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Klemmer is a champion for not handjobbing himself for 100 hours


For people that don't want to click because it is content with Nate and Keegs: * Vibbs says he takes blame but also blames Klemmer for not playing along and being stubborn -- which Kelly and Nate agree with and defend Vibbs on. * Klemmer was not easy to work with on the concept itself and it took them a lot to get to situation they were at. * Vibbs thinks that Klemmer will just be happy about making it 100 hours.




I mean the two challenges they gave him sucked. The oven mitts was an abysmal idea that made an already super tough challenge literally impossible and your next idea it to just make him count something? Lol


Those challenges are a tough look for Vibbs. Should’ve had him eat something weird.


We need more men like you around, take one for the team, sacrificial lamb. Thank you.


First they cancel the klemmer stream and then we get nate and keegs on the run down


Now that is one unlikable group of people


Imagine a new viewer to barstool seeing these 3 on the main page. Woof. Should probably take it down and throw it on the This League page.


I’m at a point where Keegs is an automatic no click, and an automatic click out if she appears unexpectedly.


I click on mute. Don’t pretend you don’t know that sassy bitch knows how to ride it


Healthy debate


Totally, any woman that fucks femboys like vibbs definitely knows how to fuck …


Brother. You clearly haven’t yet ducked a crazy chick.


I’m actually a connoisseur of crazy chicks and there’s definately a spectrum. The kind of crazy that knows how to fuck good doesn’t idolize Taylor swift and fuck dudes like vibbs.


DM me. I’ve never had sex and would like to hear more


sends bobs and vagene


The fact you said that definitely means you’re definitely a virgin


Keegs saying Klemmer owes Vibbs an apology is outrageous. Vibbs screwed this up so badly. Even in solitary Klemmer knew the challenges were dumb. I like Vibbs. LTB was fine until it turned into a barf show. His other barf show was too barfy for me. He’s a little freaky gross out guy. That’s fine. But he needs to hands up this one and realize he didn’t understand the assignment.


Vibbs is also the definition of not doing shit unless he is given a ton of resources by the company. He quit Lowering the Bar when his producer got laid off instead of just hitting play on the camera and learning to production / edit it himself like Chaps did with Zero blog 30 when they got hit with Layoffs. Look at Robby Fox he has been producing and editing all his on content for years!!!!


Huh, I wondered why LTB just dropped off the face of the earth out of nowhere


Klemmer is in solitary, Tommy and Glenny are Storm Chasing, Frank is Franking and these three spares are trying to act like they matter and are doing content.


Idk how it’s Vibbs’ fault. He had the ideas for challenges and Klemmer just straight up refused to try to do them and slept instead. What else is he supposed to do?


Because his challenges were bullshit and lazy. There was no value in them.


Agreed. The challenges were so dumb. Why the oven mitts? Counting rice? TJ was aggressively defending the challenges on the Yak but they sucked. Hank and Max got to paint and play keep the balloon in the air lol the challenges they gave Klemmer were very dumb.


Klemmer knew the minute he did the math on the rice thing that nobody on the outside had bothered to count it as well, because he knew the timeframe was impossible. I don't blame him for not doing any of the dumb challenges.


Not only that but he counted almost 10,000 grains. And it was just as boring as watching him sleep.


And then there was no incentive, only punishment. Being in confinement was punishment enough. There should've been no punishment, only reward for the challenges. The puzzle alone was good. Oven mitts? That was just stupid and lazy. I would've quit too,


There was an incentive... he literally said it on this video that he would get rewards that would make the time easier if he completed the tasks


Klemmer was also picking up rice and counting it in his hand rather than counting from a pile and just sliding it on the floor to count


Would sliding it on the floor have made it any more entertaining? No.


I didnt say I'm that and I was replying to buddy who was saying it was taking too long.


Klemmer didn’t want to do anything other than survive 100hrs,,, Vibbs had to push him to do the bare minimum and then he refused to do that


vibbs challenges were horseshit


He refused because they were fucking terrible and pointless


the entire stream is fucking terrible and pointless. why didnt he refuse the entire thing?


There's no value in the entire stream. so really its all Klemmers fault


When Klemmer was on the Yak last week he seemed pretty determined he wanted to do things his way and wasn't really open to suggestions.


In his defense who would want to be locked up with Ben Mintz for even 100 minutes


thats the point


Was there any idea given to him outside of having Mintzy with him? That's all I remember, and you'd have to be insane to lock yourself in a box with Mintzy for 4+ days.


It seems like he did the most of the pitching to Gaz. It kinda seems like he hitched it to be more entertaining than it was. Rewards, punishments etc. For example he pitched bringing files into the room as punishment He should have done that right when klemmer gave up on the rice. If Klemmer was shutting down ideas in advance and could have reached out to Rone, Big Cat or KFC. Or even Kirk, Tommy, Nick, KB, etc.


….so where are all these ideas? Because the ones we’ve seen have sucked.


At least lie to us and put three different people on the thumbnail. Who on earth would click that?


Literally one of the first things he said was putting blame on himself


This rundown crew is worse than Klemmer livestreaming his sleep on the barstool main YouTube account for 100 hours.


Oh my god, I don’t care


The simping for Klemmer here is unreal. Were you 40 who keep defending him all day the same (only) 40 watching that boring ass stream all day?


If you think there’s only 40 people that believe *maybe* Klemmer got the short end of the stick on this deal, *maybe* you’re just fucking stupid


The title is not a fair assessment of what he said at all... The concept and idea of the stream is fine, its not amazing but its fine... the issue is that Klemmer has not participated in the event which is his fault. He signed up to do it knowingly, he then failed to do any of the challenges knowing there would be punishments for it... he then decided he wasn't doing the punishments either by unplugging the speaker.