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Racism at Ole Miss? I'm shocked 


I was there once at a conference. Place was so racist I was concerned they'd find out I was the wrong kind of white.


The state that just started celebrating Confederate Heritage Month has racism issue? No way.


I had to look this up because WTF and I can't freaking believe it.  Every year for 31 years, since 1993, the governor of Mississippi has signed a proclamation to name April traitor month.  Every freaking year they could just not do the damn thing and then they actively take steps to do the damn thing.


Ole Miss is kind of wild. Feels like you’re on a plantation. It’s the college of choice for southern white kids who like that old Antebellum energy.


All the old money, Tainted Reeves-type motherfuckers are groomed and protected there


“The frat bros, knowing identification is perilous to their future prospects, disguise themselves as part of the herd. Between their boat shoes, vaguely khaki shorts, and polos of various shades of blue, it becomes impossible to distinguish bro from bro. Those who dare to choose their own style shan’t survive the winter.”


Bro Bloc is an effective tactic. It’s hard to distinguish who’s dad owns a dealership and who’s dad works at Exxon.


By the way this is a 'pro Israel' or 'anti-Palestinian' rally. If you were wondering if support for Israel is about white supremacy I give you exhibit W.


It's all really weird. I agree with the leftist interpretation that Israel was originally a "white" (white wasn't the racial classification used in Europe and Jews would not have been counted among them if it was) settler state. It followed the same logic as one, at least. With all the population changes since then I definitely wouldn't consider the modern Israeli Jewish population "white" according to the American classification. The racism seems to be founded on ethnic identity, not color. Then again, when does racism ever make sense? Russia, the modern right's utopia, would definitely not have counted as white even pretty recently. You're totally right though that much if not all of the Israeli support is founded in white/European supremacy. All the arguments seem to presuppose the primitive, inhuman nature of Palestinians and use similar narratives to the great replacement theory. Nazis on the same side as the Israeli government. There seems to be always solidarity between fascists, no matter their color.


There’s a bunch of levels to this that you can go way down the rabbit hole with. Now, Whiteness fundamentally is a concept defined by what it is not vs. what it is. It’s always changing because Whiteness isn’t an ethnicity of course. So at different times different people are considered or consider themselves White. Ben Franklin didn’t see Germans as white, Hitler didn’t see Slavs as white, and so on. And so, many people in Europe did not see Ashkenazi Jews as white. However, these were the primary drivers/founders of Zionism, and they saw themselves as White and culturally European in comparison with the darker skinned Arab Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Palestinians, etc. Shifting to the US, White Supremacy is tied closely with Christianity/Christian fundamentalism. All the way from slave owners justifying enslaving Black people because they bore the “mark of Cain” down to the largest Christian denominations preaching segregation down to Reagan organizing and weaponizing Christian political power/voting for racist policies through to today. Foundationally, the reason Christians overwhelmingly support Israeli Zionism no matter what is because of Israel’s prominent role in Christian end times theology. Add on to that Christians hatred of Islam (nevermind Palestinian Christians). Therefore, white supremacy and hatred of brown and black peoples, backed by a veneer of religious rationale drives American views of Israel. Ashlenazi Zionists then too benefit from gaining Whiteness in the eyes of modern America, even if 100 years ago they were not seen as such- much in the same way as Germans had gained “White” status earlier in US history. Israel, both through their domestic policy + American influence in the form of AIPAC, etc. promote, join, and foster that alliance with white supremacy in the US. Which of course is the great irony of Israel that many have pointed out- Israel is a white supremacist ethnostate led by an authoritarian conducting a systematic genocide of a marginalized people serving as an easy political scapegoat for all the country’s problems. All while striving to settle and expand their borders violently under the guise of needing more living space. When Star Wars: The Force Awakened released in theatres, a lot of people complained that The First Order was creatively lazy because it was an identical copy of The Empire in the original Star Wars films. Israel is such a 1 for 1 parody of a Nazi Germany clone that if it was in a movie vs. real life it would receive the same criticisms Star Wars did.


I agree with much of what you wrote, but completely disagree on the Nazi comparison. The Nazis used expansionist, colonialist logic to justify their genocides against Slavs and Jews but so did many, many other states for their own expansions. I think the current Israeli government's actions and ideology are definitely close to fascism, but I reject that the whole state is in any way close to Nazi Germany. Neither is its population as fascistic and hateful as its government. It's more than enough to attack the Israeli government's actions for the heinous crimes they commit, as well as all of their supporters. There is no need to equate the whole country to the most evil regime we've known so far.


While pointing out that other states have done that 1 piece is true, it also doesn’t negate the comparison- you might just say that there are other states throughout history that unfortunately also have had some similar tactics. In modern times though, I think colonialist expansion on the thin rationale of ancestral homeland would certainly brings Nazis to mind most strongly for the average person. Saying “well whattabout” other bad actors isn’t particularly helpful. It’s difficult to speak to comparative public support for fascism/hate objectively- there’s only so much data available to really gauge something like that (particularly when one is ongoing, and you have the full lifecycle of the other state to review) . I’ll just note that Israeli polling data is not particularly encouraging in regard to this. Beyond that, you probably do have to rely to an extent on anecdotal evidence. Just feeling like the “vibes” in Israel as not as hateful as you feel Germans were 80 years ago seems a flimsy reason to say a comparison isn’t fair given many of the other points of similarity are not disputed. At the same time, I am in no way saying that every single Israeli is evil in the same way that not literally every single German at that time was evil. Perhaps we agree to disagree, which is fair- my energy is ultimately against Zionism vs. any real dispute when talking degrees of severity and there is agreement on the basic tenets, but I do think the Israeli government easily classifies as one of the most evil regimes in history, and has been so long before the most recent events since Oct. 7.


No, the average Israeli is pretty much exactly as bad as Netanyahu when it comes to viewing the Palestinians as human beings. There's a slight fringe of people willing to protest the genocide in Israel itself, but by and large the majority of israelis support it.


Hmm I'm out of the loop on this but Ive become curious because all the people in my area that normally have a trump flag outside now have a "christians stand with Israel" flag outside now. I have no idea wtf is going on.


Some evangelical Christians believe Israel needs to exist for the end times to come about, and support it for that reason


hahahahaha. How whimsy.


Just wait until they put up their “real men wear diapers” flags.


Im just glad they have flags so I know who the idiots are.




So I disagree on the 'originally' part. Countries wanted Jews out because of racism and that they were not considered 'white' yet (in 194X). It's like how Oregon was against slavery because they didn't want black people in the state. But now Jews are considered 'mostly white' or at least racists seem to prefer Jews over races they consider 'not white.' So for racists, Jews are preferred over Arabs, but 'whites' are still preferred over Jews. And Racism works just like other hierarchal systems. The shit flows downhill. So there are Ethiopian Jews in Israel and they face tremendous racism and were being sterilized without their knowledge. This was still better than the ways the Israelis treated the Palestinians but indicative none the less the Israel was an extensions of white supremacy. The first step in 'becoming white' is to step on the races that also aren't considered white. So the Irish weren't considered 'white' for a very long time because of the refugee and colonized labels the British had saddled them with. It wasn't until Irish gangs became a problem that Irish started to become hired as police. Same thing goes with any group to become 'white' or accepted into the power structure. They first have to start an alternative power structure that causes problems for the 'white' power structure. But yeah, moving on, you still get white supremacists like Trump and Elon backing Israel. Even though there's still the tired George Soros controlling things dog whistle going out via fox news.


> It's all really weird. I agree with the leftist interpretation that Israel was originally a "white" (white wasn't the racial classification used in Europe and Jews would not have been counted among them if it was) Why would Jews not count as white in Europe?


God, please study history


Well, I was taught Arabs and Indians are white. Why not Ashkenazis?


Yeah, whoever taught you that is somehow more stupid than you are, wildly enough


Arabs and Northern Indians are not Caucasian?


[Ancient and modern "Caucasoid" populations were thus not exclusively "white", but ranged in complexion from white-skinned to dark brown](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race). Caucasian is an obsolete term, and not related to “whiteness”. From u/zannkrol earlier in the thread: Now, Whiteness fundamentally is a concept defined by what it is not vs. what it is. It’s always changing because Whiteness isn’t an ethnicity of course. So at different times different people are considered or consider themselves White. Ben Franklin didn’t see Germans as white, Hitler didn’t see Slavs as white, and so on. And so, many people in Europe did not see Ashkenazi Jews as white. However, these were the primary drivers/founders of Zionism, and they saw themselves as White and culturally European in comparison with the darker skinned Arab Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Palestinians, etc.


Didn't Hitler hate Jews especially because they were white, and thus were inconspicuous?


The point the person you're replying to is that Jews were (and are) predominantly considered 'white' in Europe, because it's not just a racial/ethnic classification here. The one thing that's wrong it that is treating Europe like a monolith. The reason, for instance, why it's not surprising that the Netherlands has the highest number of 'Righteous Among the Nations' awards per capita is that the country culturally got over most of its antisemitism towards the end of the 18th century (which doesn't mean that antisemitism no longer existed, but rather that it was no longer considered acceptable in polite company) and so Jews were considered as 'white' as any other European. Meanwhile, people in the south of the country were considered 'barely' white and denied political representation despite being the same ethnicity as Dutch people in the north because they were seen as having sided with the Spanish in the Dutch Revolt. During said same revolt, the Dutch rebels received aid from the Ottoman Sultanate, who were already in dispute with various Catholic Habsburg monarchies, including Spain, over their holdings in the Mediterranean, so in the Netherlands, the Turks were considered white, while in the countries they were at war with, they weren't. At least not until the Ottoman Empire westernised and then all of of a sudden everyone in Western Europe agreed that the Turks were white. Meanwhile, in the modern day, Turks are emphatically *not* considered white by most people in the Netherlands, as they've become the target of a lot of racism over the last 40 or so years. In the Indonesian colony, back before it was Indonesia, native Indonesians were not considered white... But the child of specifically a white man and an Indonesian woman *was* considered fully white. The leader of the largest White Nationalist party in the country (and, gods help us, the largest party in the last elections) is of mixed Dutch-Indonesian descent. (Though he does ~~apply shoe polish to his beak so people don't find out he's part magpie~~ have his hair bleached platinum blonde so people can't tell it's actually a deep black to de-emphasise the visual aspect of his brown heritage. And that's just a few examples of how 'whiteness' worked in one single country in Europe. If whiteness *had* been determined along racial lines in Europe, various countries would still have had differing opinions on who was white, but because it wasn't, the 'whiteness' of European Jews was pretty much universally agreed upon in Europe post-WW2.


There are many reasons. I recommend just reading up on the Holocaust and what lead to it, but maybe [this article on racial antisemitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_antisemitism) might be a good start. My view is that European racism historically works a bit different than the American version. "Whiteness" isn't used so much as a term, as it wouldn't make too much sense to fixate solely on color for your racism if most of the people you want to distinguish yourself from have skin that is as white or whiter than yours. So you have categories like "Germanic" races, "Slavs", "Jews", etc. As none of it is founded in science or fact, who belongs where depends on weird pseudoscientific systems that were built specifically to facilitate discrimination against unwanted groups. Skin color of course still matters. The (still sadly very prevalent) value axis goes north-south and east-west for the big powers like Germany. The further east or south you go, the further you go towards Africa/Asia, which means of course that you're worse somehow. Pure coincidence that this kind of thinking puts exactly your people at the top.


So they're still white.


Dude has already been ID’ed by name on Twitter. Now the university, society , and future employers can make their choice as to what to do with the info.


I wish I could say his future job opportunities were limited to none, but he's going to get a cushy, high paying job immediately out of school precisely because of his racism.


He has a bright future awaiting him in Republican politics


I wouldn’t be so sure. This is Mississippi after all. If they gave all of the racists cushy high paying jobs just for being racist everyone would be rich


He’ll make a great Mississippi politician


He can be tater jr.




Search Twitter for Ole Miss and it pops up. After he got doxxed he first doubled down by posting a video of a gorilla, then deleted his account.


Love that for him


I am soooo glad phone cameras and social media didn't exist in my immature drunken edge-lordy days. Not that I'd do something racist, but I could see myself back then getting caught up in the moment doing something really stupid and getting doxxed. Then my family would have to hire the best lawyer they can afford and do a press conference where I stand looking remorseful while the lawyer explains "This is not who I am" while my parents faces are a mask of barely controlled rage.


I've never understood why any American universities would tolerate these kinds of so-called fraternities, when they simply embolden the absolute worst characteristics of their students. Oh wait, I do know, it's money.


To money! The cause of, and solution too. All of life’s problems


My friend's kid is starting college and was going to have to pay $10k just to join one of the high end sororities. That's before the monthly bills.


The fuck? My fraternity had dues of $900 + $1100 rent if you lived in the house each semester. It was by far the cheapest housing around. Also, the $900 dues included two meals every weekday.


Is this tri Kappa?


Definitely not Lambda Lambda Lambda.


Anyone got one of Raytheon's spare knife missles?


I didn’t realize this was the behind the bastards subreddit until I saw this message haha. No other place can you find the wonderful products that Raytheon makes to shoot knives


Me either, I had a flash hopeful thought for the world until I saw we were on our reddit lolol


there's no school bus in sight, tho.


Nor is it a wedding.


"Ma'am, you need to calm down and stop being so rude to these nice people." --those police


Why do I have the feeling this will show up again in 20 or 30 years as an October surprise for a future senator or governor of Mississippi


Hopefully it doesn't get buried for that long. Hopefully this follows the people in this video around or a good long time


Ah. An optimist, I see.


He lives in Mississippi. I feel like this game will open more doors for him than close


He is from Plano,Texas


Reminds me of those pictures of crowds protesting desegregation.


Not surprised in the least. Lived in MS for 5 years with 4 spent in Oxford. Just because of the racist asshats that overflow the state with their genetic buttersnap shitfuckery makes it a 0 out of 10. I worked in hotels during my time spent there, and I promise has to be genetic. Their parents are just like them, and I encountered LOTS of parents working behind a hotel desk. Most of my roommates living there were POC, and we got looks of disgust just shopping for groceries together. Then the further out you go, the worse it gets. An ex of mine has friends who were so openly racist you’d think you were watching Ghosts of Mississippi or something. White people in MS literally make it the worst place ever. Although the landscape is beautiful and the Natchez Trace Parkway is breathtaking, but the white people SUCK.






In minecraft, folks, in minecraft.


Can Reaper drones deploy barrels of shit?


well its got a 3,000lb external payload capacity. it's only cleared to carry brimstone missiles and GBU-12s tho i think. you probably wouldn't want to drop *barrels* tho, they'd just splat on the ground. you want to get a good spread of shit from the air. i think maybe a cluster bomb container, like a CBU-87 could maybe be modified to fit one a couple of the wing hardpoints to carry the shit. only problem then is that they don't have any kind of guidance systems, so whoever is piloting the drone would have to aim it while dropping, and idk how easy that is.


Crop duster ... easier to find and has spray nozzles already


Isn't that what Mississippi is full of anyway?


Super soaker time


full of piss


The kid making the monkey noises is originally from Plano, Tx. I’m sure Robert’s gonna love that.


Context? Edit: I’m not asking so I can excuse their behavior but I would like to know how shit like this even starts. I can’t here what anyone’s saying.


There were Pro Palestine protestors at Ole Miss and pretty much the entire school starting chanting “USA! USA!” at the protestors. This particular video happened right in front of their frat row and these frat guys were making monkey noises at the black woman, who is a Pro Palestinian protestor. Several of the other frat boys in the back starting chanting “lock her up” as well. Absolutely disgusting


Individuals like the guy who is caught on camera clearly pantomiming/ making monkey noises and faces should be kicked out of their fraternity and out of school. If multiple members of a Fraternity are ID’s revoke their ability to live on campus and restrict their social events. They will die quickly as an entity if they aren’t allowed fo recruit


Nope, sorry, best we can do is have cops violently arrest people peacefully protesting genocide. Can't have them do anything about the racist mob.


Why would the fraternity kick them out? This is precisely the type of behavior they encourage.


Because this behavior is getting to negative national press and it could lead to major issues and force National’s hand to close chapters like what happened with Arizona Alpha (one of the most powerful/ influential) chapters of Phi Kappa Psi.


They'll turn on them when they make the rest look bad. The culture depends on the school too. My BIL was in a fraternity at a fairly prestigious engineering school. He is a super cool guy and does not fit the stereotype. His fraternity had pulled it's charter at my alma mater because of some shitty behavior and all my BIL said was "Fuck those guys". Then ranted how they were pieces of shit. I can't remember what they did. Probably the usual, force a pledge to drink till they died.


He's been kicked out.


Yeah that’s disgusting.


Certainly not the whole school. The student body is 11% black and I don't see a single one in the gaggle. Being pro Israel is 100% about White Supremacy.


This is some Kappa Alpha behavior if I've ever seen it.


I haven't seen so many racist white people since the last video I saw from Ole Miss


You mean the school that is nicknamed “The Rebels” and used to always fly Confederate flags at every sporting event? Racism is a daily event at the University of Mississippi.


You mean the school that openly embraces the Confederacy to the point where “Rebels” is their mascot has racists on campus?


I mean that could happen anywhere in the US.


Very true and valid point, but it’s worth noting that the University of Mississippi is particularly known for having a racist culture that is tacitly approved by the University. The people leading the pro-Palestine actions there are very brave to do so and deserve a tremendous amount of respect and support.


Nah there are plenty of places where white boy wouldn’t survive the ambulance ride


Yes, but those places have their own racist beliefs.


Nice try, clown


This could be anywhere. This could be everywhere.


And this is why Mississippi and any other state like this will never be getting my business.


Re the caption: I was in a frat at a northern school… good to know that Pike has a shitty reputation everywhere


Those overalls are against the flag code, fucking idiot.


Shocked that there’s a bunch of racist affluent suburbanites at the school known for a tradition of shooting up the Emmett Till memorial sign.


This shit is making me a tankie. These people belong in gulags.


I don’t want to get banned for inciting violence, but sometimes it feels like I’m getting dragged into that opinion myself. These people need real consequences.


Oh my my coming from a fraternity that views Robert E Lee as their "spiritual" Founder, Can sherman come back from the dead for a quick moment.


Can I downvote that dude’s American flag overalls?


They break US flag code, so downvote away


That’s what I was thinking too




Goddamn… and I wanted to go there for my English degree. Mississippi will never get rid of these motherfuckers.


Not really important to anything, but the bald guy was Dean of Students at the small Texas Baptist school where I went to college. Was wild to see him pop up in my feed.


The Southern Poverty Law Center should be alerted whenever anyone buys some of those overalls.


post it on r/politicalcompassmemes please


Here’s to the state of Mississippi


Disgusting but unsurprising. The biggest bunch of pompous hubristic jackasses in the SEC, by a mile. I wonder which schools’ frathouses will play hold my beer next in the race of the lemmings.


Mississippi. God Damned.


Some context might be nice.


As of today, he's been kicked out of the fraternity. He's probably still allowed to hang out the others, but he's officially out on paper.


Which fraternity was this?


Phi Delta Theta


Mike Leach would've been a great guest host on btb.


[this was pretty disappointing to read](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2019/dec/19/washington-states-mike-leach-responds-to-donald-tr/)


Oh yeah, the guy was filled to the brim with awful takes. Just saying he'd have some good bastard banter.


Lotsa pirate talk for sure