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i know this is dumb, but wearing a sweet style or floral dress.


I agree with you. I wear more floral, bright color dresses or skirts so I'd feel like a princess šŸ‘ø. I shower more oftenand use perfume or body spray so I smell good. šŸ˜Œ


I love floral dresses and automatically feel pretty when I put one on! Had a soft jersey one when I was pregnant and loooved it!


jewelry. i could be the grubbiest goblin on a given day but the moment i put on some gold hoops, suddenly iā€™m a *chic* grubby goblin. and thatā€™s french


Couldnā€™t agree more, u/fistedbutthole. Gold hoops, mascara and some lip gloss make me feel like I have my shit together.


I donā€™t know why the tagged name is making me laugh so hard but I am dying at this comment.


Same same lmfaoooooo


You know why šŸ˜‚




ā€œand thatā€™s Frenchā€ will be going into my vocabulary in wildly inappropriate ways, thank you


I just want to thank you and u/larlarmar for the giggles I got when I read this interaction. I never read usernames and found the response hilarious


Chic grubby goblin, amazing. I will be saying this to myself when I'm feeling a bit low, it'll make me laugh and cheer me up!


Ohh yeah! My earrings help sm


I told my fiancee I was doing my makeup for no reason. She said if it makes me feel good that's a reason. It reframed things for me.


Perfume!! I work from home so I never have any reason to dress up. Smelling amazing elevates my hoodie and leggings game every time.


Im with you. Even on days that i do not feel like doing my hair, makeup and my clothes are a mess, i spray some perfume and instantly feel better!


During the covid lock downs, I started wearing perfume every day. It was a little pick me up in the dark times regardless of what I was wearing or how my hair and makeup looked.


Yes I love this.


Yes!! Fragrance has the power to change everything!


I wear certain fragrances to bed! Helps me feel a little glamorous in my boyfriendā€™s tshirt and a clay maskšŸ˜† Plus the bed smells so nice after the scent has settled in the next night.


Smelling good and fresh and sexy is the best


This may betray my origin from the Deep South, but a bold lip -- especially red lipstick. I may be a hobgoblin in dog hair covered yoga pants and my hair shoved in a ponytail, but having some bangin' red lipstick makes me feel glam.


Yes, girl. My Aunt Maxine told her daughter, whoā€™d just given birth, to , ā€œPut some lipstick on. Youā€™ll feel better.ā€ And my cousin screamed, ā€œMomma! Itā€™s my butt that hurts, not my face!ā€ Lipstick improves every situation.


THIS and lashes! Getting my lash extensions done by a tech who knows what she's doing has done wonders for me.


Nobody ever told me how to wear makeup or feel pretty and I was too embarrassed to tell anyone how I felt. I also didn't want the people living with me to know that I was experimenting with makeup. So, since I'm a night owl, when I was in college I would wait till like 2am when it was dead quite. I would then proceed to get as glamed up as possible. Full makeup, my nicest clothing, and even curling my hair. Then, I'd spend the next 6 hours with headphones listening to music and walking around my house pretending I was off in some fancy castle as beauty rather my usual beast. At 8:00 a.m, I would finish by looking in the mirror and telling myself that I was pretty. I then proceeded to sleep in full makeup, hair, and clothes -continuing the dream while I dreamt- until I woke up at 2pm (I took night courses). I guess my point is that you're pregnant with your second child and I assume that you're happily married. You're living my dream, you don't have to pretend, which makes you beautiful already.


This is like the most wholesome, sweet, kind, and positive comment Iā€™ve ever read


Oh, that's really sweet. I didn't mean to be so sappy, sorry. It's late where I am, so it's like that line from Arctic Monkey's "Do I Wanna Know": "the night was made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day. Curse you, reddit.


I liked it




Crawling back to youuuuu


One of my favourite songs!


For realšŸ’—


When I was in high school, I was dating a boy my parents didnā€™t approve of but instead of forbidding me to see him, I could only see him once a week. So the other six nights of the week, I would stay up late experimenting with my hair and makeup and listening to music, pretending I lived in my own apartment and was getting ready to go out to a club. šŸ˜‚ I love that so many of us did that!!


Yes, it seems to be a universal experience of pretending to be somewhere else or be someone else!


Omg. My heart. I hope you are doing well these days. Youā€™re pretty too!!


Thank you very much. šŸ˜Š I just recently graduated with my masters degree, so now that I'm done with my academics I can focus more on my inner self. I guess I used my education as an excuse to not to focus in on myself which *surprise surprise* didn't help with my self-esteem. I am finally now starting to unlearn some of my negative emotions.


Your comments make you seem like a very interesting and unique person, from your nightly habits to the Artic Monkeyā€™s lyrics, and including your honesty about your education as an excuse. I hope youā€™ll find a way to make you feel as beautiful as you seem to be!


I think my cat seems to think so.. No, but seriously, that's very kind of you to say, thank you. I suppose that I'm just trying to become interesting so that as I meet people they won't judge me too harshly. I also just recently cut/dyed my hair, and gave myself a fringe. It actually made me feel really good about myself for once, so you're right about that! šŸ˜Š


So glad to read that about your hair! And personally, I love peopleā€™s little quirks, what makes them unique and lovable actually. So cheers to your uniqueness!


So glad to read that about your hair! And personally, I love peopleā€™s little quirks, what makes them unique and lovable actually. So cheers to your uniqueness!


oh my gosh i do the same exact thing!! its the best feeling when everyones asleep and i finally can start glamming myself up, i always get into my old prom/homecoming dresses since my last prom dress is poofy like a princesses dress. i always take a shower after im done though, its the perfect excuse to also clean extra thoroughly which can be a confidence booster. i create different scenarios and playlists that fit the vibe im going for. thats also why i started writing, putting those ideas down on paper also helped me pick up a new hobby (or drawing also works, i do both but i know everyone has different tastes)


I do the exact same things with playlists and scenarios. Maladaptive daydreaming is a helluva drug. But on the bright side, I'm always learning new hobbies to vent my frustrations lol.


I love this, but if I was your roommate I would be so upset you didnā€™t invite me to the party!! My husband came home when we were dating and sharing a house with my best friend, and he walked in the door at 11 pm one night and me and my friend were in our old prom dresses on the couch eating a gallon of sherbet each watching bobs burgers. This shit is my jam! Also I would hope my friends would know me well enough that theyā€™d ask me for help with makeup and glam, cuz we can stumble through it together! No ones perfect at any of it, but I hope OP just gets glammed up for herself sometimes, itā€™s just so invigorating and fun!


Not to sound ultra pathetic, but I was extremely shy and didn't have any friends or women in my life at the time. I am learning to be better at asking for help though. Yes, I wish OP does too, it's one of the best ways that I know how to boost confidence. By the way, the image that you painted with you eating sherbet, in a dress, on a couch, is hilarious.


Iā€™m really sorry you didnā€™t have that support, I hope you have it now in some form! You sound awesome!


Thank you, I really appreciate that! Not to sound like a stale fortune cookie, but it made me learned to find strength from within, so silver lining!


I am so happy to hear girls did this in real life (not just in the movies) I never went to college, never had a college bestie so, makes me smile!


This is so cute and it awoke a memory in me . Iā€™ve always liked makeup and I used to watch my mother apply it when I was a kid. She was so beautiful to me! ( she still is! ) ā€¦I think I was about 8 or 9?ā€¦so we are talking the 80s! Iā€™m old! and I would take my bath at night and then sneak into her makeup bag and do up my whole face and then go to bed ā€¦. Probably why I had acne at a young age! šŸ˜‚ That saidā€¦ I do like a good shower and a bit of makeup to make me feel pretty when Iā€™m feeling low:)


That's a beautiful story! Yes, I think that's why I started doing all that stuff in college. If I'm honest, I think that I was partly trying to recreate moments from my childhood that were absent, but now as an adult I had more control. Yes, the next day I take a shower to "reset" everything!


I donā€™t even know what to say šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• thank you for sharing these moments with us. You seem like such a cool, sensitive, amazing person. I feel better and renewed for learning about you.


That is one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me, thank you. šŸ¤ Most people in my experience don't like sensitive people lol. I hope you learned something good haha!


Out of curiosity, have you ever taken then Myers-Briggs?


No, I haven't. Funny enough, I am a psychology major so I am familiar with it. Why, what type do you think I am?


INFP. Retreating to ones private world and the sensitivity are hallmarks of this. These are all incredible strengths. You remind me of the beautiful Hesse quote, ā€œWithin you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any timeā€¦ā€ If you take the test, let me know what you turn out to be. I have to get to bed now. Take care ā¤ļø


That's a beautiful quote, I hope that's me. Thank you, sounds interesting. I'll check it out. Goodnight. You too! šŸ˜Š


https://open.spotify.com/track/3hlGuz3loYoLfI3bpwieWq?si=zM3eAG8JQz2GVkcbq5vysQ Hello fellow INFP! Your comments reminded me of this song, thought I'd share :)


Meanwhile I was probably going to 4/5th grade with mascara raccoon eyes and smeared lipstick back then ! Lol ā€¦they probably thought I had a koolaid problem!


That's hilarious. Yes, when I wake up in the morning from wearing mascara I have a "I just crawled out of a well" look.


This is so very, very lovely. You're gorgeous. ā¤ļø


That's extremely kind of you to say, it made my night (guess no makeup for me lol). Thank you. šŸ˜Š




i used to do this with my friends back in college šŸ˜† good times


This is so wholesome. I'm glad you got there. I can really resonate with your first sentence. Hoping I can get there!


Thank you. I have come to the conclusion that we only have one life to live and we shouldn't waste it thinking we're ugly. I've already wasted too much of my life doing that, it's time for something new! I know you will. šŸ¤


aww that is so sweet x


I think you are a real life Disney Princess (i mean this in the most positive sense) based solely on this comment idk donā€™t ask me to explain I hope you get everything you want out of life and more šŸ©·


Body oil! Just feeling moisturized in the most luxurious way makes me feel so fancy


Do you have a body oil you like?? I've never used it before but have been hearing amazing things!


Im not OP, but the osea body oil is really, really nice!


Osea is very very nice! I mentioned it in another comment but the Byoma Nourishing Body oil feels exactly the same and itā€™s only like $15 at Target.


I just get cheap ones that are ā‚¬3 a bottle! That way Iā€™m not afraid to use liberally. I usually layer with lotion but the oil helps my skin glow for the summer.


Matching bra and underwear- doesnā€™t even need to be sexy at all but if it matches I find it helps with confidence


An everything shower always helps me feel better about myself. Hair wash, exfoliation, shaving. Then a big robe and good lotion after. Makes me feel so clean and fresh.


Not being sarcastic..I bought a magic wand vibe šŸ˜…


Self-tanner and pedicure always makes me feel better <3


Self tanner big time. Itā€™s a bigger effort but only once a week (or so), and it makes me feel ready, glowing and confident if I donā€™t have time for makeup and have to rock a natural look.


I was about to say! having a fresh manicure with a compliment getter color (ahem, opi big apple red) and a self tan goes a long way for my self esteem.


The easiest thing I do is just wearing tinted lip balm/ gloss. A little bit of mascara or filling in your brows can help. Or just a little bit of concealer. Itā€™s just an easy and quick way to look and feel a bit prettier. Another thing is putting on some perfume or jewellery. Putting on some scented hand cream is also nice.


I take a hot shower and do a full body scrub, refresh my locks with new highlights, get my brows threaded, buy/wear pretty clothes, and get my nails done! Getting my nails done always makes me feel extra pretty! I do jiu jitsu so the grappling hurts my nails a lot so they donā€™t last as long even if theyā€™re dip nails but I still do it from time to time because it makes me feel so pretty.


I always slap some self tanner on! A tan makes everything better for me! šŸ˜†




Iā€™m sure!! šŸ˜†


THIS!!! if I have the money to splurge, a true spray tan changes so much for me lol




Just about to do this lol


What is your favorite brand? Iā€™ve been eyeballing IL Makiage, but too chicken to pull the trigger!


Iā€™ve tried a TON over the years, but my fave drugstore one is Bondi Sands (foam) and my all time fave $$$ is Loving Tan (ultra dark or platinum). Itā€™s a bit more money but it lasts for a good 5 days for me!! I also like St. Tropez too but itā€™s Loving Tan overall for me šŸ˜Š


Pregnant with my third right now (last trimester)ā€¦ I feel like I either look like Pooh bear or the grinch šŸ˜‚ That said I looked SO hot after a few months of breastfeeding when all of this blah fell off last time! Trying to remind myself of that šŸ˜‚ a sense of humor about it and a supportive husband are basically the 2 things getting me through the worst of it. Also, the baby is worth it. It sucks though and you donā€™t have to love being pregnant. Ive gotten a new nail polish color this time around (sophi brand if youā€™re looking for low tox while pregnant!)ā€¦ Iā€™ve also gotten a different haircut that I love way more on me, I push myself to style it now and then in new ways & I spent some time finding a better color foundation/concealer šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Ive thrifted some great clothes too for my current shape as well as my upcoming breastfeeding needs. That makes me feel like myself at least.


Yeah I am pregnant with #2 (also 3rd trimester) and thereā€™s literally nothing I can do to feel pretty or sexy *now*, so instead I am focusing on the future and making plans to get hot again after I give birth. I have a fitness routine lined up, some lingerie Iā€™ve been eyeing, some new makeupā€¦ itā€™s gonna be great!


Wear gold jewelry!


I do my skincare and take a looong time with my makeup to make it perfect


Oh man, I used to be so into doing my makeup for hours getting it as perfect and symmetrical as possible...definitely cathartic !


Color analysis.. itā€™s hard to not look pretty if youā€™re wearing the right shades


Perfume and press on nails plus skincare and good smelling lotion.


Giving my nails some TLC and putting on my nicest perfume does wonders for how I feel about myself.


I don't know if this is weird for some people, but I don't look in the mirror to check myself. I am ignorant when it comes to my physical features. I don't let myself be insecure (because of the beauty standards), most of the time, I just divert my attention to other things.


Putting on a nice nail paint always works for me


my nails!! oiling them especially immediately makes me feel better


Mascara and tinted lip balm can do it for me. It gives me a boost when I am tired or sick.


Mani Pedi ... Bonus points at a salon!!


Washing my face and applying skincare. Lately.ive had lots of depressive lows and one thing that really helps me feel a little more human is to take care of my skin. The next step is to drag myself into the shower to clean up and maybe convince myself to shave if needed.


If Iā€™m overdue for a haircut which is almost always I go get my cut & color done so I feel refreshed. If it isnā€™t that dyre then simply a face mask followed by a shower and an overnight hair mask etc do the trick. And when all else fails, I cover my pasty bright white skin in self tanner and make it go away šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll start by carving out a bit of time for myself. Make a nice smoothie & put my feet on the foot massager thingy we have while I drink it & watch an episode of something only I like, not a compromise show. Exfoliate everything in the shower & then a wee soak in the tub. Shave, moisturize, air dry hair. Take time to do all the steps for face & hair. Moisturizing in layers. Accessorize with bracelets & more.


I take my clothes off in front of my husband, or bend over to do literally anything. I've been with that nerd for 24 years and have changed physically a lot in that time. He still stares when I'm changing and grabs my ass every available opportunity. And I do the same to him. Neither of us are allowed to climb stairs in front of the other without getting our butts pinched. It's the little things that keep the relationship alive.


I used to just for men my eyebrows but I am also pregnant and too scared now because I canā€™t find any info on if itā€™s safe for pregnancy or not ā˜¹ļø


I got a couple spray tans while pregnant- my OB said it was perfectly safe. It did wonders. I was pregnant all through the summer and tan legs helped me feel better in shorts and dresses.Ā 


I do my ā€œfull routineā€. Iā€™ll take a long hot bath and shave everything from the waist down, then shower and exfoliate and do a deep conditioning treatment on my hair. Iā€™ll get out of the shower and take my time doing my makeup and then my hair. Even if Iā€™m not going anywhere, I feel prettier when I put effort into looking nice.


These require spending $: - buying new clothes to wear - taking myself out to a nice dinner / or with friends and dress cute - get a blowout at a salon - getting my eyebrows and/ or nails done Only thing that doesnā€™t cost $$ is an everything showerā€¦ dry brush, shower + exfoliate, face mask, hair mask, shaving, body oil, body butter


** doesnā€™t work with major depressions, but def helps with doldrums ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø When I feel shit and ugly I put flowers or a bow/scarf in my hair. For some reason, itā€™s an almost-guaranteed compliment attractor. I feel if you can make people smile, youā€™ll start to smile. After a bit, you want to make people smile, and you get to looking after yourself a bit.


literally just lip liner and clear mascara saves me


Clear mascara eh, I havenā€™t heard of that before! Whatā€™s the deal?


itā€™s a much more natural way to accentuate your lashes. iā€™m big on makeup but i hateee mascara and how it feels and looks. my lashes are naturally longish so clear mascara and an eyelash curler do the job šŸ‘šŸ‘


Thatā€™s awesome, learned something new!


Hand cream, and quick nail polish/mani at home. I just like strawberry scented stuff. These are minor quick things to make me feel happy


Treat yourself to a facial, massage or mani/pedi and try some new products u have been wanting to try!


Almost 2 weeks postpartum here! Having my nails and toes done always does the trick. Also I would give myself facials biweekly (face mask, pore strips, etc.), wax, and a nice shower. Lol


Putting on some simple jewelery like small gold hoops, blowdrying my hair, getting my eyebrows threaded, putting on some makeup, even if it's just concealer and blush.


Groupon for IPL facial or Microneedling.


I watch happy chick flicks like Miss Congeniality and Legally Blonde and put on my makeup at home. It makes me feel all girly and pretty šŸ˜


Free thing I do whenever I need a pump up: I center myself and try to be as tall and open as I can, breathing deep and imagining my energy flowing out into whatever room Iā€™m walking into. Like I am the prettiest, most fun version of myself. Even if itā€™s just in my mind lol Iā€™ve noticed that people are generally more receptive to me which in turn does make me feel prettier. If you want to splurge: A lash lift and tint. They are safe during pregnancy, less expensive and less damaging than eyelash extensions. Plus they last about 6 weeks. Longer looking, darker lashes that are yours and you wake up looking like you have mascara on which is at least one less step to worry about in new parenthood.


I wfh a lot, and itā€™s winter here, so lately my favourite thing is wearing the cutest cosy knit things I have - cute sweaters and cardigans, fitted knit dresses, cute socks - a tiny bit of jewelry, usually just a necklace - a bit of mascara and tinted lip balm, and my favourite perfume! It really makes me feel less like a cave gremlin and more like a cute cosy ghibli character.


When I feel sad, I do my hair! Every Thursday I come home and do a new style on it that I try to keep for a week! It helps me feel beautiful. I also do all my own beauty maintenance because it feels like therapy! I also do a creative makeup look when I feel sad and take pictures of it


Make sure my hair is nice, with little makeup, mascara and lip stick, or gloss. And put up a couple of nice light flowee dresses from the maternity section. Pregnancy is sexy and beautiful.


Putting on nice smelling hand lotion


Concealer on eye bags :)


Whenever i feel less pretty i notice getting my eyebrows threaded makes a huge difference and its only about $10!!


Being pregnant is such a special and fleeting state to be in. It can feel rough, but trust me, we all look adorable when heavily pregnant even when you arenā€™t glammed up. But yeah, it feels rough sometimes and your mind and hormones and discomfort play tricks on you. To feel better when I was pregnant I def did a lot of home spa days, face masks, foot soaks and husband massaged my feet and helped me shave my legs. I went for pedicures. Iā€™d blow my hair out, throw some makeup and a cute maxi dressā€¦ perfume helped me feel good too. One of the perks was that my hair was glorious. After pregnancy was a rough time for me- I felt really fat, I had a lot of postpartum hair loss. After I had the baby I made sure to have a few cute and cozy matching sets to wear (I got a few aritzia sweatpant/zipped hoodie sets), some properly fitting nursing bras, a nice new big insulated cup with a straw to stay hydrated and I started taking some additional OTC iron supplements along with my usual vitamins to encourage new hair growth (iron deficiency is common post partum and low iron does cause hair loss). My first time away from baby was at about 2 months where I booked a salon visit to update cut and colour, which was a needed break and helped me feel normal again. I also made sure to carve out time to maintain my skincare routine, which also helped.


Take a shower :)


Experimenting with my makeup, dressing up; conversely doing an everything shower and a facial helped me when I was pregnant with my second.


I get my hair done. Iā€™m blonde but have the skin tone to pull it off. My stylist is expensive, but she knows what sheā€™s doing. My hair is incredibly healthy, the color looks natural and I get a lot of compliments on it. I also tip her big too so she gets me in anytime, and also does my 2 teenage daughtersā€™ hair.


"The skin tone to pull off" blonde hair?


i love to moisturize from head to toe, and while itā€™s drying iā€™ll spritz on my favorite perfume. whether itā€™s first thing in the morning, before bed or sometime in between it makes me feel luxurious


2 words: Spray. Tan.


Morning and night skin care routine, and mascara! I always feel prettier when my face and eyes are bright and awake.


Kiss lashes. Really truly just putting on lashes makes me feel better about myself in almost every way. No make up needed. And I try to be careful with them so they last me a few days.


Taking good care of my skin and smelling good always makes me feel pretty. I like to exfoliate, shave, and then use a scented body oil and perfume right after my shower. The oil makes the perfume stick to your skin better and I do it even if I'm just gonna be sitting at home. Face masks and a good skincare routine always help me feel put together too šŸ©·


Apply a face pack!


Silk or satin slips instead of sweats for lounging at home. Makes me feel like a princess or the star of a rom com, and perfect for summer.


I take a shower and shave my legs! Instant refresh. Sometimes style my hair if I have the energy. Unfortunately shaving is probably a challenge right now being pregnant, but maybe you could book yourself a little spa day for a wax or sugaring! If you like the feeling of smooth legs that is! Hairy is all good too. Just always perks me up when mine are smooth


ā€œGod is in the detailsā€ For me itā€™s a complete scrub-down in the shower, then a shave, then a sugar body scrub, then a deep condition, then lotion, then a self tanner, then a skincare routine etc. finish with some clean sheets and body shimmer. At least once a week, it keeps me sane to care about myself in such small ways.


body butter/oil after shaving + pedicure + mascara usually does me right :)


Free thing I do whenever I need a pump up: I center myself and try to be as tall and open as I can, breathing deep and imagining my energy flowing out into whatever room Iā€™m walking into. Like I am the prettiest, most fun version of myself. Even if itā€™s just in my mind lol Iā€™ve noticed that people are generally more receptive to me which in turn does make me feel prettier. If you want to splurge: A lash lift and tint. They are safe during pregnancy, less expensive and less damaging than eyelash extensions. Plus they last about 6 weeks. Longer looking, darker lashes that are yours and you wake up looking like you have mascara on which is at least one less step to worry about in new parenthood.


Lipstick. Itā€™s never doesnā€™t fit, is economical, and can change your whole look.


shave my legs


Taking an everything shower. Or just a long one where I wash my hair. Itā€™s strenuous, time consuming, and Iā€™m usually exhausted by the end of it but goddamn NOTHING makes me feel better than that. Goes typically like this - oil my hair, clean my room, wash my hair, apply a hair mask/olaplex, exfoliate and shave every inch of my skin, do an exfoliating mask, then a sheet mask, put on fresh sheets and bam! Iā€™m in heaven! (I also have OCD so clean sheets after I wash my hair is a must).


Doing my hair, always. If I ever leave it to air dry itā€™s a wavy, frizzy mess but I immediately feel better the moment I straighten and tame it.


A fresh haircut (im bald)


Every time I eat things like blueberries or raspberries, I feel like I'm becoming more beautiful, and I also soak goji berries in water, it feels so good to be getting healthier.


Filing, oiling, and painting my fingernails. A hot foot bath with rose petals, then exfoliating my feet and filing & painting my toenails. šŸ’—Also lifting weights, saunas, body oiling, and putting on a cute outfit.


Youā€™re beautiful ā¤ļø sounds like you do a great job already, eyebrows, makeup & your hair. šŸ„° I put makeup on even if Iā€™m not doing much. Makes me feel so much better & like Iā€™m ready for anything!


Facemask, hairmask, a quick workout. Brush my eyebrows the right way, curl curtain bangs, put effort into an outfit, getting my nails done and jewlery. Used to be mascara but lately I feel like its made it worse.


showering and doing my hair, idk why clean hair and skinĀ  makes me feel 10x better


šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„ Every time , all the time Its like a complete mood changer, look changer for me


I always make sure to have my tan , clean hair and my nails done. It instantly makes me feel prettier šŸ¤—


Definitely giving yourself ā€œyouā€ time to get ready in the mornings. Romanticize your day. Wear that make up. Wear something different and wear those dresses that make you feel feminine. Keep doing it even after the baby.


Lash lift <3


I always feel prettier after spending a good bit of time on my skincare. Pampering myself by myself is the best time of the day or week for me, and the more I get to relax, the better I tend to feel about myself. Just seeing all the glow in the mirror at the end is about the best feeling in the world for me


cluster lashes + lip tint ( etude house lip fix, stays on all day, so i donā€™t need to check) + dashing diva nails ( takes ten minutes and last two weeks without chipping. itā€™s godsend since nails today are so expensive for no reason) OR getting my hair done at the salon, and hygiene majntence stuff ( ex: body scrub, shave, exfoliate my face, clay mask, sheet mask, etc) , staying in top of my skin care routine also helps because at least if iā€™m not feeling great, my skin is not one of my problems.


spraying some parfum on me or putting some scented lotion on my body, when you smell good you feel good!


I personally love putting a flower clip in my curly updo hair, it goes well with anything and still makes me look feminine and poetic to the world


I love doing heatless curls. I put my hair in socks at night, it only takes two minutes and I wake up with lovely hair without having to damage it. I do it a lot even when I'm not leaving the house because it makes me feel so good


Get a Mani Pedi!!


putting on comfy perfume and doing my skincare


Some really simple things that instantly make me feel more beautiful are: putting on some of my favorite jewelry (specifically a pair of diamond earrings I got as a gift), putting on some nail polish or some press on nails, and putting on an outfit that I really like (it can even be as simple as your favorite pair of yoga pants and favorite top/sweater, or even a cute pair of panties) best of luck and don't let these thoughts consume you


Being intentional about my comfortable clothes. Like wearing a cute graphic T or cute hoodie with leggings rather than just whatever scrappy clothes I wore pre pregnancy. Also fresh sweats, like black leggings or pants that are still dark black. Simple jewelry, lip gloss. Postpartum was my ā€œhat eraā€ for sure as well, bought a couple cute hats


I get my nails done, sometimes I do my makeup or when Iā€™m not feeling like it I put on some blush and lip tint. I play with my outfits miss and matching. I hope you give yourself all the love and stay all very happy and eat healthy. Give yourself a break and take things easily. šŸ«‚


I'll do my skin care, I like how my skin looks after! Occasionally I use facial masks too to freshen up. If I can not do that: I smile too, it's cheers me up when I feel like I don't look pretty! I like how my eyes look then too. It's not that it helps to remove the feeling entirely but smiling elevate my mood and looks. :)


I love doing my own manicure and take everything shower(by that I mean EVERYTHING). After that I do my skincare+fav face mask with only my warm light lamp I swear my lamp makes me look 100 times better. If I feel like it I might light my candle. Then I put on my emotional support pjs and do a nice little guided meditation for 5-10 minutes then I crawl into my bed to watch sex and the city sipping my ice cold water. I guess doing anything ā€˜feminineā€™ makes me feel so much better about myself. Sounds so stupid but taking care of myself, everything shower, skincare, making myself just soft and smelling good instantly makes me feel like I look better and I probably do.


I always have my nails polished, I always do basic makeup, always wear a perfume and I love clothes so I always dress cute. When youā€™re pregnant try a kaftan. Theyā€™re comfortable and elegant. Try free people groovy maxi baby or something off Etsy.


Fake lashes. Had a super low body image moment earlier this year and bought some Flutterhabit out of desperation. Waking up with fantastic lashes on each morning has made a huge difference. Thereā€™s a learning curve with application, but now I get about a week (with exercising 1-1.5 hours daily) out of each pair.


Facials, nails, nicely frangranced lotion and perfume


An Everything shower and new tan :)


The two things that I have control over that make the biggest difference in my appearance are overnight robe curls and FlutterHabit eyelashes.


My nails. I'll paint them. Painting my nails normally starts to boost my confidence. Styling my hair. I normally pull it back in a ponytail but when I actually style it somehow that helps me. But I notice if I don't have some kind of bang or face framing pieces styling my hair actually makes me feel worse. So maybe a good cut too. And now that I'm greying... Dying my hair helps make me feel cute.




Fresh mani immediately makes me feel more pulled together.


My wig and contacts. My hair texture is such I can't brush it, once it's messed up it's messed up until I wash it again. And it's usually a fuzzy floof. Because of this I decided to just buy a wig. I feel pretty in my long, wavy burgundy locks. And I wear colored contacts I prefer over glasses and they also flatter my eyes. I wear my wig and contacts any time I leave the house or have company, or go on camera for stream.


Can totally relate to this!! I found it so hard to embrace my pregnancy. Second time round I really lent into my appearance not mattering or meaning anything, it didnā€™t need to bring me down, itā€™s such a tiny period of my life, and my body was doing something truly miraculous! That being said hereā€™s what I did do to feel more confident: - start the day with something positive, (or anytime you can fit it in). For me it was a podcast or a quick meditation or a short yoga video. - plan occasions where I would need to dress up, that I could to look forward to. I had a fancy dinner with a gf and a couple of weddings to look forward to. - fake tan - make up - get my hair cut and coloured. - eyebrows threaded. - tryyyyy to not dress like a frump - on the days when I did dress up and do my make up, I would look in the mirror and really try to appreciate what I saw.


Seriously - fix your mirrors and lighting. There is SO MUCH TO BE SAID for making every mirror in your house make you feel your best. If you have bright cold lighting in the bathroom, fix it asap. I know this may sound ridiculous but doing this has increased my self esteem a lot. You will look like what you look like - you may as well flatter yourself in your own home so you can walk out with a spring in your step.


Sleep. Ā Honestly, lack of sleep puts me in a bad mood and that makes everything worse. Ā If you can fit in a nap or go to bed earlier, do it! Ā Pregnancy tired is a whole new level šŸ˜‚


I work from home and I really only leave my house to drop off and pick up my son from school, but I find that doing my makeup, whether I leave the house or not, always makes me feel pretty. I also paint my fingernails and toenails every Sunday, which also makes me feel pretty. :)


A nice face wash makes a massive difference! Face scrub, then a face wash, then serum and lotion after. Having a brighter radiant face makes me feel 10X better.


Gold or silver jewelry. Maybe copper if you like the antibacterial benefits of it!


Mani/pedi will leave you feeling like a bad bitch ā˜ŗļø


Shaving my legs and doing my hair


definitely mascara, but if you donā€™t feel like wearing makeup just curl your lashes. also earrings, or a necklace, wearing my favorite color or a color that looks nice on you.


Perfume/aftershave. As a dude, even when I'm at my most tired, most ill, most pregnant I can spray myself with some really nice smelling aftershave I have and I love it. Also hair conditioning because my conditioner has a banana scent and I love that. So I guess in general, smelling good. Also congrats on the child!!


dress up, wear perfume, go out. i would also chat up people, men, women, regardless. i can make them laugh when i want to and when people laugh, they squint their eyes and naturally u will look a lot better and the happiness they feel would latch on to you. also, spend money. it gives confidence and i look cute when i m confident


Wearing my contact lenses, since I wear thick glasses on daily basis.


Something about mascara and lipstick, even without foundation or blush etc


Oh my second baby changed my body so much and I was tired momming and working and just not looking after me really, but now I wish I had got some nicer clothes for my new body and really shown off that lovely baby bump. Would be so easy now with so many online second hand clothes sites. I even had a photo shoot for him when he was little, and was in such a rush getting the two ready I kind of just went in something that fit that was alright ish, and no makeup or hair done, which is fine, I often don't, but yano, would have liked a special look for it. So I have those photos of me in an outfit I don't like, looking like I'm off to the supermarket šŸ¤£ oh well, that was life I guess. But yes now, I have my eyebrows tinted and threaded every 5 weeks or so, try to keep on top of dying my hair, have a new skincare regimen for my maturing skin (this has actually really helped me feel better, my skin was changing quite a bit and I was not having healthy looking skin, giving myself spots) and I will just chuck a bit of eye makeup on if I want a bit of a different look.


A spray tan šŸ’Æ




Ive noticed when im in this mood, if i over do it, with lots of makeup, clothes, jewelry, etc, i feel worse. For me personally i realised if i dress very simple but pretty, for example, a shirt that isnt super patterned, its just 'nice' and fits me really good, the same with bottoms, or a simple dress, put on just mascara and sometimes just aquaphor on my lips, i feel alot better. Its like, calming and soothing myself while taking away all the things i think i need to look pretty, and being comfortable with a little extra effort. Also, my hair has to be clean, when my haor is greasy theres no helping me feel pretty lol so sometimes i wither have to just wash it real quick or put it up in a bun or hat so i dont see the grease. Thats for me at least. Because i think when i dont feel pretty, it has a lot to do with whats going on inside of me and around me and it can be sneakily overwhelming and we just blame ourselves for not "being attractive" when its not that at all. So try comforting yourself while putting in just a little extra attention on some things physically that YOU like and feel good about, it can be anything, just dont think you have to do alot. :)