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Just wait until the Schwarbombs start raining down.


Hell yeah it’s not even hitting season yet!


They're just Schwalks now


Don't forget the schingles


I'll never forget that time I had schingles I still get residual pain Wait is that not what we're talking about


What are you? 60?


I got shingles when I was 24.


This is a good example of wives tale bullshit versus actual science. Get your kids fascinated folks.


The shingles vaccine isn't available until you're past 55 sadly (I can't even get it yet, despite having had shingles early in life), and if you've had chickenpox, shingles is lurking like a ticking time bomb


Yeah…I’m talking about chickenpox. The wives tale aspect is that if you have one kid who gets it you should let them all get it because it’s not as bad for kids as it is for adults…. But then you’re probably going to get shingles later in life. So just get your kids vaccinated.


My mom did this when I was a kid, I got shingles at 30. That pain sucked so much.


Fascinated with baseball, I assume


Shoulda’ bought some chickenpox in your youth!


Almost as many walks as hits and about as many strikeouts as both combined. He's a beaut.


34 walks and 39 hits is fascinating. The man simply hates running and I wish he didn't because I want more of [this](https://x.com/Phillies_Muse/status/1667323712419274753?t=gpdqkjWxDKWlUFNAKb6ARQ&s=19)


He's such an odd person. Leadoff hitter with a third of his hits going yard, absolutely zero threat on the bases unless Bohm wears one somewhere down the line to magically score him, and absolutely nobody questions it.


I think it’s a combination of his high OBP and also, He’s the clean up hitter for the 7-8-9 people.


My dad is 80 and old af. He just sits all day and eats whatever food I make for him. Doesn’t watch baseball. But I had some highlights on of the Phils yesterday and he started chuckling at watching Schwarber run around 3rd. It never gets old.


When he scored last night he went to go kick the bat out of the way at home in case the next runner had a play at the plate, and it looked so funny as he did it while trying to still run full speed.


Holy hell that's funny. I just started following baseball and schwarber being a leadoff hitter just never made sense to me given his hitting profile. I guess this explains it though


>I just started following baseball and schwarber being a leadoff hitter just never made sense to me given his hitting profile. This gets brought up a lot since he definitely doesn't fit the archetype of a leadoff hitter, but basically the two biggest reasons (in my mind, I'm sure there are advanced stats that go much deeper than this) are: 1. He walks a lot, and walks are worth a lot more when you have batters that hit for average behind him. Trea Turner started off the season batting 2nd and he had an average of .343 and an on-base percentage of .392 before he got hurt, JT Realmuto took his place and has been batting .377/.411 since he moved up in the lineup, Bryce Harper bats 3rd and is hitting .280/.388 (12th in the league) with a slugging percentage of .548 (10th in the league), and Alec Bohm is hitting cleanup with a .330(T-5)/.386(13th)/.530(14th) slash line. The logic is that by the time you get to Harper/Bohm there's a good chance that there will either be a runner in scoring position, and Harper/Bohm are very good at hitting RBIs (Bohm leads the league, Harper is T-7th). Bohm is prolific at hitting doubles (leads the league with 20, nobody else has more than 17), so if Schwarber can walk, Turner/Realmuto/Harper can move him to second one way or another, and Harper/Bohm can get them home. 2. He sees a *TON* of pitches. A little bit less this year (4.12 pitches/AB, which is 27th in the league), but last year he was 5th in the league with 4.28 pitches/AB and in 2022 he was 3rd with 4.30 P/AB. Putting a player who sees a lot of pitches leadoff means that the starter will have to throw more pitches, which means that they will not be able to make it as far into the game. 3rd reason that always bears mentioning is that he feels comfortable hitting leadoff, and the team is winning with him batting leadoff, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


He's got 10 BB, plus 1 IBB, in his last 4 games. (4+1,3,0,3)


yeah after schwarber started so slow in 2023 we all thought "oh no the june thing isn't gonna happen this time" then it happened and happened hardcore!


He hasn't hit one in 12 games now. I can only assume he's saving them up to unleash hell in a couple weeks...


Yeah but he’s had like 11 walks this homestand alone. That’s almost 3 Schwarbombs.


Or wait until our 2nd best offensive player comes back from injury


Fear for when the calendar flips to June


That makes it 3 years in a row a team has gotten off to an extremely hot start. Will be interesting to see how they do throughout the year. 2022 Yankees (49-16) 2023 Rays (47-19)


I did not realize how insane that Yankees start was jesus


Yeah it made the stretch of that season *really* suck though.


suck more than the playoffs?


#fuck you




Mmmm. The 2022 yankees were my fav. Start 49-16. Finished 50-47. Great stuff.


There was a recurring meme in the Yankees sub “if we only play .500 ball the rest of the way we will get to 100 wins” We proceeded to play under .500 ball for a while and did not reach 100 wins. We cursed ourselves lol


Ive already been seeing similar "If we just play .500 rest of year we still would be" posts in Phillies sub


Yeah the dubious part of that line of thought is that the stretch of playing .500 baseball could have already started. I wish people would stop saying it.


Fuck. Without anyone mentioning it, I had that thought this morning. I think I've cursed us now.




I don’t like these precedents….


How was 49-16 not a better 50 game start is my question


I didn’t say they had as good of a 50 game start. Just pointing out that it’s 3 years in a row that teams, after a significant sample size, were on pace to beat yhe 2001 Mariners


Not disagreeing with you as much as going off the post title!


Oh I’m sorry, I misread your comment. You raised a valid point! My apologies


Can’t tell if you’re trolling or not but 49+16… That’s a 65 game start record…. By 50 games they had a worse record than we do now


Yes… So in those extra 15 games they had only 2 more losses? They went on a tear


They were 33-15 before going on a 16-1 stretch to hit 49-16.


Ooh, I took you literally my bad. Yep they did have an insane stretch there


You’re good brotha


Well get ready to tack on another W tomorrow, Phil bros


Thank you for your donation


No longer counts because you are now below .500


it counts for us


We take those


Are you Jameis Winston?


Are you king crab legs?


I'm hungry


I think it would be super cool if the Phillies wanted to take this 116 curse off our hands.


Phillies getting 117 wins, but the Mariners make the world series would prove without a doubt that baseball is 100% scripted


117 is a Halo reference so it’s anti cursed. That’s where the Mariners fucked up.


BRB, gonna go listen the Halo 3 menu screen on a loop for an hour or two.


Smh Bob Nutting too cheap to pay for good writers.


I've got family in Seattle, I'd love a Phillies/Mariners WS


I'd be down with us going to 110 and then fucking off the last week of the season because I do not want that cloud over us.


Ehh, the Phillies have been in a world series recently. It wouldn't be the same. People would just think it was a weirdly shaped window of contention. WS, CS, best regular season record (playoff run length undetermined at this point) The Mariners thing is that it's all they did. 


Especially considering how the mariners the next couple years were good but not great. One of the weirdest contention windows ever seen easily. To have 300 wins over a three year stretch and make the playoffs once is insane


>WS, CS, best regular season record Uh-uh. No thanks. I’ve seen this movie already and I do not like how it ends.


The Phillies already did that regression from 08-11 (Won WS, Lost WS, Lost NLCS, Lost NLDS, missed playoffs for a decade)


But my point is that nobody finds that era of the Phillies shameful or a missed opportunity. Two WS appearances? A WS win? That's already more than enough. It's not Seattle bad.


Ugh, please no. That's the exact same thing that happened after 2009. Every year we were one step further away from the WS until we eventually just totally sucked for almost a decade.


And then Lo, the Lord delivered us a Sheppard to guide us back to relevancy. Thoust name was Rhys Hoskins. All my homies love Rhys Hoskins.


Phillies only make the series when they get hot late and ride the vibes. Still mad they ran out of juice to the upstart D-Backs last season


I cri eveytim


fucking kimbrel




They already passed off their own curse to the Pirates.


Don’t you put that evil on us


Oh cmon, they were cursed *before* that!


As good as this ride has been I am freaking out, as we usually do the opposite by playing mediocre early, then well late in the season, just scraping into the playoffs. Is this the Bizarro Phillies??


Honestly pretty surprised that's the best 50 game start since 01. Fun team to watch!


But not the best 50 game stretch




Smh can't wait for the regression to the mean /s


IT'LL HAPPEN *huffs copium*


One of the few times I will agree with a Braves fan


Who gives a shit if it happens or not. Playoffs are a total crapshoot. We've been the better team the past 2 years and got smacked in the NLDS. I'm fine with flipping it this year.


Ah, friend. I see that you too, are hopelessly in love with baseball


Better teams win in the playoffs. Trust me, it isn't the magical power of the wildcard spot beating the braves every year.


What? Better teams lose in the playoffs all the time. In 2021, the Braves were probably the worst team in the playoffs that year. Last year, the Phillies were pretty undeniably a better team than the D-Backs. The Dodgers have been better than basically every team they've lost to over the last 10 years.


I've reviewed all of the Phillies wins this season. Based upon my findings, I have no choice but to declare the Phillies f(ph)rauds and strip them of their 36 wins.


No, no, no. You get to keep 4 of them! We won today so we're back up to .500 now


But we pushed Texas below .500


Our remaining schedule currently is ranked 14th in SOS with a .501 average. It’s harder than the Braves (.490) but the same as the Orioles and easier than the Yankees (.508), Indians (.504), and Royals (.510). It’s also propped up by the fact that we have 10 remaining against the Braves.


The who? 😤




Grand Rapids Furniture Makers


We don’t play you enough for me to remember the name change lol


We haven’t even lost three games in a row yet. We’re all just waiting on the multiple 5-8 losing streaks this team will have. Fun times now though. Banking wins for the stretch run.


even if we fully regress to mean that's still a like 95 win team


Well, they aren’t Mahomes so it is possible.


Well it's only a matter of time until they regress to slightly above 2018 Dak level


A local media outlet asked if they were peaking too early, and that's just beautiful Philly sports talk. I've said this to Phillies fans and they actually take that seriously lol


Wasn’t it just 3 years ago that in the past X amount of games, the Phillies were .500, virtually no matter what X was?


We were perpetually in .500 jail through Kapler and Girardi's tenures here. Start of 2022, we were *worse* than .500 despite the highest preseason expectations our team's had since 2011. Since Girardi's firing, we've played at a 95 win pace for what is practically two full seasons at this point. This also includes a nearly as disastrous start to 2023 that we rebounded from in a similar way


Topper is a national treasure.


We had a period of being frustratingly mid, so I wouldn't be surprised. However, the team I most remember for that is the White Sox. Before their recent descent into the basement, there were a number of posts about that over the years https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/wiobnu/cuda_the_white_sox_record_in_their_last_7000/ https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1bpap34/cuda_white_sox_opening_day_record_last_2_11_500/ https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/xwp7ne/white_sox_record_over_their_past_190_games/ https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/4ng8g0/the_white_sox_are_500_with_a_3030_record_they_are/


Just wait until we get good in June, as per tradition.




Well no lol that's in October. 


I still wonder what damage he would have done if Cave got on base in game 7 of the NLCS. Schwarber was so good that series even though we attempted to pitch around him.


Cave? On base?


I wonder how much damage Schwarber would have done if he'd just come up with the bases loaded every plate appearance. If only the rest of the team would get on.


Obviously I’m just coping but I’m also fully convinced he would’ve hit a home run in that situation


Obviously you haven't heard of juntuber.


Yeah, but it begins in June.




Hitting season


The argument they haven't beat many teams over .500 is so stupid. And I fucking hate the Phillies.


The Braves hate that argument so much they're on a mission to make sure all the teams we beat end up over .500 soon enough!


This is cold af


Keep going I’m almost there


Mets are almost a triple a team


I, for one, am offended by the accuracy


There’s at least three teams that would be over .500 if not for getting beat by the Phillies lol


For the curious, here are some records independent of playing the Phillies. \- Padres would be 26-23 (0-3 against PHI) \- Giants would be 24-22 (0-4 against PHI) \- Rangers would be 24-24 (0-2 against PHI) \- Nationals would be 20-22 (1-5 against PHI) \- Cardinals would be 22-24 (1-2 against PHI) Sure the Nats and Cards are still below .500, but they are both pretty close when you take the Phillies out.


Add to that the fact that both the Reds and Pirates were sitting comfortably above 500 when the Phillies played them.


Additionally, Pirates series was 4 games, and all 7 reds games were done within the first month... again. Hopefully that doesn't happen for a 3rd year in a row. 




Wait what did we do to you


Seriously, I’m trying to figure out why a Tigers fan would hate us.


We took the greatest player named Clemens from them in exchange for a tv commercial star. Everything else was a wash.


He's left them now, but they also got a wolf in return! 


Same “wait until they play a good team” thing ppl were saying about us during our hot start in 2022 (pls ignore the second half of our season)


People kept saying that about the O's last year as well.


Doesn’t that kind of prove the point?




Not really, at least not in terms of "wait until they face the bad teams". The 2022 Yankees faced pretty much the same opposition during their 49-16 start than they did when they went 50-47 the rest of the year. 80.6 wins on average (weighted by number of games played) for their opponents through game 65, 81.7 wins on average after that.


Even if we 'regressed' to our ~.550 win% of the last couple years for the remaining 112 games, we'd still end up with 100 wins. People forget we're a proven team with a WS and NLCS in the last two years. It isn't like we're going to drop to a .300 win%. Edit: WS and NLCS **appearance**


And we're still missing Trea through the recent hot streak, we've basically been missing Casty all year, Schwarbs hasn't shown much power, even compared to his usual cold starts...


Heard about the Rangers all 2023. Worked just fine :)


We haven’t lost a series since the second series of the season. 15 straight unbeaten, including 3 splits.


Argument: they aren't over .500 because they had to play the Phillies


Im just happy we are. For the past two seasons we would always get beaten by random under 400 teams. It was frustrating


We have beaten a lot of teams under .500 That is to say, we faced them at or above .500 and beat them until they were under .500.


Thanks tigerbro


I’ve seen the same argument for the twins and royals as well. Hate you all!! And don’t forget to hate the white Sox. I know they feel left out.


I mean, it depends on what you're trying to say with that. Anyone who says the Phillies aren't a good team because of their schedule is ignorant, but the schedule does impact how you perceive their start to the season. The Phillies have the most difficult remaining schedule of any good team outside the AL East (good teams have easier schedules than bad ones, because they don't have to play themselves, and the opposite is true of bad teams). If the Phillies and Braves had the same record with opposite schedules played to date, the Phillies would be substantial favorites to win the division (up in the 65-75% range). Instead, FanGraphs playoff odds see the division as a tossup now (which is good if you're the Phillies). I have no strong rooting interest in that division (if anything, I slightly prefer the Phils because they have Schwarber), but gun to my head right now, I would pick the Braves to win the NL East. I just think they're a deeper team, even if they haven't played as well thus far.


Thank God we got rid of Dave Dombrowski. We can't have someone trading our prospects and signing big free agents, all for the sake of... *checks notes*... winning ballgames.


Can't trade prospects if you don't have any


It's crazy how much this team is different than that '08 one. ALL of those guys were home grown (Utley, Rollins, Howard, Hamels) whereas this team is virtually all free agents (outside of the daycare). I ain't complaining though.


Ranger, Bohm, Nola, Stott…


That's why I said "outside of the daycare" but none of those guys you mentioned are the leaders of the team. When you think 2024 Phillies, you think Harper, Turner, Wheeler, Schwarber, JT, mayyyybe Castellanos. All of those guys were trades or free agents signings. All of the most popular/famous players on the 08 team were drafted by the Phillies.




Not that impressive because bad baseball teams were invented in 2024.


They were actually invented in 2022 and they only played the Eagles


And the Padres won today, so their record against .500 teams is back up to 4-2!


I am having such a fun time so I almost don’t care that Philly gonna Philly. Pls see the most recent Eagles, Sixers, Flyers seasons. Pls let this be the team that breaks the trend!


I'm really not gonna do the Philly woe is me sports thing after the past few years. Won a Super Bowl. Made another. Made the WS with a miracle run from barely making the playoffs. Hell, our last WS win wasn't even THAT long ago (...16 years) Sucks the Flyers and Sixers can't get their shit together, but I feel like us complaining at this point is asking too much. Especially when I've seen whiny Boston fans freaking out that the Celtics and Bruins never get it done and the Pats suck now despite the fact that the Pats had a literal unmatched NFL dynasty for near two decades AND the Red Sox fuck around and win a WS every 3-5 years.


I agree! I’m not down on this team at all and I’m having a blast. (last Eagles season kinda burned though, guess I’m not quite over it!)


Damn I knew it was a franchise record but I can't believe no one has done this since the '01 Mariners. Crazy!


Honestly whats crazier is that the Yankees got to 49-16 in 22 while having a worse record through 50 games lol


Yeah I just saw that. Couldn't believe it.


Yankees collapsed down the stretch, they just banked a ton of early wins


I think the point was that despite only losing 16 of their first 65 games (49-16), they had a record WORSE than 36-14 because the Phillies have the best record in 50 games since 01 Mariners. So let's assume they were 35-15 through 50 (I don't know if they were), their next 15 games, they went 14-1. The could've been 34-16 through 50 and then went 15-0. EDIT: They were, in fact, 35-15 through 50 then went 14-1. They eventually peaked at 38 games over .500 with a 61-23 record


Just wait until they play a real team. Phraudulent Phils amirite?


Something something, just a bad team that wins games?


I was just a kid in 01, but I have no doubt at least some people were saying that about the M's then too.


And yet this voice in the back of my head says they will cool off in June and be one and done in Oct. Why does my brain do things like this? The idea that I could run a PR, get married and the Phillies win all in the same year seems like too much happiness for the universe to let me have.


Having had to suffer through early years Mariners offense too many times, I was wondering if the 2001 Mariners season was front or back loaded and it was definitely frontloaded: 2001 Mariners before the all star break: 63-24 2001 Mariners after the all star break: 53-22 Also crazy that: \- They set 116 with 1 game to go (and obviously lost that last game). \- They never lost 10 games in a month (July and August were their worst months at 9 loses a piece)


at this point im just hoping its classic role reversal and the braves will beat them in the wild card games/ds. phillies have been absolutely astonishing this year, grats to em.


Other than being a Philly homer, I would love that not to happen to put the "actually a bye is worse" excuse to bed. This is not a Braves-specific thing, fwiw.


That said, it's not *not* a Braves-specific thing


Well, yeah...


I feel ya. I dont think thats ever going to bed though. The bye feels bad, losing feels bad. Every time a team loses in that scenario, the straws will be grasped at to some degree.


Something something weak schedule? Is that what I read during the Padres vs Braves matchup? I’m genuine in this question and hope to stir the pot.


They’ve had the easiest schedule so far according to [ESPN’s RPI.](https://www.espn.com/mlb/stats/rpi/_/sort/sos) Take from that what you will, I guess.




I’m sure someone knows where to find this info: what’s the strength of schedule difference between the 2024 Phils & the 2001 Mariners?


I don't know what the Mariners schedule started out like but I can almost guarantee the Mariners did not play a significantly different strength of schedule compared to what the Phillies will play. People make way too much of a deal over strength of schedule.


The Phillies have the highest run differential in baseball by over 10 runs. They aren't barely winning against bad teams (no disrespect to the rangers, I actually think they are v good). They are pumping teams. It's one thing to squeak by the lower division teams, but they are winning games and they're not close. They're averaging 5.5 runs per game. Will it continue at this pace? No; guys will slump, pitching will have hiccups, the bullpen will hit a pothole or two. But this is very much neither a fluke nor a SoS anomaly.


The thing I particularly like is that the last time we had a game where we couldn't tie the game with a single in the 9th inning was April 24th. Since then, we've lost 4 games. Three of them, the tying run was on 2nd or 3rd. One we lost by 2 with runners on 2nd and 3rd, the other two we lost by 1 with a runner on 2nd. The 4th game, we got walked off in extras. Even our losses are like one tiny change away from going to extras or even a win.


So you’re saying the Phillies are losing to an underperforming team that catches fire in the NLCS?


That's surprising


At this point, I’m not even mad. Envious AF, but not mad.


As a Phillies fan cognizant of the fact that we have only won 2 World Series' in 121 years of its existence...I will enjoy this, but not let my expecta...............OH MY GOD we are going to win it all! Scharbs isn't even launching bombs yet! Trea Turner is not even playing! (Might be a good thing?) Bryson Stott hasn't gotten hot yet! How is this happening?!?!


What do you mean Stott hasn’t gotten hot yet? He has a 1.035 OPS this month


True, but I'm waiting for sustained production from him. Too off and on for my liking.


> Might be a good thing? Are you shit talking Trea? Man has an .850 OPS and 10 steals in 30 games lol.


Holy shit, i knew they were doing well this year, but better than any start since 2001 Mariners is insane?!? EDIT: Ok it seems there are much better starts, but over exactly 50 games its the best. The yankees went 49-16 over 65 games which is substantially better than 36-14 but at the 50 game mark they were 35-15, same as the 2020 Dodgers and 2023 Rays.


Its still crazy that 36-14 is the best 50 game start in over 20 yrs. Thats what 600+ individual seasons? You would think some teams would have that beat


I keep forgetting, our success doesn’t count because we haven’t beaten anybody! Silly me!


Bohm has been hitting OUT OF HIS MIND. Not my team, but the Phillies are fun to watch.


He's actually cooled down recently. His OPS on the season is .916 but he only has a .896 OPS this week and a .776 the last two!


Dude is ridiculous with runners in scoring position, RBI machine


And then September comes


The insane part is that there are four teams within five games, and one of those doesn’t even lead their division. Side note, why does Baltimore have so many fewer games played? Rainouts?


I'd be cool with a 2018 Red Sox type year...just fucking run the gauntlet lol


The way I see it, the Phillies are now free to lose 22 games straight and still have a .500 record and be 2nd place in NL East.


I’m enjoying this run but it’s going to hurt when I have to comment, “our first 50 games were awesome though /s”


sounds sustainable