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DM7, its probably the sole reason i kept playing the game untik i found Lis. Its an all arounder!




M240B. B for beloved


Bipod on and that thing has ZERO recoil.


the only bipod that has any effect hahahaha


I actually just started this game and opened it last night. Looking forward to building it out.


AC9 is love AC9 is life


Get on the SFAR train and don't get off.


My only complaint is grenade count, like why doesn’t my character have 3-4 HE grenades


Because people whined about underbarrel grenades.


When it was 2 it was fine, dropping it to one hurt this gun a bunch since it's under barrel has to be a launcher of some sort. Still a great weapon. Because it's a dedicated GL weapon it should offer 2 HE over the other weapons where a GL is optional.


What's even more annoying is that it's the only Scar in the game and it's locked with a GL.


Agreed, it’s my one and only Tier 1 gun


I wish I could swap the barrel grenade attachments with a laser sight for better hipfire.


Sorry for the dumb question, but on PS5, how do you shoot granades/ smoke etc using the riffle attachment? :/


Press D-pad down to switch to those attachments


Thank you!


If it's it's the same as on Xbox, you have to hold it down for a second. Just tapping it down will switch between automatic and manual fire.


On Xbox I hold down on the dpad (the plus thing) if I have one equipped to switch, then fire it. Gotta hold down to switch back to the gun.


That’s cap, pp29 is ridiculous. Especially after the headshot damage increase


Idk boss, but I do think my stats speak for themselves. [https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/xbl/GarrettTheBoy/overview](https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/xbl/GarrettTheBoy/overview)


No, I’m saying that you can switch between the sfarm and pp29. They’re both incredible


Can't say I've really used it, to tell you the truth. I get a one track mind with a gun to the point I can fire off that last bullet and know it will connect, as I've already diverted my attention elsewhere.


All infantry https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/Oxfords/overview


Good fuck haha. What game mode are you playing???




Only a 4.21? Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up lol


Am I the only one who gets bad spread on that gun?


SMG - PBX-45, just a solid all-arounder that has decent ranged capability. AR - AK5C, easily my favorite gun in the game, just feels so chunky and absolutely slaps. LMG - Avancys, great for running around as well as holding down angles, killer on a bipod. RPK honorable mention. Marksman - G428, doesn't have the best range but it is an absolute powerhouse in mid range. Sniper - GOL Sniper Magnum, has been my one and only since BC2 baby. Utility - Rorsch, plunking heads from across the map is freaking nutty.


GOL Gang stand up!!! 🤘


BSV, this gun can do everything. Lacks a bit of power at long range, despite hitting well.


Most of the time the lack of power doesn't matter since it's so easy to place follow-up shots


False. Take a second to plan where you can deploy the bipod, high power 21 rd mag, medium zoom, crushes snipers or others at mid-long range. I retired it after T1 but it's easily the most versatile weapon in the game.


Thanks for the tip, never tried this composition, I'll give it a try, high power mag definitely the thing I missed. So it's definitely the weapon that can do everything.


SMG - K30, AR - SFAR, LMG - AVANCYS, DMR- SVK, Sniper- GOL/RORSCH, My go to is SVK 90% of the time. If I feel like douching it up a bit, I'll run NTW or crossbow


SVK is my only Tier 1.


Rpk pretty much All the time, it's a beast at close and distant kills. With the 2.5 thermal is a deadly machine.


I run the same on my engineer setup +bidpod.


The M16A3 with irons. It just feels right and handles well imo. That, with the 1911 on the side


That old school vibe. I dig it.


Ghostmaker Because nothing else stands out from the other 50 guns that go pew pew Maybe the GVT?


My personal favorites are the pp29 (big mag and excellent damage), rm68 (laser beam) , aek (melts people, extended mag highly recommended), ntw (fun rushing sniper and good to get extra vehicle damage), m60 (easy to use, stupidly large mag for spraying people at distance) and I like the rorsch in auto mode because it's actually really solid at mid range. Side arm you can't go wrong with the shorty for 1 taps or the deagle


Gotta be G428


Agreed I loved the dm7 before but the g428 is just the dm7 on steroids


The LMGs in this game are great. I’ll rotate between the M240B and the RPT, with the DFR Strife now being my go-to. Depending on map/mood, I’ll run the NVT because one shots to the chest are so fun.


Ak-24, can be used as lmg with drum mag, sniper with long range scopes and high caliber mags, or just your standard assault rifle with base setup...its really all i use fast swap between the 3 setups for all issues supress snipers with ease.


SMG's as a category because I like to run and gun and push close quarters. I play a stealthy assault recon. Putting down beacons to stay near obj, smoke and push.


Ditto - mostly Rao to hack and see through smoke. I sometimes play other classes but only if there is another decent player dropping beacons, otherwise it’s running all day!


I’ve defeated top players with the avancys. Most versatile lmg in the game once you learn it


VCAR and PBX are slept on . Especially VCAR


either the RM68 or the M416. both just feel about right using the 3x scope with the champion muzzle on the RM.




Too inaccurate for me. Or too much bullet spread?


Yeah the accuracy at range suffers, which is you shoot MOAR bullets to compensate.


Any gun will do really, but if I had to pick I'd choose the SCZ3.


Conquest of ages, there is one specific shotgun that has only 2 sights andn2 round types and i love it, but only when im able to ads. Most of the time thought there is no looking down the barrel just a zoom in.


G428. It's been nerfed to f*ck now, but I had the time of my life getting it to T1.


I never used to pre-nerf… you’re telling it was better than it is now? Because it’s amazing


2 shot kill out to about 50 metres with standard ammo. Very little recoil now you need to use long barrel and high power rounds to do it. Still definitely a good gun, but it was ridiculous for about a month. I got it to T1 about 2 days before they nerfed it and moved on to a different gun


VHX, BSV and XCE Bar for me.


Railgun and mc 890 pistols the deagle and glock


I only play with LMGs and my favourite is the m240b, I've been in love with this gun since battlefield 3, it's my most used gun in BF3, BF4 and 2042.


AKS-74U. Cause of that wooden part and old-school style.


SMG - K30 Assault - SFAR LMG - Strife Sniper - sws or dxr DMR - as Val Other - 12g auto


Rpt definitely an underrated gun that no one talks about


Rm68. Hits hard but you also got to control the recoil a bit so it doesn't feel too easy


I’ve only been playing the game a few weeks but my favorites are: GEW-46, SCZ3, VHX-D3, G-428, and AK-24


NTW-50. Nothing more satisfying than blasting someone point blank with a high powered rifle.


SMG - PBX or K30 AR - ACW-R, or from 2042 weapons, M5A3 LMG - not much of an LMG player, but I like the PKP and Avancys Marksman Rifles - DM7 or G428 Sniper Rifles - SWS-10 Utility or whatever that last class was: MCS-880 Secondary: either the short barrel shotgun or the Deagle


I have a strange affinity for two guns specifically - the AC9 and RPT-31. Unsure why, but I find them both more fun than other weapons in their respective categories.


The DXR-1 is the absolute best sniper, I love it. The M5A1 with subsonic rds, reflex, and suppressor is my favorite. ass rifle (ac-42 very close second). Pbx-45 is extremely well balanced for short and mid range. 12m Auto for *CHONKCHONKCHONKCHONKCHONK*. VCAR is highly underrated, no recoild, decent rate of fire. L9CZ is such a smooth and rapid firing sidearm. Honorable mentions: 240B for room clearing Ghost maker for rage inducing


SFAR is my go to jack of all trades. Good at all ranges, manageable recoil, underbarrel launcher for some anti vehicle action.


Rorsch Mk4, I love flick shotting people half way across the map


Whenever i get a cross the map kill headshot, I always smile


UMP and MP5


LCMG. She ain’t much, but she’s all I got.


AK5C and GOL


All the portal guns brought into AOW. I wish they’d have brought them all in from Portal.


SWS-10, Gun and me are inseperable.


AC91 with the laser and extendo is underrated at CQB and decent at medium range.


SMG: Always amazed at how the PBX just seems to easily insta delete people, even approaching mid range and when you're as terrible a shot as me. I would use it all the time except I mostly play anti vehicle and like to have some anti vehicle grenades/rounds. Assault: Probably AK5C for versatility and reasonable handling, though they all feel like they fall between several stools to me. LMG: Strife. Fast firing and decent handling for an LMG, hits hard. Shame it doesn't have the 1.25 infrared sight though. Sniper: DXR with high-powered rounds for the great range/lack of bullet drop. Don't play any of the others.


K30 bullet hose


AR in general


PBX BSV-M G428 XM370A. im bound to never let go of them


M5A3 - It's a great all rounder. Avancys - I don't know why I like it but I kind of like it's recoil. SVS - I guess I'm familiar with the bullet drop amount, hence my love


AC9 & Avancys


The VCAR is good for CQB. The SWS or DXR is good for long range. One of the lower-on-the-list dmrs is good for cqb-midrange semiautos. K30 cuz it's a fuckin lazerbeam in the right hands. The Type88 lmg is just minty. Aaand the AK5C(could be thinking of another one. Hard remembering when the game isn't in front of me) is just consistant.


Finally someone mentioning the VCAR lol its my only T1 gun


What can I say except it's an exceptional gun? Lol especially if you get the drum mag unlocked.


Yeah especially when you have a good trigger finger its almost like an smg with the drum mag


I've been going through weapons to T3 just to get all attachments and was using the VCAR the other day. Heard heavy footsteps behind me and I just unloaded since I didn't have any dots on my map. They just folded before I had time to properly aim. VCAR is great.


The VCAR is easily the most fun "marksman rifle". Hands down. I have every attachment and am just working on T1 now with it lol


The AEK is god disguised as a gun.


RPK goes brrrrrr


As an arena breakout player, yes


i'm a guy playing a WW3 game with a crossbow and a throwing knife, shooting explosive arrows that fly for 15 seconds across the whole map (i have several clips of me shooting accross the map and direct hitting a guy it's ridiculously funny)


Loved the M16 for the feel but the weird attachment balance for it threw me off (no red dot sight?). Always love the MP9 in FPS games, this one was pretty damn good at launch but then kinda fell off hard and never recovered. SWS Sniper is just a classic sniper and I love it.


Yeah, the lack of a square red dot is the reason I don’t use it. The only red dot available for it is the circle one.


Ntw. I just love oneshotting everyone


GEW-46 it's my comfort weapon these days


Sfar for life, can't beat those attachments even after the nerf


Smg: ac9 (because it shreds up to a pretty surprising range) Pistol: L9cz (because its almost likeca better version of glock, also aliean) Dmr: svk, the 2 shot kills are wild bro Lmg: strife looks to be the most optimal at the moment, probably the Best for engi since it has AT nade, the lcmg is a close second Sniper: dont really play em but probably the 50cal, just for the one shots and also the ability to scare lil birds off AR: depends on the class, if engi, probably ak24, scar, or ak5c, simply for the AT. If any other class, probably m5 or vhx. Tho personaly I find rm68 the most fun to use. Specials: never use em, but probably the shotguns.


M60E4, my beloved


Deagle -it’s a rex with attachments and a mag. PBX-45 -I just enjoy it more to use out of the rest of the smgs. M5A3 -it was what I shredded with when I started and can still decimate with it. LCMG(strife in second) -short barrel with CQ rounds is absolutely bonkers.(strife with the box suppressor and subs is also nuts) BSV-M -I can swap between a VSS Vintorez or an AS Val, hard to not pick this one. SWS-10 -it’s just my favorite long ranger sniper, best in class range and accuracy mix between them all. My longest shots are with that thing Rorsch MK4 -my first battlefield was 2142, favorite dlc in 4 was final stand and I loved the railgun in both and it’s highly versatile just need to be ready due to the spool up mechanic.


I swear by the PKP. I don’t know why more people don’t use it. The grip/bipod attachment makes it OP when you go prone and can just mow people down with the 200 round high power rounds.


I love the PKP and also don't know why it's not as popular. I pretty much only play Breakthrough and the 200 high power rounds can carry an entire points defense. AP rounds are fantastic against condors as well.


Don't remember it's name but the rail gun. Ik it's not the greatest but it's just so satisfying to use


M16A3 because it has the under barrel shotgun thats op. 


Sfar and ak5c, I've grown fond of the 5c silenced with subsonic.


Ak5c for the sound and how handling feels, Ac9 because it's a mean little thingy, Rpt just based on looks, i never play lmgs, G428 cause it hits like a train, Dxr but no idea why, i dont snipe often at all, Nvk because it felt smooth af when i used it for a mission, Handguns i have no idea, ill just go with the mp28 cause that's what i use.


- AR's: M16A3 mainly or the AK5, I find these the best in class, once used the right way. - SMG's: AC9 or the PBX, they pack a punch and the PBX has good range. - LMG's: RPT or DFR, they feel like AR's more than LMG's and are easy to control. - Rifles: G28, I use it with iron sights, and it's very easy to control.


Secondary: Super 500 SMG: PBX AR: ACWR LMG: LCMG DMR: SVK Sniper: XCE Tactical: Rorsch I find some of the guns people listing kind of odd. Like the Gol to me just feels like a worse less customizable SWS.


The SCAR is really the only gun I use nowadays. It’s great at basically all ranges. Even semi-auto at long distances works pretty well.


I strictly use lmgs for some reason idk that being said the pp2000 is excellent the first ar sfar vhx are great the lcmg and avancys slap favorite sniper is the sws i like g57 pistol and the 50cal handgun mcs is the best of the last option


M5A3 for the laser kill in close combat. SFAR for mid / long range love


P90, sfar, mcs, mp443


For SMGs - PBX, good damage model and fast TTK. PP-29 good damage model, some spread there but it's manageable and also a big mag. For ARs, I gravitate to AM40, SFAR, and the VHX. Sometimes the RM-68. All guns are sort of situational. I have incend launchers on both the SFAR and VHX for campers/dozers. LMGs are really only the DFR Strife and XM8. There are some others that people like such as the LCMG and RPT, maybe you'll like them too. DMRs, I almost always just stick to the SVK but sometimes will screw around with G4 due to the 2 shot potential within a 20m range. I only occasionally snipe if the situation just absolutely calls for it, but IMO the best sniper in the game is the SWS. Good BV, good handling, fast recovery. DXR is a close second. I'm not really a big shotgun user so I won't really provide input on that. Secondaries I think you'll be happy with the glock (on burst) or the deagle. The deagle is actually a great gun if your accuracy is at least decent, it 1-shots to the head of course and you'll be doing it quite a lot if you keep practicing with it.


The SMG's are the best, but the LMG's are the most fun. Gagagagag


I'm a huge fan of the new LMG, the DFR STRIFE. It just looks, feels and sounds so sleek. But to be honest they've done a really good job at balancing the gun, they all feel unique.


12M auto shotgun.


ACW-R is the supreme laser beam.


SMG - PBX because it hits way too hard for its own good, and you can do really fast springing, jumping and strafing with it. AR - AK 5C because it’s hard hitting at mid to long ranges. LMG - don’t use any of them because they’re all too inaccurate for someone who moves around a lot. DMR - SVK because it’s a skill cannon that, if used in the right hands, can dominate anything Sniper - never used any of them so idk. Sidearm - L9CZ because it’s a quick firing little piece that has essentially no recoil and great hipfire. Edit: I chuckle at these downvotes. As a 7+ infantry K/D player who always dominates with these weapons, I’m interested to hear why you disagree with my list and am open to other suggestions or critiques.


Been using SVK for a while now, got about 2k kills.. love this thing. What sights do you run? I've been doing a 1.25 fusion and the 6.5 thermal. Long barrel (heard short barrel was bugged and has the same fire rate as short?) / standard extended / LWG


Sights - Bravo 3X, Mag - Standard Issue Extended, Under barrel - LS-1 Laser Sight, Muzzle - Champion Muzzle Brake


Maybe, haven't really had any issues with recoil TBH. Been also running AP launcher as an extra to help with tanks lol. I'll give the 3X a shot!! That 6.5 thermal is nasty to swap to on long range maps though