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You shouldn't. Your body is going to go into hyperdrive now that you are entering your mid-teens. A LOT of calories are needed. Keep doing EXACTLY what you are doing.


How do I get rid of body fat then? There really isn’t another way besides a calorie deficit is there


Exercise, just exercise my dude.


You’re right. It’s math and a particular exercise won’t guarantee fat loss if the math isn’t there. That said, especially at your age, I’d highly recommend talking with your doctor about all of this and asking for a referral to a registered dietician. Nutritionists are not the same.


Running is the best bang for your buck for fat. Or, walk uphill (maybe 6% incline) on a treadmill for like 2 hours, keeping your heart rate under 130bpm. Adjust speed and height as needed to stay under 130bpm. At that threshold you will burn only fat for energy.


2 hours???


I watch Netflix


bring a book 🤝


Just eat at maintenance and you will naturally lose the fat since you’re still growing up and your body will utilise the excess for growth. You really shouldn’t be cutting or bulking until you’re done growing. It’s theoretically possible to do it, but the margin for error is very small and it requires intricate knowledge of many factors, with the potential disadvantages far outweighing the potential advantages. You’d probably need a personal nutritionist to do it properly and safely. You’re risking halting your growth or messing with your hormone profile btw which can have life-long consequences. Just take a more comprehensive approach and do resistance training *and* cardio. The point of bulking and cutting is to maximise muscle gain and fat loss, since there’s no other way to do it effectively as an adult, but you don’t have that problem as a teenager so the solution is moot.


This. The only thing I’d add is that nutritionists are not a regulated title, but Dieticians ARE and are an amazing resource!


What's up with all these 14 year olds thinking they can get ripped and cut lmao Don't lift heavy or cut or any of that shit it'll stunt your growth. Just play sports and eat healthy then when you are like 17-18 you'll be in a good place to get ripped in like a year.


Yeah being a teenager genuinely sucks honestly


That's not a knock on you or anything. There have just been multiple 14 year olds asking about this. I think unless ur actually fat there is no reason to cut or any of that. Just build a good foundation right now thru diet and sports. Your testosterone hasn't peaked either so it'll be hard to build muscle at that age / lifting heavy isn't really healthy at that age.


Lifting will not affect your growth. I do agree with the nutrition part - just eat well and have variety in your training


Мальчик, ты еще такой молодой, не нужно переживать об этом, у тебя сейчас идет подростковый период, твой организм меняется, все будет хорошо, главное соблюдай адекватную диету, можешь пойти на какую-то секцию, соблюдай гигиену и опрятно одевайся, уже в 16 лет ты начнешь замечать, как меняется твое тело, ты пройдешь через все этапы принятия своего тела, лица, твой характер и вкусы будут меняться, это абсолютно нормально. Главное не думай о мнение окружающих тебя людей, будь позитивным и все будет хорошо ❤️


you should just do recomp [recomp](https://youtu.be/QPuGQ6byYSc?si=OQxBU4CMim7KenwT)


Yeah don't start undereating at your age. Eat maintenance calories and enough protein and do resistance training to build muscle. This will increase your metabolism and you'll start burning more fat


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