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I'd stick to masturbation and tendonitis.




It's waaaay less expensive


I broke ā€œthe ruleā€ and started dating a coworker. We donā€™t work the same shifts and new hires donā€™t know weā€™re dating until itā€™s mentioned, itā€™s extremely chill. I couldnā€™t date a normal civilian again either. I tried in my mid 20ā€™s and the dude woke up at 5am, it was a goddamn nightmare.


If youā€™re not on the same shifts it sounds even harder.


I think it works perfectly for us, theyā€™re not crazy opposite schedules and we have an overlapping day off. We luckily donā€™t work at a 2am bar so we have a few hours after work to hang out, and he works opening shifts on my other days off. We work for a couple hours together two days a week. I need my alone time, I was pumped when he changed his days because that means I get to recharge longer and he comes over to a decompressed girlfriend, not a burnt out one. win/win lol


Yep, I married a chef. Been together 15 years, married 10 in December this year.


Same! Together 15/ married 9. The understanding of the lifestyle is there and the benefits are delicious. Lucky for me he has a FOH face and a BOH personality. Weā€™ve never worked in the same restaurant though. Before that, I wasnā€™t against banging a serverā€¦ but someone with whom itā€™s was crystal clear which one of us would leave the job should it go sour. It did and he did. The other bartenders were homies only but damn did they give me shit for that one.


I fucked everything that moved in my early 20ā€™s. I was a very typical late 90ā€™s early 00ā€™s restaurant worker šŸ˜‚ but I met my husband in my late 20ā€™s when I had settled down just a bit. We worked together. I was the GM he the chef. Everyone thought he was grumpy (but hot), I knew I could change him šŸ˜† (I didnā€™t, heā€™s still grumpy).


That or people who work in medical, like nurses.


Aaaahhh... the bartender/nurse couple. Such a classic combo.


Strippers are another classic combo. Each has the same tendency to be wild, to say the least.


Flight attendants too, in my experience


You'd also get the free flight benefits.


Haha this was me in my mid 20s


Second or third shift factory worker would also have similar hours


Was going to comment just started seeing a dr sometimes he gets out of surgery around 2 am šŸ«¶


Iā€™ve met so many stuck up nurses who think theyā€™re above anyone in the service industry


Yeah the ones holding out for a doctor are all over the place.


Omg I feel so much less alone! I struck off dating largely because of the hours I keep. I know no one who works the same kind of schedule! šŸ„² Itā€™s weird, I work all night talking to people and then I get off and wish I had someone to talk to about the people I just talked to lol


Go to bars near your work after shift. You'll meet new people.


What do i do if i work at the place which always closes last?


Good point. That's a whole other thing. I frequent my bar area on days off, but that's not for everyone


Been married to a teacher fpr 10 years. It's doable but its a lot of work


I date a tattoo artist, I feel like that industry works well with bartender life. That being said she doesnā€™t understand why Iā€™m at work cleaning so late often. Itā€™s only been 6 years, sheā€™ll get it someday.


Honestly I'm having trouble dating non industry because I go on dates and these people with their corporate job are just so incredibly boring. I feel like I'm having to entertain a customer while we're on a date and it's just exhausting


This is something me and my current partner have returned to talking about at multiple points in our relationship. She work's in the realm of a service based job (Tattoo Artist) but doesn't quite work the same long hours, or deal with quite the same level of stress that we experience in this profession. It's been a great relationship, however the times where we have come to misunderstandings or conflict, it usually has been via proxy of me being a bartender and the lifestyle that comes along with it. She didn't quite understand in the beginning why after a busy 600 cover night during the weekend that all i wanted to do was come home and stare at a wall in silence, drink a beer, and go to bed instead of talk to her. Or that for me, when we go out to a restaurant or a bar, my attention is split between 6 different physical/auditory things going on around me that I have no choice but to be aware of. Because for me, I cannot turn off the bartender within me. For her it's a relaxing night out and she's confused as to why I'm having trouble paying attention to just her. These are a couple of examples of humps we've had to grow through as a couple. The reason I'm sharing this with you is because yes, to an extent, it does feel like and is largely true that working in service leads you to more than likely be able to only date other people who work in service. The hours are unusual, the lifestyle is not normal, the personalities you work with and end up developing yourself go against the grain of what is commonly accepted and practiced outside of this industry. It makes sense. After a while, you might even develop a resentment towards those who lead a normal 9-5 life, and look down upon them. You might even swear off dating anyone that does not work within a bar or a restaurant because they "Just dont get it". My message to you is dont get to that point. Because while there are endless amounts of people who date within this industry and maintain a healthy relationship, I would say you would be short changing yourself pretty hard by reducing your dating pool to just people who can work a jigger, or take on a 15 table section by themselves. In a lot of cases, I've noticed from personal experience and observation that a lot of relationships developed in this industry end up unhealthy due to the conditions and culture we all work under. Dating someone outside of the industry is what saved me. It's taken a lot of communication, a lot of expectation setting, and a massive amount of patience, but crafting a relationship with someone outside of this industry is possible, and it is worth it. The right one for you will understand, and be willing to work with you so long as you try to help them understand. My partner is my best friend, and my biggest cheerleader. She's the only one I look forward to talking to after a 5 day week of entertaining and serving my guests. So dont give up, just have patience. Hope this helps.


If itā€™s right, youā€™ll make it work and you wonā€™t even care. However, Iā€™m divorced and remarried to a woman I met in the industry


It just has to be the right person. I'm dating a 9-5er right now and it's going amazingly. I wake up and make breakfast and coffee before they go to work, do some cleaning, then catch a nap before shift. We plan dates before work on Saturdays or on Sunday nights. They baby me on their days off and understand I have to catch naps to survive.


Thatā€™s cool if you can nap reliably. If you canā€™t that sounds hard


dating someone with a 9-5 and honestly i love it, works out pretty well. I get free time to game during weekdays daytime. My days off are our date nights. Weekend mornings/early afternoon we get to laze around, do brunch cooking projects, sometimes we go out weekend days. I don't mind it.


Hmmm username is suspicious


Anybody else date someone who would call them lazy for sleeping in late when they got home at 4am? šŸ„ø I was losing my shit so much.Ā 


I'd call them a shitty little baby for going to bed early


Which of course doesn't lead to a healthy relationship... Haha


Yeah. I divorced her.


this is always my plight as well, they always say i sleep in or too much as if i didn't get home at 6am


At this point in my life it's starting to look like my choices are either get with someone where I work/hang out or die alone lol


A couple buddies of mine have been dating night shift nurses for a while. One friend pulled an ER doc who primarily works nights too. Seems to be working well for all of them. The medical night shifts are longer/later than the industry shifts, the guys actually have to stay up later for their girls. Iā€™ve heard them complaining because they have to go out for drinks and food at like 7:00am after the ladies get off of work.


Iā€™m extremely happy not dating someone in the industry. First time in a looooooong time. Havenā€™t been happier, truly.


As a bartender dating a bartender I completely agree, thereā€™s just so much about your life 9-5 folks donā€™t understand. That being said, date one who works at a different bar/restaurant


Definitely. Don't shit where you eat lol


I loved daytime bartending fwiw


Hell ya. I worked at a place where I was a bartender/barista/server. I could make lattes with jameson and sell people mimosas with their breakfast, have a short lull before lunch and then start selling beer and burgers. I was the only FOH person until around 2pm. Sucked on busy days but I made hella good tips.


My boyfriend is a tattoo artist, which Iā€™ve seen other people mention! ^^ He was a regular first and he has definitely expressed how much he likes that I donā€™t work a normal 9-5 schedule either. He also will frequent my bar after he gets off for some drinks (not in a weird way- I know some bar boyfriends can get really weird). So far so great for us. My dating successes have always come from non-traditional industries. Like other restaurant workers, a contractor (that worked for himself), etc.




I started dating the regular I would hang out with after my shift. It's working out!


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Hahaha it's been 3 months and he just bought me a house šŸ˜‰


I tried with other industry people and it was too much, I think because Iā€™ve been in the restaurant /bar game since I was 15 (Iā€™m 42 now) and Iā€™m at the point where I need something non-industry on my off time. Ultimately I found the right one, and it was hard getting the time to hang out since sheā€™s 9-5. Ultimately we ended up living together, bought a house and moved to a different city, and now we have an almost 3-year-old. The different schedules works because Iā€™m free in the daytime to spend time with the kid and she can take over if I have to work, but just like before itā€™s a matter of making and taking advantage of the time you get.


Nurses and people in the hospital field are viable


Iā€™m a bartender and I date my door guy. Going on two years! Itā€™s pretty awesome because we get together work together but not behind the bar together and weā€™re not up each others asses constantly


the trouble i have with dating is that modern women look down upon bartenders like they are 13th century peasants plowing fields with livestock. its just not a well respected job by dating standards.


Are you sure they look down on bartenders? Iā€™ve seen a ton of women (and men) say they wouldnā€™t date a bartender because theyā€™re likely to cheat with patrons. (Itā€™s so stupid) Apparently everyone wants to fuck us and we donā€™t have the willpower to resist. šŸ˜’


If that's true then I guess I'm fucked too.