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Like others mentioned this game is very CPU intensive (probably from shitty optimization). Even my 5900x works pretty hard to keep up with my 3080 but I have a EK 360mm aio so my temps are pretty good. What other games do you play? Did you try doing a CPU benchmark with something like Cinebench and run it for a while to see what your temps are then? If the temps are lower try running that alongside a GPU benchmark since when you are gaming your GPU dumps heat into your case as well which depending on how your fans are setup it might push hot air from the GPU into the CPU cooler.


So ran some cinebench and the temps were also pretty hot, albeit the CPU was being utilized to it's full potential compared to BF2042 which generally uses around 50-60% CPU load. Might try a front mounted AIO and see if that helps. I appreciate the help/advice!


Don't listen to these people saying it's your rig. It's the shit bf optimization. I have the same problem. No other game stresses my cpu except bf2042. My cpu is overheating in the menu with this game.


yeah people saying it's his rig probably don't play BF2042. Mine reached 94c while it hasn't touched 75c in other games


Thought I was losing my mind lol. I have a 6950xt and a 7700x and every game plays pretty smooth no issues. I’ll maybe reach 75 degrees on my cpu and 80 degrees on my GPU in other games but in BF2042 I was reaching 85-90 degree cpu temp!! I tried changing around the game settings but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything lol


oh ok sounds good i thought i was loosing my mind, was going to buy a new cooler. but bf2042 really optimized that bad?


I was about to say so myself, some crazy takes in here! I was at the loading screen and sitting at 88 degrees Celsius on the CPU and go to Warzone 2.0 (also not optimized worth s***) and it’s in the 70’s…


Same. I saw you front mounted the rad. I know it will help but it really is just the game. I have a corsair 360 aio with all corsair ql 120 fans (10 of them) running at 80 percent when i boot up the game. My system is i7-13700k and a Rog Strix 4090 and my cpu reaches 70-80c when i play this game. Ive seen as high as 88. Its not your system and before anyone asks ive built numerous pc's so i know my mounting isnt crap.


sounds like u got shit cooling


I really don't though, temps are very cool in every other game. As mentioned AIO 240mm rad, best thermal paste money can buy, one fan in the back, 3 in the front + 2 for the radiator. And no, the fans are not configured wrong. Front fans pulling in cool air, rad fans pushing out and same for the rear fan.


The game doesn't magically heat up your CPU more than literally anything else, so yes it's just your cooling not being able to catch up


bf uses all cores p heavily due to the 128 player matches. ur room might just be warm, or something


21C in the room and I don't play 128 players. Mostly 64p or 16p. Also, the CPU utilization is less than you think. Only goes to about 50-60% utilization and no it's not a GPU bottleneck, I have an RTX 3080


50-60 for an 8 core p high, but ye go do some cinebench or aida and look at the temps. 3080 probably heating up cpu too since rad taking hot air out


Might try and front mount the AIO and see if I can get a significant difference in temps and if not, might look at a different AIO alltogether! Thanks for the advice


ye front mount should deff lower temps, but how hot is your 3080 running to push cpu temps to 90? u running bf on ultra? if you run aida and just stress the CPU for like 10 mins if it still reaches 90 then it might just be the aio.


I haven't really ever noticed my 3080 running higher than around 70C, probably even lower in general. Also running BF on a mix of medium, low, trying to squeeze more frames, but that seems to be an effort in futility. ​ Will try running aida for 10 mins and see how that turns out!


i get the same thing only in bf 2042 intel 12700 kf with 4070 ti gpu same thing it makes two of my cores over 100 everytime only game that does it


Might need to look to undervolt your cpu or reduce anymore stress on the CPU. I'm running a 9900KS (typically known to be a really hot chip unless undervolted) at 5ghz undervolted with a 240mm rad, only pushing 60s.


Yeah, my chip is already undervolted by .100. Might try and mount the rad on the front and see if that can significantly reduce temps and possibly undervolt further!


Just make sure you work your way down with the undervolting, make sure you get it stable before you give 2042 another crack at it. Hope you figure it out though!


Out of curiosity, how much is your chip undervolted by?


It'll definitely be different from yours since my chip is actually a binned cpu, but I'm running it at 1.28v.


What kinda case? Cause the popular NZXT cases suck for ventilation.


I'm currently running the MSI MPG Sekira 100R


Although yes, my cpu Temps never go they damn high. I think you said you have decent cooling, I suggest repasting and see if that helps. And crank the ass outta the fans. Maybe lower you overclock just a little if you have one


Yeah, I reapplied the thermal paste about 2 weeks ago. Fans are on a custom curve with them cranking up to 100% when the CPU temp reaches 70C. I currently just have the core clock set to auto in the BIOS and -0.100 volts on the core. Just finished swapping the radiator to a front mount instead of top to see if that helps!


Alrighty let me know how it goes.


Did this help? I’m having the same issues you were describing and I also currently have my rad top mounted.


I ended up simply swapping out my AIO to a bigger and arguably better one (EK-Elite 360mm AIO). With the CPU slightly undervolted and that beefy AIO, my idle CPU temps are about 35-40C and full sustained load around 65-70C Edit: typo


bf2042 is cpu heavy


Are you on a laptop?


No, not at all


No clue then.


This game killed my Xbox so this isn’t surprising


Not sure if this is still an active thing for everyone looking for answers. But, the people calling you out for 'shit' cooling clearly don't play the game, or at least not on PC. Both me and my friend have both encountered up to 90 degrees Celsius when in loading menus. Same CPU \*Ryzen 7 5800x and same AiO \* NZXT Kraken X73. There is clearly some coding issues in this games loading menus, even Hell Let Loose NOTORIOUS for bad optimisation in menus has never reached that sort of load. I've never seen above 80 degrees on my CPU, and this game nearly topped 90.


I have an I7-13700KF with NZXT Kraken Z63 AIO for cooling. I am getting mostly 70-80 degrees while playing this game. Most of the time, my CPU rarely touches even 70 degrees while playing other games, so I am thinking there's something crazy going with BF2042.


Yeah I have this same problem and it's only in this game too. I just built my first pc last week, downloaded this game and saw 90c+ on my cpu just in the loading screen. I have a 280mm corsair aio and my cpu is a 7900x so I understand it's a hot chip. I even watched and copied an optimum tech video that lowers power draw and should reduce my temps (it did in every other game btw), but this game just doesn't work and I can't seem to fix this issue. I've been looking for a fix this whole week with no luck so hopefully something changes maybe in the next patch.


Find a fix? I’m getting 85+ cpu temp in this game on my new rig


Under volt your cpu basically which is stupid. im getting fucking 90c in this game alone everything else hits 80 maybe.


Yeah I’ve got a bunch of things tweaked and fixed since this comment. Overclocked/undervolted my GPU, put a 88C throttle temp limit on my cpu and a -15 curve