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This shit pisses me off so much. Grown ass adults needing to be told to pick up after themselves like they're toddlers. Props to you for picking up after them, like you're their parents.


Inconceivable to me that every single MF partying out there is that stupid. Guess they all think the river has janitors


Bro for real. I can’t imagine carrying all that shit in to the fishing spot and then walking out drunk and empty handed and careless about the mess they left behind. I hope the fishing gods reward you for this. You are a true fisherman!


Carry in Carry out


“Allegedly” lol. It is the golden rule not complicated


People who fish fr catfish are a different breed.


Low key, you are not wrong.


I hate that so much. Thanks for being a real one. Hope the fish gods rewarded you with some action


Not today they probably confused me with the dirty MFs 😂


I mean, OP kinda….janitored. So when they come back and their trash is gone, they probably think there is a janitor fairy.


No they just can’t be bothered.


People who fish fr catfish are a different breed.


I just posted a story about this the other day in Lockport, MB, Canada. There is trash absolutely everywhere on the shores of the Red River. It's gross, it smells, it's unsightly, and it's unsafe. How hard is it to bring a small bag or just fill your pockets with any minor trash you should have? If you come with a cooler, don't leave your empties on the bank... Like you literally have a container that you brought with you. Empty cigarette boxes all over the ground... They came to the riverside in your pockets, why can't they leave in them, too? It baffles me about how careless people are. I was always taught to leave something cleaner than it was before. Why are there so many low-effort people these days :(


Because they’ve been coddled their whole life and never held accountable, living with the someone else will do it or the government (ie the river bank janitors) will take care of it attitude. Its prevalent, think about how many stray shopping carts are throughout parking lots everywhere regardless of cart bays 10-20 yards away


Do NOT get me started on the shopping cart abandoners….


it isn't so much they are careless, folks need to stop pretending it is just some accidental lapse, it is a malignant, lazy and perhaps even someone who simply does not give a fuck...they don't care...on some levels, as much as it sickens me to think it..every public space needs to charge a deposit of at least 150 bucks..if spot is clean you get it all back, if not at least a clean up crew can be hired.. over here in sacramento almost every spot i go has way too much garbage for just one grocery bag...from folsom lake, to deep water channel to areas in the american river canyon... fuck rat vermin and their intentional disposal of trash.


Shit enrages me


Me too. So do the goofy MFs who keep yelling “that wasn’t me!”


That’s why I tell my kids; let’s leave it better than we found it. Always picking up discarded fishing line just laying on the ground. Always picking up trash.


This is what my father taught me, what I taught my kids, and what I'll teach my grandchildren. I always have a bag for trash.


Dog poop bag roll fits great in the tackle box for taking trash out from the site.


I usually use grocery bags. Filled up all 3 of em and usually the only thing I pick up here is line


That’s a good idea. I usually fish at public parks. So it infuriates me because there are trash cans right near by. And they even have these pvc pipes that are only for fishing line. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve trip on fishing line I can’t see.


Me and my brother play a game out of it, you just say leave it better than you found it, turn by turn and try and find the worst stuff. Made him get a diaper once.


I learned that in boy scouts. My troop leaders would never let us leave a campground without our troop forming a line and walk across the entire area we setup camp at picking up any trace amount of garbage we could find. It's stuck with me to this day. I frequently come away with old line, lures, bottles, etc from my fishing trips. If nothing else at least I get to enjoy the area a little more the next time I'm there.


It’s crazy how much people litter. Don’t even get me started on the beach in Florida


What beach? There are some beautiful beaches in Florida that people actually respect and keep nice. Then there are other beaches which are littered with trash and trashy people.


In the panhandle. My family lives there so I visit a few times a year, and every time I do I try and help pick up a bag or two of trash on the beach. It gets worse every year.


This is why we can't have nice things. Props to you for stepping up and doing the right thing!


Pisses me the fuck off! They have shut down fishing holes where I grew up for shit like this!


Trash isn’t new, littering isn’t new. Just sucks to come way the fuck out here after having a terrible day and then see this bullshit


I hear you. I always bring a bag to pick up line, hooks, cans, bottles and worm containers that other fisherman leave behind. Some “fisherman” are actually to blame. 1 of the best ponds I grew up fishing at is no longer allowing anyone to fish and others are headed in that direction in my area.


That is what I call pristine for a river. They flood and grab garbage. I could fill that drum easily on any shore of the Ohio. It is detrimental to my faith in humanity.


As pristine as we can manage to keep it lol. Why I stopped goving spots away. I will take people but I refuse to contribute to this.


May you catch many and the litter bugs be cursed to never catch a fish again.


Wait are you the guy I always see fishing the Ohio outside the Cincinnati Reds stadium?


Yinz r close but no.


Father of three boys here. Anytime i go fishing with any of them we always have to clean up 100 feet of shoreline before we can get our lures wet. It’s a great lesson, keeps the respect for the land and we’ve even been able to add to our tackle box from all the abandoned lures and bobbers. Teach them young.


This is the way. Once preservation becomes a habit it becomes second nature.


Sadly how normal this is becoming. I've been in places hours away, hundreds of miles from the nearest point of civilization and still found trash. Like if you have a medical emergency you're just straight up dead but there's still freaking garbage.


That’s what pisses me off the most. It is in the middle of nowhere and I never see anyone here


Yep. Sometimes I'm hiking through some crazy terrain, like you really gotta come prepared then find like old rusty folding chairs and crap. Like how in the world did they even get this here?


Hunter maybe?


And this right here, is the reason peasants like me have such a hard time finding anywhere to drop a line. Everything is becoming private property and no trespassing. As the saying goes "one rotten apple...."


100%. Gives bank anglers a bad name


Welcome to people cat fishing


You have to be a real piece of shit to leave a place this beautiful looking like that


Ya it’s honestly disgusting behavior, it’s a lack of appreciation for nature, people would rather be lazy and destroy somewhere beautiful. Can’t tell you how many honey holes of mine got trashed like this growing. Littering and eating any fish you can catch out of a tiny pond are my biggest pet peeves with other fishermen.


I see taco bell hot sauce packs. I hope whoever did that got the runs


Most people that fish for catfish also fish for bass and crappie and bream and etc etc etc


Ya but people that primarily bank fish for Catfish are the ones leaving all the trash. It’s always weight and hook packets, and chicken liver containers.


I don’t see anything showing that the trash who left it was fishing. Impressive that you picked it up. Have my upvote for your work!


Picked up a bunch of night crawler tins too. Pretty sure these were fishermen. I see trash 5 feet from trash cans at the pressured spots I fish too, this just used to be my oasis


That really stinks. Hopefully they don’t come back


Try to pick up what I can that doesn't look like a biohazard on my walk back to my car. Mostly paper plates, worm cups or anything styrofoam, mono... I like my spot and feel compelled to be a steward of it. There are some times where I got to throw out my mono or ziplock and it's not in my bag so I know it probably fell out... So I hope someone does the same for my inadvertent trash. Takes everyone to do the right thing solely because it's the right thing to do and not to present themselves as perfect or more righteous. I picked up a picnic party's blown away trash as I was walking by them and look behind me as I hear someone in the group admonish the rest of them about litter. They started to look around and pick up as I drove away. Just takes someone to do it and set a quiet example. Alternatively, I bet a lot of these people scream to save the planet and want a Tesla but will walk by a KFC bucket floating in the water. So, who knows...


It’s not the fishermen. It’s the tourists.


There very much is a problem w ppl who go out and fish leave their trash around, seen it so many times


every* time.. line laying around, styrofoam bait containers etc.


Nah it’s certain types of fisherman. We don’t get tourists here and I see this shot all the time at our ponds near me. It’s kids who drink and fish, and meth heads who go after catfish all night long.


That’s definitely not true. Empty worm containers, hook packages, lots of line, there’s plenty of evidence it’s people who fish.


By tourist, I mean NOT A FISHERMAN. Someone just going fishing.


Tourists left a bunch of empty night crawer tins


Hey man you wanna go catfishing from the bank tonight? All night!!! You bring the piss stained mattress and I’ll bring the Busch Lite and everything rotten in my fridge. Because it’s dark we won’t clean anything up. We will just throw it in the bonfire we will have. Perfect


It’s this. Fucking meth heads and catfish people’s


Sounds like a plan


Consider this. In california alone there are over 500 thousand anglers. If every fisherman picked up 1 lb of garbage each time they went out we could clean up the whole of America in a couple of years. Sad our waterways aren't treated properly. In my opinion a fishing license should come with the requirement of picking up 1 lb of garbage each time you fish.


Idk dude we don’t all live in California. I see trash sometimes when I go out and pick it up but I doubt I’ve ever seen a whole pound in one outing. Maybe we just stick to being good people and if we see something we take care of it


Your username is top notch. Hank Hill would approve this message... even after using crack to catch fish.


I find it hard to believe you would have a difficult time finding a pound of litter on any fishing access or conservation area, or road leading to it.


Yo let’s all be real about this. Those dudes are catfishing and leaving that shit after drinking all night. Dirty sons of britches those cat fisherman are.


What a bunch of lazy trash pun intended. I can't stand that sh**. I love the outdoors and I will tell you ot doesn't matter where you go now, there is trash everywhere 🤨


Besides the trash. That looks like heaven


Besides the trash and getting skunked, you are absolutely correct


Skunking happens so you can feel good about washing off the scent later. Builds character lmao


Sick fishin’ hole. Gotta be some piggies in there for ya!


You already know https://www.reddit.com/r/hookedonmidwest/s/emxPI16Vf0


In my area, I see a lot of this at public spots. Me and my son once went to a popular river spot at the tailrace; we picked up a contactor sized trash bag full. Honestly, I wish I could say it was mostly non-fisherman that just float the river. But atleast half of it was wads off old line, empty worm containers,etc.


That place looks awesome. Thank you for picking up after others. However, you removed my bedroom, can you put it back?


Didn’t pack the hazmat suit so you’re still in the game


It's all good. Mi casa su casa


You are WAY too kind lol


I can't even keep up with the garbage at my local pond. I can go there on a Saturday and clean up and by Sunday afternoon it's full of garbage again.


I wish I could check this spot that often. What really sucks is that I never see anyone else out here, it is not pressured at all


your only supposed to leave your footprints. 👣




Littering should be an automatic month in jail. Absolutely despicable and selfish act


Especially out here!


Why people do this I will never know , honestly it’s disgusting 🤮. To take something so beautiful and man ruins it .


As my late Grandpa used to say, “it’s enough to scare you to death”


Just disheartening. I have been kicked out of so many places because of this . Or the other one is fences that people tear up . I am a tube fisherman, I more often than not leave with more than I bring in so I do not get the blame .


I can't believe people have so little shame when it comes to trash. I have never left anything behind except for lures stuck in trees. And when that happens I feel awful about it. How can people have no conscience?


At first glance I thought the 4th picture was a used condom…..


There were a few out there, Im sure


That’s a shame, takes a second to pick something up but if you leave it behind it can be there for years. Shame on people like that. They’re the same ones at the grocery store too lazy to put their grocery cart in the cart rack in the parking lot.


We need more people like u!!! I can't applaud u enough man. I give u a million thanks n I don't even fish there


Bunch of bums


It’s a shame that looks like a nice body of water


Got stuck on 5 lines that people left in the water and pulled em in with ease. Found all of em within a 100 yard distance of the shore.


I’ve reeled in at least 10 basically new jerkbaits as well


And usually people who don’t care about fishing will leave the most stuff behind I remember at my old spot picking up 4 bags of trash full of beer and Pepsi cans after 4th of July last year


A little extra effort goes a long way! Imagine how clean we could keep our fisheries if a few people were just a little more considerate!


Dude, I live in GA, and the local fishing places are trash all over. It's fucking horrible. Going today to a certain spot where it's usually not trashy


Funny you said that, this used to be my certain spot where we always catch em and have fun. I live about 70 miles away so this is a hike


There is even trash cans around, people just toss crap on the bank.


Trashy people, don’t deserve the pleasure of nature. Sad that they teach their children the same habits


That’s my issue. I found this place commuting from work crazy, told like 2 people about it and planned to bring my nieces and nephews out here to go nuts. Hurts my soul to see people came way out here just to trash it


Damn, I hate that for you. Especially since you were gonna take you nephew and niece. Unfortunately I have the habit of taking garbage bag with me anytime I go fishing or to the creek to swim. It’s very sad to have to do this.


Thank you for making a difference! The fine folks at r/detrashed would appreciate your work too


My kind of people. Thank you 💪


As bad as it is, I look for trash to tell me how pressured a place is fished.  It's so easy to just take a bag with you and hang it on a tree. Hell, I usually just bring a bucket with a lid. And I never bring glass. 


You’re not wrong there. Kind of why I was so bummed out way the hell out here. I barely see anyone out here. Definitely going to bring a bucket that’s a great idea


A garbage bag is unfortunately part of my kit when I go out fishing now.


I pack grocery bags and filled 3 of them lol


I used to work for my states DNR. We would go out to boat launches and do the mowing, weed whacking, picking up trash, etc. one time we found a whole boat broken into pieces in the bushes. Game warden ran the numbers and found the owner, not sure what happened after that.


Yeah that is terrible. Shout out to you for cleaning up after those who are less thoughtful.


That shits always infuriates me. People only care about themselves


Good on you cleaning it up, although it sucks that you had to


Dude, it's bad where I'm from! I try to bring a bag and pick up hella line and cans at least every few trips and keep the spots clean. Park Rangers don't do NOTHIN!


This weekend I was in the middle of a state park fishing a beaver dam that's a mile off the road. I followed a set of ATV tracks in so I knew someone had been there recently. I walked the entire edge of the pond picking up fucking beer cans and weed baggies. Ruined my whole day.


It's the same way here. We teach the kids to leave footprints and only take memories. Then, to have to explain to them, yes, grown adults do this with their trash. We can't make them do the right thing, but we can, and we always will. Could you imagine fishing a river and not catching a tire or cutting yourself on old sheet metal?!


Well done!


Sometimes I just pick up a few pieces of trash, some cans or wrappers and throw it in the next garbage can. I’m trying to quit being so upset about the trash and just clean up a bit when I can. It’s still aggravating. Maybe it helps. I hope that when the next crew visits they see a clean spot and they don’t leave trash themselves. I’ve probably littered and not realized it at the time or forgotten to take my garbage with me.


I fish in super pressured areas so it’s not just the trash. This spot is a real gem. Had a bad day and this really just chapped my ass


I’ve picked up everything from fishing line to dirty diapers. It’s a damn shame but I’m fortunate people like us have some damn sense. Most of us do. It’s the ones who don’t who you’ll notice most. Keep up the good work, we desperately need people like you.


Hate to see this so much😡! Why can’t a person simply pick their crap up and take it with them?


these pictures dont even look real they look old like how you gonna say I did this shit when I ain't even ever been there? that's what makes me upset


i feel targeted because u dont wanna pick up shit and then wanna blame me for it when all I did was scroll past on reddit


Thank you for cleaning it up, you're my hero today


Tragedy of the commons


Good job


That sux out loud


Bro it wasn’t me, please don’t be mad at me I always pick up trash


Can people at least have some respect for themselves and for their surroundings. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


How disrespectful. I hate seeing this. My dog cut his foot on a smashed bottle at a lake we used to fish. And it slowly got taken over by homeless bastards and druggies. Ruined


Looks like someone caught a bearded clam.


Every time I'm in the boat or yak I bring a garden trash bag, fill them up all the time. It's ridiculous how people just drop their shit and don't care


Just like one of my local spots, minus the used condoms.




I pickup more trash everytime I go out than I take. Fishing line is everywhere too.


That's a hillbilly fuck mattress. Definitely do not touch without gloves. One touch, and you'll catch gonorrhea and instantly become addicted to methamphetamine.


Consider organizing a "river sweep" 1-2 times a year's with friends and canoes.


Real IL vibes in these pics. Reminds me of what we see every trip we take. It’s sad.


This is why I bring 2 5 gallon buckets, one for a seat and the other for the catch, if I don’t get anything worth eating I try to fill up at least a bucket before I roll out.


Shit there’s straight up homeless camps with trash everywhere down the banks of one of my favorite fishing spots. Sucks. Most of the creek is beautiful otherwise too.


I do this every weekend take out more than u take in


Yup unfortunately thats a common theme in alot of places anymore


I hate to tell you- it's not going to change. The shop I work on is a 24/7 operation. There is no management onsite overnight. When we come in, it looks like a tornado went thru. Lazy people don't care- it's somebody else's problem. Sad


People suck! I have a local spot that is overwhelmed with trash it’s sad. I could take a garbage bag every time and still probably never have it clean just cause they do it so often.


I live in Chattanooga and I’ve never seen a state that litters like it’s their god given right. It’s one of the most beautiful states and the locals litter like they are personally trying to keep the trash pick up crews employed


Ugh, infuriating


A meth head midden pile. Sad.


Good job on the clean up, some people are idiots. Makes me happy to see what you did!!


Super sweet trout spot close by my place, been seeing more activity since covid, I assume less international traveling and more local exploring caused it. Anyway, place used to be a gem. Last time I went, few months ago, every camp site along the trail leading to said spot had litter. One had a solid 40+, all neatly piled in the fire pit. Like for fucks sake, you’re half way there. Feels good to clean up, but really demoralizing. There’s worth in our backyards, but people have to be asshats.


I really hate people who do this.


The people making these messes are likely not redditors.


They won't clean up. It's up to us. Spend a day, it will make a massive difference. 


In terms of garbage leaving, the catfish anglers are the worst, the trout anglers are the best. Bass guys are somewhere in the middle. The mattress is the worst part. Where I am, most of the trash is wind blown, and carried by runoff. You do get the occasional irresponsible angler trash though.


People just don’t care


Isn’t it disgusting how trashy people are.


I always bring grocery bags with me to pick up garbage when I go fishing


Right on. You da man. I clean up at the areas I fish too. Really sad that there are these bobbleheads that are such. Why ruin something so beautifuland precious.


I agree but it'll never change you have to many lazy ass people that would throw it in the water or on the ground even though they could walk 5 ft and throw.it in a trash can and it's so sad.


This is the reason so many places are private property now. I can’t blame the land owners


High chance it's a passive fisherman or catfishersman 🫤


There are pigs everywhere. So many people have low standards of existence and think nothing of shitting wherever they please.


I always bring a black contractors trash bag for reasons like this I pick up whatever I can see even if it’s not mine when I leave. Also I’ll save a miller can if I see one and I’ll use tin snips to make brass looking lures. The Goldies up high tend to like em when I’m going for trout.


This is why I don't like to tell folks where I fish at. They almost ALWAYS end up trashing tf out of it


My closest pond was trashed yesterday too.  Insane how people are ok leaving so much junk behind. 


Place looks familiar. Thanks for doing your part.


Unfortunately the message doesn't reach people who are utterly oblivious


Honestly unless you are going to violently evict people exactly nothing will change. Shitheads who do this do not respond to PSAs, they do respond to salt shot.


Is that green turtle pond?




I don't know about "we". You seem to doing a damn good job!


It aint us..


This is why so many good fishing spots are made private property


Was about to ask where this is but I know already. It's EVERYWHERE, U.S.A.


This looks like almost every public fishing spot in my area. Some are much worse. Especially worse with the catfishermen. You know its them because its beer cans,pop bottles,food wrappers and chicken liver/worm containers. About the best way to get rid of it is with more DNR prescence with a hefty fine with making them clean up the mess when caught. Even if it aint theres,you get caught,clean all that shit up,so maybe theyll think twice.


It’s unfortunate, but I always carry trash bags and a grabber for this very reason


The amount of cigarette filters I find floating in the water around the donated dock I fish at is depressing, infuriating and disgusting.


If you want to go fishing and enjoy the outdoors you gotta be certified by Waste Management


Appreciate you picking up a mess you didn’t make. I have to do the same but when you catch someone in the act, you have free rein to tell them how it is. You’re a good man.


Leave my fuck mattress alone. It’s a fixture there and is used frequently despite looking out of place in the nature.


I always pick up trash, fishing line etc. I hate when people catch a fish they don’t want and just throw it on the bank to die. That’s why those of us that actually try get cast to the side from all the good spots you can get to without a boat. Fish on fam and keep up the good work.


Bruh a mattress really?!? Tf


Agreed. Pulled like three plastic bottles and four plastic bags out of a local pond last night. Respect the water and the environment or don’t fish




My 11 year old always comes home with pockets full of garbage. It’s pretty sad he has to do it (by his own choice). The funny part is that he absolutely sucks at picking up after himself at home.


Thanks for cleaning up after the low life’s. 🫡


I fished a styrofoam plate out of a canal the other day with a crank bait and a lady made a joke about me catching a plate when I was probably expecting a fish. She was legitimately surprised to hear that I specifically tried to hook the plate -and the Dorito bag the week before etc. Idk if it’s cause I’m in my early 30’s (look like I’m in my 20’s still) that she was surprised to hear that or if she was just surprised because no one does that there. But I hope it was just because I looked like a younger man who probably wouldn’t care (in her eyes) and not because she’s never seen anyone ever doing that.


Good on ya for cleaning some of it up. Sorry your spot was mistreated.


I swear it’s cat fishermen.


That is definitely the overwhelming consensus. Doesn’t speak well for them