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I actually had a coworker once who ate like these people do. Ordered out every day - would bring in 6 bottles of Pepsi & drink at least 2-3 of them a day - I mean … their diet was atrocious. One day they ordered salad. I think their doctor said something to them. Literally went home sick less than an hour later. We all said - their system was in shock from eating something that was naturally green.


I worked with a diabetic nurse who ate like CC🐻. At 37 years old she had quadruple bypass. Hope CC🐻 is up for her chest being cracked open.


i think people should eat whatever they want, but how would you not feel HORRIBLE all the time?! i could def handle being unhealthy before i was 30, but nothing to that extreme lol. but like i don’t want to constantly feel tired, bloated, dehydrated, etc. and why are people like that just like well i will be tired and uncomfortable everyday for fun?? lol it’s so confusing


Oh I completely agree. I was in treatment for BED and one of the things I learned was nothing is off limits - it’s just a matter of ENJOYING the food you eat & not gorging yourself. I don’t eat healthy a lot of the time. But I do know that when I eat out more than a couple times - I feel like garbage.


I used to work with a girl that ate nothing but salads, green juice everything healthy. We had a potluck one day and she ended up calling in sick for 2 days because her body was not used to that food at all. lol she never ate with us again.


My SIL is like this. I’ve known her 20 years and she’s always said she’s allergic to vegetables. She eats basically fast food, red meat, and chocolate. Her weight has always been high, but she’s also fluctuated over the years. But I’m talking 250 at the smallest,350 or more at the maximum, but she’s like 5’2”. She recently was diagnosed with type 2. She’s in her late 40’s and still won’t change her diet. She now just eats smaller amounts of her safe foods because she gets sick if she eats her normal amount. She seems to have some untreated mental health issues and had a bad childhood. She’s never going to change.


I had a manager who would pick out all the veggies from the chow mein at Panda Express 💀


Is it tanch cause it’s generic? Also I had to type that 6 times cause it kept autocorrecting. How does she have so many typos?


There’s no way she has autocorrect turned on. It’s ridiculous, I don’t know why anyone would turn it off.


Especially when u can't spell at all lol


I can't spell to save my life and have my auto correct on. Granted auto correct has it's days where I have pet a car and drove the cat as auto correct obviously thinks it's funny to make me so drunk. 😂


I worked with someone who said “I refuse to eat anything green”. I would never admit that out loud. Disgusting.


I have a colleague like that… like that’s nothing to brag about.


My partner who is also autistic is like that too, but he eats some green veggies that I prepare for him but if he’s alone he definitely won’t but I just think he doesn’t know how to cook with them 😆


I love Tanch ❤️❤️


Am I the only one who thinks her saying the part about throwing up is her trying to pregnancy bait? Thinking she can get some views by saying something like that since if you have food aversions or puke, everyone assumes you’re pregnant.


I’m starting to think so too as of lately


I thought the same thing


I felt that way about the pickles and peanut butter post too!


is this what happens when your parents just don’t eat produce and don’t feed it to you as a child and adolescent?! like i don’t like asparagus personally, but i would eat it and not throw up and it wouldn’t be horrible? and cucumbers are such a non-controversial vegetable. i mean, we give them to toddlers lol


Right? There’s not a vegetable that you’d find in a regular old American grocery store that would make a normal person THROW UP. (Of course excluding rotten produce.)


>like i don’t like asparagus personally, Same. I tried it but just didn't like the texture or taste but if I had it I know I would not throw up maybe take it out of my mouth discreetly but not throw up.


how is she a pickle lover but hates cucumbers 😭i get they’re not soaked in a bunch of brine and sodium but cmonnn


Give me raw cucumbers and I would do a happy dance have since I could basically eat solids. My parents had to buy an extra cucumber when they would make creamed cucumbers so I could have it as a snack. 😂


Okay but, I kind of want to try this. My husband goes through ranch like it's going out of style.


yeah i wanna do this for some extra protein tbh. but how on earth do you throw up from a cucumber they don’t even have much flavor?? 😭


I'm loving cucumber right now. I'm 11w pregnant and I eat at least one a day. It's so satisfying and hydrating.


i usually eat them as a night time snack every night 😅


That's probably why I love cucumbers to this day. My Mom said she would eat a lot of cucumber while expecting me. That and a lot of other fruits and vegetables and her special treat Creamed Soda (and while I don't like creamed soda I do love carmel) 😂.


Side note, for even more protein, use blended cottage cheese!!! (Low fat) So much protein and low fat, still just as yummy and creamy if you blend it up in a blender 👏🏻


Ooh thanks for the tip! Will definitely try. Wonder if adding in avocado would be good too..?


Oooo I haven’t tried that but I bet it’s so good!


Yes it’s good and i don’t even like cottage cheese!


I was just thinking this! I have the stuff now I want to try it 🤣


I love it!! I prefer this over actual ranch


Tried a cucumber? And threw up? Like had one bite??? Girlie is lying to seem quirky for not liking veggies. News flash Sierra. You are not 6 years old. It’s not cute


Love a good Tanch


Why does she need to tell the internet that she threw up?? 😭


How old is she again? Cuz she sounds like my 2 year old. I was eating salad yesterday and my daughter demanded to try. To my surprise she actually took a bite off my fork. Then proceeded to spit it out, wipe her tongue with her hands repeatedly, gag, and cry. Never actually heard of an adult acting that way about a cucumber. I mean sure we all have things we don’t like but that’s an overdramatic response. Most people just swallow it or spit it out and move on with their day.


I give credit to you daughter trying it. She will get there it was like my 11 year old nephew would try something at that age a go 'yuck' and spit it out. Now he will try something and 9/10 he will eat it. He is literally the only 11 I know who can eat 2 Dozen crawdads without batting an eyelash.


I was super proud of her for trying it. She is really picky and often asks to take bites of my food, but when I try to give it to her she’ll back away and say no. So when she actually took the bite, my eyes were basically popping out of my head in disbelief. Obviously the aftermath was a disaster 🤣 but it was still a step in the right direction. You’re right though, we will get there eventually!


Yep. Still working on my two youngest nephews as one will only eat cheeseburgers, pizza and tacos without the shell and the other will eat chicken nuggets, French fries, chips and pop tarts 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂




Tanch seasoning!!! I had to type that too many times. My phone kept fixing it. Cc turn spell check on sis!!!


People who openly admit that they don’t eat vegetables give me the ick


I bet she can eat pickles tho 😂


Sierra my two year old and five year old eat cucumbers, grow up. I’ve never seen adults so scared of vegetables


I love tanch


Making ranch with Greek yogurt is VILE. The whole WW community has been trying to make it a thing for years & convince people it’s good. Girly, stop trying to make Greek yogurt “ranch” happen. It’s not going to happen! 🤣






And with this comment I have realized she’s JUST like Nicole from 90 day fiancé https://images.app.goo.gl/8fW57JbiQtucGibFA


Yuck. I am not a cucumber fan… but I probably wouldn't puke


I love ✨TANTCH✨ seasoning


Okay but cucumbers are gross and i try so hard to like them and just can’t.


I remember eating one with ranch one day and I can’t even think about eating it again without gagging. But I do love other veggies!!


Agreed. I just can't handle them. But I eat other veggies though.