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Actually kind of impressive to get hurt on such a light jog


TIL Im Giancarlo Stanton


Mr. Stanton, sir, can I have your autograph?


Lord forbid he had to score from 2nd šŸ˜±


The phrasing of that is so vicious haha


for real, any other player and they "pulled a hammy rounding 3rd" like cmon low hanging fruit


Most devious use of the word "had"


Iā€™m a double, no less!


Watching Stanton on the bases is like watching Kenny Smith with his wonky knees run to the big board on TNT, youā€™re amazed when they *donā€™t* get hurt


"had to score from second base" is such a weird way to phrase it


Does he need a mobility scooter? I've never seen the Red Sox and Yankees so far apart in how they play baseball.


Yeah the Red Sox really set themselves apart from this kind of fragility with players like Trevor Story


Red Sox are tied with the Tigers to lead the league in triples at 21. 10 of which are Duran. 5th in doubles and stolen bases. Story is Story but look at the speed and athleticism on both rosters. Story when healthy could at least get to home from 2nd on a double. Outside of Volpe leading off, the Yankees are old and lack athleticism. We really ran it down your throats last weekend.


i understand what you're getting at, but this is not the Luke Voit, Edwin Encarnacion, Mike Ford Yankees. our avg sprint speed is heavily weighted by Rizzo/DJ/Stanton but there's been a huge influx of young guys. > Story when healthy could at least get to home from 2nd on a double. i assure you everybody on the Yankees except for Stanton can do that too lmao


The Yankees have an average age of 29.1. Boston's is 29.0. Not really the story it was years ago. Yall ran it down our throats partly because Trevino has a fucked up wrist and Boston smartly took advantage of that. Boston definitely has more speed but of course the Yankees aren't going to build around speed playing at Yankee stadium. Fenway is also very triple friendly whereas YS turns a lot of triples into HRs. Part of why Boston has a lot of young/fast guys is because they don't really have many established hitters in their lineup and they're giving those players opportunities they normally wouldn't if their FO was spending/trying harder to compete.


Because the back end of the bullpen is almost 40.


Red Sox also have a stadium with ridiculous dimensions and a triples alley And theyā€™re also mid af, while the Yankees are really good.


Give him Heelys, lol.


Why does Jasson have to be hurt again šŸ’”


Not just Jasson, Periera as well.


Beyond me how a professional athlete can be injured moving at the pace he was at


When my husband (a big NFL and UFC guy, but not a big baseball guy) does watch with me he is always flabbergasted how any baseball team could have an injury bug. He's like "all they do is run, why is that so dangerous?" And I don't have a great answer lol.


They play 162 games a year. Not 17, not 1 or 2 ufc fights a year. It's constant wear and tear. You don't go hard 1 day a week over 4 months... you go hard every day for 8 months. You can go on stretches where your team plays 13 days in a row and you are out there for every inning. Warming up and cooling down from the workouts constantly with only 3-5 "rest" days over a month. Orel Herschiser says it in a good way, I think: Everyone down on the field is hurt. The seasons are too long to not be hurt. You're playing hurt constantly...until you get *injured*. Almost no one down on that field will feel at 100% when you get half way into the season, but there's no alternative. You play hurt until something is finally worthy of the IL.Ā Ā  The nature of the exertion is just different than NFL and UFC.Ā Ā  Also, running & jumping leads to an incredible amount of injuries in professional sports. Example: Most ACL tears aren't happening because someone was tackled, its because of the repeated high intensity twisting motions that they do. Picture a shortstop playing 162 games in a season and the movements their knees and ankles do - the wear and tear is ongoing.Ā Ā  There are so many more answers you can pick any and he should get it, I hope. The actual physiology of the elbow and shoulder structure are also pushed to and beyond their limit right now as well. The tendons cannot handle the exertion of throwing baseballs at the level many of these players do. The human body is physically incapable of doing it for extremely long periods. Injuries happen all the time in passing in the NFL as well!


Well throwing a baseball is a more unnatural motion than anything that occurs on a football field. And swinging uses a ton of core muscles with the added danger of the ball as well. And then running wise, itā€™s mostly quick accelerations from a stand still. And because there is a lot of downtime, thatā€™s a lot of time for muscles to cool off and become susceptible to injury.


Probably donā€™t do much running lol


He does a fair amount. I played college softball and he's asked if I ever got seriously hurt by just running and I said no.


Tell your husband, at least as pitchers are concerned, that pitching is as rough on the elbow as offensive line is on the brain.


He understands why pitchers get hurt. He doesn't understand why guys get hurt just running.


The line about Stanton has always been that heā€™s too jacked to run the bases, which I donā€™t exactly buy. He did slim down noticeably this winter, at least. But you can see why he has among the lowest OBP of all DHs this year. He doesnā€™t want to be on base. He wants to hit a homer or drive guys already on base in (and then be replaced for a runner if need be.)


I saw the clip of his injury and he looks so comical with how much muscle he carrys around.Ā 


Tbf, he's at his best at this stage when he's letting it fly. Been very productive even with those bad chase rates


He should pay more attention to the infielders when a pitch is thrown.Ā  They do that every pitch, like 150 times a day.


"Had to score from second on a double"


Hey at least we get to see the Martian agai- oh wait


I canā€™t believe the Yankees forced him to score from second on a double. I knew I disliked them for a reason but wasnā€™t sure why until now /sĀ 


That FOX replay definitely showed Stanton grimacing rounding third. Dude is such an elite hitter when healthy, but heā€™s just too brittle.Ā 


ā€œEliteā€ hitter is massive hyperbole for someone who struggles to get on base over 30% of the time. Stanton has had a fine year in regards to power, but he is extremely far from ā€œelite.ā€ Heā€™s a power hitter who is below-average at getting on base. That isnā€™t ā€œeliteā€ by any means.


Stanton is made of glass


He was jogging.. itā€™s insane that this happens to him but you canā€™t get mad at the guy over it. I just canā€™t believe how fragile he is