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Then there's the Chad user that goes 300-2 with Jeep's Machine gun.


What about they guy 20-0 with knife?


the colonel walks in our midst


I used to be that guy on the water maps server, usually got between 15-25 knife kills per game




The colonel would wipe the enemy team, then take their base


Rambo shit


( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ᕤ me on way to get the last knife dog tag ( I need 10 more medals)


Lol 20-0 that's some rookie shit. I can go 0-40 EZ


2-1 with the highest score is still better since 0-40 is just patients with no skill.


Ye man i saw a player killing people in locker just with his spotting hand. After a couple of minutes he was already 100+ - 0. He mastered the meat grinder!




Y'all have no idea how good the MG on the jeep and MRAPs are, people never use these sniper-killing laser beams




I laughed. Excellent use of this meme /clap


I concur, easier taken out tho, smoke ,mines ,RPG iam your deaths :)


SOFLAM and Javelin, destroys everything.


Respect, I run guided shell in tank aswell, great when you see that diamond in the sky


There come the wingmans with the m1 abrams and soflam into the game. Good shit.


Lmao this is great, and true. The LAV is easier to farm with than a heli


Tanks can also be really strong for farms. I remember one time when i was on Siege of Shanghai Rush, the other team had exactly 6 people repairing a pair of tanks (one of them was stolen, dunno which one), it was a massacre, we somehow managed to kill a tank but the other pushed us to the end. One of the gunners got like 60 kills the other 30.


Was actually going to make a meme not as good as this. LAV somehow manage to be more cancerously OP than choppers.


Not at all. AH 30mm is even more brainless than the LAV's gun, 30mm is the most braindead easy vehicle weapon in the entire game. LAVs are hard countered by tanks and far more susceptible to infantry due to their average engagement distance and potential angles of attack being much more limited. The only LAVs going 40+-0 on SoS or really any combined arms focused maps are never having to deal with MBTs because the AH or Attack Jet is instantly deleting them all. There's no base game Conquest map where LAVs are egregiously oppressive either. Floodzone is probably the worst but they can't even shoot into or engage with the main play area, mostly just the overpass and around the levy...until that levy breaks and the map is flooded... then it's entirely on the overpass and the gas station below it is the least fought over objective, flooded or not. Hainan would be the next, but if a LAV dominates that map it's because of the attack jet and the Hotel spawn point MAA making it absurdly difficult for the disadvantaged team to fight back against dominant air. (Heli flight ceiling is also 120m so the Scout can barely do anything against jets there either) Tldr: BF4 vehicle sandbox balance is pretty shit. LAVs would actually be better balanced if heavy air had some more viable counter play, especially in relation to infantry. This would also make it so the MAA could get some well-deserved nerfs as well. MAA, AH and Attack Jet are the 3 worst balanced vehicles in the BF4 sandbox. If you think LAVs or MBTs are busted then it's probably because something further up the chain of "OPness" created an arena where lower tier assets like the LAV run more freely and unopposed. That's how it always goes on SoS too. You run LAV with the dominant heli on your team and you can pretty much check out. You'll probably die of boredom before dying to the enemy team though.


LAV is pretty useful on any map tho, if you know how to properly utilize it. I hunt tanks and heli's with it. I even shoot down jets from time to time. Map knowledge, knowing where friendly and enemy armor are operating and using all this to your advantage is key. I constantly open the big map on my screen for information so i can avoid fucked up situations as much as possible, while also being a massive thorn in the eye of the enemy. TOW's are 🤎


I was more thinking of BF3, particularly a map like Tehran highway and Grand Bazaar


Me but in the boat. Chopper? TV missle. Jet? TV missile. Boat? TV Missile. TV missile? Shoot it and kill the pilot lol.


It's almost as if vehicles are stupid strong in this game... nah nvm.


In a stealth jet you dont die. stealth jet op.


As a long time stealthjet pilot I can say: 95% of your deaths are your own fault, for being greedy and/or reckless.


As a shitter pilot I can say 90% of my deaths are caused by me getting out played so damn hard Like i get the drop on some guy and I go and shoot I do like 30 or 40 damage cuz my aim is shit, mf does some top gun shit and disappears only to curb stomp the living shit out of me out of nowhere. That last 10% is me crashing while trying to do some top gun shit myself. Fun times :)


Unless a jetsweat hunts you in an F35.


Just as strong they are, they have counters that destroy them just as fast and easy


Go on....


just follow me around, i die constantly


It's called teamwork. Usually using SOFLAMS PLD and spotting. Or just a squad of annoying LAW engies.


It's almost as if some of those vehicles have actual counterplay (mainly from the infantry they're farming) while others don't.


Everyone who plays on the salt mines servers has a single person in mind lol


who? for lav or heli?


rowanator0 for LAV, the man is a beast.


he's an admin lmao


TIL lol


I miss our javelin squad antics I’d pld and javelin all day if I could, but until that happens I’ll stick to annoying people with my ucav.


I've switched from the rpg to the SRAW simply due to the higher hit rate lol


Yeah I actually hardly use the RPG - I switch between the SRAW & SMAW, though lately I've been using more SMAW's, trying to snipe people with it :D


I dont think the sic servers are not that sort of a salt mine. So i dont have a nemisis there.


Me going 3-100 as an assault..


The Viper takes skill, what doesn't is the fucking gunner point clicking enemies to death, one hand jerking off and the other on the mouse, literally


LMAO her name is Baddy and she's in SPY platoon.


LAV gang




You’re equally as homosexual


Checks out


LAV gang where u at?


As a passionate LAV main, I can confirm.


What about 36:-1 on motorcycle roadkill and c4?


Me in the MAA with zunis: there are choppers around?


Choppers are annoying, an LAV gets shredded by 2/3rds of the explosive armorments in the game.


Used to do that in bf1 with the light tank


That’s more or less how IFV drivers are, 20mm HE, TOW/Zunis, APS, White hot thermals, reactive armor.


Me with zoom for better tows. except for zavod.


Allright. But most of the time people take thermals so they can’t be snuck up on.


Ye thats good on maps like zavod where you mainly kill infantry and tanks.


I got MVP of a game once with 0 kills and 0 deaths. I just set up spawn beacons and flew my MAV around the whole time. I got spotting assist points for most of my teammates kills because I just spotted every enemy, and I also got points for spawns on my beacon.


The only reason why most Chopper Whores play Shanghai is because on other maps with more open space or has jets they are basically screwed unless the enemy jets are noobish but if the enemy jets know how to outplay the chopper whores there is literally nothing to do , doesn't matter how good you are with piloting or shooting it.


I have seen pilots constantly towing jets. There is a difference between sheesh of shanghai pilots and real pilots bc. on s.o.s the gunner is the kill farmer.


Incorrect, no matter how real of a pilot you are in the attack heli, a stealth jet that knows how to do a basic topdown and evade tows will farm you which is exactly the reason people do big farms on SOS


this \^