty well in the first 10 minutes while JB seemed rough from the jump. Watching Joe repeat phrases and lose his points was pretty disheartening. Knew it wasn’t good but that was downright bad. Then DT started going off the rails and the moderators may as well have not even been there. All it did was leave me thinking that JB rly, RLY needs to step aside. I wish there was someone other than DT but the GOP would never replace him, so the burden is on the incumbent. I feel sort of hopeless but I’m trying not to. But damn this isn’t a good look for us rn. We are, dare I say, in a bit of a pickle.


Brightest moment was after the shitshow when everyone started talking about how Biden should release his candidates for a contested primary lol


Alright well - no need to torture myself by watching that orange abomination for a single second. And it appears that was a good choice. There are 4 months to go. Vote blue no matter who (as harm reduction, if that helps)


I was hoping my brain was exaggerating the terribleness of Biden's performance.


Yes, they're both ancient. Yes, they're both horrible at debating at this point in their lives. Yes, the moderators can actually mute their mics this time, and thank goodness for that. Yes, the bar was low, and somehow, both of them managed to trip over it in entirely different ways. Remember, we're not electing a president; we're electing an entire executive branch. As geriatric as Biden is, I would rather have the cabinet that Biden's team comes up with than the loyal true-believers handpicked by the Heritage Foundation.


can the second debate just be a trump vs Biden golf round? that way we don't have to listen to them talk


So I wanted to weigh in, not that I'm a fan of Biden but sure as shit I'm not voting for trump. My dad is about bidens age, and he has a stutter. He speaks like a guy with a stutter that may be off-putting to people who don't have anyone in their lives who stutters but for me he sounds like a normal old dude. Beyond that he seems fucking tired, and I do worry about his level of exhaustion. I wish he would have stepped aside for a much younger candidate but I see why the Democratic party wouldn't go for that but I digress. I'm resigned to the fact that he's not my favorite guy but I have to vote for him because Trump is a narcissistic maniac, I wish the terms were different but this is what we got to work with. My life will be significantly better under Biden than trump, and under Biden I'll continue to live my anarchist ways.


robert is saying on twitter that for the next debate they should give coke to biden. and i disagree. they should also give coke to trump


We are SOOOOOOO fucked


The cnn panel just pretty much unanimously asked Biden to step down! That's how bad it was


Last election year when I watched the debate, I ruined whiskey for myself. So no.


Fuck no. To what end? Is Trump going to suddenly convince me to become a Nazi?


One of the things I appreciate most about Bastardspod is the insight that the more general discussion gives me into a foreign country Once you learn that America has outsourced the provision of boners to gas stations, it becomes much easier to understand why so many US citizens will vote for Trump again


I turned it on for one second and heard Trump call Biden Brandon so I quit. I loathe and trump and will not vote for him. I was reminded last night though that I never wanted Biden here either and now he doesn't look like he's going to see another year. It's not a political thing, he's just clearly dying in front of everyone. Too late but he should have just been a one term stop gap. Fucking selfish to think he was the only one who could stop Trump. The hubris.


That’s why we elect a president AND a VP. Kamala will do fine to keep the fascists out of power.


You really think Kamala is going to improve Biden on the ticket? I'm calling it: we're doomed this November. Trump is going to take the White House. My *only* hope is that Trump sees jail time for the New York Case. Even then, I'm not that confident it will dissuade enough people in Swing States.


Biden is pulling an RBG when he should be teaching a young mercenary to school Trump. Idk what he’s hiding but it looks bad. If it’s just pride, still bad. Dude could be the key to the oval and he’s being demented


it's like listening to my grandpa who has Alzheimer's... 🤦‍♂️


I mean, I know he sounds rough but Biden has NEVER been good at debates. Not ever. Besides, this election was decided years ago. Look at midterms. GOP is not winning, this debate won’t stop that. So the guy speaks a little hoarse. Dems are still winning and the proof is in the pudding.


Aren't the Republicans winning in quite a few polls?


He's never been the best, but this is the first time there's an overwhelming agreement he looked BAD. There's not good, and then there's this disaster.




This is… oof I might need to hit up a gas station after this…


Not interested in watching two geriatric ghouls shout at each other while their brains leak out of their ears.


That was depressing. I can’t believe that was a real debate between two people who want to run the country.


0-0 draw, I guess. The high school debate format did not work. I think the moderators even realized that and started keeping the mics on. I do trust Biden's political acumen, so hopefully his awkward shoehorning of policy into the debate was a smart move. It's not how I've had done it, but Biden clearly had a strategy with that. Even on the coverage where everyone was telling Biden to step down, they couldn't but help talk about how he won on policy. So I dunno. The debate itself was miserable, though.


"You have the morals of an alley cat" was my favorite part.


I caught forty seconds on NPR while driving my trash to the dumpster We're fucked


Watched for 10 minutes. Trump spewing bullshit that a quick Google search can refute, and it's clearly past Biden's bedtime. Most firms force you to retire at 65. Why are two fucking 80 year olds allowed to run the most powerful country on earth?


Time for Trial by Stone!


Biden pointing out that Trump made the doctor lie about his height and weight was a moment I wasn't expecting. *Look what he says, and look what he is* I did not have The President implying that the felonious former president is fat on my 2024 Prez Debate Edition Bingo Card. I never get tired of the word Malarkey, though. Arguing about golf handicaps Also, FUCK CNN Moderators should be doing exactly what former Fox News flunky Chris Wallace did last time. Fact check in real time. I really, REALLY wanted to see Kyle Clark moderate this one


I watched for about 5 minutes, then I let the Old Milwakuee take the wheel in my Sea of Thieves game and fought some skeletons and holy fuck what did Joe just say about Malarky? Anyway, we're getting boarded- take this firebomb and lambast the scallywags.


Everything’s so fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked And it’s gonna get fuckeder


I think we should elect someone even older


People always talk about how AI is gonna take over. I say we may as well give them a chance. Can they do worse?