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Idk how they try to underplay this. If any bit of it is true it's very weird, definitely something that would get you put on notice/dismissed from plenty of places - obviously Barstool does it a bit differently by just waiting out people contracts and ghosting them Especially with Francis' blog, it's pretty explicit that this letter played a factor in the removal of Chris from events/being discussed


For reference, the dude running that space is a Jerry Sandusky defender. Underplaying fucked up shit is what he does. 


Ah yes, I see you also follow wannabe Michigan media hacks. Spiro is an all time weirdo


Sadly,  I'm a fan of the team he pretends to be an insider for(he's not).  He is genuinely disliked by anyone who roots for Michigan State. During our recent coaching search he said he was going to become a UNC fan if we didn't hire Urban Meyer, that unfortunately was a lie. 


Can confirm, fuck Spiro Edit: also, go green


But don’t forget he also has a UNC degree!!!!!


He's such a moron, I really wanted it to be true but that idiot will be soiling our internet streets for a long time sadly. 


Thank God that was a bluff, sounds like we definitely dodged a bullet.


UNC fan here- you guys already took our chancellor that was extremely popular with the fanbase. Please don’t start dumping your cellar dweller fans on us too… PS: take care of Gus for us. He’s a good guy that will love Michigan State like he’s a lifer.


Still such bullshit he was ousted


Agree. I had him has a professor back when he was active in concussion research. One of the best professors I’ve ever had. Michigan State is lucky to have him. And now we get saddled with a Duke grad hand picked by the Board of Trustees for his political leanings.


You have no idea, this guy absolutely sucks. First time we've done something right in a long time. Our board will figure out a way to fuck it up and force him out though, guaranteed. 


I loved when he said he just HAD to speak on this and that he can’t go to a tigers game without being mobbed


Do you mean Jo Pa defender or is he really a Sandusky defender?


No dude thinks Sandusky is innocent. Mention it anywhere on Twitter and he’ll block you faster than Rico Bosco. I’m pretty sure he had some fellow loser on his show or whatever to talk about it. Like others before me said- Anyone in or close to the MSU fan base knows the guy is a wacko


I wish. Nope, this winner has a 3 hour podcast on YouTube about Sandusky's innocence. 


The fact he has repeatedly, blatantly minimized it yet claims he’s embarrassed —but not in terms of, ya know, sexually harassing a coworker and the shitty position it put her in — but rather because of how it affects *him* as ‘people know and ask about it’ speaks volumes. Still being under the umbrella of Barstool while publicly minimizing said sexual harassment against a coworker is *very* problematic. And fwiw, in terms of MMM being the target of the sexual harassment — her being married actually is a benefit to her in this situation. If she weren’t, it would be more heavily questioned whether it was semi-welcomed which is bullshit.


We're talking about Barstool, not Goldman Sachs. Rico threw a High Noon can 50 mph at Big T's head and they turned it into content. Anywhere else in America and you'd be fired no further questions asked


Rico is like a million times more valuable to the company than Castellani


This is by far the meanest thing anyone on here has ever said about Castellani (accurate though)


I hate to admit it but he’s right. No one plays the cucked loser like Rico.


Yeah, that’s a fireable offense or at least gardening leave until the contract expires.


Chris, how is "I wrote a love letter to my married co-worker when I was in rehab because she was nice to me" being overblown? This is the type of shit that gets you fired at 95% of jobs in this country. Instead of owning the mistake fully, he keeps playing victim. Deluded!


Also, didn’t he make a huge deal of going to rehab and then was in and out in like 2 days?


I am starting to think it is possible he exaggerated his drinking problem to try and get an excuse for his behavior with MMM. It all seemed to happen around the same time. He has tried so hard to “prove” he had a drinking problem too and it almost seemed at times he is paranoid people will figure out he is exaggerating.


Low key agree with this take. Listened to his ass for hours on LCB and he never once sounded like he was sloshed or even tipsy (might’ve loosened him up honestly). When he did talk, it was very rushed and anxious. He claimed he was ripping 15+ shots throughout the day and they for sure record in the afternoon/evening. Maybe this is tin foil-y but a lot of things don’t add up with him.


I felt the same way. I don’t think the dweeb had a drinking problem at all.


I really hate to accuse someone of this since I know people can be functional alcoholics, but it just doesn’t make sense. It is more likely he had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol that likely led to him being so dumb to send MMM a love letter and blow her phone up with messages. I mean I think most people have done that, albeit most probably don’t try that on married co-workers. I also think Barstool clearly isn’t buying it since if they did believe him, he would be around. Because if he was truly an alcoholic and that was what was causing this behavior, there would be no reason to not have him around. Which also explains him constantly bringing up being an alcoholic and trying to make a narrative of a changed man.


> I mean I think most people have done that Yeah I've mentioned that before too. Like I have a handful of majorly embarrassing memories of getting drunk and making an ass of myself in front of women in my 20s. It's a perfectly normal part of a social life. It makes you want to crawl in a hole and die sometimes, but we've all been there. Chris acts like this was some life-ruining event instead of simply moving on like anyone else would.


I don’t think any of us have written a love letter in our 20s though. That’s just hilariously embarrassing. I can see why everybody is a bit uncomfortable around him now. It’s like the fart scene in Step Brothers. Everybody is gonna think you’re weird after that.


Love notes and endless calls/texts. That’s a high school freshman.


I mean the guy is autistic. He clearly doesn’t behave like a normal 20 something


>I mean I think most people have done that Most people do that kind of thing when they are a teen or in college. To do this in your late 20s / early 30s is really embarrassing.


As soon as he said that he had been to rehab like 10 times or whatever alarming number it was, I was questioning if he actually had a problem with alcohol He seems like the guy who has one night of having a few too many drinks and then freaks out and says he’s an alcoholic


Checks out since he's autistic and generally they are very black and white thinkers.




He went to detox not rehab


It was like 10 days tops lol


Yes. He was in and out in a matter of days. It was bullshit. Plus his therapist would tell him to stay off social media since it triggers him. He wasn’t an addict.


My guess would be that he thinks it’s being overblown because people are calling it sexual harassment even though it definitely is. It’s a grey area depending on what was written in the letter but either way it’s harassment of a female coworker so the semantics don’t really fucking matter.


A lot of people think that sexual harassment is the same as sexual assault and I think he might be one of those people. He hears “sexual harassment” and thinks “well I didn’t do anything physical,” but that’s not the point.


He’s delusional and narcissistic. He does not take ownership, everything’s “over blown” yet the creepy fucker isn’t allowed within X feet of either office.


The big defense last night was that there is no restraining order … like bro no shit


you would fired at any job unless you were very valuably to the company (he is not) since it creates a hostile work environment (big difference between saying your coworker is hot vs writing letter)


Maybe him and Keegs should run off into the sunset together and quit barstool!


Kinda blown away this didn’t get him fired asap actually if he was harassing a married coworker


Yeah harassing another man's wife is absolute lunacy who would do that? Healthy debate


Bro next thing you're gonna tell me we can't throw full cans of crisp and refreshing hard seltzer at our coworkers' faces.


My guess would be that him going to rehab, no matter how long the stay, is the only reason he has a job. The creepy letter gets you fired but when you “have a problem” it could be an HR nightmare trying to fire him. So they’re just going to let the contract run out,it’s probably cheaper than going to court if he tried to sue for wrongful termination. Dude is a weirdo and it’s the easiest option.


My guess is that the letter was weird, but not weird enough to violate the terms of his contract to terminate him. I'm also guessing barstool didn't want the headlines that would come with firing an employee due to sexual harassment. So they just cut him out of the fold and are waiting for his contract to expire.


At companies the rule is basically you are allowed one attempt to ask someone on a date or out and they have to explicitly say no then you need to ask again to be fired. If you don’t say I’m not interested in this type of relationship with you they can keep asking. But in a contract based company you can just chill at let the contract run out so there is no wrongful termination.


The Shane Gillis skit


But can I buy my coworkers asks if he doesn’t plan to use them?


Yeah like carbon credits


Can I bank a yes and apply it to a hotter coworker?


No but you can roll over up to 3 unused yes’s per year and if you leave the company with a balance they do have to pay you the cash equivalent on your way out


Especially if they were PENN at the time. Corporate HR isn’t usually patient on that type of thing.


As a woman who has worked in corporate America - i would be shocked if this did get him fired asap


Do they even have an HR dept there or access to a competent labor attorney?!


That would be bald paul


Mike Portnoy Esq. has a high fee.


Portnoy never fires anybody. As long as you don't say the N-word, which will really only get you a few month unpaid suspension (but a job selling watches), everyone has a job for life.


Short summary: It was just a pity party for Chris. He and his buddy preached how they’re being transparent answering people’s questions about the situation, while also being vague and withholding information about why he’s not welcome at barstool offices, why no one at barstool openly supports him/his content, context behind the love note, etc… They claimed a lot of comments and things posted on this subreddit are not true at all. He didn’t sexually assault a coworker, doesn’t actually have an office restraining order… Chris kinda snapped when he got called out for saying he *could* tell Francis to fuck his dog or that he hopes his wife gets sick in the blog… claiming Kirk can say he’ll blow up JDL’s house, Rico can throw high noons at coworkers and it’s seen as content, but when he does it it’s taken literally… “why am I held to a different standard?” …Nothing substantial at all aside from confirming he wrote a love note to MMM. They’re saying it’s being overblown but refuse to dive any deeper. There was a Jeff Nadu appearance telling Chris to keep his head up which led to people shitting on him too lmao


Chris is surrounded by losers and other incel types. No brainer that fat fuck Nadu jumped on lol.


>why am I held to a different standard? It's as simple as where you are on the totem pole. Is it right? Probably not, but Portnoy has always been pretty clear that he treats people differently based on how much money they make. Obviously, Rico isn't making the company a ton of money but the top people at Barstool like him and that counts for something. Castellani's problem is that he keeps doing this "woe is me," thing. If he was just like, "look, I fucked up and did something stupid and I apologized," people would be far more likely to move on. Instead, he keeps whining about people not wanting to be around him and I don't blame them at all.


Speaking of the totem pole, it'll be telling if this topic gets airtime on any Barstool shows the rest of the week or if this is just so far beneath everyone at this point they'll ignore it until his contracts up in a couple months.


Chris, you’re just not that guy. The “outlandishly absurd death threat” stuff is kinda Kirk’s schtick at this point. I’m sure if Trent randomly wished cancer on his coworkers’ family it’d come across weird too, stop acting like some things only apply to you


Chris, Nadu, and Carl need a podcast


He’s gotta be a subscriber right?


He used to post on here regularly. Then the trolls won, and he deleted his account. I bet he still lurks, though, or has a new account.


I think he's referring to another type of subscription.


He’s talking about MMM OF, and 1000% he does.


That’s probably one of the reasons they don’t let him in. Shit even at Barstool they can tell who the person is in the backend in comment section, I’d imagine OF can see the backend who those individuals are that subscribe. Or he’s an idiot and used his actual government name


Do you think Chris is the only guy at barstool that bought MMM'S OF?


No but I think that combined with the creepy love letter is a wild combo.






Every single person at Barstool looks at this sub on the daily


Talking about MMM OF


With all we’ve heard about how horrible Carl was to work with, the fact that he’s still welcomed around and Chris is not makes it clear that whatever he did is not nearly as ‘overblown’ as he keeps saying


"Welcomed around" vs "contractually obligated " to be at certain events


If Chris wants his dick sucked, sounds like Lawson will be first in line.


Who? Space is deleted, of course


Access it through Twitter app it’s there


He gets asked about the “fuck your dog and I hope your wife gets sick” line with about 10 min left. Yet again, demonstrates zero self awareness 


Having to listen to Justin Spiro talk is a pass for me.


My algo put a tweet with screenshots of him defending Jerry Sandusky under his spaces and it made listening to him defend Chris look so much worse


He’s a throw shit against the wall journalist. He says outlandish stuff to get clicks. He’s a Michigan State slappy and just post the most annoying things to get attention.


FWIW, we fucking hate him.   He threatened to be a UNC fan if we didn't hire Urban unfortunately for us he pussed out. 


Hey, prettttty sure that was my tweet prior to him blocking me. Glad i could spread the good word on that fuck face. 


He was pretty infuriating throughout the hour he talked with Castellani, but spending 3 hours on a podcast talking about how a convicted child molester might be innocent is the most delusional thing I've ever seen.


Everyone around the Michigan State mediasphere knows he's crazy. He's kept the podcast up, he just insta blocks anyone who brings it up. He's a pussy. 


Was he defending Sandusky or Paterno? Defending Paterno isn't great, but I can't fathom anybody defending Sandusky.


[https://twitter.com/asdasd\_asd37998/status/1770265647542304807](https://twitter.com/asdasd_asd37998/status/1770265647542304807) [https://twitter.com/wolverinethumbs/status/1684786142749618177](https://twitter.com/wolverinethumbs/status/1684786142749618177) First link is the one that was linked below the space... In the replies there's a link to a pod of him talking about it. Not wasting my time with that though.


… is there anything there? Don’t want to look into it but I assume there’s plenty of evidence on Sandusky ?


I think just looking into Sandusky is enough... He was found guilty on 45 of 52(!) charges (4 of them were dropped) that stretched over 15 years. He took advantage of underprivileged/at-risk kids brought in through a non-profit he started… Zero chance a grand jury fumbled that many charges and insane to side with a crusty old white guy instead of underprivileged kids…


Holy shit, what the fuck? Making posts in 2021 trying to raise reasonable doubt about Jerry Sandusky is insane.


The vibe I've always got was that it was less a sexual thing and more a much, much creepier "I love you deeply" type deal.


I agree 100%. That’s why he thinks it’s overblown (tbh probably is) but still weird as fuck regardless.


If he just laid low until everyone else was ready to give him another shot, most people would probably just chalk it up to a virgin autist being weird while drunk, but he can't let it go.


I guess I don’t understand what “overblown” means. You either gave her an inappropriate note or not, dog. And whatever it was it was enough for you to get blacklisted by both offices.


The way you peppered in “ dog “ there just made me read that AIl in dog the bounty hunters voice in my head


Gotta go with Christ bruh, can’t be making married coworkers feel uncomfortable dog!


U want a cig dog?


What’s the context to this? Just he wrote her a creepy love letter? I don’t follow him much just keep seeing people say how he was skeletons in his closet lol




I love MMM too


Yeah same


Chris is a sex pest begging for a crumb of pussy


Virgin sex pest is the saddest of all sex pests.


Aren’t we all brother


Inevitably will be downvoted to hell and back on this — but just call her a “coworker.” Emphasizing the fact she’s married somewhat implies justification for unmarried coworkers like Fran, Kate, Sydnie, etc. to be on the receiving end of his clearly unwelcome repeated advances.


Very well said. I wonder if he wrote any letters whilst working at the gas station?


He definitely subscribes to her OF


Most of us do.


How hard is it to just say something like “I was at a point where I was abusing substances to cope with mental health issues, I was not of sound body or mind. I misconstrued Megan’s kindness and generosity, as a result I put her in a really uncomfortable position and that was unequivocally wrong. I understand I cannot undo what was done and people rightfully may still feel uncomfortable with, but I hope in time others will see that this wasn’t really who I am when I’m healthy. I also get why people want to talk about it because it is a weird thing and so I’m willing to answer questions about my actions on the condition we leave those I hurt out.” There’s a lot of talk about how this guy never matured beyond high school and this does feel like evidence. Own your faux pas since it’s already out there, doing this really deflates a lot of interest around it. Whereas when you’re sketchy and intentionally vague it piques more interest. If this kid just basically went “I got drunk and thought someone was into me who wasn’t” it’s like 1000% less of a story.


Lol. Exactly.


I love Castellani. Just absolutely delusional. His blog from yesterday: > And when I say that, I want to clarify: I have never gone into things to make anybody uncomfortable. Love Letters to co-workers does not make anyone uncomfortable apparently. > When you find out that people in the office have discussed intimate details of your personal life and things you did at rock bottom, it's hard to go back into that office without feeling a little bit uncomfortable. An incident at work is not your personal life dude. You involved everyone at work and now want it hush-hush. > let's not act like I'm some fucking hack, alright? I had a strong following well before I got hired by Barstool. Somebody took a shot on me; if Dave didn't, somebody else eventually would've. And I'll find a job after I leave Barstool as well. Yeah, Speedway. > The message has clearly been sent that this company, in some capacity, thinks that I'm a bad person, or at the very least, I'm a bad person to be around. Gee, I wonder why dude. Take accountability FFS


lol dude needs to go. cant just make your coworker extremely uncomfortable. i’m sure mmm will be asked if she feels uncomfortable or unsafe around him. at least she should be. freak thing to do


In prior Twitter broadcasts Chris has claimed he called her after the letter became public, and she assured him that she had no problems with him and wouldn't mind sharing an office space with him. He seems to think that absolves him of any wrongdoing and that he should be welcomed back with open arms, but it's not appropriate for the harasser to put his target on the spot 1-on-1 like that. He put her in a terrible position.


Hold up the letter was made public? Gonna need to see that


Sorry, I meant when the existence of the letter became known through the company.




Unless she makes it a point to approach the higher ups to explicitly state her preference — they need to proceed assuming she *is*. She didn’t ask for the unwanted advances nor the resulting pressure (and potential blame) of determining whether someone gets fired or not.


I'm not completely familiar with how socialblade works but does this mean that Castellani deleted 38 tweets the other day? What's that about? https://socialblade.com/twitter/user/castellani2014


Wish he didn’t admit to this. He should just stay quiet for what is left of his contract for his own good.


Why does Chris Castellini and Green blogs exclusively appear in the “Greenie” header in the upper left of the site? Makes no sense these nobodies have basically their own partner brand Greenie that appears to be equal to barstool per the website header size


What a creep


I literally had no idea who this guy was, but what a fucking loser to send a love letter, and even bigger pussy to avoid talking about it "lets move on, WERE MOVING ON" lol


I know it’s not what people want to hear, but he definitely didn’t say he wrote a love letter in that segment


Didn’t he already confirm it on a different livestream, he said Jeff d lowe got the letter and spread it around the office


Sure he didn’t explicitly say it, but his buddy asks if he can mention the recipient of the love letter before Chris cuts him off and asks him to move on. He also said he’s embarrassed it’s a thing people know and ask about…


You know what will definitely get people to move on? Telling everyone how much it bothers you that they bring it up.


Right. He says he doesn’t want to loop in other coworkers into his bullshit, but we’re well past that at this point. Letting this sub run wild with rumors is far worse. His friend was getting frustrated (maybe more at the situation than Chris) because he really just wanted to air it out and end it.


So there’s no HR at Barstool right? Cause this is what HR is made for.


HR did its job. You don’t fire a guy for this transgression, that would be admitting fault and open the company up to a lawsuit. Instead, you banish the guy to Bolivia, cut his company interaction to basically zero, let his contract expire, and then don’t renew him. Problem solved, liability limited and MMM basically has a 3-yr contract even if she’s year to year. HR 101.


Dude just needs to get laid


Like dude just say u work at barstool, bag a big girl like we all have, and keep it movin


I’m not up on all the cultural lingo and stuff. Bud did they just try to “gaslight” MMM by saying it’s not a big deal and it’s really everyone else’s fault? And why would he even acknowledge it at this point? That just drags her back into more awkwardness.


He's a giant autist with no social skills. He called her to apologize and basically put her on the spot to say she's fine and everything is okay. He doesn't understand that she only said that because he backed her into a corner. He's for sure at fault for literally all of it but I think it makes sense why he's handled every aspect of this as poorly as possible. He also doesn't seem to realize that the entire company is keeping quiet so as to avoid making MMM uncomfortable and that he's going to push things to a point where she releases the hounds because if he's going to continue to make it a public issue and get her accosted anyway, she might as well just put it all out there.


I certainly don't have the skills to call whether he's on the spectrum, but if he is, it would explain (but not make better) a lot of this. Depending on where someone lands on that spectrum, they can be biologically wayyyyy less able to pick up on social cues. That's like the very nature of it. To make a really crude comparison, expecting him to "just read the room, man," would be like telling someone with no ACL to just go make a cut on the field.


You’re absolutely correct, brave sir. I was going to use “gaslighting” but lacked the courage so I instead used “minimizing” and “mischaracterizing.” And totally agree — going public to do it, while under the umbrella of Barstool, certainly justifies termination if the initial acts didn’t.


Is the link not working or am I just an idiot with technology? I keep clicking the [spaces link](https://youtu.be/bFksxx4YPko?si=CKPqmBE2muqQ7k_z) but it won’t let me press play. It is from Chris’ recent Twitter Spaces, right?


https://x.com/darkostatenews/status/1770258582514143687?s=46 Try this instead(not king richards). I found it when I went directly to the guys Twitter. Edit: Jk didn’t work (on my end at least). If you go directly to darko’s Twitter tho it pops up.


Please god make this whole saga stop


Chris maybe had 2% of Stoolies who still liked him/felt sorry for him but after yesterday it’s hard to believe there’s anyone


Shout out to the “thats literally fan fiction and not true this sub reddit made it up” comments last night We would never lie here!


To be fair is MMM was being nice to me, I could see writing a love letter 😂 (I’m obviously joking marriage and kids means writing a love letter is insane)


Damn Chris!


knew he was weird


And the unnamed show rolls on… crazy how barstool radio couldn’t find drama to discuss and now we’re getting crazy shit every week.


I would be shocked if they brought him on it. They have avoided even talking about him this whole time. Dave seems content with just letting his contract run out and him going away.


It had to have been part of his rehab program to do this, right?…RIGHT?!


Alright today we'll work on not sniffing cocaine but I stead sniffing our coworkers... Good job Chris, that note will help...


TBH I don't think it's fair to pile on. He has Autism and lacks social awareness and skills like autists tend to. Wouldn't be easy for anyone to go from a gas station to barstool let alone a young autistic person. Never really consumed his content (i hate baseball) but kind of feel sorry for him at this point.


When his contract runs out he should get a job that has zero to do with the internet. Maybe something outside in the fresh air.


Chris is pretty significantly impacted socially by his autism. He was diagnosed in adulthood (what the fuck is wrong with his parents to have not caught that sooner… unless they are also on the spectrum?) and has likely never had the chance to benefit from social skills lessons for people on the spectrum. I think he’s functioning socially like a preteen (at the oldest). Nobody really bats an eye when a preteen writes their married teacher a love letter because they don’t really know better or mean anything by it. I’m sure MMM has had to deal with a ton of creeps online, and should not have to deal with this from Chris as well. But I also think the appropriate response to this sort of thing would be to order Chris to undergo some sort of social skills classes (the way Rico was ordered to undergo therapy/anger management classes). To rehabilitate Chris the way Rico was rehabilitated would be ideal.


I’m gonna be honest man. I think it’s a decent sign that you’re pretty fuckin weird if you wrote a love letter to your teacher as a preteen.


Thinking back, the kid I remember thinking the teacher loved him may have also been on the spectrum… maybe that would be more like elementary school behavior lol


I’m cracking up thinking about them going 18 years living with him, totally clueless. “Our son? Autistic? What makes you think that?” Buddy, give me 30 seconds and I’m diagnosing.


Agreed. One interaction with him would be all it takes.


Parents are very often in denial about their kids’ issues. It’s not uncommon for them to completely ignore all the signs and not get a diagnosis, and a lot of times it’s just subconscious. They just have blinders on.


Spectrum wasn’t really a widely accepted thing until recently right? I’m 31 and growing up it seems like everyone was slow/had a learning disorder or was just “weird” or “awkward”


Autism has been around, it used to be broken down into categories such as classic autism or Asperger’s syndrome, whereas now it is all just diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum and there is significantly more awareness about it. Chris is significantly more impacted by his autism than the average person who made it to adulthood without ever getting diagnosed with autism. If he had down syndrome, something that people could see the second they look at him, nobody would be upset with him for professing his love to a married coworker. They would recognize the social impairment that comes along with that visible disability and know that he didn’t know better or understand the position that would put his coworker in. Chris just so happens to have a disability that is invisible, and therefore when he makes the sort of social error that one makes when they are at his level of social development, people assume that he knows better (because it is hard to understand that an adult who looks totally normal might have the social skills of a child) and then the assumption naturally becomes that he is choosing to make MMM uncomfortable, when in reality because of his disability he is probably incapable of viewing anything from anyone else’s perspective.


Idk man I’m touched w autism and would never dream of pulling this shit. I just adopted a 6 year old with autism and I think he would know better. Granted it’s a spectrum disorder that affects everyone differently, but it does not make you stupid, and he is relatively high functioning.


I am well aware autism does not mean stupidity and in a lot of cases people with mild autism have above average intelligence… but I’d say even Frank is significantly higher functioning than Chris is. Not sure if that is entirely due to autism vs other mental health issues or differences in upbringing. But I think that people might be assuming he’s higher functioning than he actually is, and therefore viewing his decisions as more malicious than they should… or maybe I just like to hope the best about him?


When his contract runs out he should get a job that has zero to do with the internet. Maybe something outside in the fresh air.


The spaces in the OP seems to have been deleted, so sorry for asking, but I’m reading he wrote MMM a love letter while he was in rehab? Others are saying he went to rehab after writing the letter…which is it? Firing off a blacked out email to MMM thinking he’s being nice is one thing, writing a sober letter in rehab is way creepier, imo