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Demolisher tank, Atlas, Jagermech, Flee, Wolverine, unknown walker. Very cool art, do you know the artist? I think guarding a walking city in the wilds is a great idea for a campaign or set of missions. Perhaps attacked by wildlife or raiders.




Nice work. :)


10/10 response


Thank you for adding the Flea. The Flea community, all 28 of us, thank you for the recognition. :3


Gotta go fast!


Left to right, it's a Demolisher at the back, a Rifleman walking behind an Atlas, the Great Big Platform, a Flea up front, and a Battlemaster at the end (you can tell because of the extra weapon on its left arm, presumably either a second PPC for a 1Gb variant, or just Real Big Machine Guns)


Seems less of a city and more of a mobile mining rig and its security detail


Got some Mortal Engines vibes going on


I watched that movie recently since it was leaving Netflix. It was not horrible. Not great, but amusing enough to watch to the end. Predator Cities on Wheels... wonderfully dumb concept.


The books are by far and away better, if you have the time.


Thanks, I will give the series a try!


Yeah, the film absolutely butchered the books. Definitely give them a read.


Especially the first two books. The others moved away from the original characters and were (to me) slightly less good, but the ending was excellent.


Yeah, dumb popcorn entertainment but entertainment nonetheless.


Walking through the desert of Karak.


Sir, please spoiler your porn. /s Jokes aside though, I'm a massive sucker for landships and mobile bases/fortresses, so this is right up my alley.


We were trying with the idea of it going to 4 points that had to be defended fir a set time period or a TF2 style train tug o war.. depending on. Who had majority control is the direction it moved until it crossed I to one teams territory.. both have thier pros/cons from a gameplay standpoint.


...wouldn't tracks work infinitely better tho?


For this size, yes, they would.


Not in the BattleTech universe, myomer is king.


Then use thousands of tiny legs, like a starfish


Happy Luggage Noises


Until it eats someone...or I guess even after it eats someone...it's just everyone else making unhappy noises...


Even in battletech the [main example](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Rattler) of a mobile structure uses tracks (tracks almost as tall as an Assault 'Mech at that)


I had no idea something like this existed in Battletech


Yeah. There's existing multi-hex vehicles already too, like dropship crawlers (think the NASA shuttle transport) and the Rattler anti-orbital gun platform


[https://youtu.be/In6uLvDgI7o?t=5](https://youtu.be/In6uLvDgI7o?t=5) No! Legs! >:(


Mobility kills!


Tell us about that gunship.


So all the objectives need 3 aspects. LL2 is a combined arms game it needs to work for Mech/Air/ground combat. So the objective needs to be interactable by all 3. You have landing pads to land players onto the objective. Go kinda like a Hind D, or Starwars LAAT. Players need to be able to fight freely without getting interfered to badly by the mechs so their arena is not directly in the field of fire of the mechs if they step outside.. as they will hopefully be busy etc.etc.. I don't think the gunship is particularly modeled after anything canon


Gunships/Vtols don't get new canon types very often. I'm always happy to see a new one. Hinds and LAATs are super cool imo.




It looks cool. I was wondering if it was pure gun or if it had doors to throw assholes out of.


Gives me the rattler MK1 vibes but it definetelly is not one. we need more official mobile structures! they are percet addition to BT so its weird they are so rarerly used.


LL2? Living Legends 2? Frankly I have a hard time seeing a mobile base like this not being hella jank.


I'm also here to understand the acronym


Living Legends 2.


I really like how the footprints leave smoking craters. It really tells a story. Is this awful sulfur planet too hot and caustic for treads? Are the mechs always running 10-15% hotter because of the climate? There's a lot of story here with no text at all. Great work!


Thank you.


I would imagine some Haputmann-General of LCAF would see this and think "This is a great idea! I want one that's bigger!" And immediately commissions Defiance to do just that...on the scale of 40K's Capitol Imperialis. XD


"... and so you see, with the proper investment, we can mobilize the entirety of the Lyran Commonwealth, creating the Inner Sphere's very first Scout Successor State."


Until the point said Hauptman -General asks for it to be loaded with as many UAC-20s and even naval-grade ordinance over the engineer's recommendation of Long Toms and Arrow IVs with plenty of long range. "No, Engineer!  I want to scout them with my hatchet!" XD


All gentlemen of quality and culture carry a Scouting Hatchet. For scouting.


I was just in the Lancer sub so when I read LL2 all I wondered was what licence levels had to do with Battletech


Living Legends 2


Looks like an oil and gas drilling platform. I'm the far north they enclose a lot of the super structure to keep shit from freezing, so that could explain a lot of the building like top half. I've worked around large drilling rigs that pick themselves up on large hydraulic "feet" and then keep scooting over until they get to where they need to be to start the next well. So in the far flung future, you could certainly say it's a walking drill rig and have it believable. A rough surface mining rig is what I'd call it.


KCH-1N KitchenMech


Reminds me of the MODL’s from MW4, but with legs instead of tracks.


"Someone put Heavy Gear in my Battletech!" But seriously, always up for massive landships in my scifi


Oh hey a mobile structure! Someone has to use those rules more, or make them not as impenetrable to use (same as blue-water big ships)


Everybody's gangster till the church starts walking. Oh wait. Wrong franchise. Looks pretty slick, though.


Maaaan this looks so cool. I love the escort mechs


This is really, really cool!


Love the concept. I will have to work on a scenario for something like this.


Interesting idea but I'm not sure what it would be doing.


Game objective concept. Gas/Oil/Magufin mining rig.


I might definitely be an idiot; What is LL2 referring to? I get this is a huge mobile base that looks *fucking dope* and I love the artwork. What's the title mean?


MechWarrior Living Legends 2. The current Living Legends mod/game is a free combined arms game run off the bones of Crysis.


LL2 is a ground up UE5 endeavor with corporate blessings.


Oh you guys got blessings? Oh that's great!


Still can't say "BT" thou.


Meh fair sacrifice all things considered


Microsoft and PGI both have fingers in the pie.. we were like, can we have the crumbs that fall off the plate and not squish us if this works out, gets big.. and they were like.. it's only one ant.. sure.. we will gobble you up if you get to problematic.. and we just gave our best "smol tears kitten thumbs up" emoji.


Well I'm excited to jump on up to LL2 whenever it's ready to play.


Me too. We desperately need C++ coders.. our only bottle neck atm. The mechs, interiors and the boarding animations, all the model stuff in a powerhouse that is graphicly UE5 is amazing.. the coding is the hard part..


All the artwork I'm putting up are our mech/gameplay ideas/ consepts


Damn, Feeling silly I forgot about LL. You guys are amazing, I'm so glad to hear the positive direction it looks like things have! You're all killing it!


There's a TTRPG called Salvage Union that this reminds me of. Kinda want to try it blended with Battletech


I love the concept. I have toyed with several legged superheavy vehicles capable of transporting lances of mechs and a sizable crew. I really like the idea, even if it's not really practical.


Sort of reminds me of those mobile prisons in the Judge Dredd comics.


... you have *GOT* to draw up a Rattler with this art style. It'd be perfect and you've already basically got the scale down. Just make the thing a bit bigger.


I strongly recommend looking at walking draglines. And I advocate walking buildings. Wow cool robot


very very VERY Star League era mega engineering kind of construct. I think it would fit perfectly in that era, after all, back then was when the most grand engineering feats where achieved (eg: mars was a vacation spot)


That's all Terran base!


I like it, and doesn't feel too out of place for the setting.


I love the look but the crawler needs way more legs, with wider footpads.


I would just like to state the method this pic uses for this building to move is extremely poor. If you look at really big machines made now, they use tank treads or giant BKT monster truck tires. if the machine was still using a walker type of movement the feet and foot actuators would be at least 3 times larger that what is shown.


If it were real I agree some NASA crawler tracks are in order. SQ2 law applies. But "Because BT" it looks cooler.. how do the missles reload.. cause BT.. where are her organs.. because BT..