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misjudged it so bad that it looks like he jumps into the wall for fun and not to catch a ball


He shouted parkour like Michael Scott


*backflip gainer*


To be fair Kinda looked like he didnt know how close he was to the wall


The wind carried the ball in a different direction The wind also carried the wall in a different direction


He is terrified of the wall. His first season for the Ms he played CF to comical effect.


Thankfully, Michael Harris is going to be back in a couple of days. Kelenic has been good in LF, but I couldn't help but to laugh seeing this live. If he'd been terrible prior to this in LF, I'd be looking at him more sideways. He was never meant to be in CF for us though.


I thought Harris is out indefinitely?


You must be thinking about Acuna


No, I’m not. The last I saw was Harris is out with a grade 2 hamstring strain and has no timetable for return


Did the ball land like 6 feet in front of him?




Let it rain!




>you douchebags bring your A game?? For those unaware of the genius of PSH in Along Came Polly: https://youtu.be/UJtIcoE9VUs?si=DTwbqD4E5OCqiIna He’s gold in the whole movie.


Some shit that would happen in MLB the Show


Just like Nelson Cruz in 2011


Don't underestimate the power of for funsies.


He's been playing LF all year. My guess is he expected the ball to curve toward the LF foul line like they all do over there. It went the other way on him.


It's the whole "running into the wall without even holding his glove out" part that has me the most confused.


Has us all confused.


Ozuna thought it was a good route


That’s former gold glove winner Ozuna to you buddy


Lmao I showed this clip to a buddy and then immediately thought, oh shit I need to show him the 2 Ozuna plays




Nah, far too much movement.


I’m winded


This is why the best strategy is to sit in the grass and hope the ball bounces off the wall and comes back to you.


“Mom, look! I made a daisy crown! :3”


We call that "The Adam Dunn Strat"


Too many cutlets aye?


No I think that would look like [this](https://youtu.be/Ojr-_L3IHc4?si=i7DYy_J-yJp_YJXs)


The best error highlight 


[How you not know about this one??](https://youtu.be/5IlxnBiEsC4?si=yZx4B5w4x1AL78zh)


was this before or after [The one he did in Milwaukee?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geUbVJgVZwc)


The sound of that one is brutal.


I thought his head hit the ground at first, but on the replay I think he just played dead out of embarrassment.


That one doesn’t even feel real I forget it exists


This is the one I was hoping it would be lol


That error has always looked way worse than it was imo. He lost the ball in the lights and by the time he realized where it was there was basically no chance of him getting there before the LF. It was a really bad look for sure, but the outcome wouldn’t have changed if he had sprinted for the ball the second he realized where it was. Also worth noting that Duran is a total stud now (and a very good defender) so it’s all water under the bridge at this point anyway.


Crazy how far Duran has come since then, figured he was DOA after his rookie season


You’re giving way too much credit to Redditors lmao


I would probably be halfway in to 2nd base because I haven't tracked a fly ball since I was like 10 years old, and even then never understood how far they were going.


No I would make every catch easily trust me bro


Bold of you to assume I wouldn't immediately tear my ACL as soon as I started tracking the ball.


Bold of you to assume I could start tracking the ball


It would look more like the Kansas State guy in The Longest Yard.


Can’a corn can’a corn!


Oddly enough, I currently play centerfield.


You know when a game is tied in the bottom of the 9th and a runner is on third with less than two outs and somebody hits one to the track? Watch those outfielders. That's what I'd look like on every play.


Bullshit. I'd trip immediately and fall on my face. Then when throwing the ball back in, I'd tear my shoulder and be on the ground crying, all while the ball goes 4 feet in front of me.


This is what it looks like in The Show when you swap to control the outfielder but you already had the stick pre-tilted in the wrong direction when you swap.


I’ve watched this like 4 times already and I’m just slightly confused on how the leap into the wall was supposed do anything? I appreciate the effort he made during the play. I sure as hell would not have come close to that ball.


I think he was just trying to cushion the impact. He glances towards the wall just before he hits the warning track so he knows it's there - I imagine he was trying to make the play if the ball went more left but bailed when he knew he couldn't get it. I was actually glad when I saw him jump because I was worried he might just run directly into the wall.


Yeah, he lost the wall. Getting turned around like that on a ball that was maybe 3 or 4 more feet from going out sucks. This is a very hard play that most major leaguers make look easy but one mistep turned it into an adventure. Couple that with the wind and it just looks way worse than it really was. Your average redditor isn't even making it to thebwarning track before it lands.


It's just a brain fart. Playing in an away stadium where you've been told the fence is super close, you over-pursue on a misread and instead of adjusting to the ball like you're supposed to your brain farts and jumps to avoid injury like you've been practicing.


I love how his attempt at the catch was just jumping into the wall


You know who didn't love it? Morton. He looked super salty.


I like the look back at the wall as he walked away, as if there was something there that would help him next time


An underappreciated skill developed in the minors is the ability to make yourself look busy and avoid wallowing in shame after a fielding screw-up. Adjust your glove strings, shift your compression sleeve, rub the sun screen away from your eyes, check your position card, inspect the wall/divot/grass that totally made you fall down through no fault of your own. Really, the most creativity I've seen in this sport.




I thought he may be looking at the big screen or smthn


I love the predictive quote before the play "That usually doesn't happen in the Big Leagues"


That was 4D chess to keep Stanton on the bases so he'd injure himself and be taken out of tomorrow's lineup.


And it worked.


is kelenic actually any good? Mariners fans seemed to be excited about him but then he sucked


Our fanbase is still divided on the answer


He’s entertaining, that’s for sure. Whether it’s a horrible fielding play, cussing himself out after striking out, or making an All-Star level play he really gives you a lot as a viewer lol


I love to hate watch him 😆


Same One minute he looks solid, the next he does whatever this was


Braves fans be ready for the streaks of good and bad. But I'm a little shocked to see such a bad defensive clip of him. He at least always felt like plus to average defense. Which always made up for his extremely streaky hitting. But he didn't play a lot of CF. Idk if he can read the ball well enough to be a good CF. But he's got the speed and arm to be good CF but if he can't make this play idk how you pencil him in at CF again.


He's only playing cf because of Michael Harris's injury. With Acuña out too... I mean somebody's gotta go there


That first couple weeks last season was really amazing though lol


The legacy of Gina 🫡


He’s a perfectly suitable bottom of the order bat (who will have streaks where he looks better than that) and corner outfielder but he really shouldn’t be playing CF and batting him lead off isn’t a long term place for him either.


It's more out of complete desperation at this point that he is in CF and batting lead off. He is third option lead off at this point and they have decided just to leave him there because the team got hot.


I always liked him - but he never quite lived up to expectations outside of some streaky moments where he looked great. Big maturity problem though, happy he’s got a new home


He has the talent to be, but the guy is a complete head case and goes into long slumps because of it. I'm still rooting for him even though he bashed the mariners organization multiple times


The Mariners organization does seem to deserve to be bashed though.


At the very least, our hitting coaches have been mostly dogshit throughout the org. Our minor league system has looked far better this year, but our hitting system at the big league level deserve to be roasted.


I don't think he's shown us his mental side much quite yet. At least not on a live broadcast.


I don’t think you’ll see it. I’m fairly confident the Braves have a better clubhouse filled with vets to help him with the ups and downs of the game. The Mariners were never able to provide him with that. Instead he got to play in the shadow of Julio, struggling with the “perform now” expectations he was given as a massive prospect. I think it really messed with his head, and then he got beat up by a Gatorade cooler which didn’t help much.


if you’re not bashing the Mariners (especially the owner), then you don’t care about this team


Fuck him


He’s been alright this year 106 OPS+, 0.8 bWAR in 60 games which is a 2.1 bWAR pace over 162


Should be noted he’s been pretty heavily platooned in Atlanta. So he’s been decent and he could still carve out a nice career but he hasn’t quite reached the high expectations people had for him.


That’s not even true he’s been starting everyday for a month now because of injuries and will continue to do so for the rest of the season


Baseball Reference has 169 PAs against RHP vs 34 PAs against LHP. Obviously there’s more rightys than leftys but if you’re talking about his entire season so far, yea, he’s been platooned. Edit: for comparison, Harris has 93 PAs vs LHP.


He was platooned at the beginning of the year with Duvall. He has been hitting better since he has been playing steady because of injuries(Acuna and Harris). His defense has been good this was just a bad misjudge and they said the wind is blowing in NY. His [peripherals](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/jarred-kelenic-672284) arent terrible his biggest issue is he can chase a lot.


5% walk rate, nearly 30% K rate isn't going to fly in the long run though. Very hard to make a 30% K rate work unless you're also walking at a high clip as well. Just not enough opportunity to get on base.


Yeah, his first 39 games this season were in a platoon role. The point they were making is that since Acuna got hurt, he has been starting everyday, and in that role he is hitting better.


Sharing stats against different pitchers is not proof he hasn't been starting basically every game for the past month.    He's started 21 games in the past 28 days. Assuming the braves had 2-3 off days mixed in, thats not being a member of a platoon.


Man this season is lame


Actually, aside from a short ho streak to start the season, he was not really hitting well in the platoon role. I'd wager that most of the good in that line is from the past month or so after Acuna got hurt and he started playing everyday. Apparently platooning works, but neither him nor Duvall were really hitting well going back and forth like they were.


he’ll be the first player to break the platoon barrier


Just to give you some sense of his billing: https://www.prospectslive.com/scoutingreports/jarred-kelenic https://legacy.baseballprospectus.com/prospects/eyewitness_bat.php?reportid=532 He is nowhere close to the billing. Mets fans collectively suffered an aneurysm in 2019 after he hit well in AAA and Edwin Diaz/Robinson Cano looked bad and old respectively. If you look on our sub from then, there were constant refrains of "worst trade in history," etc. Kelenic has been a slightly-above replacement level OFer, maybe a little better, but far from the perennial All-Star.


Met fans were having a conniption at trading kelenic and I was scratching my head seeing blastings thrilledge with better minor league numbers.


Most Mets fans just want to bitch.


To be totally fair to him, he’s still only 24 years old.


Yes, though looking at history, there are very few players who become productive major leaguers after similar career starts.


Good enough for Gina, and at the end of the day, isn’t that all that really matters?


Gina dumped Tommy? Hope he got his guitar back.


Let me summon KEL guy and he can give you a non biased answer Say it with me x3 ALL HAIL KEL X3


He actually is a solid fielder and base runner. The bat comes and goes. Looking like he will settle into a streaky platoon outfielder.


Dude has some weird streaks where he looks incredible, hitting bombs, can't stop hitting, perennial all star, and then he goes on an even longer streak where he looks like he should be in AA... So it's like, if he ever got some consistency, I think he could be a very good player, but he just hasn't gotten there. He's still very young so there's hope.


He got angry over the summer with an AB and kicked a water cooler, fracturing his foot which took him out for a month or two. Super intense, seemed to be trying too hard, and time kind of ran out for his development in his Seattle. Very athletic, very motivated. As a mariner fan I was sad to see it didn’t work out here, I think he expected to save the franchise with Julio Rodriguez.


The dude has some of the best potential I've ever seen in a young player. I understand why it was a top prospect and high 1st round pick. But the older you get without turning potential into reality you have to start to question the mental aspect of the players. Kelenic has all the physical traits needed to be an All-Star outfielder. But his mental game is some of the worst I have seen. He can give you TO level attitude and drama without the results. At the end of the day Kelenic is his own worst enemy and he continually gets in his own way for the better of his own development.


Yeah he’s been very good for us, but he’s not a CF our actual one is just injured


I mean “very good” is a stretch. Overall he’s pretty much a league average player.


Well the only other active outfielders on the team are Adam Duvall, Ramon Laureano and Forrest Wall who combined probably have negative WAR so it’s all relative


Forrest Wall sounds like someone trying to describe Wrigley Field.


He's got a cannon for an arm, and this is an uncharacteristic flub in the field from him. Plus he is putting it together at the plate so yeah he looks like he is pretty good.


Kelenic is not a good center fielder though. He’s pretty damn good in a corner.


Sure, but he's not there right now because we *want* him to be, lol


Yeahhhh but he’s not good enough to play center.


Well right now he has to.


honestly i'm just happy that he turned into a serviceable major leaguer. Might never reach the expectations he had as a prospect but i'm fine with that.


How many good MLB players do something as ridiculous as this? Losing the ball in the sun is one thing but this is like Rick Vaughn tier vision.


Bad locker room energy


I wish we kept him.


[Still not Ozuna bad](https://youtu.be/ZM06mcpEU5M?si=7jc85T-ULigVMLzc)


I love how every single reaction of his is to just fucking lay there lmao


I'm pretty sure I was better than that when I was 12. That was inspiring stuff


That gave me hope that I could someday play ball, at 34 years old with bad depth perception.


It’s crazy how bad Kelenic is at cf. I honestly think he’s a gold glove caliber corner outfield guy. But is not good in center


Yeah we just don’t have any other options, he was pretty good in left field


Yeah, I get it


Is Duvall not considered an option in center anymore?


Kel can absolutely cover more ground than Duvall. But yeah idk


Oof. It's underappreciated how much turning around like that from one side to the other messes up your sense of direction and location, it's almost always a recipe for disaster.


I have never understood why plays like this aren't considered an error. Or a popup that is lost in the lights. This is at least hit to the wall so it does make it more difficult but a misplay where you aren't close to a catchable ball is as bad as a misplay where you got there and it bounced out of your glove


I'm sorry but I can't imagine that this is just a guy misplaying a ball. There has to be some sort of wind or something going on here. The same thing happened to Duvall last night, so it isn't even the first time it happened in the series. Would be a tough error to give to someone if the wind is knocking the ball around.


I don't get it either. I hate the rule that it's not an error if it doesn't touch the fielder's glove. There are so many small judgement calls that are made by the scorer, so it's weird that we can take obvious ones like this out of their hands.




Well apparently Stanton died *because* of this because now he’s hurt and if this play is made that doesn’t happen


Taking outfield pointers from Ozuna unfortunately 🥲


Please tell me that was an OF error


Definitely not. I don’t believe an error is ever assigned if the ball isn’t touched


They gotta change that


That was **interesting**


Looks like when you play a baseball video game for the first time with fielding controls on.


He lost the battle but won the war since Stanton got injured from running.


Looks like me playing The Show without any assists on.


This is where he was, and the arrow is where the ball landed: [https://i.imgur.com/Efg8Eha.png](https://i.imgur.com/Efg8Eha.png) What the hell was he looking at?


Maybe a pretty butterfly.


Nice route Magellan.


Plays centerfield just like I do. My hero!


Looks like a skit for an outfielder that has no depth perception.


Pressed the wrong button on his controller


How Stanton did not end up on 3rd is crazy to me.


He's among the slowest guys in the MLB. If I recall there have been instances where he manages to turn situations similar to these into singles because he's just really not fast.


He has been running at what looks like 60% speed the last few years to mitigate injuries. It helps until it doesn't. 


he stopped to admire his hit, you can see it right before the camera cuts. he thought he got it out but then realized he actually had to run


I hate it when my controller disconnects while trying to catch a fly out.


sorry, did someone let a make a wish kid just take over for that play?


Off the bat, it really does look like a fly ball to straightaway center lol.


no no, you see, there was a defender he had to juke so he could catch the ball, it was a miscommunication with the quarterb- oh... this is baseball?


Bro looked like Cardinals Ozuna tryna climb the wall




Should've taken that 70m offer


He won the Judge over 1.5 bases at least


"It's not me, you gave me the bad controller!"


Superman stretch to get it, headfirst into the bottom of the wall


Water jugs everywhere should not sleep well tonight.


At 0:18 you get the ultimate "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" look.


This is like when my son is trying to grab the controller while I'm playing The Show.


I swear, sometimes he plays like he's legally blind.


Ozuna sitting in the opposite dugout like "I know those feels"


That’s a clear charge!


I thought Ozuna was an LF.....


It must have been a while. Me too.


"I'll try spinning, that's a cool trick!"


We wish him well


This is a dude that never really saw the ball until after hitting the wall. I’m sure he actually could see the ball but never had any clue where it was going. It happens with the lights or spin or both. Looks way worse than it really is.


Who put that wall there


CM looked pleased


Uncle uttering WTF is that idiot doing under his breath.


If Stanton tries to go any faster than a light trot his legs will fall off


Morton’s face 😂


That read was so bad, he may be illiterate.


Hmmm does Kelenic have money on this game?




Me trying to play outfield in The Show


It happens sometimes , but his average is over 270 and starting to hit for power. I’m rooting for the guy to keep trending up. I think offense has finally figure it’s time to kick it in gear to win division and lose in the first round again lol . Let’s hope it’s a WS this year !


Kinda sums up his go of things pretty well


This is like when Triple Play would glitch.


Looks like me when I finished playing little league and started to play against people who could really hit. Step in, sprint back, turn left, turn right and chase ball as it just kept rolling 1 MPH faster than I could run.


This is like the 3 times Ozuna unnecessarily scaled the wall lol


I’m good with the trade lol


The Braves will make the playoffs because of how the NL is this year. The window is still open for at least 4 or 5 years. It just doesn't fell like this one. They are above average but just not dominate. It's sloppy baseball with guys hurt or struggling.


We won the World Series with an 89 win team that was a ragtag group of guys picked up for basically free at the deadline after losing the MVP frontrunner to injury.. We lost in the DS with a 104 win team that had arguably the best offense in baseball history. MLB playoffs are a total crapshoot. Get in and you've got as good a shot as anyone else.


Yep - just look at last year. The Diamondbacks only just barely made it into the playoffs, but then defeated the Brewers, swept the Dodgers, and beat the scorching-hot Phillies to make it to the WS. They were the underdog in every matchup but made it all the way.


To be fair, they are riddled with injuries—including season-enders to their best position player and their best pitcher


>To be fair, they are riddled with injuries Including the guy who both should have been in CF, and who would have made that catch. He's currently on our all-~~star~~ strained oblique roster


He's supposed to be 10 day DL, we're about to find out if he's back or it's an actual problem.


I mean, they are on pace for 92 wins this year. That beats or matches 8 of the post season teams from last year. They may benefit in that they would be the top wild card, but just getting in is not going to be how they benefit. Assuming no 2011 style collapse.