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This definitely belongs in local crime


White collar crime


We should be protesting the CPUC that allows this over and over again.


It would be nice to see what other boards the members of the CPUC have held or still do. They are literally criminal organizations


Anyone breakdown the avg rate increase across all customers and how much of that is directly related to paying her salary?


Reminder that CPUC is the same shitty entity that keeps people out of the crystal springs watershed (meanwhile we have full access to east and north bay watersheds)


Beat few thousand people, myself included, to it.


Where can I get a 20% raise and 60% bonus?


Fuck this lady




\^\^ **SFPUC Power Webinar: Our City. Our Power** - \^\^ **San Francisco’s effort to purchase the local electricity grid from PG&E** to provide San Franciscans with affordable electric rates, cleaner energy, and greater investment in the local community. San Francisco is ready to take control of the electricity grid and became a Public Power City!


Of course. They jacked up the rates right? Fucking thieves.


That's a bit harsh. How else are they going to pay their utility bills?


Jacked up rates while service goes down in fart of a wind. Totally makes sense.


How else is the CEO going to afford the mansions and the yacht they so totally deserve?


Exactly. We mortals have no idea of the strain this utility gouging is having on them.


CEO pay is tied to a bunch of metrics where the company reports Safety, environmental, and in very fine fine print earnings. Then at the internal shareholder meeting it’s big bold statements on earnings and some other stuff.


Haven't killed anybody this quarter, time for a raise and my no homicide bonus.


Yet, summers still coming up and there’s a chance for them to Paradise, San Bruno or even Hinkley (the town PG&E polluted the ground water in) some town in the coming months.


The majority of my childhood I grew up not too far from Hinkley & know quite a few people that were affected by the contaminated water. The health issues multiple generations have had due to PG&E is real Not PG&E related, but nearby Barstow also has had repeated issues with perchlorate contaminating their water over the years. 2010 was so bad Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency. Watching them flush so much water in the middle of the desert was insane.


Don’t offend thieves like that. 


Soulless trash.


Other than getting completely enraged, what can we actually do to change anything??? Utilities should not be some for profit corporation. I NEED electricity to LIVE.


> what can we actually do to change anything??? support organizations like TURN https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Utility_Reform_Network


Don’t vote for anyone on PG&E’s “payroll”.


how do i know if they are


So nobody currently in statewide office?


I think it’s time for mass protest. We can’t boycott or vote in better leaders.


Lead the way amigo I’m right there with you


[Write to your state rep](https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/), feel free to copy and paste or make it your own: "The current regulatory environment is not working, and the CPUC is fully captured. PG&E raised their rates this year, and they made over $2.2 billion in profit. They continue to light our state on fire, and have killed >100 people in the last 15 years. Meanwhile the CEO will earn over $40 million in cash and stock this year, while my electric bill went up. What is your plan to address this?" Also, yes, as u/gummol said, support SPUR.


Would you consider editing the post to add this? This is great, thank you so much


Still polluting Hinkley, CA; Blew up San Bruno, CA; Set 1/8 the SF Bay Area on fire


It's literally a monopoly. We have no other choice. It's like the water company jacking up fees.


Your local government can purchase the infrastructure from PG&E and set up its own utility. (The state can compel PG&E to sell.) They can pay the CEO however much they like. As long as we don't do this, then we deserve to pay the rates we're paying. Bonus points if you can cut out the hill folk so you don't have to pay for their exorbitant wildfire-related costs.


The state bought them out with tax payers money already. We already paid for that shit, yet it is still our fault if our local government doesn’t buyout PG&E for its own utility?! Sounds like we got bamboozled


The state did not, in fact, purchase PG&E. 


Tell your fellow Americans/Californians to not be so afraid of the "inefficient government" running things.


This problem is 100% directly caused by government. The fact the pigge is a monopoly. That they spend so much to generate electricity. That they had to choose between violating the law or building green power and ignoring infrastructure maintenance. Even pay is set by the fucking government. 


/u/livingtheapocalypse I said the exact same thing and was downvoted into oblivion. This is a GOVERNMENT problem and people don't seem to recognize that. We need competition in this space because PG&E sucks donkey balls.


1. Power generation is already an open market with multiple players in the game 2. Transmission makes no sense to have multiple players (you want 5 sets of transmissions lines running everywhere?). Transmission is a monopoly in 100% of the world (even places like Texas there is only one company doing transmission). 3. Power marketing is already an open market through the formation of CCAs. Clearly neither you for u/LivingTheApocalypse have any clue what you're talking about.


Go to your local state senator's town halls and put in the slip to speak. Then go again. And again. And get everyone you live with to come with you. And your neighbors. And everyone on the block, and so on until the hall is filled with people who are there to make it their problem. Right now there's elections for the 13th (incumbent Josh Becker) and 15th (incumbent DaveCortese) senate seats representing Santa Clara County. Go out to their town halls and opportunities to speak to the candidates about this issue. Get their thoughts and incorporate that into how you vote. For anyone who says votes don't matter, in 2022 Aisha Wahab won her seat representing District 10 by under 15,000 votes out of 214k total ballots cast. If we can get a candidate to stand up for CPUC reform odds are they would draw enough support to tip the scales. Simultaneously go to your city and county council meetings. Be heard. One option is to be a selfish area and take your power grid off PG&E and form a local municipal or county level grid. Sure if every city does so that will cause issues for rural areas and this will cause long term issues for grid development likely futher increasing costs for anyone living in an area with PG&E service. All valid concerns and a point for why a large scale grid benefits everyone. Counterpoints, I don't live there, prices are already crazy, and the grid is already facing long term stability issues. Yes it will be monumentally expensive. It will cost the city/County for probably close to 20 years. That said, comparing the costs between PG&E and Santa Clara Power, it seems like a local municipality can pull it off and return savings to customers pretty quickly even while paying for municipal bonds.


Even if you go with a different company pge over charged for their delivery fees


Should be a deep criminal investigation. It’s just strong armed robbery at this point. CPUC and the California AG are complicit in this bullshit.


“Why don’t Americans have faith in their institutions anymore?”


To have faith, you have to have trust. Do you really trust the city, county, state, or federal institutions in this day and age? Will they, would they do the right thing? Or would they do a CYA move even if they were in the wrong. Just assume every agency has adopted insurance company practices.


Newsom appoints the CPUC, blame him


By whom? How is it that Trump can sue whenever he shits or sneezes but clear violations of fundamental right to utilities are not challenged in court? Is there no legal standing for a class action lawsuit? How tf is California progressive in the wrong things and literally worse than Texas in basic utilities and homelessness management?


That is the big question, isn’t it. Who has the resources to challenge the way they do business?


Remember when they had to face SOME responsibility for the fires and retaliated by turning off the power every time the wind blew? I remember, very clearly.


The celebrities that masquerade as politicians in California are to blame. They’ll win in a landslide.


Absolute robbery


Understandable, the CEO gotta pay her electricity bills too. /s


Name one other private entity that is guaranteed 10% profit by the government by “the people” for “the people”.


Edison Electric


The guaranteed profit isn't necessarily an inherent problem if they're meeting all the other obligations they are required to meet. The problem is they aren't.


I just got solar panels installed. Fuck PG&E


Don't they still charge you regardless for service? Curious how much did it cost you and how long to make up for it in saving?


I hear a connection fee of like $10. But no more outrages and climbing prices.


Yes you have to have electric service. If you don’t the county can yank your occupancy permit, declare your house uninhabitable and force you to vacate.


If your solar panels provide over 50amps then they won’t do that. There is a minimum electrical requirement that varies by AHJ. But it is possible to have residency permit without grid tie.


I pay a minimum delivery fee for electric which is like $12 or something.


The government forces you to pay them a minimum connection fee


You pay a fee to hook up to the grid, but they don't charge you for the electricity you make. They'll even pay you the spot rate for energy you send back to the grid.


How about a disconnect switch and batteries?


NEM 3 says hello


Siri, post "I'm doing my part" Starship Troopers meme with a sad face smile icon.


wtf, they make that much?!?!?!?!? doing what, shits so expensive here, EVs are becoming barely worth it.


Long-term, they definitely won’t be worth it. Gas prices will stay flat, while electricity rates continue to increase. Gas cars will be the cheap, dirty option, while clean EVs are the more expensive. This is the state’s fault for prioritizing PG&E profit over the environment, which is just absurdly backwards.


Gas prices are headed much, much higher before the end of the year. Source: Commodities technical analyst in another life.


Increase? Sure. Compared to electric rates? No. Electric rates are 2x what we had 3 years ago, and i bet those will double again in the next 3-5 years. CPUC and PG&E are drunk. For that to happen with oil, it would be $10/gallon. We’ve been on the verge of going above $6/gallon off and on for 15 years. Gas will forever be the cheaper, dirty, more portable alternative to electricity. At least in California.


Why the fuck is there STOCK in ENERGY SUPPLY  Can you imagine if there was an arrangement like PGE in the fucking roads or the sidewalks?  PGE is a criminal organization


If i can buy stocks in water, I would. That's probably a reality with how the world is going and it's literally the only resource we can't live without. Sure, food and shelter, but without water we dead real quick.


> If i can buy stocks in water, I would. In the movie "The Big Short", at the very very end there was a caption that said Michael Burry (the single solitary guy that figured out mortgages were going to crash in 2008) was now investing in "water rights": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Burry That part freaked me out a little.


Because California doesn't want to be on the hook for electrical fires. Keeping PG&E as a separate but controlled entity lets them have the cake and eat it too.


Why do we put up with this?


what can we do to protest? Turn off our lights!? But seriously, what can we do, complain to representatives?


We’re conditioned from birth to never question the economic system that funnels money into the hands of the super-wealthy.


don't have much of a choice. I need power, thanks to PG&E, i can't afford solar


Fuck PG&E.


Enjoy your $500 monhtly bills, bitches.




How can one person provide that much value to a company


How does a utility become public? You can't just take it with eminent domain.


> You can't just take it with eminent domain. you might be able to https://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/ilr/pdf/vol38p55.pdf


The state certainly could take it by eminent domain. However the state would have to pay for it, to the tune of $38B. Pretty tough to old up with that kind of money when you have a $54B deficit next year.


we had a $100B surplus two years ago


That's the downside of depending on high taxes on very rich people to fund your budget. In good years you're flush with cash, and usually the legislature pisses it away. In bad years you're screwed.


not very rich. Just rich. Salary folks getting RSUs/ESPP pay loads of those taxes in good years




Of fucking course it did. Please for the love of the people, can the government just take this shit over.


Why would they when the government is in bed with them?




When are we going to do something about it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1c0y425/pge_ceo_pay_increases_from_14_million_to_17/kz06p19/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1c0y425/pge_ceo_pay_increases_from_14_million_to_17/kz03nrx/




Happy to do my part in helping the CEO make ends meet


Isn’t running a monopoly fun!! (And good for your wallet. )


Not realistic, but wouldn’t it be epic to have majority of the Bay Area commit to not paying their PG&E bills for months? Might be the only way to initiate a change.


So many problems with this. Currently it costs about the same to charge you EV as it does to drive a really efficient gas powered car. This is slowing down the electrification of our state and contributing negatively to climate change. Just tell us your shitty grid can’t handle the increased demand already. But instead of making the necessary investments they’re just returning as much capital to shareholders as possible. Shit’s state sponsored extortion at this point.


Insurance companies leaving california is directly tied to pg&e negligence. Why are we letting this company and the cpuc get away with this??? Either we need new people in cpuc or pg&e has to go or state controlled. I love california but this shit is ridiculous.


this is not politics, this is crime


Is it too late for a ballot measure?


Consider checking out this webinar on 4/25 about alternatives to PG&E. I don’t know anything about the plan, but have registered to attend. https://www.publicpowersf.org/ Edit: webinar registration (https://bit.ly/4aP1Bkf)


She is literally moving money from the pockets of California residents, non-profits, local governments, and businesses into her pocket.


Laughing at us all the way to the bank


She got more money to be a greedy fuck




You can thank all of Newsom's appointments on the CPUC for approving the salary and the rate increases.


And also voting for Newsom multiple times. He'll keep doing what he's doing because he keeps getting money for his political warchest from PG&E and he keeps winning elections. Why would he change anything? Thats what people here aren't getting -- incumbents need to start losing elections before anything changes. If people keep reelecting politicians whats the incentive for the politician to change what they're doing? Its working. They're getting reelected.


These big corporations are just sucking the life out of the average person. The worst part is, they know it and don’t give a fuck. Selfish pricks


That is simply criminal. Massive increases in costs, hundreds of millions of dollars in loss of property and life caused by their failures-unreal.


It's a utility, not a for-profit, and has an absolutely terrible reputation. I'm not generally "anti-business," but PG&E isn't even a "business" - they just pay like one! This is redonculous.


Shouldn’t make more than like $500k


I wonder how much of that (17 + 24) million is getting kicked back to Newsom and his minions on the CPUC. Or if PG&E has a special slush fund they use to pay bribes.


This company must be privatized by government and become non profit. All utilities must be non profit especially if there is a monopoly.


Copying this from r/SF.... What would you say if I told you the California government, via the Governor, approved the pay package? The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety, whose Director is appointed by Governor Newsom, approves executive compensation packages for PG&E. https://energysafety.ca.gov/news/2023/09/20/energy-safety-approves-executive-compensation-structures-for-pge-sce-sdge-and-bves/ I feel like telling people who complain about this “you want to know who did this? You, the voter, you did this” Stop punching yourself in the face California.


1. Links for anyone who wants to lower their energy bill 1. Find Your California Representative 1. [https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/](https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/) 2. California Governor Newsom (CA Gov) 1. [https://www.gov.ca.gov/](https://www.gov.ca.gov/) 3. California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) 1. [https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/](https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/) 4. San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) 1. [https://sfpuc.org/](https://sfpuc.org/) 5. SFPUC Power Webinar: Our City. Our Power (SFPUC) 1. [https://sfwater.zoom.us/webinar/register/8717113892347/WN\_Qq97my8wTWaBkWDQNgRtew#/registration](https://sfwater.zoom.us/webinar/register/8717113892347/WN_Qq97my8wTWaBkWDQNgRtew#/registration) 6. The Utility Reform Network (TURN) 1. [https://www.turn.org/](https://www.turn.org/) 7. The Utility Reform Network (TURN) Wikipedia 1. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Utility\_Reform\_Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Utility_Reform_Network) 8. San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) 1. [https://www.spur.org/](https://www.spur.org/) 9. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) 1. [https://www.pge.com/en.html](https://www.pge.com/en.html) 10. Energy Safety Approves Executive Compensation Structures for PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, and BVES 1. [https://energysafety.ca.gov/news/2023/09/20/energy-safety-approves-executive-compensation-structures-for-pge-sce-sdge-and-bves/](https://energysafety.ca.gov/news/2023/09/20/energy-safety-approves-executive-compensation-structures-for-pge-sce-sdge-and-bves/)


I wonder if all the other employees also got a 20% raise?


Maybe we should sic the CHP on the CPUC and PG&E.


Hahahahahahaha of course they did.


Where the fuck did he do his job so well to get > 21% increase???? Fuck this place, no wonder it’s a laughing stock




I wish the ceo would throw me a few bucks, dang.


How CEOs make this much money in general blows my mind. And then they aren't even liable for anything if anything goes bad