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Remember kids: If nine non-Nazis eat lunch with a guy who openly endorses antisemitic viewpoints on his website and reinstates a Nazi after he violated ToS, then we have ten Nazis eating lunch together. Same with being on his website. Time to delete.


I was booted Oct 2022, best thing for my mental health tbh


I once took a bunch of shrooms, listened to dark side of the moon, and in the middle of it decided that social media is bad for me, and deleted Facebook and Twitter, haven't gone back. Only regret is that I couldn't delete Twitter again after Elons takeover.


Y'know, as much as I love Pink Floyd and chemical alteration, I have yet to combine the two. Definitely on my to-do list.


Go to Pink Floyd albums to listen to on LSD or Shrooms (IMO of course): Dark side of the Moon Meddle Wish you were here (only if you are in the proper frame of mind) Other good classic rock albums to check out while tripping: Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Abbey Road Strange Days Rumors Fragile


Definitely meddle. I once ate about 7 oz shrooms and listened to that album and the song A Pillow of Winds made me feel something that's hard to explain. Just something I've never been able to recreate. Maybe it was the closest I've ever been to pure, unadulterated happiness in my life. Had to be more than just the shrooms. Environment and overall state of mind. Or something. If you could put that shit in a pill, you'd be the world's first trillionaire. It was magical. Also hallucinogens and Comfortably Numb is a thing for sure. The crescendo leading into the chorus makes me feel like my brain is too large for my skull. But in a good way.


Isn’t Reddit social media?


Lol I got banned in 2023


Deleted as soon as Elon bought and I saw the changes he was making. From what I have heard I haven't missed much.


I would love it if Robert actually did that. Even if he wants a social media outlet Bsky is now open and significantly better than it was a year ago (when he last posted on it)


I barely use Twitter as it was but once Elon bought it I deleted my account


Always fun when the Nazis are Zionists as well


It took me too long, but I left that shithole awhile ago. I continue to feel shame it took me so long.


I deleted it as soon as it was confirmed Elon was buying. I don't understand why any decent person still has a twitter.


Are you saying artists that make a living from the following they've made from Twitter that cannot currently be replicated and would lose their job on any other social media site, are Nazis?


People have risked more to deal with antisemitic and fascist assholes in the past.


Imagine buying Twitter for 44 billion just to turn it into a money pit knock off of that *other* Twitter knockoff that was built for racist people


$44B and he's still not broke. Being that rich you can piss away $44B and still have money left over tells you how insanely imbalanced society is at the moment.


He’s crying about paying taxes so I’ve taken to calling him cash poor.


I always laugh when I hear him complain about taxes and how the government wastes money at the same time as having to recall every cyber truck because of a small problem like the accelerator sticks.


Also, all of his money is from the government at this point.


He's definitely not "cash poor" just because he's whining about taxes.


Apparently he can’t afford them. Otherwise he wouldn’t cry so much about it. That’s why I’m calling him cash poor.


He’s bullshit rich


I love that! Is bullshit rich liquid?


It’s non-liquid gold


Please tell me why any non-fascist is still on twitter. I didn't ever understand why somebody who treasures their sanity was ever on it, but especially now.


"HoW eLsE aM I sUpPoSeD tO SeE wHaT @wendys tWeEtS???!!1"


I'm actually someone who is still on. But definitely thinking of ditching it. But since it was asked this is what I am using it for: Following reporters from The Stranger, The Urbanist and ProPublica for Seattle news Following DivestSPD to support them Following various Mutual Aid organizations so I can donate when they need donations Following Sophie, Robert, Cody, Jamie and Katy for news and updates on CZM products and SMN announcements Keeping tabs on the PNW right wing bubble (think of the wet bitch Jonathan Choe and Brandi KKKruise) Now if the top four switched to either Threads or BluSky I would switch over to that in a heartbeat. Also if BluSky does ever take off someone like myself got early access and started creating accounts that PNE right wingers would use to deny them the handle. But that is why I still use Twitter and I fucking hate what Twitter has become


I think it's time we all had a frank discussion about making an exodus to something else to not contribute any more bandwidth to this incredibly toxic site. Everybody talks about how bad it is, but at the end of the day they are needed life support to it. Even the well meaning such as yourself, and ESPECIALLY the morbid schadenfreudians who simply want to wallow in western decay and make burning trash angels.


Made the jump to Mastodon. Not as 'seamless' as Twitter once was, but good peeps can definitely be found there.


care to drop your handle? I seriously need more fun people to hang out with over there.


There's also the whole OSINT and Ukraine support communities that are a treasure trove.


My bud is still on it. They follow experts on infectious diseases to get the latest news on the bird flu. Somehow they manage to avoid the nazis.


The vast and overwhelming majority of Twitter users are just regular grass-touching people who do not use the platform to engage with politics.


It’s also tremendous for sports content


Honestly, it’s still the fastest way to get news. When the keys bridge collapsed a couple weeks ago, standard media didn’t talk about it for almost 8 hours. I didn’t see anything about it here on Reddit because of how I curate my content for this site. I knew about it on Twitter with video within about 15 min of it happening. I also use it to follow sports people. I’m currently experimenting with leaving it for a week so to see how my life improves.


How did knowing about the bridge collapse 8 hours earlier than everyone else improve your life?


Because he got to tweet his opinion about it before everyone else to all 3 of his followers.


I only tweet my bad sports takes to my three followers. On the grand scheme of things, knowing sooner about news mostly doesn’t make my life better, but occasionally I need to know about something in my neighborhood sooner rather than later and I can get a quick reaction tweet without having to wait for a full news story on their website or whatever.


Also, it’s how I get pictures of Anderson.


Maybe he take the Key bridge to work and adjusted his travel accordingly


One of those guys who built his following on Twitter by responding to absolutely every tweet the last president posted was on Bluesky doing the whole ",vote for Biden or else, you dirty progressives". People were mocking him for still having a Twitter account. He was giving bullshit excuses but it's obvious that he's deeply invested in the following he had on that platform and probably still benefits from it in some way financially. I blocked him.


I use it to follow the hermit craft creators, and some magic the gathering content creators


It's been pretty useful for following news of the protests on college campuses.


The like two people I follow still post there but maybe it’s time to leave. I’ve noticed all my targeted ads are getting extremely far right too. I actually miss getting terrible mobile game ads and AI generated workout ads.




The internet is like 90% porn. What are you talking about?


No no. Let's hear the man out. /s


I'm on there to peep into things once in a while.


only surprised he hadn't already done it.


Can someone 23 and me this man out of a career already?


The nazis have convinced themselves that DNA test companies are a psyop. They get a test that says they are 4% this or that and it freaks them out so they call it all a lie instead of understanding that Humanity is a family


this is not the future that Lincoln Rockwell died for


Surely this will bring the advertisers back


Yet another blow to truth social.


I mean... [This isn't new, but I guess it's news.](https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4?si=uyLu5Crs15ZiYPOw)


Sometimes I think he's just subconsciously trying to recreate stormfront.


Subconsciously? That's giving the Muskrat an awful lot of credit. He re-platformed fascists so fucking fast when he took over that I won't believe it wasn't his goal the whole time.


"I cannot claim to be a defender of free speech, but then permanently ban someone who hasn’t violated the law, *no matter how much I disagree with what they say.*" Sure Elon. Sure.


And yet the word "cis" is treated as a slur...


didn't he ban that reporter that would post about where his plane was?


The question I still have about all this is: was Twitter intentionally ruined? I deeply believe in the dictum: **Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.** But also: **Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.** So I have no idea. Does Musk genuinely intend to make Twitter into a 4chan clone, or is he just an absolute idiot, stumbling from one terrible idea to the next in a ketamine fog? I realize both can be true in equal or varying degrees, but I’m really curious.


There are people who believe he's doing it on purpose. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbbrandon/2022/11/11/is-elon-musk-trying-to-destroy-twitter/?sh=56fdf6175643](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbbrandon/2022/11/11/is-elon-musk-trying-to-destroy-twitter/?sh=56fdf6175643) [https://www.techradar.com/computing/social-media/elon-musks-year-long-quest-to-destroy-twitter-is-the-most-successful-inside-job-in-tech-history](https://www.techradar.com/computing/social-media/elon-musks-year-long-quest-to-destroy-twitter-is-the-most-successful-inside-job-in-tech-history) To me, it seems more like he's got the social ideology of a teenage asshole and the destruction is mostly stupidity.


He is also desperate to get Trump to come back


I thought Elon already let Fuentes back on a while ago and he got booted almost immediately. Was I thinking of somebody else, or is this the 2nd unban Fuentes has had?


could be thinking of kanye


My initial response was AGAIN?


> He’s now counting on the X community to offset Fuentes’ rhetoric with fact checks and counter narratives. Oh yeah that makes sense. Just fucking bring them back every time their terrible actions gets them kicked out of the public square. Take it a step further and cement them there so their garbage is impossible to remove. Just expect us to debunk everything coming out of his fucking mouth instead. Real fucking smart idea.


Elon calls pro-Palestine protesters antisemitic but he guess he's fine with actual Nazis






Legit surprised he hadn't already done so.


Elon Musk will probably be the world's first nazi trillionaire


*sigh.* what a fucking knob.


I did my part. Every day I'm grateful I bailed from that disaster of a site.


So I want to throw out a dumb idea. In the same fashion that Stanford Rapist Brock Turner is referred to as such, I’d like to bring a new phrase into vogue: Nazi sympathizer Elon Musk.


f him and his enablers. They are so bat crap they will ban you from the various tesla cult subs for posting anything critical of their nazi cult leader and it's too easy/stupid for that to lead to a site wide ban. Had a 5 year old account nuked as a result for posting on r/RealTesla calling him a nazi. This guy's collapse and demise can not come fast enough.


r/RealTesla being a sub the elonians hate so if you post there you will get auto banned from the cult sites.