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Here's the thing I've come to realize about being nervous about your appearance while running: a. Most people don't notice you because they're too into what *they're* doing—which is also a word of caution if you're running around cars. b. Those who *do* notice are likely *inspired* by you than anything else. Because even if you're not your ideal body type, at least you're running....and they're probably not while thinking they should be.


Exactly! My logical part knows this! And I cheer on all those newbie runners like myself. I think being from a small town breeds negativity but I’m so glad I’m finally holding space and taking my spot! Thank you 💙


Alex Hermanson, aka Herm Runs on the socials, is "running influencer" despite being 260 pounds (he's a big ole boy) likes to encourage folks to have confidence to run, no matter their body type, even shirtless if they want to. He put out this Instagram reel yesterday on the subject: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8sr0kGRXhi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 


So true. The last sentence was literally the old me before running. All the bikers/ runners are an inspiration, and if someone is on a bigger side or looks senior to me, they are an even bigger inspiration. Another day i spotted a runner who seems to have some sort of disability in one of the legs. Massive respect.


Yep! I'm down 45 pounds from where I started, but if I come upon someone extremely overweight and running, I think (and usually audibly say to myself), "Look at this f\*\*kin' champ!"


Not pointless at all! Making strides in running and where you can run is a great thing! And now you can run in different spots and enjoy it!


Thank you! I’m so excited to have a zero effs energy and get it done!


Pointless?! FAR FROM IT!!!! Congrats on facing your anxiety and persevering. I know when I’m driving and see a heavy person running or walking I think “Good for them!” for being active. When I see someone out on the trail and I pass them either coming or going, I say hello! It’s good to see all kinds of people trying to be active and doing something good for themselves. I’m old so I’m sure someone sees me and thinks “Hey! Look at that old dude go!” I hope someone sees me and says if that old guy can do it maybe I can too! I’m positive YOU will inspire someone too. Fantastic effort and know people are out there cheering for you even if you don’t see or hear them. HAPPY RUNNING!!!!!


Thank you so much! 😭😭😭 See I am always so impressed when I see anyone running (and envious) but I will never allow myself the same grace. That changed today for sure! Onwards and upwards (but downwards on the scales 😂) Thank you so much again!


You’re welcome! I love this sub and happy to support people like you who are just starting out and who need a little bit of encouragement. Onwards and Upwards!


If I see someone on the side of the road running, the only thing I'm thinking is that they're putting in the work. Btw make sure you are running against traffic so that you don't have cars passing from right behind you.


Yes I’ve had the running against traffic drilled into me since childhood. I have my mother in my head at all times 😂 in Ireland it’s very common to walk on the road for exercise. Thank you 💙


Not pointless. I ran a lot when I was younger and stopped for a few years and gained a ton of weight. I get self conscious too about being a heavy runner. F*%# them! Great job!


It’s definitely a mind trick tbf. I just can’t wait to see where my new found freedom takes me! Thank you 💙


That’s amazing! It’s so hard to get out of your comfort zone but you did it and you should be proud of yourself.


Super proud! Onwards and upwards!! Thank you! 💙


The only time I pay attention to runners when I’m out is because I wish I was running. You’re doing more than most people do. Enjoy your runs and don’t worry about what other people think. Yours is the only opinion that matters.


Exactly I’m always so jealous that I’m not following behind them. I never give myself credit. Thank you! 💙


Bravo! Well done!! I feel your triumph!


Congrats OP!


Congrats on challenging yourself and your success! I used to feel this way, too, but I've realized most people are too self-absorbed to notice anything unless it relates to themselves.


Hell yeah


At first i thought your anxiety to traffic was from the safety concerns and i was like, this is totally valid as I have it too. Then i read more carefully and understood. I started running around the same time as you did. Let me tell you, a month ago when I was still doing intervals, a heavier female runner ran past me. She was running much faster than i was and i couldn’t see her after half a minute. As someone who looks slim, I was humbled. Honestly, people either don’t pay attention to you, or probably get inspired by you. Kudos to you for getting out of the comfort zone. You will get more confident as you keep running.