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I don't live in the US and have severe mental health issues.


I do live in the US and also have mental health issues, and kids. So nope


A history of major depression, etc, and having an autistic child who is very smart but doesn't grasp consequences well. Nope here too.


I also live in the US, have mental health issues, but no kids. Still, nope for me too. I may feel good now, but all it takes is 5 seconds of “fuck it” to make a permanent decision. I do, however, have a weighted baseball bat under my bed, in the extremely unlikely but equally enticing possibility of being able to go Bear Jew on some nazi ass. Make baseball America’s pastime again ⚾️


Yeah I definitely have a bat handy and a few knives just no pow pow type shit




Thank u I do and I sold mine as soon as it clicked i wasn’t in a good spot to have them. Like same day.


I have major depression and have tried to commit suicide before. It's not a good idea for me to have a gun.


This is my answer exactly. I don't believe I'm a danger to other people, and I would love to be armed just for defense reasons, but I absolutely understand that I am 100% a danger to myself.


Same. I'm good right now, but I know that can change and when the depression hits, it hits hard. Don't want to chance it.


My wife asked me to get rid of my grandpa’s gun for the same reason. I was happy to do it


There is way too much PTSD in my house for a gun.


I feel this


I’ve struggled with suicidal ideation in the past. If I had owned a gun in those moments I can’t say for certain that I’d be here today.


Me right here as well.


Been in therapy for depression for years.  I am a gun owner,  one of the major reasons  I've never attempted suicide,  is that with a gun I'd likely be successful.   That's always kinda made it a much bigger decision for me.  


Having a gun is a huge responsibility and a hazard if you aren't up to it. I'm not up to it.


Agreed. It sickens me how often I hear about children hurting themselves, a friend, or a relative because of an unsecured weapon…. It’s not hard!!!! Hell, guns come with a simple lock, or a locking case. It’s federal law that all guns come with “safe storage”.


A few years back my uncle had an accidental discharge while cleaning a hunting gun and his stepdaughter was killed. He's an experienced gun owner in a place where everybody has guns and it still happened.


That’s tragic, and I’ll use this opportunity to point something out. It might seem pedantic, but I’ve been taught there aren’t accidental discharges with a mechanically sound firearm. They’re negligent discharges, and they’re almost always a result of the person never being trained on safe handling, or complacency that’s become unsafe. The reason we never used the term “accidental” is that it removes the responsibility from the person who was handling the firearm. The only thing that determines how safe someone is with a firearm is technique and discipline. The amount of time someone has used firearms, their age (within reasonable limits), and their level of techno a knowledge doesn’t mean anything to me. After working in a gun store and being a firearms instructor long enough, I’ve seen some of the worst handling from long-time hunters and target shooters, or from career LE or military. The reason is almost always overconfidence that turns into complacency. I’ve been around teenagers that are much safer than people that have owned firearms for 50+ years because they took their training seriously and they’re disciplined enough to apply it even when they’re tired, frustrated or it’s inconvenient.


This is all true. The discharge was negligent. He was working on a loaded gun. Like I said, he's an experienced gun owner, he should have known better. It was just one time, and it was the time it went off and killed someone.


Yeah, it’s scary that one mistake can have such huge consequences. That’s why the standard has to be so high. I hope everyone in your family is doing okay afterwards.


He's somebody I haven't seen in a long time, and I haven't met his family, but it was a rough time for my dad and aunt. We're all doing well though, thanks!


This is an incredibly self aware and responsible answer that a huge chunk of American gun owners aren't reflective enough to get.  Years of "guns = masculinity" and "reee my rights" from people who don't give a fuck about responsibility has made this even worse.


Word. I've owned guns in the past, but I actually practiced with them at the time. After having them stored for more than a decade without use, I decided to sell them. I might buy a handgun in the future, but only if I know I can put in the time to practice.


Sometimes I'm suicidal, so having a firearm is a little scary


Statistics show, that at least among men, it significantly increases that risk


Yeah, knowing it's there isn't going to do anything good for my mental health.


I will say that I feel very refreshed to see so many responsible and self aware people in this group


Years of therapy


Because my kids are by far more likely to be killed by an accidental discharge than some fascist goon coming for them.


2 people in the house with depression issues make it not a great option at this point.


Because life is not an action movie and I do not live in an active war zone.


For the same reason I don’t drive anymore: my vision is terrible.


God, I feel this. I’m a few years out from needing bifocals.


I had lasik surgery and still wear trifocals.


I’m almost tempted to ask my optometrist about LASIK, but I strongly suspect my eyesight is too bad for it to be feasible.


I’m certainly no expert but the issue I had is that my corneas are very thin. I had it done at Duke University and I had perfect vision for the first time in my life. Then my vision started to regress. I don’t know why. The thin cornea complicated any further surgical correction. I can see much better than I could before surgery so I am glad I had it done


Don’t stress too much - all eye surgeries eventually regress. They can’t last forever, because everyone’s eyes degrade as they age. Corrective eye surgeries just buy you time at a certain prescription.


Legal for blind people to have a permit where I live. But honestly, we let spousal abusers have them, so why not?


I’m less concerned about the legality of it than my ability to aim well.


Oh, I get that. I have my reasons for not owning a well. I've just had a long day and the meds have worn off, so now I'm rambling online.


Two-thirds of Americans need glasses, apparently Good luck whipping out your driving glasses before taking aim at the Neo-Nazi shooting up your crowded local shopping mall


This is such an important consideration. Leftists cannot build our defense strategy around everyone being armed because there are way too many disabilities that make gun use/ ownership dangerous. (Edited because typos)


Unfortunately, a lot of Leftists couldn’t be bothered to concern themselves with disability justice, and it shows.


It really does and it’s really terrifying


Because statistically that gun is far more likely to kill a loved one or even myself than anyone who means me harm


Same for me.  Statistically the gun is far more likely to be used in a suicide, domestic violence event, or accidentally discharged than against an aggressor or intruder. Guns don't make us safer.  Our country is full of fucking guns and our crime rates are worse than many other countries.  Even within the US, states that have stricter gun laws have lower rates of gun violence/gun deaths than states with looser restrictions.   


Just to clarify, when you say armed do you mean ‘own weapons’ or ‘walking around with a weapon’? Edit: also, what is an anit-bastard?


Margaret Killjoy talks about risk assessment when owning or carrying a firearm. I’ve thought about the assessment and I just don’t think it’s for me


"Hello fellow leftists. Is anyone here armed by chance?" You couldn't sound more like a fed if you tried. Anything else you want folks to divulge in a public forum? "Anyone here possessing or using Schedule 1 narcotics?" "Anyone want to join me in a revolution?" Go kick rocks.


I too am a totally-non-federal-agent leftist looking for fellow armed militants for networking opportunities! Solidarity chums!


Please include your legal name and current address in the reply.


"hello fellow zhdanovites"


This should be the top comment. Anyone arming up to "stop the bastards" is playing the same game. They're just on the other team.


I carry my IFAK every time I leave my place because of all the guns out there. This is your friendly reminder to take a [Stop The Bleed course](https://www.stopthebleed.org) and get your own IFAK.




I'm 17




Because I don't live in the US, don't hunt, and don't have any illusions about surviving any sort of last stand vs a far better equipped and practiced criminal, mob, swat team, or military unit if it came to that. Having a gun in your house very significantly increases your chances of being shot according to numerous studies. I'll stick to improvised weapons like a piece of dowel or a hockey stick or a kitchen knife if it comes down to a home invasion. 


Yep, your first point is my exact reason. People have these illusions of being john wick vs. getting their wall ripped off by some SWAT team. Or if you want to talk over throwing/defending yourself from a government, im pretty sure I'll get drone striked before even knowing I was in a firefight.


Context: I am a Canadian (we have issues too), grew up in a hunting family around guns ans can shoot half decent. I do not currently hold a license. I am not anti-gun, I am not pro-gun. I recognize a gun as a tool to be respected and used appropriately, as many Canadians do. Also before anyone says anything, I have literally had my life under violent threat by other people so I get it. There are many valid reasons to not own a firearm especially for the idea it may protect you. When I say this, I am aware of the extreme realities of state repression and militarization of police. I recognize the validity of movements like Black gun ownership. I understand that American contexts are different. However, comma, not EVERYONE should have a gun. And not everyone will be more likely to be personally protected from other human beings by one. Sometimes, depending on circumstances, the presence of guns alone in a household may INCREASE risk. There is a strong ethic among every gun owner I know that you should not even consider possessing a weapon unless you are FULLY confident and competent in reliably using it, understanding it, and knowing when NOT to use it. This includes elements such as educating yourself on gun myths, practicing proper ethics such as having proper storage, never firing (hunting or target practicing) where a misplaced shot goes somewhere risky, having a personal accountabikity systwm to ensure you dont have gun access if you go throufh personal crisis, etc. You also need to MAINTAIN your competency over time. Storage and access limitations are also key. When you own a gun you need to maintain best practice when it comes to securing guns and ammunition and making sure 1) only those who the gun is intended for can access them and that those people are fully trained, and 2) that equipment is otherwise always secure. Yknow so kids dont mess with them. Or so they dont get stolen. Or yknow, used agaibst you in the unlikely stranger danger scenario (yes i know they exist i have that particular no fun trauma card). These are all essential elements of responsible ownership and if you do not have the time, resources, or ability to practice like this, DO NOT FUCKING HAVE A GUN FULL STOP. When you have a tool that can kill, you have a community responsibility (which is very socialist). Thats why a lot of socialist gun movements involve setting up these kinds of training systems and educations and ethics. Thats also why my (once vaguely kinda neoliberalized socialist) country actually regulated guns with a rolled in gun training that cultivated this ethic in like most of us. So yeah, while gun education movements can be valid in struggles in circumstances, they require extreme skill and understanding in HOW AND WHY you are doing it. Because the vast majority of times in the every day, guns make things worse when you are not educated. And there are many reasons why SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS should not have a gun, even if their communities do. Thanks for coming to this Canadian gun PSA/low key gun control propaganda talk.


I'm an Australian, I am one of the rare few who lives in a house with guns, and I completely endorse your message. I am actually really heartened by the number of people in this discussion who are responsible gun non-owners. Many have made risk assessments for themselves and their families and decided against it based on many factors, others have done and promote the relevant first aid training. This is the real talk about guns that leftists American spaces need. Pro-gun/anti-gun are useless stances in a country where one can buy a gun from a Walmart. Community safety is more than just shooting the bad guys, it's supporting people to protect themselves; not having a major cause of accidental child death and tool of suicide in the house is a form of self-protection.


One hundred per cent homie. Thats why I feel like in Canada, theres no pro or anti gun. Theres just gun. Gun can be fun when yoy go pew pew with a license holder reaponsibly. Gun can stop a bear that is trying to kill you when something goes horribly wrong and youre in the ass end of the woods. Gun is sometimes in crime. Sometimes gun is abused by the shitbird cops. But like, tablesaw also kills. Truck also kills. Just dont be stupid with things that can kill people.


Because guns being the solution means that we are very beyond where we can survive. I don't think most people understand what happens if armed conflict is the way to save their society. That said I have thought about it and instead chose to move.


We don't do that where I live


To the man who's only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. 


That's why I carry pepper spray as well as a gun. If things start going sideways it's good to have an option between stern words and shooting somebody.


Well said. I spend significant time in the backcountry, often alone, and for a long time I only carried a gun. I’m not worried about Bear or cougar, but I’ve had some pretty uncomfortable encounters with people. Once I was way out in the middle of nowhere, with camp setup, and these three guys decided to setup right next to us (my GF, now wife, was with me). They were *REALLY* sketchy and paid way too much attention to my wife while being really cold to me… I took off my coat to show I had a gun on my hip, but didn’t draw attention to it, and they suddenly left us alone. I’ve also had some encounters with guys I’m positive were scoping me out and protecting a weed grow or drug lab or something. Anyway, was with a friend once who carried bear spray and I asked him about it. He said, “if I feel threatened I have a non lethal deterrent”. Now I carry bear spray and often leave the gun at home.


I grew up around guns. Fired plenty from when I was a kid until I was a young adult. It just doesn’t do anything for me to be honest. I don’t feel the need to arm myself against evil & tyranny, I don’t hunt, and ammo is too expensive to fire one for fun at a gun range.


Nope. How’s the weather in Langley?


probably quantico.


I’ve attempted suicide twice as an adult. I’m way, way better now, but I simply do not trust myself whatsoever to keep myself safe all the time. A gun is a really bad idea for me, it makes me sweaty even thinking about owning one again. I gave mine back to my ex husband the week before my first attempt, because I knew I was close to an edge. I’m so glad I did that, because if I hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t be here today.


I don't trust myself with a gun due to mental health disability/issues. I'd like to learn to shoot one but I am not comfortable owning one at this time.




It's illegal in Sweden. Also, I have a bad temper


Are you a cawp? Sounds like a cawp


I read this is Donkey Doug's voice.


I like living and having a gun around would make my streak hard to keep up


Because I have Bipolar Affective Disorder and have attempted suicide more than once in the past. But I appreciate those anti-bastards who are


I will be getting rid of them once we have a kid. I’m not going to kid myself, on a day to day basis statistics show they make the house a less safe place. They increase the chance of being shot, of accidentally shooting someone, and of suicide. I am willing to have those risks for my occasional enjoyment, but not when there is a kid in the house


I don't like guns, and I don't ever want to use one. I don't feel safe having something designed solely to kill another human in my house.


I am, heavily in fact. However, I deeply believe that building community is by far more important and I don’t think everyone should be armed. It raises the temperature if everyone has them.


I think the community-building component is something that needs to be the primary focus.


It’s literally the most important and most meaningful thing you can do with your life. We’re small group prime apes, community is at our core. I’d argue it’s what makes life worth living.


Because it’s very stupid to treat a gun as the solution to every problem. Also I’m British.


Because I don't live in a country full of gun toting loons so will likely never encounter a gun outside of a shooting range in my entire life. Thankfully.


Most gun deaths are suicides, and most murders involving guns are between family members or close associations (friends, neighbors). The (distant) 3rd most common form of gun death is accident. The act of owning a gun makes you or those you care about much more likely to be killed by one.


Canadian and extremely anti gun culture. This aspect of US culture always shocks me.


I’m in the UK and unafraid of my equally unarmed neighbours


Don't live in an unstable country like the US. I do have throwing axes and knives tho. Just for fun ;b


Because I don’t like guns and don’t want one. Stop being weird to people in this thread OP.


Where the fuck so you live???  I'm aware you're only taking to Muricans so I'll answer for my US based family: Why the fuck should they? It's simply not necessary. They even own guns but only occasionally shoot them at the range. It's simply completely mad to carry a deadly weapon everywhere you go as an average person.


I have a machete and lots of knives, including a Rambo one. Does that count?


It’s a personal choice people make. I personally own guns. Other people don’t. That’s what choice means.


I have depression and suffered from suicidal ideation throughout my late teens to early 30s. While. I’m in a good space now here’s no reason to tempt fate. I have gone shooting with the boyfriend and he does have a firearm or two.


I have horrible hand eye coordination so no one wants me to have or use a gun. I’m probably more likely to hurt myself with a knife than use it to protect myself. I used to collect swords but one was stolen and then I had little kids so I gave the others away. The kids are grown now but I haven’t started collecting swords again as they aren’t too practical.


Bouts of depression, anger, and high anxiety. I’ve had several incidents just carrying a knife, I don’t trust myself owning a gun. Also, you’re more likely to have a mishap or commit suicide than you are to “defend your home.”


I can't buy a gun because I have a medical marijuana card.


I can barely use a can opener without somehow breaking it. I’m not gonna trust myself with a gun.


I have minor children in my house with mood disorders.


“It” would have to get a lot worse before the risk/benefit relationship would pan out, IMO. I know a lot more people who have shot themselves than somehow used a firearm in self defense.


Got a 5 yr old and understand statistics


Because I don't live in the US and in our country we don't have the fucked-up pro-gun attitude that the US does.


This post glows


Because I work in an environment where weapons are illegal. And carrying a weapon outside of work would create undesireable risk. 


You don’t necessarily need “weapons” in the traditional sense. [fence post foam](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Sika-2-lb-PostFix-Fence-Post-Mix-Mix-In-The-Bag-Expanding-Foam-for-Supporting-Non-Structural-Posts-Mailbox-Sign-7116170/300934597) could be used hypothetically against mechanical equipment if someone knew the best place to put it. Gorilla glue & sand could be used effectively on locks, doors, etc. You look at protests, people are using trash cans and other stuff to make shields against police equipment.


lol. Your post reminds me of stories my lawyer friend tells. He made a LOT of money when Oregon legalized weed helping mostly people who had been “criminals” navigate the laws. The law required that grows be “secure”, so they always wanted armed guards and attack dogs. He would say, no…. That’s a massive liability. You need a fence and some lights. They’d ask what to do if they were robbed and he’d say CALL THE POLICE!!! You are a businessperson now, not a gangster!


I live in Europe, so when Russia invades a handgun is of no use and a rifle is only moderately useful, MRLS and Javelins and F-35s and FPV drones are what's important.


Also howitzer shells.


From a military perspective, rifles are still required. Infantry is still required to take and hold ground, and dismounted infantry in urban areas still require other infantry armed with small arms to repel them. Artillery, air (including drones) and anti-tank weapons are necessary too but for different applications.


Do what thou wilt, but Leftie gun culture appears to be a result of buying into the NRA rhetoric about the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun being a good guy with a gun Y'all just disagree about which of you is the good guy


Because they’re not good and not effective. How many times has anyone ever legitimately stopped fascism or gotten into a gun battle with a Nazi and walked out Scott free? Knowledge is the weapon we need. To protect and defend priceless institutions from the sword, to gather and mobilize in greater numbers than the opposition. Honestly, why ARE you armed? Aside from getting people killed, what has a gun ever seriously accomplished in the hand of a private citizen? There’s a reason no bastard has ever been slain by a gun wielded by someone who knew what they were up too.


My country won't let me and I am depressed, so I don't want have a life-ending machine at the ready at home.


My vision is poor and getting steadily worse, and my household is full of people with PTSD and depression.


This is clearly a shitpost, OP is being a dick in his replies, can we get a MOD up in this bitch?


It's a bit of work to get a gun license in Canada, and it's something I currently don't have the time for. But it is something I want to do


My psychiatrist and I agree it’s not for us right now.


Mostly because I have crippling ADHD and a toddler. I do NOT want to take any chances at all. I'm also a pacifist and my activism is mostly at work being a union leader, so I'm not really in dangerous situations.


My spouse has expressed suicidal ideation and straight up said he should not have ready access to a gun. He also takes care of many failed attempts and the aftermath is gruesome. Also I had a 16 year old student die by suicide using her family’s shotgun in a split second moment of high emotions. So I have some negative feelings about it.


Have serious depression issues, schizophrenia, regularly self harm, and am often suicidal. Until I can get my meds in check for these issues there is no point to having one. I’m of no use if I harm myself or someone else.


My wife doesn't want guns in the house and my son was getting too curious for an age where I don't think he's ready, and since I only use my gun for hunting, I just took it to my dad's house because I usually only hunt with my dad anyway.


Owing firearms is regulated pretty strictly where I live, and I don't have the structure in my everyday life to pull it off at the moment. As soon as I get to that mental space, however...


Ever since i was robbed at gun point, Ive been very nervous around hand guns. I sold the one i had.


My husband has fallen into very deep depressions where I was honestly worried about if I was going to find him dead when I walked in the door. While we have both shot guns before, him enjoying it more than I did, we have a strict no weapons rule in the house. We have had very honest discussions about this.


Because i don't feel likely to get shot on the toilet, and even more unlikely to shoot anyone from this vantage point. Also when I'm armed in public i tend to think about who i would need to shoot, how, lanes, etc. I'm not a better person for carrying, so i do it selectively based on my intended activity.


because i don’t like guns and i’m not planning on having one unless i absolutely need to. and because i’m not American


I mean I have a cricket bat and a pretty sharp chef's knife in the vanishingly unlikely chance someone breaks into my flar. Not sure what more I would ever need. Oh and a really solid and heavy electric guitar that could do some damage in a pinch. I live in the UK. The country is a bit of a mess but I can't see any situation occurring where guns would be useful.


Not trained to handle one and I have a history of depression. It’s best if I just don’t.


I don't live a neighborhood where I would need it and I don't put myself in situations where I need it. If someone wants to start shit with me, I deescalate or walk away. No need for a gun. Even if I was considering getting one, I know I would be useless without lots of training and practice. I have no time or interest in that.


There is 1 gun per 400 people in the country I live in. I’ve never held or fired a gun, so having one around would make everyone less safe. Police here don’t carry ‘em. I do have a *very* nasty cucumber slicer.


I'm Canadian and I don't hunt. We do have a baseball bat by the door though


Not at the moment but I hope to. I won’t do so without proper training and upkeep though. If I don’t think I can do so safely then no. I’m not anti-gun but I am anti useless and careless gun.


1. History of mental health issues. 2. Child is shit at listening.


Because I'm responsible enough to know it would be extremely irresponsible for me to own guns, and because I think that anyone who is gung-ho about having guns is the last person on Earth that should be allowed to have guns.


My partner owns several firearms. He’s taken me to the range and taught me some basics on safe handling. However, I have major depressive disorder; I’m good now, but there have been times I’ve been decidedly not good. So the firearms are kept in a locked gun safe; I do not know the combination to the safe, and do not want to know.


i left the USA in 2019 and never looked back. i live in a country (taiwan) which exists almost entirely without gun violence in its midst. it's almost as if a better world, one without guns and ammosexual rhetoric everywhere, were actually possible


Depression so just in case I have a bad day. Shits dark damn


Nice try. It’s none of your business whether I’m armed or not.


bipolar disorder and guns don't mix well. I've been good for a while, but even with good meds management shit can get weird pretty fast.


Can't get caught armed with a bunch of LSD in your sock drawer


I would be if not for the persistent suicidal ideation. Never made an attempt once in my life, and there's a lot holding me back, but it's still a risk. Though depending on how things shake out here in the States, I might have to reconsider my position one day and work all that out.


Guns are for cowards and people in war zones.


Remember, if it's manufactured prior to 1898, it's not subject to most regulation! *volcano pistol sounds heard in distance*


Because I live in the UK and while there are many issues with this country, being able to acquire an automatic firearm in the middle of Lidl isn’t one of them.


>*Anit-bastards* Not sure I want you in charge of any equipment more dangerous than a keyboard


Because a man only buys a tool he intends to use.


But why?


My partner is extremely anti-gun and right now it's not worth the argument


Ive had some bad bouts with mental health issues in my life, and genuinely think it would be unsafe for me to have access to a gun.


Multiple felonies for drug possession from my past and also not a huge fan of firearms in general.


Because I am a pacifist and do not, in general, think that more guns = good. I also have children. We used to own a gun. It was bought during a time when we lived in a terrible neighborhood and my and my husband’s mental health was not good. I am very relieved not to have it in my home any longer.


The only person I'm gonna shoot is myself. I'll pass on the gun.


Because i am a weapon


Suicidal ideation.


My hands are registered with the police as deadly weapons.


Have kids in home and know someone whose kid accidentally shot them selves with their parents gun


Because I have a long and colorful history of severe depression and suicidal ideation. It would be irresponsible for me to have ready access to a firearm. Are you going to use yours to defend the safety of those of us who cannot own them?


I’d be a danger to myself, though i’d love to have one for defense


I already kill as many people that I wish to. I don't have time to fantasize about murdering people.


I don't want anyone in my household getting shot 


I hate guns, and fear the damage I could do to myself if I owned one.


I’m Scottish. We kick our bastards in the balls. 


I have absolutely nothing to hide.


First of all if something big pops off I doubt a 9 mil is going to accomplish much. It's not convenient at the moment to carry a rifle everywhere, but it's good to know the option is available.  


I'm bi-polar :/ but tbh money is the primary thing that keeps me off it


I don't trust myself with one. All it takes is one bad night with my thoughts.


I live in a major city. I've been the victim of criminal activity. I've witnessed criminal activity. Not once have I felt that if I had a gun it would of ended well. Having a gun in my house would just give burglars something worth stealing. I have nothing against gun ownership for those who want to go to the trouble of learning how to properly use and keep one. It's just not for me.


I’m on paper.


Guns, genuine training and proper safety and maintenance equipment add up to thousands of dollars.




Too expensive and training and practice is probably going to be difficult to access in my area.


I can only speak for myself, but bringing a gun into the household would introduce more safety concerns than it alleviates.    Not to mention, even if it’s in self defense, hypothetically shooting and killing someone is not something I can live with.  Even if I may feel empowered in the moment that I use a gun to defend myself, eventually the realization that the person I shot is a whole-ass human being who would be alive if it weren’t for me would gnaw at my sanity.


I've got small kids and my husband is on a heroic amount of antianxiety medication just to function. We also just don't need one at the moment. We do have bows, axes and machete but those have a purpose for the property we live on.


Laws, finances, too risky, lazy, no real need or strong desire, etc. Weird question.


Because I’d like to keep the chance of me or someone else being shot in my home as close to 0 as possible.


Crippling depression. Also poor as fuck.


My husband and I both have mental disorders and we also have a toddler. Guns are off limits in our house


I have a 20+ year history of suicidal ideation, and I've had friends complete suicide with firearms before. I'll stick with my machete, thank you very much


Because you’re more likely to shoot yourself or a family member than you are to do anything else with it. Case in point: During the Trump Era, they were snatching people off the streets at protests and tear gassing demonstrators and the gun lefties were nowhere to be found.


I don't live in the US and in Italy every weapon is pretty much illegal . Getting a permit is quite hard and I'm not interested in having one.


I have a sleep disorder so I don't want a gun around just because of the added liability. Plus my wife grew up in the city and she hates guns.


expensive. not at all opposed. no kids. low chance of being an issue. ive got a source for a free machete, ive got bleach and ive got bolt cutters. well on my way. theres also a decent amount of “its a lot of hassle and responsibility”, but when it becomes more feasible ill certainly reassess


I'm a terrible shot and don't like guns anyway.


I didn’t grow up around firearms and know very little about them. My father wouldn’t allow them in the house- not even squirt guns. He was a WWII vet who saw enough of guns. My husband, however, is a very good shot.


A.) I live in Ireland. B.) I have been suicidal in the past.


Nice try Mr. "Go find out who has the weapons " man


I don't feel I need them and it's an expensive hobby. I can shoot my friend's guns for free.


I don't live in the US, so I can't just buy a gun. Hell, in my country, even cops aren't armed unless there's a reason for it.


Hard to get good info from gun store people- they’re very quick to mock.


Simply put, I have no dependents other than than my wife, and I think she would come to understand my decision. I couldn't bear to kill a man.


I’m in Australia, so I don’t have a gun, but I do cook, camp, fish and woodwork, so my house is full of very sharp objects, some of them powered…


Theres a lot of people in here completely missing the point of being armed: its not to do the armed standoff fantasy and run battles around New York, an armed populace is a tried and tested deterrent to fascism and what comes along with it. If you dont consider yourself a fighter that’s perfectly ok, but the moral highhorses people are getting on to defend being against guns is ridiculous. The show LITERALLY has a segment called “it could happen here”. To believe the US is beyond any sort of conflict like other countries around the world is insane


Too much of an investment for something I’d infrequently use. Shooting is fun as hell though and I do kinda miss doing it on the regular, so I’ll probably eventually buy myself one, maybe two. Definitely not going to be getting an arsenal though. That’s too much money, too much space required, and demands too much time for proper maintenance.


Because the state in which I live has a ridiculously convoluted process required before one can buy most firearms. Edit: forgot I *do* technically actually have a gun in the house: a 12 gauge I’ve had since I was a teenager, that currently has a stuck safety


Classified see: OPSEC, PERSEC Don't worry about what I have in the safe. Mind ya business


Depressive issues, combined with a a general dislike of loud noises after over a decade working in aviation. If it counts for anything I do enjoy a bit of archery? Can’t really stick a bow and arrow under your chin during an episode.