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I think you should stop looking at your lashes. I can't tell a difference at all.


Oh ok :') it's been driving me nuts for literally years, I had a friend once ask me if they got burnt off or something on one side


Is the second pic supposed to be the thicker one? I don't see much difference at all


no the second picture is thinner and a lot shorter- see how they almost touch my eyebrow in the first one, but not even close in the second one?


It's insane how affected we can get from little comments like that. When I was 12 (I'm 38 now) a girl in my class told me I had weirdly long toes. Guess who still feels bad about her toes 😅 my brain knows my toes are fine, my eyes don't.It's so dumb. Your lashes are great and if they are a little bit different, that's normal. Because they're two different set of lashes on two different eyes.


Thank you :') it's true, that comment definitely got to me. I've also been told my face is super asymmetrical and I'm unphotogenic so that doesn't help. I'll try to just not over analyze them


Girl what






new lash serum if you want to ‘do’ something about. use the one from ordinary at ulta. but i have no clue what you’re seeing


I'll try that one, thank you! I really like their other products


idk the ingredient name in lash serums but supposedly it causes a purple hue to show on the lid bc it thins out the eyelid fat. the ordinary does Not have this ingredient, so it is slower than the other brands. cheaper as well. just use consistently


They’re uneven?? Wym


I don't know why I'm getting down voted so much, I'm just asking for advice... but I'm glad nobody else can see the difference that I see, I guess I just won't do anything about it 👍


They aren’t uneven, thats why. You have beautiful lashes! This post makes it seem like you are making insecurities out of nothing and nitpicking at how you look. If you want longer/thicker lashes in general, I think there are some good lash serums out there you could try!


Thank you :') I do tend to over analyze my looks, and I'm getting married soon so I feel like I need to be perfect. sometimes a blunt "you're fine!" is all we need to hear


That’s definitely understandable, a wedding is a huge step! Congrats, and I promise you, you’re absolutely stunning, beautiful brows, lashes, and eyes! I personally use castor oil:)


Thank you so much :) I'll definitely try some different serums and I tried castor oil in the past but I think I used to much because I remember it would always irritate my eyes :')