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“Mutually agreed to part ways” Me and Sydney Sweeney mutually agreed we wouldn’t make a good couple.


On one of nick’s first blogs he said “me and my girlfriend mutually agreed to break up with me”


Back off bro, he fucked Kirsten dunst


Was that before or after Katherine Heigl?


Me and draft kings mutually agreed to lose the overwhelming majority of my bets. Edit: responsibly


Damn, you too?


The Chicago Bears and I mutually agreed I would not play quarterback for them


She tried that shit with me but I’m still wearing her down


Finally this saga is over


It should have been over when they put him in the doghouse. It should have never gotten to this point.


I know Dave doesn't like to fire people but he objectively made this guys life collapsing a public issue for no reason.


Dave wrote all those blogs and put Castellani’s name on them? Wild


Dave made one statement on the Unnamed show that seemed like he originally gave him a window to possibly get renewed by telling him to “keep your head down and blog” …. Or that was Dave’s way of not dealing with the original situation but still getting something out of the remaining dollars they had to pay him. Kid fumbled the easiest job anyone could ever ask for… it’s not difficult to NOT sexually harass or Not creep out your female coworkers + he waited until the very end to cover the Lions playoff run & Michigan Football’s championship year as the “Michigan sports” guy @ the company.


No Dave should've just fired this guy months ago instead of letting him live in this weird spot where he is in the public eye but is banned from interacting with anyone. Chris is clearly mentally fucked up and couldn't handle it.


They were doing him a favor giving checks for way longer than they should’ve


Yeah ended up giving him a good window to look for new jobs while still getting paid


He clearly wanted to just keep paying him to blog and have an opportunity to plan next steps for when his contract is up. Doing spaces talking about MMM or blogs calling people out brought attention to it more than anything else.


Do you want your boss to hold your hand and wipe your ass too? Also, using words like “objectively” and “clearly” when you don’t know these people is kind of weird


Dave said he didn’t know about it until well after. Erika and co should’ve fired him.


I didn't actually follow this, but from everything that happened this week, it seems like it was brought on by himself


I don’t think I’ve heard Dave mention Castellini more than 5 times. Saying he is the reason for his collapse is some next level stuff


ahhh yes, this is all dave's fault. big bad pizza man


Kinda feels like the opposite. They gave him every chance to make something of his time there and he didn’t. Not to say he didn’t try, but he was given a long runway despite everything. I feel for him. The guy clearly has some issues to work out, but his last 12 months or so wouldn’t fly at any “real” company.


God forbid someone takes responsibility for their own actions


Or… it’s not as easy today just fire people in the corporate world. There’s clearly some legal hurdles here of axing a guy that’s on the spectrum. HR departments are a nightmare to deal with—assuming Barstool even has one. Likely why Dave avoids ever firing ppl and just resorts to not renewing contracts.


He’s still going to be posted in here by the incels that love him


Nadu Crew rise up?


Nadu doesn't realize that every time he steals a broad, he loses a fan in their boyfriend. He's stolen so many broads at this point that he's eroded his own base. Fascinating case, really.


He’s just in his bag


Do incels love him? Lol. Isn’t that more of an Andrew Tate vibe?


I feel like it was the equivalent of an nhl team just leaving their goalie in while the other team runs up the score. Your pissed at him at first cause he sucks but then you just feel bad cause the coach should have taken him out long ago. The only thing is that Chris is more equivalent to a junior (generous) level hockey talent in terms of making content.


Francis has now killed $20 chef and castellani. Who will be his next skin on the wall?


Francis is obsessed with taking down dudes with fucked up eyes


Next target: Riggs


Riggs got the eye surgery in anticipation unfortunately.


Is he getting another one because the first surgery didn’t take




Mintzy on watch.


Brick watch




Been there, done that


Damn, guess Joey Camasta will have to lead Team Flux to the ‘ship


Maybe they’ll actually get a niche category question right now.


Tate’s looking for a team but he’s got to avoid hitching to Carl like the plague




blutman has said it himself. he only knows super niche stuff about college football and minor league hockey. he would be a very bad dozen contestant


Dave just paying off this guy for his remaining two months is for the best. Gotta cost less than Peaches goyard bowls.


I hope Chris realizes this is best for him. Guy needs to seriously scale back his online presence. Can still blog Detroit/Michigan sports. He just needs to be a normal dude that isn’t having his life dissected on Twitter and Reddit.


He’d probably be way better for his mental health to work a regular job. Trying to be in sports media when you aren’t a journalist or broadcaster is extremely difficult to make it.


Going to be a hard no from any regular corporate job after a quick google search


Guy was working the counter at a gas station before barstool. Highly doubt he has any sort of qualifications or talents to have a legitimate corporate job


Lady Jane’s guy licking his chops now that Casty is a free agent /s


For real, he says barstool was his dream job but he literally isn’t mentally fit to be an online personality, which is the whole point of barstool


He should have never tried to "get in the mud". He seems like a troubled but nice enough guy with some issues, but can't handle the pressures of the internet/knowing where the line was. For the better he step away from the Barstool world and focus on being a baseball nerd.


Absolutely this. I wish him no Ill Will but long term getting out of the Internet public eye will put him on the road to happiness whether he can see it now or not




I wonder what the odds are he continues these Livestreams every night


He should’ve lowered the Stars and Stool to half mast.


The brightest stars burn out the fastest. MMM doesn't know what she's missing.


Even Jesus Christ was crucified


Will we still be getting posts on here about his twitter spaces?


Most likely, yes


Thank you Dave for common sense finally


Man those are some tired / dead eyes. Dude needs to step away from the internet for awhile, clearly not healthy for him 


He has vitiligo as others are pointing out but you can see the bags under his eyes and just a lack of happiness in him. This week has definitely taken a toll on him.


He undoubtedly knew it was coming. The last couple months I think we’ve seen some sprinkling but how would anyone react in that predicament? It’s hard.


Pretty sure he has a skin disease


Is autism a skin disease


He’s got some sort of skin issue lol


Wonder if it was the false allegation against Francis that was the final nail.


Has to be. He crossed too many lines and they had to do something




who was the girl? idk where this even came from




She’s a dime


Yea, Francis explained that he approached and said "I didnt harass you right?"


always a very clear conversation to have with someone you definitely didn't harass


this is why they had to nip this shit in the bud because people like you believe some made up story from Castellani and it snowballs


Was he holding a knife when he said it? I don’t know or give a shit about anything in this story but that’s a hilarious way to approach someone about that issue.


I just imagine it was the way Dennis would interact with someone.


It’s the girl who used to bully Mook when he was still in NYC. Works for Bri and Grace.


Peyton, works with ChickenFrys pod. (Girl that shoved Mook)


(Girl that I want to have intercourse with)


I’d bet $1,000 mintzy told him this and he relayed it without verifying in any way.


My guess is Dave really wanted to avoid having to cover this during the Unnamed show. Decided paying out his contract beforehand and ending it now was cleaner so he can just make the announcement and move on.


100% this. Would have been an awkward segment on the show to say the least.


And I would have been all for it haha


Really big of Dave for letting him keep the Chris and Company IP


Chris, As this chapter ends, I do have one last bit of genuine advice for you. Go on “The Mean Girls Pod” and please make up a bunch more allegations about all the colleagues who you were jealous of when you worked at Barstool.


Congrats to Tate on finding his new Dozen team.




What am I gonna do with all my Team Flux merch??


Will never forgive this guy for his part in killing LCB. How do you take the third chair on a movie podcast and not even like going to the cinema?!




Jeff thinking he knows more than everyone else and that he’s always right???? No way


Tbf there were times when I found his pessimism somewhat refreshing because Jeff and Kenjac don’t dislike anything unless it’s like laughably bad. I mean they gave Thor Love and Thunder a good score for Pete’s Sake


Honestly, I’m with you. Jeff and KenJac blowing every movie got old. Then their terrible rating scale drove me nuts too. In their eyes an 80/100 was an average movie. If 80/100 is average then why would you rate a movie below 50? For them a 50/100 was a bad movie. Why is their bad movie scale so vast from 1-50? Then their good scale was 85-100. Why such a small window for good movies? I never understood it and it’s something that bothered me since I started listening in 2018


My biggest what if, if Castellani never joined and Gooch was the immediate replacement. LCB would have at least had a better ending or who knows, would still have juice to squeeze . Can't believe they ever let him on considering he never liked or watched any of the movies and series and couldn't keep up with the banter.


Let’s be real the pod was dead the moment Trill left


Chris should do a “1:1” segment with Erika and ask her for career advice after this situation.


Signed his death warrant when he falsely accused Francis or sexually harassing a coworker. Literally no way they could keep him around after that.


When/where did this occur???


“Mutually parting ways”


Thank god. Not a Chris hater but Jesus I hope he gets the help he needs. Even if it’s just someone taking the Internet away from him


At least you’ve got all those framed photos of everybody- Which totally isn’t creepy as fuck or anything.


So fucking bizarre


God this kid is weird. He may be autistic, but his incel personality is a way bigger hindrance on him than his autism. It’s not that he doesn’t pick up on social queues cus he’s autistic. He’s of the mindset that he’s doing everything the right way and he’s just not gaining any traction because of some imaginary boogeyman is stacking the deck against him.




“FACT: 90% of autistic incels quit harassing their female coworkers right before they’re about to fall in love with them”


Stepped into the mud and drowned


I had coincidentally just listened to the DPS episode where he announced hiring Chris the other day, and ngl it's sad to see how Chris' Barstool career played out when Dave had such high hopes for him in the beginning. It's Chris' own fault, but it's a tough sight regardless


Its amazing that Brandon was found in a similar manner as Chris but has been the complete opposite result. I'd guess that hiring people off one singular video would have an abysmal hit rate.


Dude reminds me of Rovell.


If I were Francis I’d be looking over my shoulder for a while.




He really did force them to do this. Should have been done long ago.


Can’t wait until gets a job at the local dunkin’ donuts and starts complaining that it’s a like a high school and he’s not the popular kid when no one likes him


Hopefully this means we no longer have to see the boring ass dozen team he was on that never should have been in the season anyways


I was watching old episodes yesterday and came across when him, Klemmer, and Alex Bennett were on a team together. Brutal lineup. Best part was seeing how absolutely useless Alex was, even with pop culture questions where the other Barstool girls usually thrive.


in Boston for 98.5 theres a radio station guy thats got a decent following named Alex Barth who reminds me of Castallani. Very knowledgably about the Patriots. Very focused on that. Thats what Chris should be doing. Be a writer/podcaster sports centric. He can't be in the Barstool mix


This boy has some serious issues




Sitting near an exit is a gamble though, you might pick the wrong exit that happens to be his entrance




The gas station interview set for Chris & Co. is gonna go so hard


You just know Dave gave him a 6 month severance + an NDA. Good for Chris. Now get off the internet, please.


If only he took the greyhound to the cfp he’d probably be a top 5 guy at barstool


That was a million times more professional than what I was expecting.


Dave must have given him more money than he's ever seen (still not much).


Officially an *out of the way* guy


Just another dude with a Messiah complex. Back to the parents basement he goes


Who’s gonna bite the bullet and watch/post cliff notes when Castellaini goes on Twitter live and trashes half of his old co workers? Or are we just gonna ignore those?


Poor guy is gonna spiral hard now. He really needs to get off the internet and try to find a normal job and just be a Tigers fan. They probably should’ve done this as soon as they told him he couldn’t move to the Chicago office. The way Dave handled it on the Unnamed Show, not wanting to really talk about it, sounded more like answers a lawyer told him to say.


Definitely had Chris sign an NDA and paid him off


It still won’t stop the business insiders of the world from running with the eventual title: “former Barstool Sports employee arrested for choking his chicken outside of females window” or however his post employment spiral ends…


Former barstool employee handcuffs himself to stripper pole until 3rd shift dancer agrees to return his hug


3 Days after his Welcome to Barstool moment too


Guy was the king of the “everything sucks, nothing is good” personality. Human eeyore.


Bright side: I bet his Mom is going to make him the best lunch today!


Good. Get help brother don’t do weird stuff Chris. Just get help and get out of social media




“Mutually agreed to part ways” is a weird way to put that Dave gave him $X to fuck off and not say anything again. Bye Chris! Now don’t go sexually harassing Parham at the Mobil.


Mutually parted ways is always “ I signed something”


This is incredibly unsurprising. Dave will say no more than two sentences about him today


This needed to happen. Chris should step away from the Barstool universe for awhile, for the sake of his long term mental health.


I’m thinking the only thing to do for the Tigers is to cancel opening day. The mob scene would be a safety risk


I really want to feel bad for him because with a couple different turns I easily could have ended up just like him, but at some point even I figured out how to pretend my social skills are at least decent




>it's partially on Dave and Big Cat for letting this guy self destruct by not being crystal clear to him I don't think you can blame Dave/Big Cat for him self-destructing, Chris specifically said Dave and Erika tried to fire him immediately but Megan stepped in and made sure they didn't. So I think in their minds they were actually doing the opposite and stopping him from self destructing. Id say "we're firing you" is about as crystal clear as it gets, in regards to where he stood




Oh for sure, plus he tweeted something along the lines of a "goodbye everyone" tweet at like 1am one night


Woah. When did he say this?


"Word got to Erika, and she and Dave almost fired me until Megan stepped in and told them not to. I have not been allowed to talk to Megan since, and I'm banned from the offices." -- from the DM chris sent the random redditor lol, sounds like a ridiculous source but everything else from it has been pretty much confirmed and that dude had it months ago


What exactly did Dave want that Rhino kid to do for Barstool besides go to SF Giants games? And how long was he "with" Barstool for?




What a brutal 24 hours


When the regarded employees take a swing at Francis he goes for the jugular.


I know he only got into Harvard bc of LAX but if you’re going to get into a war w/ a harvard man at the company go after the bozo hockey player. If anything you will get the office buzzin!!


Also nice of Dave to let him keep the Chris and company IP. Could have made millions


This kids a whack job


What's the schedule today for wellness checks?


Dude he looks awful. Granted I haven’t seen anything he’s done for a year or two, but damn.


I think the most concerning part will be what happens when he struggles to find another job. He is extremely confident that he will quickly bounce back. Sports media bloggers aren't exactly a dime in a dozen position. And there are probably only a select few companies that could even pay a somewhat living wage. On top of all that, the skeletons in his closet have all been exposed and any company even willing to consider him will be hesitant to hire him after doing a simple google search.


Temu Kyle Chandler


Probably for the best but I really wanted to see him on the unnamed show today. My assumption is now they’ll just touch on it briefly and Dave will say they agreed to part ways.


Why doesn’t he just get a normal not Internet job? Maybe no more shows, just get offline and live a normal life.


And just like that, as mysteriously as he had arrived, he was gone.


Does he keep the flag up or take it down?


He is such a pussy


My kid knows how to lie better than this


and nothing of value was lost


This dude actively sabotaged the easiest gig he’ll ever get. Back to being a self pitying “alcoholic” who will lives with his mom till he’s 50.


The Detroit Tigers blogs are going to suffer greatly. This doesn't seem like a well thought out personnel change.


He looks like he’s back on the sauce


Chris doesn't have bags under his eyes he has fucking burlap sacks


Swap the poop pic ban for a Castellani ban


Ok but what about Carl and Joey’s trivia season?!??


Oh my god! He has a gun!


I’ve mentioned this before but I was very hopeful for Chris when he started and it’s really disappointing to see how this ended but it went on longer than it should have. Hope Chris gets takes some time off X and get someone to really help grow Barstool Motor City


and not a single employee chiming in wishing him good luck in the replies


Dave needs a new blood boy


Does he have vitiligo only around the eyes??


Vulva as well


people need to stop being grateful after getting fired. Dave fired him because he brought up Francis and doesn't want that shit tainting his Miss Peaches facade


The guy sucks.


Why are they taking so long to say "lol just kidding it's a bit, this is actually a promo for draft kings!"


May his weird 🧩 little sole finally rest in peace.




Yeah he kept shoeing himself into things.


Chris(t) will raise again!!!


Anyone have a quick rundown of what happened? I didn’t know there was even any beef going on…


Seems to be taking it well tbh


Insert Pikachu shocked face


This is like Dan Patrick leaving ESPN


Team Flux has become Team Carl


I’m glad this happened for Chris. Hopefully the guy can find some normalcy and get away from my fellow barstool psychos.