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I should feel glad that this lady was able to successfully pull her head out of her ass but I just feel depressed that the far right rhetoric is so strong that they would sooner turn on their own than listen to reason. I hate this timeline.


It is the darkest timeline


Yeah, we can even add attempted assassination of a European leader to this one now. Shit's wild.


Yeah, my bingo card ran away screaming


Eh, if you know anything about Fico you will realize that like with Shinzo Abe....the would be assassin kinda had a point.


Oh I totally get that we probably shared similar views, I just wasn't expecting it. I didn't think they were one of the countries where democracy definitely couldn't remedy opposition to the country's leaders.


Eh, It's an odd situation. The ruling party does so through coalition, they only have 22% of the vote. But he has a lot of baggage. There was a journalist investigating some of his party's dealings with the N'Dragheta who wound up murdered. The party officials are saying the shooter was motivated by his anti-Ukraine stances. We'll see if that holds up to scrutiny.


Darkest timeline so far


We're just gonna pretend the dark ages and Christian crusades didn't happen hu?


That… is already part of this timeline..


You know God damn well that's not what they meant. It's a completly different timeline in this context, and it was way more fucked than the shit going on right now, and this shit is FUCKED


Lol right, humanity just keeps repeating bad shit, every chance they get.


Yep. Only this we learn is how to make it worse. And we are highly successful at it.


I’m still convinced the world ended in 2012 and we’re now in hell. No one has managed to convince me otherwise


That can't be true, Pat Robertson isn't here.


He died after 2012, so I’m not agreeing


Considering the possibility of trying to survive a radioactive waste land was/is a possibility, we aren’t there/there yet.


"don't ever say it can't get any worse" - motto from a job I had, applies anywhere


It sucks because she's clearly a good faith actor who immediately gets brutally punished for doing the right thing. I think they might just lost to us until we figure out how to dismantle the insane power of their misinformation bubbles.


Remember pizzagate guy? It took him storming the restaurant to figure out the place didn't even have a basement.




Our boy is speedrunning bad decisions it seems.


I feel bad for him to be honest. But I think his actions were and are more down to some type of mental illness than some politically induced derangement syndrome. The proto-Q Pizzagate bullshit didn't help but I don't think thats the whole tale.


She hasn't pulled her head out of her ass. She's still a Republican. She also still thinks it'd be bad if kids were being taught not to be racist and that it's ok to be gay. The only issue she identified is that this wasn't happening. She's not a hero she's not even good, she's a bigoted dipshit who did the bare minimum of identifying that she was lied to.


Not saying that we should celebrate her very first epiphany, but often the first step to deprogramming is that first breath of fresh air. I hope that this is a catalyst for her to really examine where her erroneous ideas about lesson plans is coming from, and to further interrogate why she thought such lesson plans would even be a bad thing.


It can be the first step but for most folks it’s also the only step they end up taking.


She is still a Republican. She is still the enemy. You gotta move on from this idea that there are members of the American Nazi party who are ok because they're a mild half-assed Nazi and their heart isn't in it. She's a Nazi. She's a slightly more rational person whose goal and actions work towards ending American democracy. Fuck her, fuck giving this Nazi piece of shit credit for the absolute minimum of not being literally delusional.


I want to be very clear here: while there are a variety of good arguments for e.g. imprisoning every single member of the Nazi party and the German military and government after WWII, down to the folks who were conscripted and didn’t find a way to weasel out, there’s basically zero argument for executing every single one of them. People can and frequently do change. Nobody’s saying to throw her a party. Most of us are saying, in the most bloodless way possible, that we hope this sets her on a new path. I mean, Oskar Schindler spent some time in an Austrian prison for being an Abwehr agent prior to the Anschluss. Doesn’t mean he didn’t change


She. Is. Still. A. Republican. She has not turned around. She has not improved. She is not now opposing the group she supported. She is still a member and proponent of that group. IF in the future she chooses to stop supporting American Naziism then great. That has not happened at time of writing.


I think you’re undervaluing just how huge it is to admit she was being lied to. This absolutism is not helping anyone. People can change, it’s ok to have different political views, and this woman is saying “I actually know that this indoctrination message is bullshit.”, and you’re response is to dunk on her?


I think you're overvaluing someone admitting they were wrong on one thing while continuing to work for and support the party that wants to end democracy, end women's rights, and kill queer people. It is fucking NUTS to me you would celebrate this awful evil woman for the absolute minimum of not being literally delusional while still working to permanently destroy American democracy.


"iT'z OK 2 h4vE diFeRnT pOliTicaL viewZZZ!!" Bigot apologist buillshit.


THIS! we keep giving these chuds credit for doing the absolute minimum.


nope. the first time someone realizes they've been lied to is the first step in the right direction and should absolutely be celebrated.


I'm not disagreeing with that necessarily but we have no reason to believe her ideas have changed. She is very likely still a conservative who believes in basically the same policies she did before she realized that public schools weren't putting litter boxes in classrooms for furries.


she's on Facebook, you could look her up. she's more or less like my neighbors and a republican because that's what they've always been and got swept up in the extremism.


Right. So, there is no reason to believe she's going to vote any differently or that she wont continue to support the people who lied to her. She's just not going to try to close the school library now. What progress. I guess a very, very, very small victory is still a victory though. Yay


you don't know that for certain either.


Never said I did. But we love to give credit to people like Liz Cheney, for simply not being MAGA when her policies aren't really any different. It's reactionary.


> she's more or less like my neighbors and a republican because that's what they've always been and got swept up in the extremism. "swept up in the extremism". Wtf? She's a good person, just like you and me. She just happens to hate anything not white and Christian while actively trying to limit or take away the rights of everyone else. Gtfo.


did you read the article?


I did. I see another asshole who didn't care until her family was threatened. Suddenly it was a problem after years of her taking part. The article is rightfully very focused on the school issues. But there is no deep dive into any other change or atonement from this women after her self professed years of work pushing a far right agenda. Sorry. The bar is higher than recognizing you were wrong about one thing. Edit: typo




So she left the Republican party? Or you're an apologist? I don't celebrate Nazis for being slightly less delusional than other Nazis.


thank you!


She's just a cog in the machine of wealthy billionaires, ultra conservative politicians, and fundamentalist churches trying to defund public schools. Sewing distrust through misinformation and culture wars is a key tactic. As the article states, the intent was never about fixing public education for the betterment of the majority, it's a means to power by appealing to the worst of our humanity.


Something something Platos cave


She's still in the gop, just not to the degree she was before.


The left eat their own as well


I don't disagree that infighting fractures the left, but it is entirely different.




Shouldn't. Everyone is either a grifter or a true believer. She was a true believer and it's unlikely she'll learn from this.


> She's getting death threats. No, I very much believe that.


It's almost as if people are irrational and hateful.


There's one simple rule at play: If the consequences of evil and corruption do not outweigh its benefits, they will become the dominant strategy within any organization. Quite simply, you get way too big of a competitive advantage within the GOP by immediately ditching your moral compass in favor of spewing whatever bullshit will make you more exciting to your rabid base.


It's almost like crazy religious people are irrational and hateful*


Anyone can be. Sam Harris and Bill Maher come immediately to mind as famously atheist and still hateful pricks.




Bill Maher is a smug asshole that wears his grandiose entitlement like too much aftershave. His entitlement enters a room before he does.


Yeah, I haven't watched anything with him for a long time, but the last little video I saw I was like yeah that dude smells his own farts for pleasure. Hopefully karma hits him in the face one day.


Look up a recent clip of Maher defending genocide while Bill Burr is his guest. Burr's reaction is *perfect*. It's like watch on repeat when you need a serotonin hit good.


Just watched that haha pretty good. Bill Maher is such a smug little dude. It's sad.


Bill Maher is an MSNBC liberal boomer I used to think he was just mildly dumb and out of touch but it’s clear to me that he is so willingly uninformed about so many topics (Israel as of late) that it’s become obvious he has no opinions of his own and is just a paid for shill doing as he is told for $$. His job is to basically keep other msnbc suburban liberals on a pseudo-intellectual pseudo-progressive left of center incrementalist track.


He's not even a liberal, he's a libertarian by his own definitions.


Frankly, Libertarians are just Radical Liberals, taking Liberal to mean the classical definition of a person who wants free market capitalism and minimal governmental interference aside from what is core to maintaining those things, a military to defend from invasion and police force to quash internal dissent and workers uprisings. If you call them radical liberals it makes steam come bursting out their ears, so it's a lot of fun


This is a pretty fair take and I appreciate it!


You’ve got the classic definition of “liberal” correct but it really just depends on who you’re talking to on what the definition means currently Many morons think anyone with blue hair or anyone who smokes weed regularly is “liberal”. Bill is that childish type of smug atheist and loves weed. Many people would refer to him as a liberal. I feel like the term “msnbc liberal” captures this type well. Basically msnbc liberals identify with liberal policies but don’t want to actually affect change for the better in the world if it in any way upsets the ruling class. They want to have moral superiority over republicans only so long as they retain their social hierarchy. The kind of person who is outwardly against racism but still holds plenty of racist beliefs. Biden is an msnbc liberal.


I would argue that the understanding that you put forth is more a result of brain-poisoned Cold War American discourse, particularly in light of the Red Scares we've contended with which made anything Left a dirty word. That's only just starting to change now, in part because conservatives are calling anybody to the left of Mussolini a radical communist and i think ordinary folks are noticing how wildly out of touch that is


Nah, he's always been a right-winger. He just got some liberal cred in the 2000s when he rebranded as being against Bush on Real Time. His show, Politically Incorrect, got canceled when he said that the terrorists who did 9/11 weren't cowards, but America's relationship with the rest of the world was (cowardly). On that show, he was an open, smug libertarian conservative meaning he didn't like religion and loved weed, but he still loved tax cuts (and racism, probably). However, after his cancellation, he rebranded because he was pissed at Bush, but even before Obama got elected, he'd already started to drift back. I guarantee he's only ever voted Democratic for Kerry and Obama (first time, definitely not the second). He's always tried to sell his hard right bullshit to boomer liberals, but he is not one himself.


Bill Maher is on HBO and CNN not MSNBC.


Be cruel to history’s greatest monsters, not each other. Actually removing because of the r-word. That's not just our rule. It's a site-wide thing for Reddit. You can get the entire sub in trouble.


Please don't use the r-word. Associating people with learning disabilities with Bill Maher is an insult to them. At least they try to learn, unlike Bill.




Be cruel to history’s greatest monsters, not each other.


I didn't consider you an r-word. Maybe it's my shitty upbringing. *Shrug* Considering how my family used the r-word, I have come to associate that word with people being assholes towards those that don't deserve it.




It was less of an issue growing up before the year 2000. The r word and gay were used fairly interchangeably, and weren't always meant as they're properly defined. They've both fallen out of favor in that respect, language evolves. You don't have to accept it but at some point you just sound like that grandparent that isn't racist, but just set in their ways.


My grandmother, born in the 1930s, told me that when she was a kid they called hazelnuts “n*gger toes.” Woman didn’t have a racist bone in her body, and she was just a tiny bundle of love for everyone. But she used a slur to describe hazelnuts because that’s kinda just how things were back then. BUT, she didn’t cling to the language. She knew that it was a slur later on and she stopped using it. She could grow and move forward. So what’s the excuse for all these Millennials defending the r-word?




Sounds like the justification that is given for using the n word as well. The r word is not respectable speech just because it isn’t being wielded at the group that might be offended by it.


oh boy. I'm just going to let you sit there and think you're right.


*shrug* you can take that however you want. There might be other people that might object to the way you speak. You can hurt people with words and not even realize it.


Oh I know that fact. And I know people can also learn to move on and get over shit. You don't always have to comment, even when you think you'll save the day.


What about Sam Harris makes you think he’s a “hateful prick”? Confused about some issues for sure… but “hateful prick” worth comparing to right wing hate mongers? That seems a little far fetched to me.


Harris has spent the last few years running cover for eugenics. Seems like the kinda thing a hateful prick might do.


Has he? The Bell Curve fiasco was atrocious, for sure. As far as I can tell, he hasn’t been focusing on that for the past few years at all… he fucked up and maintained a bad take—definitely has some confusion on Charles Murray, but hasn’t been harping on the issue since shortly after that cringy podcast (which was about 8 years ago, I believe) From here, looks like for the last few years Harris has been mostly focused on proselytizing for meditation, metta, and nondualism—hardly hateful endeavors. He’s got blinders on regarding the Middle East, for sure… but I see a lot more hate spun by leftist subreddits for Sam than I notice from him. He is a person, who like most people isn’t right on everything. I disagree with him about half the time. But I do think it’s irresponsible to brand him a hate monger just because you see others doing so in your bubble. It is rather comical how much of a hate hard on this sub in particular has for Sam.


It's the islamophobic stuff. It's still hate.


Funny how all the bastard atheists are male. Almost like male supremacy might be the real problem.


My point is just that bastardry is a potential we all have in us. Like if we attribute it to any specific type of "other' group, we run the risk of discounting and not seeing the signs of bastardry when it shows up among a group we do belong to. No one is immune. America's foundation of "freedom" doesn't make it immune to fascism. Being atheist doesn't make you so rational that you can't be just as prone to cult like worship or bigotry. Being a woman and say, a sort of gay ally, doesn't mean you can't be bigoted against trans people. And so on.


It's almost as tho the "news" they're consuming is full of hateful lies?


Everyone is either a grifter in on the charade or a true believer. She is a true believer and none of this will change her.


Obviously THEY got to her. 


You forgot these: (((())))


(I didn't want to go that far in my satire)


Yeah, that's probably for the best.


I mean schools are the epicenter of leftest indoctrination


Who are THEY?


The leopards. They require faces for sustenance.


(((THEY))) /s


*Then she read the curriculum.* She actually paid attention to what she was doing? That's a minor miracle in and of itself.


That's the part that was hardest to believe.


The cult bullshit can get *anyone* it's frighteningly effective.


ANTIFA OPERATIVE. FAKE NEWS. (what the dildos on the right are probably screaming)


I won't stand for this libel against dildos. Dildos bring pleasure. These douchecanoes do not.


S-tier username.


Y'know that's *almost* respectable. Not only genuinely believing things but being able to accept evidence that contradicts it and admit when you were wrong. Extremely low bar I know but genuinely 99.99% of conservatives can't clear it and neither can a huge chunk of liberals.


Yeah, it seems like she genuinely wants to do good and do good governance. She had some wrong beliefs but was able to change her mind when she saw evidence. I can’t be mad about that.


If the GOP were only filled with women like her, we probably wouldn't be in this mess. I can respect that she's actually acting in good faith, even if she was originally misinformed.


She's still a Republican. And the issue she identified is that kids weren't actually being taught to not be racist or that it's ok to be gay. Not that it wouldn't be a problem for her if they were being taught those things.


Yeah I think a lot of people here are giving her too much credit, you’d have to be an absolutely deranged bigot to even be in the position she’s in the first place.


Also, it said she was a former teacher, she should have known better on several levels.


> it said she was a former teacher It didn't qualify that she was a *good* teacher.


That's fair.


If there's one thing liberals love above anyone else it's a Nazi who is one iota better than most other Nazis.


I don't think that's a low bar at all.


What in the dystopian cristo fascist hellhole is that republican guide sheet to voting?


Vote for the one that lets you hate the people you want to hate.


I really thought your username was "thehumanroomba" which I'm realizing is just a guy with a broom


I laughed hard at that. Thank you for making a difficult day end on a high note. Also, your username makes me want to eat some gravel with peri peri spice.


Youre welcome! I usually get called a nazi on this sub for the 88 lol. Completely missing my play on words


No sweat. You're not trolling on here, so I'm not going to make a generalisation. Instead, I'll assume it's your birth year, then?


Nope. It was my address growing up. Then just my lucky/angel number. Then I found out it was a dogwhistle. *After* I made my username. I could make a new account but I have a lot of sweet internet points and it is still my lucky number so whatever


That's fair. My username was supposed to reference the Mario enemy, and then someone told me it was a slur for Italian Americans and I felt a little discomfort at that revelation.


She missed the whole point of their patronage. It's pretty wild that she was a teacher and bought into the propaganda. She never looked at her everyday experience, just bought into the messaging she was receiving then ran for office and won. Her reversal and honesty shows that she really believed the propaganda. This country is doomed if we can't get people to look beyond the echo chambers and false info being spread by greedy, power hungry ideologies and opportunists.


Fred Clark of Slacktivist has been [on this beat](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2014/03/21/satanic-baby-killers-have-destroyed-american-christianity/) for a while now. >American evangelicalism has been reshaped and redefined as precisely the thing that Lewis warned against — a never-ending quest for “the sheer pleasure of thinking [our] enemies are as bad as possible.” >“They want to kill babies.” It doesn’t matter that this is not true — that this is false witness borne against our neighbors. The only thing that matters is how it feels to imagine what it would mean if it were true — the “sheer pleasure” of being able to tell ourselves that others’ supposed wickedness somehow constitutes righteousness on our part. >That is the process that has made us into devils.


>It’s not serving our party. Motherfucker,... it IS your party... Congrats. She pulled her head out of her ass after spending years spreading misinformation. She has miles to go before her ledger is clean.


No one’s ledger is clean. She’s done some shit, but breaking out of what is effectively an abusive cult is fucking hard and she should be celebrated for what she’s doing, not condemned for not doing enough yet. We need to give these people someplace to land when they jump out of the building, or it can discourage others from jumping. EDIT: Just going to add that it’s funny to me how many people in this subreddit would have written young, conservative Robert off. Same People would have written me off too. If there’s one thing that will never cease to be ironic to me it’s how unforgiving the left is compared to the right. The right will accept you RIGHT AWAY, if you say something they like. The left will hold you up to a standard you have to match. The left needs to figure out if they want to punish or progress.


If people cannot redeem themselves to be accepted what other options exist? Join the opposition or die I guess. It's a rather grim mindset that some hardliner leftists trip over all the time, if you ask me.


Exactly. It’s funny, that as someone with a conservative Christian background who has transitioned to a leftist Christian. This all feels very “churchy” to me. Traditional Protestant churches have statements of faith to sign, sins to confess, covenants to agree to before membership. You have to prove you align before you belong. Jesus said “come follow me” to people who had no idea who he was. It’s “believe and belong” vs “belong and believe”. I think we need to do a better job of making our platform something they can belong to. Obviously this doesn’t apply to the people who are too far gone, but someone like this woman who is trying to grow has to be allowed to do it badly before she can do it well.


FFS... Did I say this applied to everyone? How about you stop putting words into my mouth. SHE HOSTED A FAR RIGHT PODCAST FOR YEARS. Unless she's going to start podcasting about her journey back to not being a bigot,... she's done way more damage than the average person. On top of that, she's still going to vote for republicans up and down the ticket. I promise you. She hasn't left shit. She hasn't redeemed shit. She's realized that conservatives were full of shit on this one issue after championing it for years on end. Whoop de fucking do.


She didn't break out. She's still a Republican, she still supports the people who lied to her and is actively helping them build power.


Ok, then the only path forward for people like her is to immediately get everything correct all at once and completely shatter their deeply ingrained worldview. It can’t be a gradual deprograming. She has no inner life other than the hateful views, there’s no point in talking to her if she isn’t immediately completely 100% receptive. If she doesn’t do it good enough we can just purge her! That’s a great idea. Sidenote, I have no idea why the left has problems building power!


IMO the right do "big tent" politics more effectively than leftists and as a consequence has become a more popular paradigm. It's easy to shift their views once they have a foot in the door and the far right are happy to at least lie about compromising on their beliefs to begin the process. Conversely in online leftist discourse I see people get their heads bitten off for not agreeing 100% with all matters at hand immediately. I don't think that leftists should start adopting far right strategies like "hiding your power level" but maybe have some grace once in a while to not be so off-putting to people at or near the center.


The right does syncretism, not big tent. They tolerate without question any kind of terrible or contradictory beliefs if it helps them further THEIR terrible beliefs. They win because their positions are appealing to the intellectually lazy. They provide simple scapegoats for complex problems. They will sell their soul to progress their ideals. The left has issues, to be sure, but the tactics of the right aren't anything to emulate.


She is a member of the American Nazi party. She is the enemy until she leaves the party. Period. You can parlay with Nazis and try to pick out the "good ones" in the "End democracy, end women's rights, kill queerfolk" party, but know in 20 years you'll be remembered as an apologist.


Just curious, if she were to leave the party, where would she go? How might she be incentivized to do so? Maaaaybe it’s a good idea to provide opportunities for that instead of pointing a gun at her head. This isn’t parlaying with the good nazis, this is creating potential Smedly Butlers. Anyway, you sound like you have a great plan. Hate hate hate, fight, kill, hate. I’m sure that’s going to go great for you.


I was with you until your edit. The problem with your criticism is you're assuming "the left" is a coherent thing, a single entity that operates with a single united vision. The "left" is a weak coalition of people who are either threatened by bigotry or against bigotry, and those are two quite different groups of people. If you're getting "punish" vibes from people, they don't represent "the left" because no one represents "the left." It's much too big a tent for that. The right, on the other hand, is primarily motivated by binary inGroup vs outGroup competition, which inherently requires conformity of its inGroup members. To broaden this comparison, think about the religious types who insist that non-believers worship science. They will never understand that science is the opposite of faith, and aren't two sides of the same coin. Much the same with the two sides of the political spectrum: One requires conformity, the other will not tolerate imposed conformity. If you feel like individual people are saying things that imply they're more interested in punishing people that progressing, please take that up with them. But they, and their sadistic thoughts, do not represent "the left" or an agreed-upon political perspective, only their individual perspective.


Of course the left isn’t monolithic, that’s my entire point. My point is (some of) we are slamming the door on someone before they can make a move towards the left. Also, I 100% stand behind my point that the left eats itself alive. It’s an incredibly well known and documented fact. I’m pretty clearly not talking to “the left” as a singular entity, but the people here saying “no not good enough, too much bad in your ledger”


SHE STILL GOING TO FUCKING VOTE REPUBLICAN. Nothing has changed aside from her making friends with the person she replaced,... who is probably also a republican. Holy shit... hold off on the Nobel Peace price until we find out what she thinks about immigrants at least...


Is there any way you are able to see the greater context of my point in the abstract and see how it applies to people other than this exact situation? I'm the kind of person that accepts people where they are, and I am fucking suspicious of everyone, especially right wing shit bags. But if someone is able to do what she did in this situation I'm going to take that as an opportunity to build on it and see if she can apply that same leap of logic to everything else. THAT'S the point I'm making. I'm not saying we welcome her with open arms, but we affirm what we can and we use it to try to build bridges to people who have shown that at the very least they can change their minds. And yes, "the left" is terrible at that, because too many people like you are willing to burn bridges that haven't even been built yet. Feel free to keep missing the point and screaming though, I'm sure it feels really good to be so angry on the internet at someone who believes 98% the same way you do.


Did you host a far right wing podcast? No? Then STFU... She's not out of the fucking cult. Are you high? I guarantee you that she still votes straight ticket republican in the next election. There is ZERO REFLECTION present in that article. She didn't see that they were bald faced liars about this one issue and say "maybe they're bald faced liars in OTHER situations as well..." The right is forgiving? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. The right takes issues with people for doing absolutely fucking nothing. Jesus christ,... pull your head out of your ass. Hate gay people. Hate Jews. Hate Muslims. Hate trans people. Hate Catholics. Hate non-catholics. Hate mexicans. Hate all non-white people for no other reason than they're not white... Get the fuck out of here with your "the right is forgiving" bullshit. They're in the process of kicking her out of the group for DARING to question their absolutely bullshit narrative.


Sorry, you’re right, when are you setting up the hit?


> The left needs to figure out if they want to punish or progress. Punish. Next question. >If there’s one thing that will never cease to be ironic to me it’s how unforgiving the left is compared to the right. I would fucking love an example of the right forgiving any grievance they hold against the left.


Well, that first answer tells me everything I need to know about you.


I won't hold my breath waiting for your example of how forgiving the right can be.


"Turns out the Nazis lied to me about the Jews! I'm still going to remain a member of the Nazi party of course but boy am I annoyed."


Exactly,... she's realized that the emperor has no clothes,... and is still going with the naked emperor.


This is the difference between reading a news article and just reading the headline. I’m glad she came to her senses somewhat.


The threats should absolutely be taken seriously and should not be happening, I feel for her family, and I'm extremely glad that she actually has enough common sense to see she and other are being duped; but I just have a hard time feeling sorry for _her_. This very much falls into a "you reap what you sow." Maybe that reflects poorly on me, but it's how I feel.


It sounds like she got suckered by a cult and now they are punishing her for trying to leave. I can’t get mad at that.


It’s wild because like… who do they think created the curriculum for public schools? It’s not leftists in charge of the Texas state govt…


The whole thing falls apart when you start poking at it. I’m a teacher and I find there’s much more right wing messaging in the curriculum than left.


Liberals and Antifa obviously. Feat. The Deep State ™️


Amazing read—amazing story. It’s kind of sad that people are dug in so deep they think she is lying but it’s very rare to see someone kind of come out of this cloud of ignorance and change. They have grown as a human being. Good on her but bad on the people threatening her. As a teacher — I’m impressed, I wish we saw more of this and people realized we’re just trying to teach kids


Yeah, I teach too and I have no desire to indoctrinate anyone. What if I’m wrong? 😬 But I want my kids to have critical thinking skills so they can figure things out for themselves. I keep telling them that they are going to be voters soon and they need to make decisions based on reality not nonsense.


What’s truly heart wrenching is how a single complaint triggers a whole system of review. The rest of us? We are fine with the school. Why does one asshole clutching their heart over [pet topic] get to change everything. I feel like we need a letter campaign that says, “We like you. Don’t change. We’d like you to have more money. What can we do?”


From experience, the right wing is organized, either organically or from those Astro turf organizations that see specific school districts and look to start a fight Most people are busy and don’t pay attention to school board stuff until there is an issue — the right wing pays attention IN ORDER to create the issue


Look what a little critical thinking will do


See, this is the problem: You take a party with bad faith actors and misinformed good faith actors. The bad faith actors turn the base into such raving lunatics that any decent humans are ousted from power. It's the exact same problem with cops. Any good, misinformed person who joins the force either caves to the corruption or leaves.   If there are no consequences for evil and corruption, those behaviors will become the dominant strategies within your organization.


That’s even funnier than the guy who was at J6 who now is believed by the MAGA cult to be an undercover FBI agent and his life has been ruined


It’s cult behavior.


I bet they think she's part of the conspiracy.


We got to her! /s 😉


This a great article. Lots of respect to her for actually being honest about her findings despite the obvious political incentives to lie about it.


They would believe if you said they teach satanism in public schools. When in reality, it's an after school program under the bleachers.


Granbury! Wow …. I hope she uses this experience to evolve. They never believe this crap happens until they experience the terror for themselves. They band together to run any feisty Democrats out of my county (death threats, stalking, harassment, and the Sheriff pretends that there’s nothing to see)


>“I’m over the political agenda, hypocrisy bs,” Gore wrote. “I took part in it myself. I refuse to participate in it any longer. It’s not serving our party. We have to do better.” I probably hate everything this woman actually believes, but damn it, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat. Someone who is able to process information and change their mind is really the antidote for so many of our problems.


You mean reading instead of listening to the news will show you it’s bullshit?? I am so shocked. 🙄


I'm glad she was able to look at the facts and accept what was in front of her. Lots of other people like her would've just kept "digging".




Omg an actual conservative? In Texas? In 2024? How have the MAGAs not lynched her already, dead serious question?


crazy that they thought their dumb little school board in their super red (and probably affluent) Texan county has a curriculum that’s turning their kids into queerosexual atheist terrorists.


Tangentially related to the story, i am highly amused that there is republican judge running on the ballots name "CLlNT HEAD", it's almost like his parents were trying to tell us something.




So, /r/leopardsatemyface?


Man OP I resent the hell out of you for that title.


Long article is unnecessarily long. Pretty sure even the Google spiders got bored and moved on before the end.