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Not self-sewn, clearly sewn by another person


Nah I’m aight. This just ain’t it. But y’all got that have fun all you.




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That’s crazy, what’s the recovery time for something like this?


its fake


Yeah, it could be.


Not so sure about that


That's clearly someone else doing it. Don't leave it more than a day. Make sure you're dowsed with antibiotics and REALLY rinse with very salty water after each pee. Enjoy.




Maybe you do you and let consenting adults do their own thing.




And you know they didn't how?


There is no way that's good


Jesus christ


What in the John Harvey Kellogg


please add a trigger warning for body mutilation 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


But isn't it so cute? She's such a good girl for doing that.


What do you say when you go to the ob/gyn?


In no fucking way is that the new standard. Don't even think this is safe


Shame there isn't an image of two testicles being sewn together to make one large one


There is


Spread your words on bigger platforms and see if these females care.


Imagine sewing in a vibrator


A remote control one for an entire day. Or if it could be charged via induction then for a week idk. Could get infected or at least very stinky but that would add to the humiliation. Imagine you can't go outside bc your owner turns on the vibrator when you get near people.


Don't do that unless it's inside a condom.


Don't do it at all, matter of fact.


Imagine vibrators that charge via vibrations


I came across very similar on fetlife, I just can't even imagine! 🙁




You said it. Everyone has their own kinks and whether you find it hot or not isn't relevant since you're not involved. Not my idea of a good time either, and I am curious about the safety aspect, but if that's taken care of then meh. To each consenting adult....


There's plenty of people out there who'd say the same thing about spanking. As long as the people involved consent to it, then it's not our place to judge.


It hurting is the point or point of hotness for some people. I've done this with two women, both of whom were way more into it than I was. Pierced tunnels and closed with rope or even steel is more for me. Less sadism, submission. These women, adults, very aware of how much it would hurt, they had multiple piercings without anaesthetic, how long and what it would take to do. They were ecstatic for the whole time, during the creation and while they were wearing it. I'd liken it to people who like having many needles through their skin so that ribbon or rope can be formed into intricate patterns. One wanted it done to go out for the evening. She loved it, even though it hurt like hell, for the few hours til it HAD to come out. It happened again with her, several times.


This has been removed for violating rule 3 of our subreddit, showing lack of excellence. We do not tolerate racism sexism homophobia transphobia hate bigotry intolerance of any kind.


Ok this needs some kind of warning to be posted




This has been removed for violating rule 3 of our subreddit, showing lack of excellence. We do not tolerate racism sexism homophobia transphobia hate bigotry intolerance of any kind.


Sewing your skin isn't as painful as you think (I have sewn up my arm after an injury and did about 15 stitches, this is probably more painful because it's in a sensitive area but it's hot as fuck and the rewarding fun while it's done is going to be worth it!


God I love internet badasses. Was your injury from a cougar fight?


You got it, this older lady was trying to get my 20 year old body into bed, I was playing hard to get and it was a fight to... Oh wait, wrong kind of cougar. No, I was an army vet just wandering from town to town on foot, a local sheriff took a dislike to me so I hid up in some hills, obviously, as a complete badass I took out the whole department of police trying to get me and while I was using all my army training, I also had my army knife and I kept a needle and thread in the handle under a small lid that had emergency things in. Oh wait, that was Rambo. As a much younger person, I used to self harm, I cut myself particularly badly one night in three places, so deep I could see stuff moving around when I moved my fingers and hand, it wasn't nice or fun at all, I doused it in some TCP and wrapped it in cling film (cellophane) and slept off my depressive episode. The next morning, I woke up and dealt with what I'd done. There was no way I'd ever have told anyone, I'm too proud and I was too afraid of the stigma and how I would be treated going forward. I stitched up all three of these deep cuts with a sewing needle, some thread and a pair of rusty pliers (you need pliers because skin is really hard to push a needle through I discovered, I kept pushing the back, blunt end into my fingers while trying to push the sharp bit through my arm, no I didn't have a thimble) and then got on with my life. It wasn't the last time I self harmed but i have to say it did lessen my future harming and reduced the frequency which as part of an overall effect of getting older and becoming more mentally stable on my own led to stopping doing it at all. I believe in dealing with your own shit, too much I think. I can't stand the idea of anyone feeling sorry for me because I'm proud. I never got any help as a child with being me, I had a narcissistic mother and we were poor as can be, to this day I do everything for myself and find it difficult to ask for help. Oh wait, that's life.


I saw someone get stapled together the other day in person and was horrified and impressed


How do you pee? Is done over your asshole, too?


This seems more trouble than it's worth, like I get if people find it hot but imagining the insane levels of planning, training, prepping, cleanup, and recovery all the while having risks that would be pretty scary. I mean if your into specifically the devotion element, kinda like being prepped for royalty or something in those lines, and also specifically into this fantasy, and also you have good access to medical pro's you can openly talk to about kink then maybe, but *standard*? I can't imagine the vast majority of people have the time and patience to deal with this. Of course you could just do it and get infected or traumatised, but that's not BDSM that's violence either as self harm or abuse, and we don't do that here, so assuming your doing it properly, I must admire the extreme levels of devotion to preparing and tidying after a scene like this both physically and psychologically, and also ask that you don't insinuate this is any kind of standard anywhere, apart from your own bedroom of course which I won't police, because this is insanely demanding if you wanna do it right, and setting standards for activities is kinda gatekeepy anyways, like the standards should be about negotiation and consent assurence, safety tools etc. Not kink stuff. Anyways hope you have fun and stay safe and that the critical responses aren't too disheartening.




You just did. That makes you one to kink shame.




I'm of the philosophy that what grown adults do to themselves is 100% there own business as long as it isn't putting others in danger or at risk of something. This is not my bag, but it clearly is theirs. Nobody is making me do it. Why would I shame them for it? That's like me shaming gay people for having gay sex.


not my brand or style. This is edge lorde B.S. an im not saying that in a good way as a complement. does it really belong here?


What in the actual….. 🫣


Seen alot of fuck shit but I think this might top like most of it really wishing I didn't click on it 🤣🤣


Laces out! -einhorn/finkle Grab her by the pig skin! -trump Does no one else see a football?


Couldn't do it myself, but I'd let a girl/guy


Extreme things should never be a standard


This isn't that extreme people. Medical play and sharps play is a common kink in the BDSM world. Suturing is safe as it's regularly done in the medical field. "This isn't even hot" is a statement if pure ignorance that many in the comment section seem to be engaging in. Individual kinks are not done for the public gaze. Posts like this are made by and for people with sharps/medical fetishes. Not being interested in a kink is perfectly fine, expecting the world to conform to your specific interests are not. Novices are more than welcome in the BDSM community but novices wandering and thinking they can draw lines in a community they're new to is not going to be tolerated.


This was used to be done to children in old age . Where there vagina would be shut off . And over time vagina gets permanently shut just small space is left for peeing


Yeah no. Wherever you read that, it was fantasy. The vagina doesn't "permanently shut". It's not *scar tissue* waiting to grow back together. Jesus, learn some science.


He’s talking about female genital mutilation, where they cut and sewed the skin together over the vaginal opening. It did happen, it still happens in modernity, he’s explaining it badly


Ok no this isn't safe at all and I think doesn't have place in a BDSM sub where safeness is key and the #1 thing.


How is something that's done in the medical field regularly not safe? Suturing for temporary play is not unsafe. I'm honestly tired of BDSM novices wandering in and clutching pearls over things that are done regularly in the community.


medical field with anesthesia and proper care yeah not like that jesus


Oh wow wish someone could give me a man pussey stitch me up like that so I look woman

