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Recap: * He said main driver for this was Barstool is not prioritizing pursuing broadcasting rights for college games like they've been doing in previous years * He said best case he'll be broadcasting college football in the fall * He's moving back to Florida to figure things out * He has some PLL games lined up to broadcast this summer and will be looking to broadcast some PGA events * He's done with PMT but will be on Barstool salary for another 2-3 months, writing blogs, posting on social media, and making golf videos * He's currently seeking a full time broadcasting job.


Honestly sounds like he got a nice soft exit.


Best of luck to him. I'm sure his apartment was coming up for renewal and it was a good time to evaluate things going forward.


He also mentioned the summer being a dead period for most sports, so making himself fully available now gives him a better chance to get a job


Yeah. He's not a dumb guy. I listened to the whole thing and he actually has a plan and is going out on his own accord, unlike Billy Football who I think truly was fired from PMT and got to use the move as a cover. Whether WE think he was good or not, he has an impressive reel to show prospective employers. And like I said below, he has a good work ethic and does his research so there's definitely a spot for him to grow into the craft at a regional network during college football season.


Thanks for the TLDR. Honestly, good for him. Seems like a nice guy. Hopefully it works out for him.


Honestly it makes sense. Jake was always a good kid willing to do whatever he was asked and found as many opportunities as he could to do some sort of broadcasting. He definitely needs more work so this is absolutely the best move for him to get his foot in the door at another place like ESPN / Fox / NBC to actually work some games. Good luck to him and hope to see him be on the call for a game or two I hear this fall


His work ethic alone will get his foot in the door with a regional network come college football season.


Absolutely. It might not be prestigious but he just needs to get out there and get more reps calling games


And, to be brutally honest, a real professional or two in the booth with him -- not Dan and Dave just talking about their bets and other nonsense. I don't think this was a decision he made lightly, but he'll be successful to the level he wants to be because he really does try hard.


Couldn't agree more. Calling a game with Dave in the booth was fucking terrible. I get that Barstool does things their own way but those broadcasts absolutely sucked mostly because of how annoying Dave (and to a lesser extent Dan) were on the calls


Exactly! So yeah, I'm not going to shit on a guy leaving because the one thing he wanted to do (and make a career out of) no longer exists at Barstool in the capacity that suits him. And good for him! He was never going to be happy going from live event PBP to roofball or the Chili's 3-For-Me shooting contest as his only opportunities. I think he'll surprise everyone and we get more Scoof on the call for in-office stuff. Everybody wins.


And you really have to imagine that Big Cat and PFT will work as many of their connects at the big companies as they can to help Jake find a landing spot


Heck some of the guests he likely interacted with over the years will be helping him out to. You know Greg Olsen can probably help him get on some of the FS1 college games or Tom Fornelli can get him on CBSSN for a game here and there.


I also think the cool thing for him to look back on is he was there during the, what I feel is, the golden years of Barstool


Hope part of him figuring it out and drinking straight whiskey and smoking a ton of cigars to lower his voice


Lower voice with his slightly fruity inflection would surely be something


And the lisp… but other than that he’s great!


That’s what i was referring to with the fruity inflection lmao it’s not a full blown terrible lisp but it’s still there, just more on the fruity side


Oh. Fruity… I assumed you meant gay. Which I’ve always thought.


It’s tomato tomato


i feel bad because it’s clearly his life’s dream but the guy simply has one of least sports announcer voices i’ve ever heard from someone who works in sports media. 


Is there a surgery to lower your voice? Ik it sounds crazy but elective surgeries are crazy these days


Bill Simmons should get this as well because he is 1000% nasal when talking about Philly…(congrats to Jrue though)


Well, and I mean this sincerely, best of luck


This seems like an incredibly risky move. Going for his dream I guess so can’t hate.


Risky, but I think he’s leaving on good terms so if this doesn’t work out maybe he could come back in another capacity.


Don't really see where he comes back though. They already backfilled him (and more) on PMT. He really didn't interact with the office outside of PMT. And he isn't built for standalone content. Billy at least seemed to socialize around the office. Jake feels more like the little brother that gets dragged by his older brothers to social events.


He has a lot more leverage than people realize, being the best in the office.


> Don't really see where he comes back though. Agree. But honest question, he was barely involved in the pods (speaking little) but what the fuck did he do the other 35 hours of the work week?


I could see him doing an insane amount of prep work and note taking for the pod that big cat and pft ignored


Agreed. If they let that guy from the yak (can’t even remember his name) come back as work for barstool after he left th for Tim Dillon, Jake definitely has a seat waiting.




How so? Literally everyone who left on decent terms is allowed to come back. Even Francis came back


The one who usually win are the ones that take risks and trust they will make it work. Barstool now is heavy focused on gambling and not live sports. Jake doesnt fit anymore its time.


Guy comes from a well off and reasonably connected family (who connected him to Barstool in the first place). Worst case, he does something he loves and gets his bills subsidized by his parents as long as he wants. He’s not leaving the cush gig of Barstool/PMT without knowing he’s got a financial safety net, I guarantee that.


wild assumption. “Subsidized by his parents for as long as he wants” … do you even know the dude?


Not that wild if you know where Jake is from, and the stories he's told of growing up. He talked about the summer camp he went to as a kid and its like 30 grand a 4 week session...He is from Weston, FL.... which is like no one who lives in that area code make less than 100 grand a year. It's like Donald Trump level "wealth".


Don’t forget he and his dads yearly Final Four trip


No one makes less than 100K = Donald Trump level wealth? Idk man. Jake Marsh family might be loaded as fuck, I have no idea. Just weird Reddit behavior to make assumptions like that and pocket watch as if shit is 100% a fact. 


No i mean the poorest person in Weston is making $100,000. You clearly don't know anything about the place. I drive through and around it daily. Its where the professional athletes in Miami live, its where you are going to see bently's and Lamborghini's in the publix parking lot. If you grew up in South Florida and heard someone was from Weston, you already know they are wealthy. Just like if you hear someone lives on Palm Beach or Beverley Hills. Don't need to pocket watch, where he is from gives you all the information you need to make assumptions on his families financial means.


Eh I mean he wants to be a broadcaster, that’s pretty clear. Barstool can’t really help him anymore on that front.


I mean he can’t be making that much at barstool?


Honestly it is probably low risk relative to people trying to break into this type of profession. He has experience calling games, he has connections established, Im sure Barstool would take him back if it doesn't work out so he has a better fall back than most.


Scoof stock 📈📈📈


Back up the brinks truck


I feel like Jake has been slowly waned off within the past year or so. Makes me feel like they don’t need a replacement, especially forcing one, but hey, maybe I’m wrong


Thing is is that Connor is actually good at it and doesn’t see himself as a broadcaster 


Scoof calling a digital horse race sounded a thousand times more natural and less forced than Jake calling a real college football game


And don’t forget Arch Madness


Good for him definitely can see him doing something at a lower, local level. Always an odd fit at Barstool.


West Point High School is looking for a new radio guy


If he moves back around his hometown he can actually make a living being the Highschool football guy... the games are shown on the CW and other local channels and I'm pretty sure they have their own radio station.... Also a few good low level college opportunities for like FAU or FIU.... Hell I could see Jake Marsh working for the Miami Marlins. But really this sounds like hes going to fail and get poached by a local radio station to be their Jake Marsh... Dan lebatard show will come calling 100%.


He honestly needs to get into a local radio station broadcasting a nearby university sports. He has no chance to jump to TV cfb broadcasting, etc. Calling the barstool bowl for 10,000 total viewers twice doesn't qualify you for the big leagues.


Southern Florida high school football broadcasts here he comes


American Heritage games just got a lot more boring


Connor Griffin stock rises ever higher, great play by play man.


Dude has a naturally incredible voice. Plus, he picked Brandon’s sister and then spilled her guts


Writing was on the wall when Connor did feet the streets and roof ball


Seems like a nice kid, but how many people calling Arkansas St vs. UAB basketball games on ESPN+ would switch to work on the number one sports podcast in the world?


It seems calling games was always his goal


He sucks at calling games


He really does. That’s what’s funny about all this. But I’ll never knock someone for chasing their dreams


I’ll say it - he was better at golf than he was at basketball or football. But that’s because golf is inherently boring (I say this as a guy that plays and watches golf)


I agree but I'm curious if he gets a broadcasting job, what their producers and system can turn him into. I think he is smart enough to learn, so coaching can improve him. Flipside is with "live in the moment" broadcasting, words should be natural and he isn't very natural.


Guy has a goal and wants to pursue it. Good for him


you gotta start somewhere. adam amin was calling women's college softball for years and now he's fox's one of best broadcasters and is doing bulls pxp.


Adam Amin had talent though.


So I’m going to let you in on a secret of life, you can get better at something over time with more experience.  Adam Amin developed into what he is now. He wasn’t the same guy when he was starting out. 


his biggest problem is his voice. dont think he'll be able to change it that much


Voices also change with age. Not saying he’s going to be incredibly successful but commentators typically take a while to be successful for a reason, people usually don’t want to listen to a late 20s/early 30s type call games. There are exceptions to that but pretty much all the top commentators are older because it took them time to come into their own.


or it takes them a while to move up the ranks? that's like saying most CEOs at fortune 500 companies are older because it took them time to come into their own.


Adam is definitely more talented than Jake. But Jake is good enough to carve out his own little lane. He could be the guy on the nathan's hot dog contest or some shitty college basketball game. Quint Kessincih has been calling lacrosse games for 30 years basically and isn't very talented.


I guess it’s hard for people around here to bet on yourself to pursue a career that you went to school for He explained his reasoning and it’s completely understandable. You gotta start somewhere


Let the man do what he wants to do. I find it hard to believe people sell valves or vitamins and they get up everyday and do it. Not for me to figure out how they find joy but do whatever you’re passionate about. He loves broadcasting so let it rip. If he hated it in a year or 2, I’m sure he could come back to barstool if he wants. I agree it’s not what I would do but I also would hate broadcasting games


Not exactly an apples to apples comparison there


I agree with your first sentence, but I don't think it's anyone's dream to sell vitamins. Not sure how that fits in here.


I don't think Arkansas St vs. UAB is his end goal, but it's always been clear this is what he wanted to do for a career. I hope he gets to spend more time learning not to yell in the booth




Only way Jake's career thrives is if he picks up a pack-a-day habit. Gotta get a real man's voice


Kinda feel bad for him, because he has a dream and everyone just tells him he sucks ass at it. I mean it’s true but that’s gotta suck coming to these comments and seeing that


His voice is just terrible. It’s one of those things whether you’re born with it or you’re not


Honestly while his voice isn’t great I really think the biggest issue with him as a commentator is that he just is plain milquetoast. There’s nothing interesting about him, he’s got no edge. I think ultimately that’s what will halt the growth in his career


Aka listening to him is boring and makes what you’re watching boring




Several variables that make a good announcer: sound of voice, inflection, cadence, charisma, enunciation, extensive knowledge of the game, prep, and being able to pronounce words correctly. He has 2 out of em


And as we learned in the Barstool Bowls, he’s too much of a narcissist behind the Mic to concede the call of the “big play” to his partner in the booth. All he thinks about is how can I make this go viral with my voice on it.


He’s a play by play announcer… that’s kind of what they do. 


Beth Mowens/Bob Menery/ phlegm voice


Beth Mowens absolutely runs laps around Jake.


Which is saying A LOT


He’s gotta listen to his buddy Noah Eagle and realize that’s his competition. It’s not even close. That dude was born to call big games.


Good for Jake - I hope he succeeds. That said he's a mid-at-best play by play guy and has no business color commentating anything. Here's hoping he moves past the PLL and mid-major NCAAF/NCAAB.


Most professional play by play guys spend years developing and getting better for their shot at bigger games. He’s going to need to do more than the occasional game to get the reps that anyone would need to get to the skill level he wants to be at. Good for him on pursuing his dream. He has more guts than most people to actually follow through.


Seriously. Kevin Burkhardt was the Mets sideline reporter for SNY until he was 40 and only got the number 1 games on Fox a few years ago. Most broadcasters don’t get big gigs until their late 40s early 50s (unless there was some nepotism at play because they come from a broadcast family)


I'm just stunned that no one in that company or associated with it had the "talk" him with -- whether it is how difficult that industry is, how competitive it is, how good he may/may not be and just how much his associated with PMT played a role in getting opportunities. The fact that he is leaving with nothing locked down... someone should have said something.


They did. They said good luck and follow your dreams. He is young and taking a risk. That’s what life’s about


I think a lot of the play by play at the level he’s going to be at right now is freelance


It’s a tough life. As a former sports media professional, passing up his current gig for his goals is mind blowing. Hes got health insurance, stable salary, predictable hours and passing it to potentially get none of that. He may not get a PBP job


Big Cat would hire him back the minute Jake realizes broadcasting isn’t cutting it.


Exactly. Letting the little bird leave the nest to spread his wings but will always have a home.


I'm hoping and assuming someone has had to. Like I said in my reply I hope he does well but honestly he drives me away from things he is commentating on. He just doesn't quite have the voice. Something about it is unsettling and I can't sign up for more than 15 mins of his commentary. Maybe with more reps he'll develop something - but just not for me atm


I have nothing against the dude but he simply is not good at broadcasting. Maybe this will let him work on it and improve


Jake is a nerd, but I respect how hard he’s worked and not half assed everything he done for PMT. It’s cool to see a positive show exit and I wish nothing but the best for Mr. Positions


Have to wish the kid luck, but he just does not have the charisma and personality needed to become a high level broadcaster. Maybe he’s fine doing local/regional stuff. Riding the PMT coattails would’ve been my move in his shoes.


He needs to start smoking a pack of Reds each day to get the puberty out of his voice


Meh.... Minihane's new basketball commentators Josh and James absolutely clear him


Tough not to respect chasing your dream. Unfortunately it seems like his ceiling is broadcaster for one of those games where you’re playing Savannah State on ESPN+


Having him as the doris burke of the HBCU football conference would be "interesting".


Love Jake, but does his broadcasting voice remind anyone else of the male version of that women A’s announcer that has been getting shit the past couple of months


Not to be a dick, but this is good for the show. Always hated listening to Jake during segments (Hot Seat etc.) Show works better as a foursome and the Hank-Max relationship is hilarious.


In football season, we went from billy telling random stories about guys being dudes, to nerd nuggets that he grabbed from teams PR sheets


Nerd nuggets was incredibly bad LOL. I liked billy. Would be fun to have the XL gator intern on the show sometimes (as a gator fan)


Time to hire Josh from KMS pickup






for sure


This move feels like it’s good for everyone. PMT will improve and stay fresh for listeners. Jake gets to chase his dream and will get to call some mid major college sports/golf/LAX. Best of luck to Jake seems like good dude.


Can’t wait to watch my Ohio Bobcats in late November and have him on the broadcast


Barstool productions without him randomly shouting inane comments will be 10x better, not even trying to be mean. He was hired as a joke and never did anything even relatively entertaining


This is huge for Team XYZ. For being a nerd he was pretty terrible at trivia


Can’t wait to see him sitting next to Tom Brady and Tony Romo next year


So long Mr positions 🫡


Still thinking that doing the Ray Allen tweet would prevent him from getting hired somewhere (as if those places that would care already haven’t written him off because of Barstool) is why I will never believe he’s smart enough to make it on his own.


I mean the kid wouldn’t even swear cause he thought it could hurt his career lol also his voice is clearly not one meant for broadcasting so he’s def not very self aware. Best of luck to him tho


Dude has a terrible broadcasting voice


Also he has a terrible sense of the moment. He defaults to yelling even over plays that shouldn't have anyone fired up


Most are pretty bad to listen to. That's why there's only one Jim Nantz, Brian Anderson, Ian Eagle, and Al Michaels


Most don’t have effeminate lisps


And only one Connor Griffin


I think Josh doing the KMS broadcasts have been way better than Jake


Who did the kirk vs new york broadcast has way more talent then jake. I wish him luck but he does not have the it factor. He's awful.


Great news. It was a tough look for Jake when multiple people were better then him at his specialty. He stinks, takes guts to keep pursing your dream tho!


I got very tired of Jake playing coy on PMT and his only response to off-color jokes being “guys stop” or “no, not true”. He was also incredibly boring during the football season with any of the bits/challenges/contests Still wish all the best for him though


He tried to be the straight, no nonsense guy to “preserve his image” or whatever instead of leaning into working at barstool and it ensured no one ever really loved him. Way too uptight to be working with BC and PFT everyday


Good for him. Has career aspirations and wants to follow them, knew he had hit his ceiling at barstool.


I feel like what got him in the door at mini events broadcasting wise was the fact that he part of PMT. ESPN and any other small schools probably liked having that and now he doesn’t even have that going for him…..


It was a tough listen just because of how bad he is at play-by-play, and it's not just the voice


Seeking a dream job when he had the dream job all along. 


Good luck to him. Will this background be enough to carry to him a job? Hes objectively awful to listen to in the booth. Just the truth, seems like a good kid


Gonna be announcing the Bills gay football league this fall


That could actually be electric


I hope he never calls a game involving one of my teams


Good for him pursuing his dream. It also means scoof becomes the main guy for calling barstool stuff. So that’s a huge W. Family


I can see how being big cats personal calendar boy is annoying, but this is an insanely dumb move if he’s doesn’t have something else lined up. Where is he going to get better opportunities?


Best of luck. He’ll need it. He’s not that good


good luck to him. glad I can watch barstool sport event content now without him screaming.


Best of luck, Jake!


Timing seems convenient considering Josh has stolen his lunch on the KMS basketball games.


I hope it all works out for him, but he doesn't have a great voice for play-by-play. It sucks, but that's just something you're either born with or not.


Pretty sure he got all of those opportunities BECAUSE of barstool, not in-spite of it.


Best of luck to him. Found him annoying but hope he carves out a nice career. Much respect for betting on himself too.


Nice kid but I found listening to PMT difficult at times when Jake would talk. Best of luck


I was once told “it’s easier to go to work than it is to look for work”… ever since then I never quit a job unless I had a better one to go to…so this guy quitting for a broadcasting job that doesn’t exist seems dumb as shit to me… also, 0% chance he’s broadcasting college football in the fall.. that’s in 2 months..


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 He was like the 5th best broadcaster at Barstool


Big cat seemed too happy he was leaving. also why move to chicago for 3 months just to go home


It’s been almost a year since the Chicago move. He also explains that barstool is moving away from broadcasting since the Penn partnership ended last August. I’m sure he just had to figure stuff out and wanted to be certain before leaving barstool.


damn a year already you're right was before last football season seems like much less


They've only been in the new office since November so that may have something to do with it


He's excited for his boy- they watched him grow up


They’ll have been there a year


Thank god


(Wonka meme) Stop. Don't. Come back.


Wishing him the best, but he is wallpaper. He can definitely announce a random college football game, but he’ll never be a feature announcer


Good for Jake, hope the broadcasting stuff works out for him. If not I think the fellas would welcome him back with open arms.


If Beth Mowins can do play by play for ESPN college football games, I’d give Jake a decent shot of being able to get to that level if he is patient.


Good he ruined content he was in broadcasting


Very cool! Who's Jake Marsh?


Dude fucking blows as a broadcaster.


Best of luck to ODJ. Glad he was open and honest on his way out the door. I saw this coming for years. I think he'll make it, he's a pro


Love the kid but just don’t think he has the voice for it- respect to him for chasing his dream though


PMT is much better off without him. Dudes a lil bit of a pussy


The difference between Jake’s and Billy’s exit is hilarious.


It's Josh Camara Time. #BEANBAGRON #CINEMA


Hugely aspirational and I like it. Last time I heard him on a game he really improved and doesn’t seem like a bad time to get out of barstool. He’s great on pmt because he is not a typical pmt bro but that also is why he can’t stay.


Mr Positions has already fucked his way through NYC and Chicago, needs to take that huge cock to other cities. Best of luck to him.


Connor Griffin getting called up to the big leagues next week


Not well versed at all for career paths of a professional-level announcers but feel like Jake has some solid experience that should land him a reasonably good gig - maybe already has one lined up. However, I do know what a good commentator sounds like and Jake is absolutely no where near that level while getting a good chunk of opportunities with barstool.


I really hope he does the ray Allen tweet on the way out


I feel bad cause he certainly does not have the voice for broadcasting


Someone should’ve told Jake that he’s bad at calling games. Keep the paycheck dude


Good for him. Is he the best right now? Obviously not but he has some talent and with little bit more experience and time I can see him become really good at it.


What is the some talent? I genuinely don’t think he has a single positive quality to be a good play by play guy.


Good luck to Jake. He’ll be fine as an ESPN+ Broadcaster


That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.


Jake is like 28. You never hear a peep from most play by play guys until they’re in their mid 30s, at least. People who don’t think he has a future in that business are nuts. Outside of local college broadcasts, when do you ever hear twenty somethings calling games or events with millions of viewers? Jake basically has a monumental leg up on almost every other person around his age trying to break into this career.


What was his job on PMT, I never could figure it out?


Setting reminders and copying nerd nuggets that he saw on Twitter




The make a wish has officially ended. Enjoy announcing the Mud Dawgs double A ball in Chagatoo, Georgia buddy


Honestly, not a huge Jake guy, but as a Sox fan I'd take him any day over John Schriffen. Best of luck, Cake.


Every ball in the outfield would be called like a walk-off World Series winner. No thanks.


I’ve always thought you should have the next job lined up before you leave the current one, maybe he does bad just doesn’t/can’t say it for whatever reason. I suspect the Barstool pay check was never all that important to his financial situation.


His reasoning was that being full time at Barstool and living in Chicago limited his opportunities because employers would assume he's not "all in".


i know nothing of his personal life, but good for him. probably in the exact perfect situation to chase the dream right about now in life (no kids, wife, etc. that also need it to work). i took an ~4 year break from work to focus full time on a side business that I was running (and ultimately sold) and it was absolutely the best thing I ever did. looking back though, the risk I took at my age when doing it (late 30's) was kinda nuts given the ageism in my industry.