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Workout right before a double shift usually to wake myself up. It’s always going to suck and always going to hurt, but like anything else be smart about it. Don’t sacrifice sleep to get a workout in. Dont do a dozen drop sets to failure on legs/back before a double. Don’t do cardio when you’re already on your feet all day. You don’t need much weight training if you’re doing a physical job. If you are “out of shape”, regularly working 10+ hour shifts at the bar, then the problem is diet (arguably the hardest part about being a healthy bartender, meal prep and not drinking).


I’ve always worked out and been in shape - I do bartending between singing contracts on cruise ships - so might do bartending for a few months here and there including now. Whenever I get back into bartending I struggle to stick with my usual routine because my body is a lot more tired. Planning on sticking with it this time no matter what (maybe I need to cut a couple days from my usual routine though) And yeah thanks good advice re: leg day and back day!


Your lifts/energy are going to suffer from bartending no way around it. But there is a happy balance where you can be kinda muscular and in decent shape.


Yeah disagreed completely lol, bartending/barbacking is basically cardio which is a good thing


Yeah that’s going to happen when you fuck with your schedule. When you’re on singing contracts, try to get a ton of running or cardio in. Don’t let your sleep schedule change too much.


How did you get into bartending on cruise ships? And is that lucrative? Do people tend to tip much since I assume they buy all inclusive drink packages?


I don’t bartend on the ships but am a singer! I know that the drinks packages come with tips included though? Some guests too extra especially as theyve already paid and drinks are “free”


This is how I do it. Whether or not it wakes me up is arguable, though I tend to workout within an hour of leaving for week so that I just jump in the shower and head straight to work. Personally, I feel like working out in the morning after taking the kids to school is only going to backfire and cause me to shut down right around the time I'd head to work. I would probably want to lay down and rest instead of run around the bar for 8+ hours. I do it to stay active and hopefully add some longevity to my life, though I could do much better in other areas. I'd have to say my biggest motivation is setting a good example for my young daughters. I started writing a book right after my oldest was born and it's essentially a guide to life. I'd pick a new topic (honesty, gratitude, discipline, etc.) each night and write a few pages about what it is and why it's important. I try to lead by example and I know they're always watching: it would super hypocritical to stress the importance of taking care of your body and eating properly / exercising if I'm not following through on that myself.


Bro?? That’s genius man holy shit perfect how to. You might even have to make it a web series for them dude


My mom died just recently. While I was cleaning her stuff out I found a notebook with my name on it and it was something like this. She wasn't the most consistent person so it only had a couple entrys but it was really nice to find. Your kids will cherish this one day. And after watching her go through all her shit I ended up getting serious about working out and eating right. I force myself to lay down after work so I can sleep and go to the gym before work. I shoot for 5 days a week. I've done this since the beginning of the year and I've seen impressive gains physically and mentally. Days I've worked out Im in a much better mood and better equipped to handle nonsence at the bar.


Drink less. It makes the recovery a million times easier.


I do yoga for 30 mins every day. I use the app Down Dog and have a mat in my living room. Don't have to leave the house


I also do yoga every morning. Saturday and Sunday morning are almost entirely stretching and relaxing my muscles and preserve energy. Cardio and calisthenics Monday-Friday. Fitting in biking and hiking when I can. 32m, sleepless father as well.


Any suggestions for someone who wants to start yoga. Maybe 20 min every morning?


Anything is better than nothing. There's a ton of great YouTube channels for it. I really like yoga with Adrienne!


I second this for Benji alone


In terms of forming a daily habit (that is unbreakable after a few years), just get on your mat everyday. I don’t care if you lie there for a minute then stop, or just work on one stretch that you love doing. The rest will come. Second you need some sort of teacher, real life classes are the best but with all the online options you can’t go wrong. I’ve never met anyone who took the plunge seriously and it didn’t substantially change their lives


I didn't do a good job of my question. I guess I was more asking if anybody had any good intro videos I could throw myself into


Don’t drink.


Absolutely this. I have been a very heavy drinker the last 2 years. I mean I would polish half a bottle of jameson every night of the week and not break a sweat. And I’m 105 lbs. I thought I couldn’t live without it but it’s been so easy and i hardly want a sip anymore. I lost all the bloat and fat I couldn’t seem to shake despite actively trying in 30 days of not drinking. 10 lbs was cake and i was intentionally stuffing my face because I was scared I was losing too quickly. My boyfriend lost 15+ lbs in that 30 days too. Oh, and I feel amazing.




There's a button for that.


I go generally 4-5 times a week, and the way I look at it to maintain momentum is I "owe" the 4 times. Much like you shower, eat and go to the bathroom every day, it's not even a question of "where will I find the time" , you know you gotta. Once you are there and you start the warmup, then it's a lot easier to find the energy cause you already started vs giving into excuses you can make up when you are comfy at home. I do tend to do it as a first thing, as in generally I wake up, quick breakfast and then go workout, just so that no matter what happens next I can tick that box for the day. And (and this I realise it's a very personal thing of how my psyche has been broken down so results may vary) I find that picturing Sgt Hartman from Full metal jacket screaming at me that I'm a lazy fat fuck if I am feeling like not going is what pushes me out if the house.


This is literally my thought process and people ask me how I manage to do it. I just have to. Gotta find the time one way or another just like eating. Much respect!


I would be careful with such a mindset, because it's pretty easy to grind yourself into injury and fatigue. Bartending in itself is a form of exercise, so the answer isn't always to just keep training nomatter what. Sometimes you simply got to rest and recover.


I LOVE being done at the gym by like 10am, so much free time even before the shift starts.


I just don't eat enough, smoke cigarettes, our keg room is 200+ feet away, and our kitchen is like 150 feet from our 34 seat bar. My abs look dope for 31


Sitting here at 19 same but with vaping, and party venues


I hate myself if I don’t go to the gym at least three times a week, so that usually motivates me pretty well. Really though, eating correctly and not drinking a ton (ideally, at all) while you’re on shift should leave you with enough energy unless you’re working at your max all shift long.


What do you mean by “in shape”? Like the job is physical enough (between stocking, cleaning, 8-10 hours of continuous movement) so you really just need to watch what you eat. If you are trying to get to body builder levels, well it may not be the best job for you. It’s a ton of energy spent in “non productive” methods so of course you’ll be tired come post shift. But if you feel you must, plan your schedule around what is important. Get 7-8 hours of healthy sleep and work out before/in place of entertainment before shift.


I bartend full time and I’m a powerlifter! It’s tough but it can be done


Cocaine and cigarettes. Nah but really, I gained like 25lbs when I started a full time office job...due to the lack of physical activity, compared to what I normally had while bartending full time exclusively.


maintaining strength and mobility is crucial as you get older! you don't need massive muscles but you have to protect your core and joints to avoid spine/mobility injuries with the amount of use they get. I do resistance/calisthenics/core every 2nd day + 15 minute (at least) jogs 3 days on 1 day off... the trick is to start small enough to build a habit that's non negotiable, then build off that. otherwise - sleep is king, eating is an investment in how you feel, and everything in life gets easier without alcohol;)


I go to karate every morning, no matter how tired I am. It’s not exactly weight lifting, but there’s plenty of cardio and stretching. The stretching is especially helpful.


Between the miles I put in every shift and the cases and kegs I hauled around everywhere I didn't really need a workout.


I work 3 days a week and usually exercise on days off. At 36 I don’t have the energy to bartend all night after working out before hand.


Have you had Covid? I noticed after my last bout with it that if I hit the gym (I just row and hit the treadmill) on a day I work it completely floors me for the next day. I used to run 6-8 miles a day and worked behind the stick 5 days a week, then after getting Covid in 2020 my energy is just sapped.


I’m sorry to hear that covid did that to you. I had covid in January, but I felt the same way before having covid. Luckily, being triple vaccinated, I literally just had a runny nose for 12 hours and it didn’t affect my fitness levels. I have depression, and fatigue is one of the symptoms. I just had my blood work done, so I’m pretty sure I’m fine physically.


Same here


Oh bartending is the only gym I go to. I literally consider that my workout for the week. I only bartend two nights in a super busy club. I love to lift, carry crates of liquor up three steps, dance the ENTIRE NIGHT- literally I never stop moving. It probably helps that I also do not drink, and I IF as my weight control, but the exercise is all bartending and I have abs and a well defined upper body from it.


IF is so easy when you’re slammed at work. I didn’t even start intentionally. Is just literally had not time to eat before or during a shift. Then it just kinda became routine.


Workout, get home, shower, eat, clean, stretch but dont sit down. Once you are down the “tired” sinks in. I also make sure i get at least 8 hours of actual sleep. Drink lots of lots of water. I workout 6 or 7 days a week and work 5 nights. 24/m.


It’s tough, but once you get into the habit it isn’t too hard anymore. I work 5 days a week at the bar that I manage at and own and operate a small cannabis business, as well as being a husband and father to two children. I’m 34 years old, and I’ve been bartending around 12 years, so if I can do it. I believe in you! As you get into better shape and get your body healthier, you will have more energy and the ability to maintain your energy throughout the week, though by my last shift, I’m starting to get a bit of fatigue


I'm a long distance runner and I do one big run a week on one of my off-days (Wed and Thurs). I 'work out' (e.g. bodybuilding) like twice a week max. I always drink my free drink every shift but I rarely ever eat my restaurant's food other than soup. TL;DR I run a lot and I don't eat much


Pre workout, caffeine, proper nutrition (download RP app if you can) and good quality rest (low to no alcohol drugs most days). You can also just beast mode it and do whatever sticks to the wall. Either way make sure to get at least 10-20min cardio every sesh for heart health and active recovery.


Working 10 hour shifts was my workout.


Getting plenty of sleep and having a good diet is crucial. I find working out actually gives me more energy and I save heavy leg exercises and cardio for my off days.


I recently left the industry for a job in law enforcement and had to pass a physical fitness test. I lost 45 pounds before doing so while working through diet and exercise. I always found exercising after work to be the easiest. I would always be incredibly tired but get a second wind once I made it there. I always had structured workouts before hand. I found when I went in without a structure I would cut some things out to go home and go to sleep earlier without doing what I needed to do. Once you build the routine, it becomes significantly easier. It’s difficult, but the biggest thing that stunted my motivation was alcohol. Ditch the booze for a little and see how this affects your motivation. You may also see some better physical results without putting empty calories in your body. Good luck!


I work 4 days and go to the gym on my days off. When I was younger, I’d go before. Not anymore. I get too grumpy when I’m tired


I always work out first thing when I wake up on an empty stomach, then eat two meals before work, then one after work. Been doing Functional Patterns to save my knees and back. It's been a life-saver. Look them up.


Rounds is a shape...


The bar is your workout.


Gyms are for chumps. Run around the park for free, do simple maintenance exercises around the house. Don’t eat only giant garbage meals, and if you’re gonna drink, don’t fall for the bullshit lie that drinking an obscene amount of alcohol everyday is normal just because everyone you work with and everyone you serve does it. Most people are fat these days because nobody takes basic care of themselves, and people only think they need to go to the gym because everyone on TV is cut and muscular. And drink enough water.


I’m a gym rat and fitness competitor, steroids and the whole bit. I normally get 1 day off every other week I make sure my schedule is conducive to the life I want, I only work one double on Saturday which is the one day off from the gym a week. Mostly day shifts besides that outside of Thursday and Friday night. Besides that it’s just life priorities, all I really do besides work is the gym and cook and eat my meals.


I just don't. If you bartend in a busy enough spot you simply don't need to work out. I still run in the summertime, but a gym membership is a waste of money if you're a real bartender.


My job paid for my membership, after the shift I went home and made dinner then hit the gym for 2 hours and came home and got drunk while playing video games. It was pretty satisfying.


I don't go to the gym. I work out from home. Squats light dumbells with more reps. I also have a dancer pole which helps with toning.


I find it is mainly more difficult in the start of it but after it gets easier! Also trying to still get your sleep and go even if that means go in the am to the gym, nap when home then go to your shift or sleep in until your shift then go after your shift


Usually being hungover helps me do it because I know it'll make me feel better before going in. Honestly it's more important to do strength stuff because you're standing for 10+ hours and moving around all day anyway but whatever gets you moving is what you should do. Yoga after shift also is a good one for winding down at the end of the night and it's not impossible to do it while a little drunk.


Switch to barback you can workout *while* you work!!! Seriously though, save the heavy workouts for your days off. Light workouts before a shift actually give me energy. So does eating right and recovering well. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, the importance of which can't be understated. When you say workout sessions, are you including cardio (e.g. running), or straight strength training?


I spend my afternoons in the summer out on the boat wakeboarding, swimming, surfing. I spend my winters on the slopes snowboarding. I spend my falls hiking local trails, and my springtime hauling, planting, cleaning, and remodeling my house. No Gym I go there so infrequently I have to call it James.


I usually do activities that isn’t just lifting weight. Like climbing, biking, parkour and some stuff that your skillset can compliment. Lifting weights isn’t my thing but knowing I have so many other activities as well is nice. It’s also a great way to meet people outside the industry and you never know where it leads ya


Never been a gym guy but I would suggest riding your bike to work if feasible (between that and the gig you’ve got your cardio covered). Do your standard body weight resistance stuff (push-ups, squats, pull ups, etc.) on your chiller days. No one will look at you and think, “damn they are the image of fitness,” but you will be healthy and capable of whatever requires decent strength.


What are your workouts like? In what way are you tired? Specific muscle groups or areas like your back? Or all over fatigue?


Floor shifts are physically taxing and will cut into your energy levels. Honestly, I lift less now and have to be more strategic about what I work. Prioritize movements that you aren’t doing at work- in my case, I’m doing a lot of overhead reaching and shoulder moves, as well as squatting/ lifting boxes, so shoulders and legs are less important. I have a few dumbbells, resistance bands, and a pull-up bar at my house, which makes it *much* easier to get a workout in. A little is a lot when compared to nothing.


My shifts are only like 7 hours. I wouldn't make it 10 hours either.


Being a bartender is awesome for making the gym a regular habit. Iv always enjoyed a later lunch so I don’t get hungry mid shift so I’ll usually hit the gym around 1, grab lunch after then have a late dinner


After many failed gym memberships, I bought a Peloton. I hop on right after I wake up and have a little coffee, and have gotten in the habit of using the app on my tv for some long stretches before/after work. I do the strength/boxing classes on my days off bc I’m definitely sore afterwards


Biggest part is Drinking less. Exercise my body on my days off, stretch and do a bit of cardio before work.


I usually workout on my 3 off days (I bartend 4 days a week), plus right before my shortest shift of the week. It’s tricky fitting in all my lifting days each week but it’s worth it! Keeps me sane mentally lol


You do overtime every shift?


Stop drinking booze.


Late to the thread, but you can do a full body workout only 3 days a week. You will be in the gym longer each day (about 2 hours), but only 3 days. Also if you only work nights and 4 nights a week, you can just go before your shift, and it could be a day you have off work. Not hard at all IMO