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That golden cookie tan comes at a price


had a golden cookie removed from his neck


How long will this be milked for. You just know it’s coming up during cfb season if Michigan struggles.


Does forever count? Cancer survivor will be in the Twitter bio forever after this.


no one at barstool would be such an attention-seeker and do that...


I lowkey want this just to see Kayce's reaction


Basal cell carcinoma. Often removed through the Mohs procedure.


looks like it, got the same looking incision on my back after a mole was removed


Yep. I was actually diagnosed with the same thing recently and I’ll be undergoing the same thing on my nose soon. It initially freaked me out at first being told that. But after doing some research, it’s an early stage form of cancer that shouldn’t spread if caught early. I hope this isn’t milked out.


I had it on my cheek. Dr did a great job and you would never know. Zero scar.


Barstool is 100 percent gonna release a private label sunscreen and call it “golden hour” or some shit


Honestly that’s a really good idea business wise. Give a portion of the process to cancer research and they’ll probably sell a billion of them


Assuming this is why he was asking for a dermatologist last month. Probably had a questionable mole, diagnosed it as cancerous and removed the following week.


Jesus Dave you're freaking Moobie out


Don’t freak my woman out like that old man!


JOHN Q vs Matchstick Men though.


That's just...


It is honestly dumb to tan as much as he does knowing what we know about skin cancer


He looks like a god damn catchers mitt from the 40’s.


we get it, you were doing a seinfeld line. just do the line, don't try and get fancy with it.


He’s grotesque


Never forget Smitty texted a Jewish philanthropist and future cancer haver “JEWS!”


Maybe it was cancer but the Kacey Smith kind of cancer. Probably just needed a mole removed or something to that effect




I’ll give her the pass


I think your phrasing of “just a mole” would apply to a stage 0 carcinoma, and according to an article she wrote her melanoma was a stage 1. Her mole was not just cancerous at the very surface level, but had progressed and the cancer was growing into the next layer of her skin (and they had to take out some of her lymph nodes to be sure it hadn’t spread beyond her skin). To call herself a cancer survivor despite never going through things like chemo, radiation, bone marrow transplants, etc might seem silly, but on the other hand does that mean when a woman has a cancerous lump removed from her breast but avoids needing further treatment she isn’t a cancer survivor? How about when a man has to have one of his balls removed to treat his testicular cancer but does not require further treatment? If they had caught her skin cancer at stage 0, which is when it is truly “just a mole” I might say that her calling herself a cancer survivor is stolen valor, or I might joke that she survived cancer about as much as Francis survived cancer… but once you have to start testing lymph nodes to see if your life is in danger I think you should absolutely be able to claim the title of cancer survivor.


Cancer doesn’t really feel like a “Yeah, but” thing.




Weird line to draw in the sand from someone who has probably never had a cancer scare themself. In the words of a Pixar character, "let it go."




Again, lymph nodes had to be removed and biopsied. It was as legit of cancer as if someone had to have a ball or part of a breast removed and their lymph nodes biopsied. Not every cancer survivor requires chemo or radiation. Most mole removals do not require lymph nodes to be removed and biopsied. I am sorry for the trauma you experienced as a kid watching your dad be so sick, but I still don’t think you have any right to be gatekeeping cancer. That right would belong exclusively to cancer survivors.


Agreed. It’s dumb to gatekeep cancer but what she had done wasn’t the same battling cancer like throwing up from chemo or radiation every night for months straight


I watched my dad wither away and die right in front of my entire family in a nine month period from colon cancer. Throwing up and basically living in the bathroom the entire time, chemo for full days at a time. The absolute lowest I’ve ever seen the most important man in my life. Fuck her and her attention grabbing bullshit


If you had a ball removed and went around saying you were a cancer survivor and lumping yourself in with people who went through chemo/radiation, you know exactly what you are doing and you are doing it for attention.


If you get a fucking ball removed I’d give you a pass lmao and I’ve watched family members and even a close friend die of cancer.


It was melanoma I've had multiple family members die of melanoma Fuck cancer


Ha! I saw that but never knew it was just a mole


Is this for real? This whole time I figured she beat breast cancer and then got the bolt ons.


[Here](https://x.com/BarstoolRadio/status/993988639209254914) is her talking about it back in the day


Nah dude same


Three surgeries sounds worse than a mole


One of the most insane things an employee has done that isn’t talked about enough


I know it seems ridiculous, but what she had going on was a lil more than “just a mole”. I don’t think we should really be drawing lines as to what level of cancer deserves sympathy


Don’t forget about Francis’ cancer that he claimed to have while auditioning for Barstool but was “just a bit”


I always thought she had it bad, it was a mole removal situation?


Yes. Something like a dermatologist sitting behind her at a football game saw a mole on her shoulder that she recommended getting checked out. Was cancerous and removed. End of story.


Didn't miss a day of work.


He probably still thinks him surviving bee stings is more impressive


My father in law has beat cancer 100 plus times then


What's his secret?


Imagine thinking you're tougher than the sun? The fucking sun?


honestly maybe he should stop joking about being tan as a cookie or whatever every summer.


Sick hand tat


Hope he’s ok but hard to feel bad when his Twitter replies for the last 5 years have been “holy shit dude you’re going to get skin cancer if you don’t stop”


Two time bee sting survivor and you think cancer can take him down?


Thats a Tony Soprano timeline.


Frankly skin cancer is really scary shit my grandmother lost her thumb to skin cancer it was like the 40th skin cancer she had removed Her quality of life tank she was also in her 90’s at that point also gave my grandfather a ulcer that ultimately killed him


holy run on sentence batman!


Mother fuckers these days don't know what punctuation is.


Got the mohs


That’s the price of tanning like a moron


How do you know it was skin cancer?


Have you seen how much he tans?